Where would you put a dead body?

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I haven't read the entire thread, so forgive me if I'm duplicating anyone else' post. Personally I don't think KC is all too brillant. I'm of the belief that Caylee is right under everyone's nose. Maybe it's so obvious, it's being totally overlooked.

My 2 humble cents.:)

I posted the same thing a couple pages back. I really think that if Casey buried her, she is not far away. Casey would want her somewhere close so she could keep an eye on her body. Casey isn't as smart as she thinks, but she's not at stupid as we think. She will be charged eventually, but has made it this far.
A remote area with animals.

I read last night about new searches south of the airport. Two summers ago my family and I vacationed for 10 days in Orlando and stayed a few miles south of the airport. We rented a car and spent alot of time out and about in the area we were staying. The area is, of course, well populated, but in between the neighborhoods (mostly those gated, planned out kind) were lots of large areas with thick brush and tall trees. As you get closer to the airport, there are alot of little windy backroads and one strange area I remember in particular because there were these strange little rolling hills and it looked like in the valleys of the hills were little swamps. :confused:
I posted the same thing a couple pages back. I really think that if Casey buried her, she is not far away. Casey would want her somewhere close so she could keep an eye on her body. Casey isn't as smart as she thinks, but she's not at stupid as we think. She will be charged eventually, but has made it this far.

Whoops, sorry CHA! I don't think KC is necessarily stupid, but like Scott Peterson, I do believe that she believes she can snow everyone, which automatically puts her at a disadvantage. In fact, I believe it was Scott's arrogance that ultimately got him convicted. He did so MANY stupid things, believing others were stupid.

I mean, "I wanted to get the boat wet", remember that?!

Anyhow, my gut says Caylee is close, there was nothing elaborate.
I don't think Casey did. because she didn't even keep Caylee's favorite doll with the child's body. she certainly didn't keep it for sentimental reasons.

Hi Linda :)
I agree with what you said there... but in a way I think that part is so warped.... even little JML was buried with her little toy stuffed dolphin by the complete stranger who killed her... [she was found right by the house of course] but so many people came out to help look for her, including us, ALL that time that went by - and she was right there.... it was so unbelievably sad :(
While travelling the Beachline (528) back and forth between Orlando and I-95 to participate in the searches, every trip back east I noticed a little side road that is accessible from the beachline. Anyone driving that road could easily slip down that road and what I can see is mostly pasture and some patches of trees. I've thought more than once that she may have chosen that road, why not. It's secluded, easy to get to and about 10 to 15 miles from the toll booth at Narcoosee Rd. I've tried to look at the entire road on Google earth but can't find it that way. In looking at the cell phone pings matching up to her route between the 21st and 22nd, if you do a bird's eye view of those routes, there are many many places that look secluded but not quite enough. I got the feeling from following the roads that she was looking for a secluded place. I would think that she would want to choose where no cars or people are around at all. That side road would be it.

The only other place I can venture a guess on is where she used to go to the beach with Caylee. Searchers would have to speak the girl that used to go to the beach with them to find the spot. I believe the girl in in the pictures on that thread.
We buried our beautiful Rottweiler in our backyard.

The more we see of kc's personality and lack of emotion, Im thinking she dumped her in gator infested waters. As a mother, I am horrified at the thought of this, but this would be a way to dispose of her body and never have it found. With forensic science being so advanced, it would be very difficult to hide a body and not have it found nowadays.
When my daughter passed away, I let the funeral prepare her....but, let me say that when one of my pets die (I'm a crazy cat lady) it can be traumatizing. I freak out. My husband handles the burial, usually in the woods around our house. But a body? Maybe in an abandon well on some old property.
I've never thought about where I would put a dead body, but I had a really weird dream once that my husband was dead in the car at the ATM. I remember wondering if my mother did it and what I should do with him. I discovered him accidentally because I pulled up behind him. I decided to leave him there and then had to go back because I remembered they had security cameras. Then I wondered what would would happen when they saw on the security tape that I had left and come back. Then I wondered if they would even look at the security tapes if I just removed the body. Then I figured it would be just my luck that someone would come along and try to break into the ATM machine after I removed the body and they would find out anyway. I remember being mad at my mother for causing me so much trouble.

