TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #6

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That would mean that Hailey wouldn't have slept in her bed (in her own home) for 3 nights in a row.

Call me crazy - but that seems like a lot of nights (in a row) - sleeping away from home. (Was she having any problems sleeping at the home - for any reasons?) Was she afraid of something/someone at home and didn't want to sleep there - since her mom worked late?

While I don't think it's unusual (especially over the christmas school break) that girls will spend the night often times many nights in a row ...

It does bring up a really good question. What is it that CD is hinting to when he posts that Hailey can "live where ever she wants" if she comes home in his face book posting??? Is it that he wanted her to live with him and she didn't want to ? Or that she wanted to live with CD and Billie didn't want that? I think it's REALLY important for LE to find out what (if any) conflict was there.

I also think it's important to find out what her relationship was like with all parties. Her mom, her dad (and his GF) , her brother, SA.
These coulda-shoulda-woulda posts? Do you think these parents of missing/murdered children need this? Really...

Do you think these parents thought for ONE MINUTE that something would happen to their children? Please... have some mercy and give people a break. And let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Come on... we've all made mistakes, including ones with our children.

Sorry for the rant but it has really ticked me off. Really.

I am NOT coulda-shoulda-woulda anybody... Glass houses for me, man!
Okay... I'm just throwing this out there and I dunno if anyone has considered this but: Does anyone think it's possible that Hailey and some other teens experimented with drugs, who knows what kind, drug "X", and maybe she died and the teens left her and are lying, the ones who failed lie detector tests? Or... are you not smelling what I'm stepping in?

It's okay... that's what's good about WS. Lots of theories, thoughts, opinions. :D

In most cases yes but not this one. She doesn't look or sound like the type. The parents/boyfriend - not so sure, but a lot more likely
I wish they would release the phone records. I know that won't happen.
Can they trace all calls?

If she was in the backyard on the phone a lot... I wonder who she was talking to.
Okay... I'm just throwing this out there and I dunno if anyone has considered this but: Does anyone think it's possible that Hailey and some other teens experimented with drugs, who knows what kind, drug "X", and maybe she died and the teens left her and are lying, the ones who failed lie detector tests? Or... are you not smelling what I'm stepping in?

It's okay... that's what's good about WS. Lots of theories, thoughts, opinions. :D
Yes gibby. That has crossed my mind. Especially when MB said she hadn't seen Hailey. Sadly, it does happen - and quite a bit. I just don't know anymore now though.

I could have sworn that BO said that MB and Hailey had frequent sleepovers - but I could be wrong and possibly no names were mentioned. IDK
Old ones without cable can! My own mother is the most NOSEY person I know! She knows the commings and goings of every neighbor she can see from her HUGE picture window. Actually quite a few of the seniors in her neighborhood are the same way. I know cause I hear them gossiping when at her house and they get together to play cards!

Even when I was a kid, ( small town) I could do something naughty 3 blocks away and by the time I got home my mom knew all about it!

Yeah, small town busy bodies gotta love them, sneeze outside in the yard and the next day everyone you see asks how the cold is..lol.

However, having lived next door to a beautiful little girl who was abducted and murdered by the man who lived next door on the other side of me, I am a little leary of the "man next door"....sorry can't help it, still know it is a possiblity.
I wonder if they are going to process his car?

This had brought up one of questions I have had since the NG show tonight, Does SA have his own car? BD said his aunt came and picked him up. And we know he had picked Billie up on the day she was last seen.

The other question, Where was SA when they found out Hailey was missing. On NG when asked about his response, she said he came right home and comforted me. (not sure if worded exactly~sorry)
Old ones without cable can! My own mother is the most NOSEY person I know! She knows the commings and goings of every neighbor she can see from her HUGE picture window. Actually quite a few of the seniors in her neighborhood are the same way. I know cause I hear them gossiping when at her house and they get together to play cards!

Even when I was a kid, ( small town) I could do something naughty 3 blocks away and by the time I got home my mom knew all about it!

And on that note, if something happened to Hailey on her property, how do you suppose someone could have moved her without any of the neighbors seeing?
No, no, no... I don't believe in a coverup/consipracy. I do think LE screwed up at first, but I have issue at yelling and screaming at them, as I grew up in a small town and my parents were in leadership roles in the community. Growing up, they were ill equipped for such an event, and it prolly just shocked them and took them by storm. Hence the "ohhh.. she prolly ran way and will just come home" no matter how much Billie said NO!!! And... that's because the locals knew that Billie wasn't home much and were prolly reading into things. It's small town mentality, folks, and I've lived it. Kudos for Billie and Clint for calling others when they weren't getting anywhere!!

Oh... and MOO.

I agree, I think this yet another case of a small town WAY in over their heads. The problem I have had and continue to have is why these towns don't call for help IMMEDIATELY. It's often a pride issue, that literally can get in the way of finding someone, possibly alive. I say this from experience, I've witnessed it and watched it happen too many times. It's ego, it's a lot of things, and it just sickens and saddens me. Put it all away and find the child, it's the only thing that matters at the time.
(BTW, I'm from a tiny town too.)

