AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #21

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My number one problem is keeping too much stuff, but I'm not going to warrant an episode of hoarders. Just because meth is his number one priority doesn't mean it's a pervasive problem. Point is, either it's a community that leaves it's door unlocked because it's so safe, or it's a community that is rampant with meth heads, but it would be difficult to be both. And btw, it doesn't take a community gouged by a meth problem for one person to have a psychotic break while doing meth and slaughter a family, so not saying that might not be the case, but this town isn't a den of meth heads.
With both parents working shifts, it makes sense to me that Jayme would need a chauffeur, to get her to her activities. It makes sense to me that an aunt would be a perfect choice for that. It also makes sense to me that Jayme might choose to and want to hang out with that aunt, as opposed to being alone. When her aunt moved, switching schools could have simply been a practical decision. Nothing nefarious at all.

Especially if her parents worked 2nd or even 3rd shifts...when she would otherwise be alone until after 11pm. The town is small enough to still see school friends on weekends even if they go to different schools.
Jayme’s family didn’t move; the caretaker did. I don’t know where the caretaker moved, nor should I.
Just to add, I've yet to find anywhere (and trust me I've been looking) that states who Jayme's caregiver was. All that was said was that she had a family caregiver and somehow it was deduced that it is her aunt, but that's never been verified to my knowledge. James and Denise have lived in that home since 2001 (they bought the home before they were married).
totally agree. Do you think LE knows yet?
The quietness from the town and LE regarding this case feels to me like people who may have an idea of what happened are VERY afraid to come forward with it. There are no leaks of information etc... .Even the sheriff said in his interview on Dryden that he was being monitored by the FBI. I guess that would be normal , but the word "monitoring" seemed odd. IMO
If it’s true nothing has been ruled out, except for the guy who steals underwear, this is sad and scary indeed. LE said he was ruled out due to where he was at the time of the murders, i.e maybe even in lock-up overnight for all we know, but how is it that NO ONE else can be ruled out via an alibi? That seems biazarre.

I guess most people said they were asleep at home and that can only be verified by other humans? Whereas this guy seems to have had some more official alibi?
I believe there has to be very pertinent info we don’t and will not know until resolution.
I agree. As with other cases, there was information they had that was not released. With Mollie they had a video of a car, with Abby they had an eyewitness who saw her enter a vehicle, so I'm sure there are things they know we don't. Even how many shots, or what they heard on the 911 call, damage within the house, any past issues with anyone, are all things that we just don't know. Most people don't get on the internet and blog about the problems they are having with a local in town, or a fight they had with someone in the grocery store. I'm sure LE knows far more than we do.
The quietness from the town and LE regarding this case feels to me like people who may have an idea of what happened are VERY afraid to come forward with it. There are no leaks of information etc... .Even the sheriff said in his interview on Dryden that he was being monitored by the FBI. I guess that would be normal , but the word "monitoring" seemed odd. IMO

If this was seems most likely imo, why should locals be in such fear? And if random, how on earth would anyone know enough to be in fear of telling anything? I don’t get it. If people are afraid of talking to LE, imo they usually have other reasons. Unrelated to the crime being investigated. Jmo
I agree. As with other cases, there was information they had that was not released. With Mollie they had a video of a car, with Abby they had an eyewitness who saw her enter a vehicle, so I'm sure there are things they know we don't. Even how many shots, or what they heard on the 911 call, damage within the house, any past issues with anyone, are all things that we just don't know. Most people don't get on the internet and blog about the problems they are having with a local in town, or a fight they had with someone in the grocery store. I'm sure LE knows far more than we do.

There is video of Abby entering a car?? Then why don’t we know about this car?
If it’s true nothing has been ruled out, except for the guy who steals underwear, this is sad and scary indeed. LE said he was ruled out due to where he was at the time of the murders, i.e maybe even in lock-up overnight for all we know, but how is it that NO ONE else can be ruled out via an alibi? That seems biazarre.

