GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #1

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DNA Solves
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If people are going to meet online, the mandatory thing to do is check their background out before they ever meet for a date. Mandatory...nothing less. Even then, if they check out okay, it could still be a risk.

Living that way is not sustainable. What happened here was a tragedy, but uncommon. If you have to do background checks on every dating perspective, I wouldn't want to date "that" person that felt that way. We should all live with "reasonable" caution in all aspects in life but there's a difference between being cautious and being paranoid. It would be like a fear of flying. The odds of dying in an electric garage door malfunction is greater than dying in a plane wreck. You can't live your life in fear.
Is "I woke up on the sidewalk" the new "bushy haired stranger" "Zanny the Nanny" "two ninjas defense"?
If we aren't dealing with a repeat offender here, and that's a very BIG IF (as I'm not sure how an inexperienced and highly intoxicated person would have the wherewithal to dismember an entire body in a matter of hours had he not done it before or that he'd be able to do so if this was a heat of passion/attempted sexual assault "gone wrong", but I digress...),

When I consider the poor attempts made (if there were any at all) to cover his tracks or dispose of any evidence--leaving the saw and blood behind in her bathroom and car, disposing her body in a random stranger's recycling bin, not tossing a phone that held evidence of their recent calls or texts--the most likely scenario to me is that he attempted to sexually assault her while he was intoxicated and/or on drugs, or he became physically violent/rough during a consensual act, and she fought back like hell.

That may have spurred one of his (apparently way too common) outbursts and he killed her. Unsure of what to do next, he may have searched around her property for something to assist in the disposal. Too heavy to carry out of the house, he found the saw and dismembered her just enough to lighten his load (sorry... I cringe to even consider that.) He may have quickly tossed out any bags that might easily identify her, hoping that the bags would be picked up and disposed of before anyone noticed the contents. If the bin was by the road, he likely assumed they would be picked up early morning and failed to realize that the bin was empty (& thus, had already been picked up). He probably then sought out a more secluded location to dispose of the rest.

Again, this is purely speculative on my part and only IF this wasn't some sick ritual that he does often.
I've been reading on and off while working today and missed some postings. Has this been posted?

Authorities: Woman dismembered in home, body parts dumped

Also I read this one from Tucson.

Single mother found dead in Seattle has ties to Tucson area

Sorry if they are repeats.

Holy smokes, she went to high school with my husband!
No way in he!!.
Cheryl was found with a bag over her head, zero signs of anyone else being there and zero defensive wounds.
This guy is scratched up and sloppy.

I'm convinced Cheryl was a suicide, but if she wasn't, her murderer was GOOD. I mean, they have NOTHING. This guy was caught in hours.
I don't have the time tonight that I did yesterday. Can I be really needy and ask someone to sum up for me what has been discovered today?
That may be. However this AM I called my daughter who has been dating a guy she met "online" for about 1 month, also 37, and gave her the lowdown on this case. She has not checked out his past. She does not seem worried although at first she was afraid of online dating. All I can do is sit back and pray and worry.

In real life you can usually tell a nut job before you go out with them. Online dating is more a game of Russian roulette IMO

This is the thing. And also, they exchange texts and chat a bit before the date, maybe flirt a little, instant familiarity on the date, FALSE familiarity. I feel that is the REAL problem.
I think online dating can be a lot safer if one meets at a public place, doesn't give all their info and makes sure to do this not just on the first date but for a few, it's not really different than meeting elsewhere.
If the guy is creepy or after just one thing they will move on.
I don't have the time tonight that I did yesterday. Can I be really needy and ask someone to sum up for me what has been discovered today?

Suspect claims he went to her house after the game and had sex. She acted "weird." He was too intoxicated to remember anything else, but he guesses she drove him to Seattle where he then woke up after sleeping on the sidewalk.

15" pruning saw was found in her bathroom, along with blood.

When DH arrived with the kids and she wasn't home, he called her mom. Mom arrived with key to house. Mom scrolled through phone and texted with JC, who responded at first. But when she mentioned calling 911, he quit responding.