I have no idea what I ate that night.
I've never thought about where I would put a dead body, but I had a really weird dream once that my husband was dead in the car at the ATM. I remember wondering if my mother did it and what I should do with him. I discovered him accidentally because I pulled up behind him. I decided to leave him there and then had to go back because I remembered they had security cameras. Then I wondered what would would happen when they saw on the security tape that I had left and come back. Then I wondered if they would even look at the security tapes if I just removed the body. Then I figured it would be just my luck that someone would come along and try to break into the ATM machine after I removed the body and they would find out anyway. I remember being mad at my mother for causing me so much trouble.

I have no idea what I ate that night.

That gave me a chuckle!!! Which is healthy once in while going through these posts.
I'm not sure what became of Caylee's body after she was placed in the trunk but I do suspect a container of some sort would've been needed to transport her even that far presumably from pool or backyard, without detection. And I've always thought (don't ask me why) that some type of plastic storage container (such as the larger one I believe shown later in photos, but smaller) must have been needed. Or possibly duffel, whatever it was though I just keep getting the feeling that this item, along with other conspicuously absent items, would before long have been MISSED by CA and GA. And, were they really interested in aiding LE or finding Caylee, reported by now as missing.

Baznme (or anybody) can you please tell me where I can find the ping/cell tower map?
But if I WERE trying to dispose of a body... I sure wouldn't attract undue attention or risk detection by parking on median (maybe they meant "shoulder," but it was reported as parked on "median.") The witness who reported (in Sept.) having seen woman coming out of the woods (in June) driving a car matching Pontiac's description may be legit... but a dump-and-dash while illegally parked sounds ridiculously risky to me, even if all she was doing was returning to check on the body. JMHO
"Where would you put a dead body?"




OMG...........where did you get that picture of a gator with a real arm in it's mouth?
A man here in MN recently murdered his girlfriend and mother of his 4 year old daughter. He put her body in a street along with her motorcycle to try and make it look like she was killed in an accident. He got caught right away.
I'd never be disposing of a dead body, but I've watched way too much crime tv and read too many crime forums to use water or dumpsters. I'd be very afraid to throw even a weighted body in water due to gases causing it to rise a few months later. There'd be worry of a body part or bone being left and discovered even if partially eaten by an animal or alligator. Also, I'd be afraid to put a body into a dumpster, especially one with decomp smell. I'd worry that someone would discover the body or spot whatever container the body might be inside and decide they wanted it or to snoop. I believe I would put a body in a sealed leakproof container ( such as a cooler or poolbox) with lime and bury under something where people wouldn't want to wander in, land wouldn't develop and build there, and where I could get to without tearing up my vehicle or leaving evidence on it. I can't help but think that Cindy and George might possibly have smelled decomp in the yard before the pavers were ever put in, and that might be when they looked under the playhouse. Maybe it was when Casey moved the body, if she really did move the body.

You can overcome the gasses ........just gut it first - like a deer.
A man here in MN recently murdered his girlfriend and mother of his 4 year old daughter. He put her body in a street along with her motorcycle to try and make it look like she was killed in an accident. He got caught right away.

Like an idiot here who killed a woman and to keep from being seen leaving he went out the air conditioner vents but got stuck and then called 911 to get him out..............duhhhhhhhhhhhhh
In the ground in a coffin after a service with a minister. If I ever tried to hide a body, I'd get caught right away.
I don't believe KC acted alone in disposing of the body. She was intending to bury it on June 18th but the job was not as easy as she thought:
- hottest/most humid time of the day 1:30-2:30 pm
- borrowed a shovel for less than one hour; you need MORE than one hour to dig a good size hole
- KC is the type of person who does no hard physical labor; has no experience doing gardening; this is not her "thing" etc.
- petite build; she is just too much of a "girly" "party" type of girl accustomed to having others to things for her. I have a hard time picturing her going into swampy, alligators, mosquito infested areas. She could not handle a disposal on her own.

