GUILTY VA - Shannon Gore charged in death of infant, child abuse, Hayes, 2011

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"We have to tell our story in front of a jury. I can't tell you our story, but believe me, there are two sides to this story." this was a statement from Shannon's lawyer...REALLY?? Two sides huh? There is nothing credible in this vast universe that could explain any of this cruel unbelievable treatment or lack there of. I do know one thing, their attorney is correct that this community already has convicted them. I have heard people say they will say or do anything to get on the jury to help fry them.

TWO sides to the story? Like there is anything this poor child could have done to justify being starved and kept in a cage 24/7.
Oh My. I just listened to Dani's story and it's amazing how that mother is turning everything on everyone else and saying that they were making accusations etc. I at least hope SG doesn't try to do that and own up to what she did (the dad too). Dani is going to be damaged for the rest of her life, and this child might potentially see the same fate.
"We have to tell our story in front of a jury. I can't tell you our story, but believe me, there are two sides to this story." this was a statement from Shannon's lawyer...REALLY?? Two sides huh? There is nothing credible in this vast universe that could explain any of this cruel unbelievable treatment or lack there of. I do know one thing, their attorney is correct that this community already has convicted them. I have heard people say they will say or do anything to get on the jury to help fry them.

Actually, I beg to disagree with Mr. Smith. There are FOUR sides to this story. Brian's, Shannon's and the ones I feel are the true stories - that of the little girl and that of the child who was buried under the shed.
According to Jinxy, the investigators used heavy equipment (jackhammers?) to dig up the shed, which leads me to believe that they dug up the shed because Brian or Shannon had told them there was a body under there. It's not like the police just stumbled upon the body like they did stumble upon the little girl in the crib.

Actually I thought at first they were indeed jackhammers, but it turned out that the noise I heard was the investigators using a Sawzall to cut out the bottom of the floor. At first they used heavy rakes and dug up around the bottom of the shed, like as if you were using a broom to get something out from under your bed-does that make sense? It was after that that I began to hear the noises, begin my morbid speculation, and my husband telling me what exactly that noise is-he is a commercial electrician and uses many power tools. After this we then went outside in the back yard like I stated previously and silently watched the rest unfold.

I can say this after the sawing they had one guy get a shovel so its possible once they removed the floor they needed it to help remove the child's body from the earth, I can only theorize as I could not see inside the shed. The area was lit up like a christmas tree in NYC with their lights and we could still see the flashing of the photographs being taken.

I would like to walk over to the shed and look myself but I haven't mustered up the courage yet. I already feel like I am too close to begin with and I struggle with the fact that such horrible abuse was taking place right under my nose.
The choked up attorney is the attorney for the commonwealth he gets to prosecute her for the next 9 to 10 months VA is quick ,this wont take years.

I'm so glad to hear this - it seems most go on and on - the victim a distant memory before trial ever starts...
On Thursday night, deputies and investigators from the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office were searching the Gore residence on an unrelated burglary investigation when they entered a bedroom and made the shocking discovery of the penned girl.

Schmitt and Twitchell said Shannon Gore was removed from the home on a stretcher and appeared to be incoherent.

Bolding mine quote from here,0,719605.story

In her mug shot she looked as though she may have been "on" something or maybe coming down off a high.

I can't find it now but I read that Brian told the police about the body under the shed. I'll keep looking for the article.
I so wish that the media would stick to reporting facts and not make stuff up as they go along. One report will say the child was found naked and covered in feces and other say she had on a T-Shirt and something else. Not that what she had on really matters but I just wish they would report on the facts.

Also the outside of the mobile home looks pretty neat and clean. Yes one of the reports stated that when Shannon told an officer the baby had been caged for two months he replied that there was more than two months of feces around the bed and the floor. How could they live with that smell?

Also I wonder who the guy was that went with her to sell the gold. The person that bought it said that he was 100% sure that it wasn't Brian.
"We have to tell our story in front of a jury. I can't tell you our story, but believe me, there are two sides to this story." this was a statement from Shannon's lawyer...REALLY?? Two sides huh? There is nothing credible in this vast universe that could explain any of this cruel unbelievable treatment or lack there of. I do know one thing, their attorney is correct that this community already has convicted them. I have heard people say they will say or do anything to get on the jury to help fry them.