ETA-There is also the issue of small town/rural area LE truly not knowing that they can call for help when in over their heads. Hard for me to grasp, but I have seen that before too, though not as often as the ego issue.
I do think there is something to what the Dad seems to have written about how she can live with him if only she comes home...maybe Hailey did want to live with her dad and mom said no? I'm sure she probably wanted to at first when SA came on the scene if she was feeling hurt about the divorce, but his dad had a new girlfriend or wife by then too. There might well be some reason H did not want to stay at home, if she didn't.
I get what you're saying completely, but having been born and raised in a very small town myself, I would have to say quite a few neighbors can tell you everything there is to know about their neighbors' habits and comings and goings. In a small town you can't really be anonymous or have much privacy.

Hell no! Everyone is up in your business!! Good or bad! Cheers out loud when good, whispers in the background when bad.

I moved from towns of 200, 800, 2000 in Iowa to Hawaii and then in WA, a town of 70,000. What a DIFFERENCE. The most scared and oooogiest I've felt was in the small towns... because people know, people talk, and people watch. And you are that much closer. Make sense?

and MOO.
And on that note, if something happened to Hailey on her property, how do you suppose someone could have moved her without any of the neighbors seeing?

Honestly, I don't think she was removed from the home
Does anyone know if Hailey had SAID she slept at MB's before??
We've really haven't heard one way or another. NG asked Billie a question about Hailey sleeping over at MB's tonight but Billie answered it in a general way, talking about Hailey being at friends' houses, not specifically at MB's. You know how these things go, we don't always get exactly the info we'd like to hear because the right follow-up questions aren't asked.
I do think LE screwed up at first, but I have issue at yelling and screaming at them, as I grew up in a small town and my parents were in leadership roles in the community. Growing up, they were ill equipped for such an event, and it prolly just shocked them and took them by storm.

Well said. A local here also confirmed that there was a temporary chief installed just recently and they weren't equipped for all this as nothing like this has happened in a long long time (if ever).
Again tonight it was said on Nancy's show that Hailey had on sneakers even tho Mom has said more then once she was wearing flip-flops..So, which is it? Mom wasn't home so I assume her sneakers are in the house & that's how she knows..It's very imp this MAJOR mixup is clarified..IOW! Billie needs to speak up to Nancy when she hears info that's not correct even if she may be intimidated at that moment or Nancy is talking over her.

eta..I'm sure it's difficult & I'm in no way pointing a 'bad' finger at mom just to be clear.

While I agree it is important that this be cleared up, if it is an error, there were a number of smaller errors in the show tonight that were kind of cracking me up--NG was talking about Chet Atkins at one point (instead of SA) and SaraBeth instead of MB. And with the time delay, BO probably felt like it was a little much to be jumping in and correcting stuff--although she did correctly state SA's name right after NG said "Chet."
I take my daughters word over the word of an adult I've only just met. EVERY TIME. She's had me come get her from a girls house once because she felt uncomfortable around her friends father who she suspected had been drinking. She's also had me come get her another time at 1 am because a girls brother was smoking pot in the garage (and I KNEW those parents - they were home and they KNEW he was doing it) Meeting another parent and/or seeing their home means NOTHING IMO. You can email, talk to them on the phone, and everything can seem just fine .... but things often aren't as they appear.

Truer words have never been spoken. My son spent the night with a friend of mine. The boys were 11 at the time. She let them shoot bb guns at each other. My son ddn't have one so he was the target. When asked she said they had big coats on. Really?
This had brought up one of questions I have had since the NG show tonight, Does SA have his own car? BD said his aunt came and picked him up. And we know he had picked Billie up on the day she was last seen.

The other question, Where was SA when they found out Hailey was missing. On NG when asked about his response, she said he came right home and comforted me. (not sure if worded exactly~sorry)

Didn't BO say on NG that he was driving her car? It was very quick response right before NG asked CD if he had seen SA's car at the house all afternoon. NG sort of interrupted BO when she was saying this.

Did anyone else catch that?
I agree, I think this yet another case of a small town WAY in over their heads. The problem I have had and continue to have is why these towns don't call for help IMMEDIATELY. It's often a pride issue, that literally can get in the way of finding someone, possibly alive. I say this from experience, I've witnessed it and watched it happen too many times. It's ego, it's a lot of things, and it just sickens and saddens me. Put it all away and find the child, it's the only thing that matters at the time.
(BTW, I'm from a tiny town too.)

Knowing LE in my small town, I have to say I don't think they really believe something like this will happen in THEIR town. KWIM? There was a murder in our town awhile ago and we didn't even have a deputy in town so parametics could enter the home. Now the townspeople are discussing hiring an extra deputy so we have one in town at all times.

That's just how small a small town can be.
OMG... I just thought about something. Maybe, she said she was staying with MB so she wouldn't have to stay at home. Maybe, she was sleeping in the shed in back. Just thinkin...
I'm watching PattyG's YouTube and I cannot believe how much older Billie looks after just two days! I don't think she's slept a wink! :eek:
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