GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #2

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No it begins with an L x
His name was posted in the media, and is on the timeline I posted earlier. I only remember his first name as Luke. Last name is super long.
i am beginning to suspect they have a fairly good idea of what has happened and it will come to light soon- right now tbh I am shooting in the dark with theories and ideas. It could be anything at all.
I only searched the STREET, not the house number.

So...... the Galsworthys, Watts & Oberhansli's have all lived (some still live) on that particular street. The plot thickens.

I've thought right from the outset that this isn't a random attack by a stranger - someone in or close to the family definitely knows something JIMO
I don't think they ALL lived on Cotton Mill Lane. When you search 192 with a name and street address but they don't match by address it expands the search to all of Bristol, that is why you see results for Galsworthys in Bristol.
Just chatting with my teen daughter about this case. She hasn't been following what's happening so I gave her the basics about the circumstances surrounding the disappearance. Straight away my daughter said that since Becky took no clothes, makeup or charger with her, she must have left the house with the intention of going to her boyfriend's as girls keep 'spares' at their boyfriends' homes, and if they had the same phone then no need to take a charger as he'd have one at his place. Just the logic of my teenager.

Do we know who the 'friend' was that Becky stayed with the night before (i.e. Wednesday night)? Did she stay with her boyfriend?
I don't think they all lived on Cotton Mill Lane. When you search 192 with a name and street address but they don't match by address it expands the search to all of Bristol, that is why you see results for Galsworthys in Bristol.

If you search Oberhansli and the address it confirms there are Oberhanslis at Cotton Mill Lane.

excellent work!
Interesting tweet here Stated that a blue jacket and shoes have been found but police are yet to investigate.
Hi everyone, please don't sleuth family and friends as it's against TOS.

Also, the FB stuff needs to stay on FB as it's considered rumor.

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:welcome: all new members!
I don't think they ALL lived on Cotton Mill Lane. When you search 192 with a name and street address but they don't match by address it expands the search to all of Bristol, that is why you see results for Galsworthys in Bristol.

I'm not sure that's right. As if you just search for Galsworthy in Bristol 99 listings come up. There are only 7 that come up when I put in CMLane. Same with the Watts.

I don't use 192 much, but why would only 7 come up?
It's just how 192 works. A particular surname which we can't discuss here actually states cotton mill lane when you search the surname and the address rather than just saying surname, Bristol.

Whilst we can't say whose home is being searched at Cotton Mill Lane I hope it is ok to say it appears to be NOT a member of Rebeccas family.
It's just how 192 works. A particular surname which we can't discuss here actually states cotton mill lane when you search the surname and the address rather than just saying surname, Bristol.

Whilst we can't say whose home is being searched at Cotton Mill Lane I hope it is ok to say it appears to be NOT a member of Rebeccas family.

You are right, I just looked too and it does state CML for that name, but not for others x
It's just how 192 works. A particular surname which we can't discuss here actually states cotton mill lane when you search the surname and the address rather than just saying surname, Bristol.

Whilst we can't say whose home is being searched at Cotton Mill Lane I hope it is ok to say it appears to be NOT a member of Rebeccas family.

[modsnip] Just asking as it isn't unusual for girls to go out with boys who were friends of a brother - and the relationship starting after that. No idea if that is the case here or not. Just wonder if the families are friends. Not sleuthing them, just trying to work out who is who in this large family network.

Is it unusual to have done such a thorough seach of her home, the family car and removed objects AND the do the same to another house, not related to family? I know the family home is usually searched when someone goes missing, just wondering if this was more thorough than usual? I was convinced that the house was the crime scene (or one of them) due to the intensive searches and removal of items. Now, it seems to be moving in another direction. Of course, nothing can be discounted.

I'm still uneasy with the family-led search, which found a laptop, which then wasn't linked to Becky. What are the chances of finding a laptop, when that is one of the things being searched for, when the family decided on the search area. Are people playing games here? Because laptops hold so much personal information, you really wouldn't just throw one away like that, if broken. MOO.
I'm still uneasy with the family-led search, which found a laptop, which then wasn't linked to Becky. What are the chances of finding a laptop, when that is one of the things being searched for, when the family decided on the search area. Are people playing games here? Because laptops hold so much personal information, you really wouldn't just throw one away like that, if broken. MOO.
Don't understand your way of thinking at all :/
Don't understand your way of thinking at all :/

I just found it a bit of a coincidence that a search organized by family apparently (so untrained with no inside knowledge of the case), immediately finds a laptop - one of the vital missing items. Okay, it was found not to be Rebecca's, but I found it a bit of a coincidence that one was found - because as far as I am aware, people don't just dump their old laptops in parks, as you wouldn't want someone getting hold of any information that could still be stored on it (like passwords, bank details etc).

I was just wondering if it had been set up to be found .... even as a sick joke by someone. I mean, what are the chances of finding a laptop in your local park/woods/forest etc. I walk a lot, and I've never found one.
I still don't get why 192 wouldn't bring up all 99 Galsworthys in Bristol?

Anyway, one of the people who lives on that road, as per 192 (we shall call him G, he is boyfs older brother) is posting updates of the house search on fb. Would he do that if it was his house/family?

Doesn't it rely on them being eligible to vote?
Is that third including Rebecca's home, or another one bringing total to 4?
Is that third including Rebecca's home, or another one bringing total to 4?

The pictures on the BBC twitter seem to be from Cotton Hill Lane, so I think it's 3rd including Rebecca's. Unless they're searching two houses on same street.
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