Sounds like they are either going with it wasn't her fault BG made her do it or the child was ill and not eating. Neither are good defenses.
I don't know for sure, but I'd say no. Smith is the #1 most common surname with about 2.5 million people having it.

It doesn't really matter though. Do you really think any lawyer/attorney could be so convincing that she would win/get off scott free?

While part of me agrees with you, a part of me wonders. She lawyered up very quickly. And with a private attorney too.
Why would they tell this to investigators? There is no benefit to them, and now they are charged with murder. If anybody did tell, I bet it was someone else.

Brian seems to have told a lot of things to the police that were no benefit to them.

Has anyone noticed the small basketball hoop in this picture of B's car? Also on the left,I can't make it out,but it looks colorful like toys?
This story is making me so sick.There are more questions than answers.
I don't think the blonde little girl in Momster's b-day pics is the victim.She is mostly on the other lady's lap.
IMO Momster reminds me of Karla Homolka in the pictures.That same deranged oversexed sadistic look in her eyes.Especially when she's posing with the black little girl.Makes me shiver.So sad and sick.
"Happiness isn't something you's something you remember"~Quoted on momster's Myspace.

Well lady horror, starvation, and being left to waste away by your parents will definately be something your poor child remembers.

Brian Gore's Myspace. Here's a photograph from a few years ago of his wife's birthday. She is posing with the cutest little girl. Please let this little girl be safe.

Weather or not this chick is a murderer she has caged in a child around five or six years of age and starved her. Hardened LE are floored and have never seen anything like this poor child locked in by a board and covered in feces. Sooooooooo when I look at this "persons" Facebook and see her smiling *advertiser censored*s face taking her own photograph with her hair all done and nice lothes on I want to s**advertiser censored*k the living daylights out of her. I am sorry, but what mother could do such a thing? Not to mention she has some connection to a food chain. How are you going to go on about your friends at the BBQue joint while a child is starving?

Just replying to my own post to keep the social sites where we can refer to them.

Has anyone noticed the small basketball hoop in this picture of B's car? Also on the left,I can't make it out,but it looks colorful like toys?
This story is making me so sick.There are more questions than answers.
I don't think the blonde little girl in Momster's b-day pics is the victim.She is mostly on the other lady's lap.
IMO Momster reminds me of Karla Homolka in the pictures.That same deranged oversexed sadistic look in her eyes.Especially when she's posing with the black little girl.Makes me shiver.So sad and sick.
The colorful thing on the left looks like a broken down child's picnic table.
The fresh pizza box on the trash can looking thing stands out to me.

Has anyone noticed the small basketball hoop in this picture of B's car? Also on the left,I can't make it out,but it looks colorful like toys?
This story is making me so sick.There are more questions than answers.
I don't think the blonde little girl in Momster's b-day pics is the victim.She is mostly on the other lady's lap.
IMO Momster reminds me of Karla Homolka in the pictures.That same deranged oversexed sadistic look in her eyes.Especially when she's posing with the black little girl.Makes me shiver.So sad and sick.
I dont know where this picture was taken but it is NOT at the mobile home where the body was found or the child found in the cage, there is no woods backed up to their home, its actually an open drain field and the back of my property line.

Also to add, Uhaul truck out there today I saw family taking things from the home and shed. No one said a word to anyone.
Brian seems to have told a lot of things to the police that were no benefit to them.

And yet authorities appear no to believe him when he claimed the actual age of the child is 2.
I dont know where this picture was taken but it is NOT at the mobile home where the body was found or the child found in the cage, there is no woods backed up to their home, its actually an open drain field and the back of my property line.

Also to add, Uhaul truck out there today I saw family taking things from the home and shed. No one said a word to anyone.
I don't think anyone said it was the mobile home.. just that it's one of the guys cars, or he said it's one of his cars on one of his social networking pages.

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