TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #1

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I teach early morning outdoor fitness classes at a corporate facility and we have all the equipment stored indoors and I go in and roll out the carts before people arrive. I am not sure if she traveled with her equipment or if it was stored at the church. If stored and she was a target, the perp may have known she would come inside whether the workout was outdoor or not.
I teach early morning outdoor fitness classes at a corporate facility and we have all the equipment stored indoors and I go in and roll out the carts before people arrive. I am not sure if she traveled with her equipment or if it was stored at the church. If stored and she was a target, the perp may have known she would come inside whether the workout was outdoor or not.

The perp was like Should I Hide Here? No. Okay. Should I Hide There. No. Okay. What Time Is It. Man. I Got Here Way Too Early.

I Wonder What's In Here? Where Do They Keep The Snacks At Around Here?
How did the perp know that Mrs. Bevers would be coming inside? Her FB posts seemed to say that they would be working out outside under the awning even if it rained. I need to read more of the media reports, but one of my first thoughts is that this person may have intended to ambush a small group rather that just Mrs. Bevers. Something about how he/she seems to be waiting... made me wonder if perp. thought he/she would come out of the church building while they were working out. That scenario only works if a gun was involved, I think.

LE must have more tape that they aren't sharing. I bet they even have the actual attack recorded.

No one would break into a church to steal anything without finding the church secretary or pastor's office in hopes that the Sunday morning or evening collection was still in the building.

You're right; the target would be church office for collection monies and computers, and then outta there.

Police likely have more tape than shared, but have said in the news that the attack itself wasn't recorded (got the impression it was in an interior room, not hall with video cameras). Terri's entering the building was recorded, but not the attacker's.
It didn't seem like a burglary, but it might be good to know how the suspect fled, like if they took off in a panic or just casually left. The whole setup just seemed like the suspect was more prepared for a confrontation with a person or people than trying to actually take anything, but I don't know that they were after her specifically. As random to thing to throw out just because this is so random, it could have been done by someone who wanted to hurt the church for one reason or another to try and scare people away from it. Also I do wonder if there was an accomplice in the car, especially given how nonchalant the suspect was while seemingly all alone, like they could have communicated with CB and known someone was coming in.

I also question that this was a burglary because the physical response was so excessive when the biggest penalty is 2 years and you can get as small a penalty as just paying a fine for breaking into a place that isn't a habitation:
Just with the assault alone if she had lived, the suspect would be looking at 2 years minimum, so there was no reason to put up a big fight:
I guess it's possible that TB tried to forcefully do a citizen's arrest of the fake cop, but short of that there's no reason for this to turn so violent when the suspect had everything to lose and nothing to gain by not just fleeing with as little violence as possible (which I would assume TB would have let the armored and armed suspect flee) if the intent was burglary.
Perhaps entry into the church and wandering around was to set up the burglary story and it didn't matter if Missy came in or not. The hit would take place by Missy's suv and it was because she surprised a "burglar." Now I'm wondering if the gimp leg and duck walk weren't fake too. All done for the cameras. The suspect was camera-aware, since she parked her car so far away. Maybe she watched Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects and liked the gimp leg ruse.
Many churches now have cameras in all the children's classrooms. The rooms with Dutch doors are probably preschool classrooms.
I do think the person on video was checking for more cameras, exterior doors and a place to attack Missy.
Yes, but what if the suspect ran into a janitorial crew or what if the daughter accompanied her mother that day...would the suspect be willing to kill someone else?

I think it's incredibly odd to see just one SWAT person checking out a possible burglary. I just wonder what would happen if they ran into someone in charge at the church who asked questions. The suspect's voice might have even been recognized. Suspect didn't even move like they were a real officer. Were they prepared to run or kill more if their plan got interrupted?

The subject probably would not expect to run into janitorial staff or church staff at 4 AM. Also, I don't think the suspect was trying to pretend he was checking out a burglary by wearing the police gear. There is video of the door where the suspect pried off the entire doorknob and plate and broke the door window (not police behavior).
Sorry to be a bother....what's the link to the interview?

Uh oh ....not a great sign but it could mean anything , maybe he hates that reporter , shock, relief or anything I'm sure he probably knows their relationship is going to be examined too alot of stress going on there too , there's no telling if I could make eye contact if it were me .

It's interesting that the husband calls refers to the suspect as "he" as he asks people to observe the odd gait in the video... Right after 2 minute mark. Something does seem off with the interview
It's interesting that the husband calls refers to the suspect as "he" as he asks people to observe the odd gait in the video... Right after 2 minute mark. Something does seem off with the interview

Then the police said. Whoa buddy. We don't want people to think he. When we know it's a she. Lol.