IMO She ended up carrying Caylee around in the trunk for days wandering and driving around many areas looking for a spot; then came up with the idea to put the vehicle on fire (gas cans stolen). This did NOT work out because GA found Caylee in the trunk along with the gas cans - my theory is that when GA came upon the gas cans in the trunk he also found the body there. I don't believe for a minute that he is truthful about what he saw!

Now we would need to think like him, there is not much time to think/act at this point. What would he do? where would be the BEST place to hide the body in a quick manner while at the same time give Caylee "proper burial"?

Simplest solution - the back of the house!! You put the body in a sealed container, make a hole deep enough that cadaver dogs would not be able to sniff (I have read that they cannot smell below 4 feet). Then you put pavers or a shed on top of the burial site "sealing the area". Then you think of something to throw off investigators (abandon car next to a dumpster -throwing off LE to look for the body in a landfill).

IMO GA's whereabouts and statements need to be looked a little closer...

I totally agree with this theory as being the most likely. Considering that Casey said "She is close to home" Considering that George has inconsistencies in statements about the trunk/gas can and the nudge Cindy gave him about it. Hmmm...and what about the statement he made about the body not being his grand daughter. It's like when I went to my friend's visiation and say still to this date that the dead guy in the casket was not my friend. I don't know who it was but it certainly wasn't him. It makes perfect since to me. And seeing how George was former LE he could easily plan this out to protect Casey. I also like the theory that she was planning to take off. The fight happens and she kills Caylee once she is in California it's a little bit harder to pursue custody escpecially if you can't contact your daughter to find your grand daughter. No one would be much the wiser.

The combo of these theories almost make me less obsessed with this case as if we already solved it here. I don't see how ANYONE could think this little girl is alive. If she was there wouldn't be all this other evidence. It's crazy but yeah....Caylee is in the backyard and thats why she is so smug about the whole thing.

Remember Sometimes the MOSt obvious is the LEAST obvious. "She's close to home" Obviously she knows where she is and knows she is a liar and so what does a liar do when they want to throw people off....um...tell the truth. And she knows that this statement will be overlooked because of ALL the other lies...The body is in the backyard. Guaranteed. IMO
But if I WERE trying to dispose of a body... I sure wouldn't attract undue attention or risk detection by parking on median (maybe they meant "shoulder," but it was reported as parked on "median.") The witness who reported (in Sept.) having seen woman coming out of the woods (in June) driving a car matching Pontiac's description may be legit... but a dump-and-dash while illegally parked sounds ridiculously risky to me, even if all she was doing was returning to check on the body. JMHO

It's obviously not the same, but one time I moved to a new home and needed to dump some junk and the easiest way for me to get rid of it was to dump it in the dumpster behind Pier One Imports, which is illegal (but in no way comparable to disposing of a body). I remember doing a dump and dash with my car running, so it's possible I'd do the same with a body.
I've never thought about where I would put a dead body, but I had a really weird dream once that my husband was dead in the car at the ATM. I remember wondering if my mother did it and what I should do with him. I discovered him accidentally because I pulled up behind him. I decided to leave him there and then had to go back because I remembered they had security cameras. Then I wondered what would would happen when they saw on the security tape that I had left and come back. Then I wondered if they would even look at the security tapes if I just removed the body. Then I figured it would be just my luck that someone would come along and try to break into the ATM machine after I removed the body and they would find out anyway. I remember being mad at my mother for causing me so much trouble.

I have no idea what I ate that night.

sorry - thanks - I needed that laugh :crazy:
I've never gotten that part either. Since she knew what she would have needed to do to cover it up, it's almost like she wanted to be caught.

I think she planned on making it look like she was carjacked and kidnapped. She was cashing checks, stealing money during that last 2 weeks. All her friends said they hardly saw her after she hooked up with TL. I dont think CA knew she was staying at TL's until she talked to AH that day.
TonE told her he may be moving to NY, so maybe she planned on tagging along. She was also lining up that Marine in CA. (backup plan?).

She just never planned on getting busted by AH and being confronted at TL's house that day. She was probably hoping those checks wouldnt clear until she had the chance to skip town.

She parked the car in a conspicuous spot. Her mom even said kc wouldnt be stupid enough to abandon the car where CA would see it on the way to work every day.

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