Where would you put a dead body?

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There was a case in my area where a woman killed her husband and buried him in the back yard and 15 years later LE got a warrant and dug up the entire back yard. They found him. She is in jail now.

I dont' know what it would take for a search warrant for a complete "dig up" of that yard, but I do think it needs to be done.

It has really bothered me that as soon as TES wanted to do their yard, they went ballistic. To me that was very telling.
There are so many places to put a body that it would never be found.

Find a field where the farmers are going to be disking the ground. The dirt is always uneven and crops are planted twice a year. This time of year here they are harvesting the crops and planting their fall crops. Rice fields are perfect b/c the burn the fields then disk up the ground. No one would ever think to look there, ever changing soil is perfect. Swamps are perfect with the gators plus you can wrap the body in black trash bags with weights and the body will sink.

This is scary, I can't even think about it anymore.
Did it ever come out what day of the week it was that George saw Casey in Cindy's truck and chased her down the 408,it was the week of 23-27. where was Casey's car when she had moms truck.
I would go at night to where they had dug a fresh grave at a cemetery and was going to bury someone the next day. I would get in the hole and dig a shallow grave (enough to cover the body) and cover it with some dirt. When they set the vault the next day it would be buried forever.

lol Turbo, you must have given this a lot of thought. Brilliant!!
I have felt he was involved from the beginning. It was always VERY STRANGE to me that CA kept saying how much yard work he had done and how his BLOOD AND SWEAT was what the dogs were hitting on in the back yard. Their grandchild is missing and they all of a sudden start totally redoing their back yard? Give me a break !

In an earlier post today, I commented on all the lime being poured over the back yard. That to me was VERY telling. I honestly believe YOU are right on with this post........

I believe that child is in the back yard and have asked if they poured any concrete during the time she was "gone." Concrete has lime and will cover the smell for the dogs sometimes. Then you take and cover the ENTIRE back yard with lime and PRESTO.........dogs are not an issue anymore.

They would have NO FEAR of any of the searches and were somewhat cooperative UNTIL TES was going to do a search again in their yard. Then all of a sudden they disliked TES and they limed their yard.

Yep..........look under some concrete or a storage building.

why would he lime the yard. that's crazy. i didn't know this.
Things are a lot different here.
So relating to her options and her possible way of thnking?

She may have tied her up in a tree someplace?

She is not logical
have the dogs looked up in trees?
Do the trees in Florida drop leaves like ours do here in the EAST?

I saw a story once on COURT TV.
Nobody could find the guy cuz he hung himself and was way high up in a tree.

It was after the leaves had fallen that somebody spotted his body hanging up there in a tree.

Wow, trees. I like this one. You never hear of a dead body being discovered up in a tree. This is creative.
I don't know, Casey doesn't seem that prissy to me. Sure she's lazy and will wrangle someone into doing whatever for her if she can, but priss, nah. She's pees in parking lots for cripes sakes! Her hands aren't all lovely either. Nah, she would dig, get yucky and do just about whatever if it served her purpose. jmo
she must have at first been sick to her stomach with panic and fear and wondering what to do. She had a situation on her hands that was out of her control and she knew she had to have help handling this. That explains the fast and furious flurry of calls to her parents that occurred that Monday afternoon. When they didn't answer their phones that gave her a few minutes to think and if you were her what would be the first thing that would have crossed your mind? "What is Mom going to say?" The one person in the world whose opinion of you, you most care about. That's the one confrontation you are going to dread the most and probably the one you're going to want to avoid at all costs. It's too late to avoid it now, but you want to postpone it as long as possible - you do though, want to know when Mom finds out because you don't want that coming down on you without any kind of warning. You want to know when the body is found so where are you going to put it? You're going to put where you can keep an eye on it and know when the jig is up. You're going to bury it in the backyard so you can know if someone has been close to it or messing around by or in it.