We don't want to mislead the public now.

But it could be a he or a she.

I truly wonder if they were trying to bait hubby by saying he at first just to see if he would say it looks more like a female. The police are tricky these days. Idk
I personally get no rise in my hinky meter from the husband.

I listened to the full police briefing and it sounds to me like she was not shot. If she was beaten to death then I believe this was a very personal crime. Perhaps motivated by jealousy. ??

It's odd about the police gear because it was meant to disguise but that has drawn attention to the story in the media. When I saw the words "murder", "church", and "SWAT" on a news site's headlines it definitely grabbed my attention.
Here's a link to the full press conference from yesterday. A lot of info (although today they backed off that it's definitely a man) https://www.youtube.com/embed/XNLtwTK2hq8

Thanks. Well worth watching for details I didn't know.

Suspect first seen on video cameras at 3:50 a.m., but could've been there earlier. Terri arrived there around 4:18 a.m. (I'm so not a morning person and am awed she was there so early.)

Trying to keep an open mind, but can't see it as she ran into such a meandering, slow moving burglar, one who was willing to kill. But this case is still at the stage where anything seems possible. No comment on her cause of death whether gun shot or head trauma.

Good, some other businesses turned over their camera footage to LE. I hope they can make out the make of the car and zero in on this suspect.
Sorry to be a bother....what's the link to the interview?

Then the police said. Whoa buddy. We don't want people to think he. When we know it's a she. Lol.

We don't want to mislead the public now.

But it could be a he or a she.

I truly wonder if they were trying to bait hubby by saying he at first just to see if he would say it looks more like a female. The police are tricky these days. Idk

Indeed they are. Possibly a he AND a she? Has it been ruled out that there was an accomplice?
I had the same impression. This person doesn't move with the athleticism of someone who actually goes with that uniform.

In this photo (which I hope posts correctly), is the suspect holding a gun, or is that still the crowbar-type instrument? ETA: The third photo, particularly, seems to be more of a feminine stance.

View attachment 92154

Doesn't it seem that the third picture reveals quite a bit of the perps' face?
Thanks. Well worth watching for details I didn't know.

Suspect first seen on video cameras at 3:50 a.m., but could've been there earlier. Terri arrived there around 4:18 a.m. (I'm so not a morning person and am awed she was there so early.)

Trying to keep an open mind, but can't see it as she ran into such a meandering, slow moving burglar, one who was willing to kill. But this case is still at the stage where anything seems possible. No comment on her cause of death whether gun shot or head trauma.

Good, some other businesses turned over their camera footage to LE. I hope they can make out the make of the car and zero in on this suspect.

So the perp was about 30 minutes early. She obviously had a key to get inside the church. She probably told hubby or somebody what time she would be heading out that morning.

This is definitely weird. I wish she had a partner when setting up at 4am.
I haven't read through the entire thread, but wanted to add a personal experience to what I have seen of the video/s.

Years ago, when I worked at a nightclub, it was robbed. Not a burglary, but an armed robbery. Every morning (at a specific time) a maintenance man would come in and disarm the alarm to do the nightly cleaning. The individuals (current employee, former employee and friend of former employee) knew this. Once the maintenance man had disarmed the alarm, they broke into a back door that lead to the freezer and ambushed the maintenance man. They pistol whipped him and tied him up.

While waiting for the owner, they poked around since they had nothing else to do until their intended target arrived. This is exactly what I see when I look at the video/s. Someone poking around waiting on their victim.

Like I said, I have not read through the entire thread yet... but, I definitely think she was targeted. Someone knew she was going to be there and she was their target.
Wow, as seen from the overhead video of the parking lot, the church is a sprawling building. Whoever the suspect is they know where to park out of clear camera range. It seems they also knew where to attack her because the actual attack wasn't caught on camera.

Apparently, many think getting your hands on SWAT or Riot gear is more common than I think. How about getting up real early and driving over there in such gear? Does this person live alone? Did they leave their house wearing it? Wish they were stopped for a traffic violation on the way.

At 3:30 -- 4:00am, it's still pretty dark. The suspect could have gotten into the suit when s/he got there.
Indeed they are. Possibly a he AND a she? Has it been ruled out that there was an accomplice?

If their was an accomplice; They may have waited in the car and text the perp when her car was pulling up. They probably knew which direction she would be driving.
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