JC was arrested at his ex-girlfriend's house.

JC's parents got a restraining order against him several years ago when he was intoxicated and threatening them. He told him mom to watch the Hannibal movie and beware. The parents later dropped the restraining order.

Judge has ordered that JC's face not be shown in media.

Three body parts were found in the bags: head, arm, leg with foot.

I'm sure I'm missing things....but others will chime in to fill in gaps.
I hear what you are saying, but murderers were not invented with the Internet. Unfortunately guys have been committing violence against women before personal computers were even in homes.....this guy was charming, handsome, and would have found his next victim, Internet or not. She went out with him multiple times, so she had multiple opportunities to get to know this guy. He could have seemed totally normal.

I wish she had googled him though. That is necessary for whoever you meet, in real life or online. Google search the sh&t out of everyone you date more than once. if there is a record you should find at least a mention.

The problem is, as we have seen regarding this case already and many others on WS, that there are many people out there who have the same name. Even seemingly unusual names produce multiple hits.
Suspect claims he went to her house after the game and had sex. She acted "weird." He was too intoxicated to remember anything else, but he guesses she drove him to Seattle where he then woke up after sleeping on the sidewalk.

15" pruning saw was found in her bathroom, along with blood.

When DH arrived with the kids and she wasn't home, he called her mom. Mom arrived with key to house. Mom scrolled through phone and texted with JC, who responded at first. But when she mentioned calling 911, he quit responding.

JC was arrested at his ex-girlfriend's house.

JC's parents got a restraining order against him several years ago when he was intoxicated and threatening them. He told him mom to watch the Hannibal movie and beware. The parents later dropped the restraining order.

Judge has ordered that JC's face not be shown in media.

Three body parts were found in the bags: head, arm, leg with foot.

I'm sure I'm missing things....but others will chime in to fill in gaps.

Thank you for the recap. How horrifying :(
Just some questions popping up for me:
-Any word on where the rest of the body might be? Have they said anything about the car?
-Any idea why the judge has asked that Charlton's face not be shown in the media?
-Is there a supposed cause of death? I imagine it's difficult to determine without the missing remains.
Thank you for the recap. How horrifying :(
Just some questions popping up for me:
-Any word on where the rest of the body might be? Have they said anything about the car?
-Any idea why the judge has asked that Charlton's face not be shown in the media?
-Is there a supposed cause of death? I imagine it's difficult to determine without the missing remains.

Yes, her car was found in Seattle. No specific location provided, as far as I know.

It appears she was killed and dismembered in her house, put in bags, and then dumped in the bin where she was found.

Perp is charge with Murder 2.

No word about the missing body parts.

She was identified by photos - her face was recognizable.

ETA: I'm going on memory of happenings today....please correct what I didn't get right, anyone!
I wonder if Suspect ever injured, or killed animals. I wonder if he was an angry person most of his life. I wonder if he wet his bed as an older child. I wonder if he ever started a fire. I wonder if he was troubled a long time, and did not seek medical/emotional help. (I am just wondering...)
Has it been determined if they actually went to the baseball game?
Yes, her car was found in Seattle. No specific location provided, as far as I know.

It appears she was killed and dismembered in her house, put in bags, and then dumped in the bin where she was found.

Perp is charge with Murder 2.

No word about the missing body parts.

She was identified by photos - her face was recognizable.

Murder 2.
Jesus Christ, that's awful. I just read an article that said they have until Thursday to file charges. Maybe that's the most they're confident they can pin him on?
Do people routinely sleep on the sidewalks in Seattle without being looked after by the police? That sounds odd.

I live here and, yeah. There is a horrifyingly large homeless population. I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Living that way is not sustainable. What happened here was a tragedy, but uncommon. If you have to do background checks on every dating perspective, I wouldn't want to date "that" person that felt that way. We should all live with "reasonable" caution in all aspects in life but there's a difference between being cautious and being paranoid. It would be like a fear of flying. The odds of dying in an electric garage door malfunction is greater than dying in a plane wreck. You can't live your life in fear.

This👍 I totally agree with it.
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