I guess most people said they were asleep at home and that can only be verified by other humans? Whereas this guy seems to have had some more official alibi?
That's an interesting point about the time and people being asleep at home, I'm wondering why LE hasn't said to also be on the look out for anyone who was gone from home during that time or someone who disappeared in the middle of the night and or came home extra late?
Fitzgerald,in my opinion should pass over the case to the Websleuth community. Just release the 911 tape please. <modsnip - rude >
If they can't tell what anyone is saying with all their technology, neither will anyone else. He's made very clear that it sounds muffled and most likely all we would hear is a bunch of unidentifiable noise that wouldn't help at all. Imo
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"In the past decade, there have been a total of four killings in Barron County, according to the sheriff. Barron is the kind of town where screen doors are left unlatched in summer; in winter, few lock their front doors. Those days are over, several residents said."
Mystery in a Small Town: A Quiet Couple Shot Dead, Their Daughter Missing

"he said the whole community is on edge and “stuck in limbo” as they await more information. Meanwhile, she’s told her children to be aware of their surroundings, and her family is taking extra care to lock their door."
Missing Wisconsin teen: 911 call log reveals new details in disappearance of Jayme Closs

"People moved to the town because it is safe, but right now, they aren't feeling that way.
Many were taking extra precaution to feel safe.
People we spoke with told us Barron is a place you feel safe enough to leave doors unlocked.
Many added their doors have been locked since learning James and Denise Closs were killed, and 13-year-old Jayme vanished."
Barron community reacts to missing Jayme Closs

"Across Barron, a city of 3,300 about 90 miles northeast of the Twin Cities, people were locking their doors and adding security at homes and businesses. Some were talking to their children about keeping information off social media and warning against strangers."
"At Bushra Fashion Shop, owner Fadumo Hassan said she once walked all over town, feeling safe in the city where she’s lived for six years. Now she drives from place to place and locks everything. She’s been closing her store early, too."
Wisconsin town on edge with search for missing teen, parents found shot to death

and on and on. Like many areas across the united states there may be an outlaying drug issue, but it's not a den of meth heads. 4 murders in 10 years isn't what you'd expect to see in an area that is rampant with a meth problem.
Thanks for the info.

I imagine they lock ther doors at night , though. My doors were always unlocked during the day but locked at night.

However, I posted about the meth problem there. It is huge.

If you did not like my citation from the Sheriff, there are more
The quietness from the town and LE regarding this case feels to me like people who may have an idea of what happened are VERY afraid to come forward with it. There are no leaks of information etc... .Even the sheriff said in his interview on Dryden that he was being monitored by the FBI. I guess that would be normal , but the word "monitoring" seemed odd. IMO

They were looking to see who was watching
That's an interesting point about the time and people being asleep at home, I'm wondering why LE hasn't said to also be on the look out for anyone who was gone from home during that time or someone who disappeared in the middle of the night and or came home extra late?
I think that's included with any unusual behavior or someone who has missed work. They said anything at all, no matter how insignificant it seems, may help. They have probably had dozens of calls saying, "my neighbor came home at 2:00 that night, or my ex boyfriend was acting strange the next day, or so and so didn't show up at work, or had scratches on his face," etc. They have cleared about 2000 tips. Not sure of the exact number but that's a lot of tips. Imo
I think that's included with any unusual behavior or someone who has missed work. They said anything at all, no matter how insignificant it seems, may help. They have probably had dozens of calls saying, "my neighbor came home at 2:00 that night, or my ex boyfriend was acting strange the next day, or so and so didn't show up at work, or had scratches on his face," etc. They have cleared about 2000 tips. Not sure of the exact number but that's a lot of tips. Imo

I imagine a lot were like she was in a barn
Kids switching a school is a very big deal. Very big. This should be examined further IMHO.

Changing schools isn't the big deal it used to be. I've been very surprised at how almost casually kids these days change schools. Reasons vary from academics, sports teams, friends, better teachers, etc. I have two kids currently in high school and I see it regularly. It's entirely different than when I was in school.
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