UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #8

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I completely missed that. Can u determine the make or reg when blownup? I only have a mobile and it's still not clear when I enlarge it. Also where is the location? Do you know?

I can't tell what make it is, the location is around the corner from the doorway Corrie slept in. I would like to know what time the cctv is from.
" utter betrayal of trust" ?

So, the "lack of resources" issue has finally been dropped.
Yet the "behaviour of the police" is the issue (as it is that which has destroyed all faith and trust in them) ?

This is becoming most peculiar.
Is it possible she is just finally realising that the service which she has most likely dedicated her life to isn't what she thought it was. That she feels she's wasted her time in policing all these years? I work in a similar sector, and have come to a similar realisation lately. That not everyone is like me. That not everyone really cares like I do etc.

Maybe she's realised that this is her hour of need and the people she thought she could rely on(because if the shoe was on the other foot she'd give it her all) really aren't working as hard as they could be?

Hey, we all know that it's all being cut to the extent that when something like this happens most are left on the bare bones of their *advertiser censored*. While I understand their are rifts in most family issues, I really felt sorry for the grandparents today.
Her words are really powerful:
Mr Mckeague's mother Mrs Urquhart said: "The police have behaved in such a way that they have utterly destroyed any faith or trust I have in them actually trying to do something to find Corrie.
"They have absolutely destroyed my belief that they are competent and they know what they're doing.
"This is more than just resources, this is an utter betrayal of trust."

It sounds to me that the police have done something that she just found out about and she snapped. She says it's not just about resources (so I don't think it means the investigation as a whole), but the "utter betrayal of trust" let's on that it is very serious, this breach.

Maybe they have known something since day 1 and have only just informed the family...
If the police held back something very vital from Nicola, perhaps thinking it was not a big deal - only to have it surface and realize that this information could have changed the entire course of the investigation, it could explain her comments. I think they believe it is a kidnapping/abduction and something else just surfaced to solidify their investigation. JMO based on today's events and the presser given by Corrie's grandparents that practically spell it out.

100% agreed
I can't tell what make it is, the location is around the corner from the doorway Corrie slept in. I would like to know what time the cctv is from.

Just to say that I know my cars and because of the 'fisheye' lens of the camera, I can't tell what car it is (I might Google a few I think it might be and report back). Wasn't it said somewhere that all 7 clips were from after Corrie went into the horseshoe? So post 03:25.
100% agreed

I also agree. I don't think the police have nothing i really don't. Before this bomb dropped we were saying how something significant appears to have happened in progressing the case forward.
I agree, and I think that is what's so shocking! We were all thinking the police were busy doing their investigation in the background and hoping they've been nailing down a solid lead all this time. I think some heads are going to roll if they don't pull a rabbit out of their hat and find him quick!

I think I posted in earlier threads about my doubts on the quality of the policework but have given them the benefit of the doubt as others were convinced they were playing things close to their chests, had leads behind the scenes and were issuing carefully worded statements designed to smoke someone out. IMO Nicola has found out something today that has led her to realise that either they've been lying to her or have let her believe something that isn't true or have deliberately kept some crucial information from her.

I truely hope I'm proved wrong but I don't think Suffolk Police have any clue what's happened and don't know how to make any progress
Yes, by sending a subpoena to the company I believe

A Subpoena isn't in English Law as such.
Not sure how the justification is effected.

They could just "ask" ?
But the company may refuse.

Data Privacy is a huge issue. Refusal to provide information is at the discretion of the company ...and on commercial grounds.

It stands regardless of "murders, missing persons or terrorism".
" utter betrayal of trust" ?

So, the "lack of resources" issue has finally been dropped.
Yet the "behaviour of the police" is the issue (as it is that which has destroyed all faith and trust in them) ?

This is becoming most peculiar.

Why do you think this?
I have never felt the Police are working on any serious leads behind the scenes. I just don't think there re any. Corrie is a missing person in their eyes as there is absolutely no evidence to prove otherwise. Then endless hours spent searching on the ground and helicopters has revealed nothing. I believe the Police think he has chosen to go missing and the fact his family do not have the same opinion is another matter. Unless they can prove something sinister has happened they will continue as they are. It always amazes me when you hear the report of a missing person etc and withing a matter of hours they make an arrest for murder. This has never been the case as there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE! I truly believe Corrie is alive but the whole social media explosion has made it impossible for him to come forward. If he is alive, how must he be feeling. You would want to disappear!!! Well I would if it were me!!!!! JMO.

I would agree with an AWOL situation but I can't see how without money or a place to stay he could have managed for all this time. Would it really be possible to sucessfully totally disappear and if you could what sort of life would you have away from family and friends?

You're right about the social media pressure, there's be no way to reappear now

Is it possible she is just finally realising that the service which she has most likely dedicated her life to isn't what she thought it was. That she feels she's wasted her time in policing all these years? I work in a similar sector, and have come to a similar realisation lately. That not everyone is like me. That not everyone really cares like I do etc.

Maybe she's realised that this is her hour of need and the people she thought she could rely on(because if the shoe was on the other foot she'd give it her all) really aren't working as hard as they could be?

How ironic you say this as I was just reading about Suffolk's prior Assistant Chief Constable, Sarah Hamlin, who retired after 30 years in service just three months ago. She had a lot of criticisms of the force and was very vocal about it, taking to Twitter before retiring. She said, "I've resigned to the fact that my values no longer fit the org. I can't make a difference, support frontline."
Hey, we all know that it's all being cut to the extent that when something like this happens most are left on the bare bones of their *advertiser censored*. While I understand their are rifts in most family issues, I really felt sorry for the grandparents today.

I meant her fellow coppers, nothing to do with family. I feel sorry for everyone involved. Truly heartbreaking.
Who is the woman who has opened the just giving page is she a relation has the family given it the go ahead if not this has to be proceed with caution
I would agree with an AWOL situation but I can't see how without money or a place to stay he could have managed for all this time. Would it really be possible to sucessfully totally disappear and if you could what sort of life would you have away from family and friends?

I can't see how it would be possible unless he had substantial support - somewhere to stay, someone providing him with food etc. Even then, how long could anyone reasonably support another person in hiding? How long could an active chap like Corrie stand being cooped up?

As I said yesterday (I think) - IF he's gone AWOL, the coming Christmas and Hogmanay season are going to be very hard indeed for him. Even if he's staying with someone who's not on the radar.
Who is the woman who has opened the just giving page is she a relation has the family given it the go ahead if not this has to be proceed with caution

It's been endorsed by nicola
How ironic you say this as I was just reading about Suffolk's prior Assistant Chief Constable, Sarah Hamlin, who retired after 30 years in service just three months ago. She had a lot of criticisms of the force and was very vocal about it, taking to Twitter before retiring. She said, "I've resigned to the fact that my values no longer fit the org. I can't make a difference, support frontline."

I think a lot of us are feeling the same way right across the board these days. Infact, something which I have dedicated the last 10yrs of my life to has turned into something I don't recognise anymore. It has broken me as a person because it is no longer what i signed up for.
It's been endorsed by nicola

Couldn't think of a better time for them to open it, strike when the irons hot as they say. All that has went on today will have more people donating.

I would love to see some of the money go towards that reward, had a lump in my throat watching the grandad talk in the video, they shouldn't have to be putting in their life savings.

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