You look at the body for awhile and you start to think that she's dead and nothing is going to bring her back and you didn't mean to do it and when it is found out your life is over anyway so why not try to buy some time until you can think what to do. So you get a garbage bag from the kitchen or a duffel bag from the bedroom and you put the body in it and you get a shovel and you bury the body in the backyard. That way you'll know right away if it is found and at the same time you think it doesn't look that bad if you do it that way rather than dump it in a swamp or river. Then you leave and drive around all day sick to your stomach with fear and trying to figure out a believable story. You can't stand it though and you keep calling Mom and then Dad to see if anything has been found or if they're suspicious. That explains the second flurry of phone calls you make that day.

When nothing happens that day and nothing happens the next day or the day after that you begin to think that maybe it's not going to be found and by staying away you can avoid confrontations or suspicions. When you get away with it for awhile and life seems in someways easier without a kid you begin thinking that maybe you better move the body someplace where it can never be found. So you dig it up, you put it in the trunk of the car and then drive someplace you think is safe from anyone seeing you. But there isn't really any kind of place like that, that you can think of anyway, you try some places but everytime someone is around or driving down the road or you see lights coming towards you, so you make the decision to wait awhile and come up with a better plan. In the meantime you're forced to leave the body in the trunk of the car which in a way is a lot safer because you always have the car with you.

But then the car begins to stink and it gets worse and worse and you begin to worry that maybe someone else is going to smell it or has smelled it and is wondering why it stinks like that. Just another level added to the problem that needs an alibi set up for it - so you tell your friends a story that to you at least sounds plausible and you put it off another couple days until you can't stand it anymore and you're desparate enough to dump it. The problem now is the car...
There are 2 options for me.

1. If it was some adult that I killed. I would dig a hole in the middle of the no where. Place the body there, and burn it, until very little is left. Then either bury the pieces or spread them out in a lake or river (Marcus fisel case)


2. if I was trying to hide the death of my child. I would drive the car into a lake or pond and get out. Then go somewhere with clean clothes and claim I was car jacked.
i dont think there is anything of caylee left.. :( casey most likely made sure of that oh god typing this makes me cry and breaks my heart :(
If I was in the position of needing to hide a body, I'd probably off myself. I just can't fathom myself living with the guilt of harming someone to the point of needing to hide their body to stay out of trouble.

If I was a sociopath that wouldn't lose sleep over it, I'd hide a body where no one else ever hid a body on CSI or Forensic Files. :)
I can't even handle open coffin funerals or the idea of cremation so I seriously don't think I could dispose of a body! Okay, but pretending that I am a sociopath with no feelings at all, I guess I go for wooded area, slough, lake etc. and hope that nature assists..Transporting the body so as not to leave evidence..hmmm. I wouldn't have a clue.
I would go at night to where they had dug a fresh grave at a cemetery and was going to bury someone the next day. I would get in the hole and dig a shallow grave (enough to cover the body) and cover it with some dirt. When they set the vault the next day it would be buried forever.

Ahhhaahhhh Mr. Brooks.
Why not just sneak into a landfill area at night and ditch the body? I agree a dumpster would be the easiest least suspected route, though. Makes me feel very sorry for the garbage handlers! I do agree that the Florida alligators could really be helpful at a time like this. Horrid.
I think she has placed her in some kind of container, maybee a rolling suitcase{would be easy for Casey to roll somewhere} and has pitched her out in the woods somewhere, a hollow tree trunk pehaps?? In thick brush?? I just don't see Casey exerting herself by digging a grave, maybee under a brush/leave pile??


Thats an interesting theory. I wonder if she came home and packed her suitcase for her trip when "Zany got into the car accident." ?
I don't know...but Melinda Duckett, the McCanns, and now KC have all seem to have found good spots. I think that there in Florida, by lakes were the choices of MD and KC. They probably laid the body there, said their goodbyes and once they left....whatever happened to it, happened to it (i.e., gators).

I'd be in such a panic I couldn't do it though.
Can I just repectfully say that you are all twisted and sick individulals? :crazy:

Sheesh, some of these ideas scare the bologna out of me! :chicken:
I know exactly what I'd do, in the middle of the night head down south to Port St Lucie it's about an hour or two from Orlando. Drop it off the side of the highway. Someone did this with 3 or 4 bodies several years ago and they have yet to find out who did it.

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