WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #8

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btw both cyber & i met 'blown away' who's not yet been approved of the registration on the forum. Good meeting him too (McCleary local)

We all caught up @ the restaurant :) (which has free wifi btw)
JVK! Great pictures. Thank you so much for going and doing this.
It is not often that i shoot in full manual on my camera. So considering i bone-headed my ISO settings (64) all the way through (but got the rest) it came out OK :)

Some nice shots Jvk!
The Lindsey "spotter" has it wrong. Lindsey was wearing a thin cotton top with a hood-not a sweatshirt.
cyberswept, Thank you so much for going and observing and relaying your gut feelings to us. It helps a lot. Can't wait to see the pictures.

You and the board are welcome Jen. I feel as a member here, being a local, it is almost my duty to try and get the info for other members. The more accurate information we get, the better chance we have to solve this mystery. Much thanks to Jvk too! We talked before hand and took different angles. Worked out pretty well I thought.
Cyber and JVK, thank you so much. I know we were all there in spirit. I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances. I'm particularly sad about it tonight so I think I'll say goodnight.
Hi all-

This is my first time posting here but I've been following the forums for several weeks... The pictures from the vigil are great! I was just wondering if anyone else thought it odd that more people didn't attend the vigil? Maybe someone local or even those that attended tonight provide their views on how the community is feeling. Are they still highly supportive? Do they seem to have formed opinions about who is responsible, etc?

Also I do write at eHow and KK used to post regularly to the forums there with updates about the investigation, etc. However, she has slowed down considerably.
Hi all-

This is my first time posting here but I've been following the forums for several weeks... The pictures from the vigil are great! I was just wondering if anyone else thought it odd that more people didn't attend the vigil? Maybe someone local or even those that attended tonight provide their views on how the community is feeling. Are they still highly supportive? Do they seem to have formed opinions about who is responsible, etc?

Also I do write at eHow and KK used to post regularly to the forums there with updates about the investigation, etc. However, she has slowed down considerably.

I spoke to KK about that personally. The reason she gave is that the kids, hers included, were reading things on there that she didn't feel they should know. She did not specify what those things were and I did not press her. She only said that the family has been spotlighted and some "not so nice" things had been said and the kids were reading that. She felt the only way to stop it was to quit writing.
I noticed JB's t-shirt. Does anyone recognize it, ie, is it about a band, or that guitar thing that was popular at Christmas time last year?
I found it an odd thing to wear to a vigil, but I'm sure it's just me.
great pics, thanks very much.
just popping in to say hi & that I'm trying to catch up. I hope to chat with you guys later today...but for now I have to get some rest!
awwww, i wonder if that is Kadence in that one pic :(

.....the expression in his eyes just breaks my heart.......

I wonder.......if soon after Lindsey's disappearance if they'd just let him off the leash and carefully followed him (to make sure he came to no harm)....if he'd have led them to her? If they were as close as was stated, he just might have!
There's some kind of glitch on myspace that sometimes lists WA (the abbreviation for washington) as western austrailia...when I first got my account that's what it did to me and I had to go in and manually change it on my profile...

And Hoodsport could technically be considered on the way to Forks...if one was to take the olympic peninsula loop that direction...just remembering that she's a twilight fan...

....and per Mapquest..only 42 minutes away from McCleary........it would be {{beyond wonderful}} if this was a valid tip and it pans out.....I hope they at least check it out...
So let's "what if?" What if she was really really mad at her brother. How would she have gotten to Hoodsport? Walking? And if she was looking for work, wouldn't her age tip people off that something was amiss? It would me!

Yep - her age would would be a big sign something was amiss...unless she was counting on the kindness of folks to overlook that (mayhaps someone her age would think that way). While we're "what iffing" ("iffing", is that a word?" :waitasec:) What if - this started out as a run away and now for some reason Lindsey feels she cannot got home - or is afraid to go home? Mayhaps she feels she has nowhere else to go? (I know - a stretch - but it's been so long since we've had a flicker of anything resembling hope and I'd like to keep it lit as long as we can). I know this is the case with many runaways - whether they leave because of a sudden arguement or an ongoing bad home situation - once they've run, they have not a clue as to where they can run "to", safely.
Didn't a local say a few threads back that people from the northern towns like Hoodsport come to the area for the ORV park. Wasn't the other sighting at the ORV park? Could she have hidden out there for a couple of days and then hitched a ride with someone back north?

That's weak, but weirder things have happened.

Morning NMK's, All ~ :coffeecup:

I've been thinking about this since you posted it yesterday. It bothers me to think that there is a possibility that towns in a fairly close proximity (I didn't mile it, but it looked like Hoodsport was pretty much a straight shot from McCleary when I Mapquested it), wouldn't have received some sort of Amber Alert/Missing Child posters for the local businesses to post.

I wonder if doing mailings and email alerts to surrounding & or far-reaching communities (within State) to print off and post up is something that has been done? If so, I wonder if it's just LE to LE. I'd sure be willing to put a little effort and money towards printing off a few flyers and mailing them off addressed to "The City of .........", also emailing the city clerk of towns, that sort of thing. It would be a snap.

Of course, it would be a lot easier in rural areas. I'll have to ask "His Mayorship" (hubby) if & how City Hall receives emails, mailings, etc. on missing children and Amber Alerts. Especially local missing children. I honestly don't ever recall him mentioning receiving these types of Alerts.

I understand that in time, once organized, they probably do reach out to more distant communities, but I'm thinking it's critical the word get out quickly, so if anyone wants to help organize such an effort, for Lindsey, or in the future, just give me a hollar.
Could it be that maybe she did something wrong and brother knew about it and he was teasing her about it. because she was teasing him earlier about going to juvi thereby thinking something bad was going to happen like going to court or jail.
Although it doesn't sound probable...I always remember the situation with Elizabeth Smart. It can't get any weirder than that, IMO! So, we always need to keep our eyes wide open!

I remember her well - and remember Shawn Hornbeck, missing 4 years and found right under our noses during a search for another young boy that had gone missing the week prior. {{{Living right in the middle of St Louis}}}} I'll never forget that breaking news bulletin - they announced they'd found Ben and along with him Shawn!!! I sat down (actually I think my legs gave out) in the middle of my living room (I was vacuuming) and just sobbed tears of joy for half an hour!! I still can feel the chills! Miracles can and do happen - and as dark as things may seem and with the many recent cases ending the way we did not want them to.....we still need to keep that in mind. Even when the room is at it's darkest, there is still the possibility of hope.
.....the expression in his eyes just breaks my heart.......

I wonder.......if soon after Lindsey's disappearance if they'd just let him off the leash and carefully followed him (to make sure he came to no harm)....if he'd have led them to her? If they were as close as was stated, he just might have!

Hi LadyBugSTL ~ I believe I read Lindsey's mom did just that.

And as an aside, Kadence is an absolutely beautiful dog and I'm pretty sure after seeing that gorgeous photo of her last night, that it was not her being walked in the parade.

Hope you're feeling better today ~
I will be @ the Rain Country Restaurant by 8:30 - I'll have a black backpack & small+ black laptop w/me.

Anyone is welcome to introduce themselves.

Please be careful, you never know WHO reads here & too much identifying nfo could lead to something bad happening, and I for one appreciate all our wonderful local (and non-local) sleuthers hard work for Lindsey.

I would hate to see something happen to anyone of you. With everyone's photos & posts, I can almost 'see' & feel the town. For that I thank you, being all the way over here on the east coast, I feel useless, though I do read here every single day.

Many thanks & stay safe :blowkiss:
Cyberswept - Thanks so much for going and relaying your observations - really made me feel like I was there!!!!!
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