Would You Visit Casey if You Were Cindy, George, or Lee?

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Aug 12, 2008
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If you were allowed, would you visit your daughter on the eve of her death penalty hearing?

I am going to talk now as a mother.
No matter what I felt,
if I was allowed to see my daughter on the eve of her Death Penalty phase.........
I would be there.
I don't think I could stay away.
I would not support what she did, I would not lie or cover up, but I would let her know I loved her always.
Esp. CA/GA/LA seem to support her and lie for her but do not visit her???

What would you do as a parent?

I think they do not visit because they KNOW what happened and are afraid it will come out on tape!
As a mom, I would be there EVERYDAY for my child. I would assume if she did this she needed professional help of some sort. I would stand by her, I would not support make excuses for her actions, however, I would stand by her so that she had the strength to serve what ever time given to her. I would also try to deter the death sentence.
YES....but she would have the right to refuse the visit. But....as a parent.....I would never give up the effort to try.
I would go also. The only way I could deal with this is to continue to see my child, the child I raised, the child I love.
If I were me ~ certainly I would.

But if I were Cindy and George, no. Because they have discovered other devious methods of communicating, as evidenced by their admissions. They have chosen to sacrifice real time and emotions for image. They continue to live their lives that was built in a house of cards. How sad that they think this choice is more profitable.
Yes, I would. And I think Cindy and George would too, if Casey would let them.

It's not up to Cindy and George. Casey has the right to refuse any visits and it's my opinion that the Anthony's have been told if they attempt to visit her, she will refuse them.
YES! Nothing would stop me from trying to see my child! Now, if my child refused to see me that's another thing, but I would never stop trying to visit my child. I wouldn't care if the visits were taped or what the public thought of me, my child or our visits! Seeing my child would be more important than anything else! I would say to heck with the public and what they thought! Casey is facing the death penalty - time spent with her could be very limited if she is found guilty - yet the A's aren't taking the opportunity to spend as much time as they can with her. That's crazy to me.
I would certainly see her if she let me. Unconditional love is unconditional.

But I would never make excuses for her or tell half-truths and mistruths on her behalf or about her conduct. You can support someone with love without condoning what they did and you can set an example by refusing to accept anything but the truth. It's the thing that separates parents from people who are just trying to have their kids like them. I doubt anyone in that family has the guts to deal with that level of truth, though. It's more like a Sopranos kind of irrational loyalty that supercedes reason and is a substitute for real concern or affection.
Yes, I would definitely go - and if she refused to see me I would just keep on trying.

I would say first thing - I don't want to discuss the case because we are being taped, but I would want to know how she was, and if she needed anything, and if she felt her lawyer was still helping her, those kinds of things without specifics. And to tell her no matter what I love her, and she is always in my heart. When my daughter was young, I used to kiss her palm and tell her to keep the kiss in her pocket so she would always have one when she needed it.

But I wouldn't lie to anyone. If the press asked me questions, I would say, please no comment. She is my daughter and I love her.
I honestly don't know if I would want to see her or not. She murdered my grandchild and I don't know if I could get beyond that. Knowing how she murdered that baby and how that little girl must have suffered...I don't know if I would ever want to see my child again. That sounds really hard but what she did to that baby is worse. I'm the odd one out here so far but that is the way I feel.
KC would have been disowned from my family if she was my child and had been a lying sociopath for years.

I would visit her and demand that she IMMEDIATELY confess the truth. I would bring our priest with me (probably more to keep me from breaking the visitors' glass and slapping her).

KC is a murdering sociopath and I would not be able to be therapeutic with my own child who had rejected everything my church, family, friends, and community had ever taught her. This sociopath even attempted to blame her father and brother for her "sins" by suggesting that they molested her. I would fear that I would be blamed next. She would feel no remorse at "confessing" that she saw me murder Caylee with a chainsaw or God-only-knows what.
I would want to visit my child. But, if my child's defense lawyer said that my visits would jeopardize my child's case, I wouldn't visit. I've seen videos of George and Cindy visiting Casey. I don't think those videos present Casey in a very good light. Actually they are damaging. Despite any warnings from her lawyers, Casey let loose in the videos with her parents...she pouted...made faces...clenched her fists (like a killer)...she was rude, she threw a fit because her parents wanted to talk about their own and Caylee's sufferings instead of HER!

Casey is a loose cannon. Even if George and Cindy desperately want to see her, I don't think Casey can control herself when she's with them. With good reason Casey's lawyers don't trust her to make more vidoes with them.

I would support and love my child no matter what he or she did. I'd attend every hearing. I'd be there anytime I could help. If, according to my child's defense attorney, "helping" meant no jail visits I'd comply.
Yes of course without a moments hesitation. I love my children and I have done everything in my power to teach them right from wrong, compassion, empathy, among many things. I have said this to my Husband and I don't mind to post it here: There is absolutely nothing~ I mean nothing~ that one of my children could do that would make me stop loving them and to make me turn my heart away from them.

I am their Mother. I made that commitment to them before I knew them while I carried them within me. It was sealed the first time I held them and kissed their heads.

I'm not CA/GA and I do not have a child such as KC. I can't fathom what it is to be them and behave as they have and to also have a daughter that would commit such a gruesome murder.

ETA: I also meant to say that I wouldn't care one hoot who taped me or televised me telling my child that I loved them. Nothing but the child refusing to see me would keep me away.
Since my first response, I've put even more thought into this. And added even another layer on ~ If it were my husband the answer would be no; but my child ~ yes.

It's both a matter of maternal love plus responsibility.

And thought about Jolynna's excellent post, too. Good in protecting your child that you love but as hard as it would be, I think that's only an extension of how Casey's parents have failed her for her entire life. They tried to "help" her get out of the results of her actions her whole life long. That's why she's where she is now. IMHO, complying with JB's (or whoever's) advice is only an endorsement of the original problem.
I have a hard time with this question. The reason being that the question to me seems short. I read it like this:

If you knew what Cindy knows about the crime, would you go and visit KC?

When you think, Cindy cleaned up the trunk, washed the clothes, recognised the Pooh blanket and hamper from the house that the body was wrapped in, smelled the decay and knows what heinous crime her monster of a daughter committed.

If I were her, knowing what she knows, there is no way I would want to have anything to do with my daughter. I don't even know how she can sleep at night knowing what she knows.

I wonder if the family dynamics is such that Cindy has such a controlling and self-centered perception that she actually has a guilt complex about indirectly making or driving KC to do it. Like KC, it is actually all about HER in her head; KC is so weak that she caved under Cindy's strength and now Cindy needs to stand by her.

So, no way would I go see KC.
I love my kids and nothing could ever take that away. As for Casey if she were my daughter No I think I would have disowned her and let her lay in the bed she made for herself. She has made some awful accusations against Lee and George everything she has done is evil. I think I'd be more concerned with my grandchild getting the justice she deserved.
If this was my child, yes I would go and visit her/him in jail and/or prison every single day that is allowable for visitation. I would also be there on the day of execution. IMO, a mother's love is unconditional and I would do everything I could to spend as much time with my child that I could.
Excellent thoughts so far! As a mother, I would go and make every attempt to see my child. If she refused my visits, I would inform her via her lawyer or mail that I would be present at each and every visiting day waiting to see her.

From the get go ( or from "Day One..") I would not have done anything that the A's did. I would not lie, tell mistruths, blame innocent people or participate in any clean up. I would cooperate fully with the police, and I would not speak to the media at all. I would secure the services of a good lawyer, encourage my child to tell the truth, and be on my knees praying around the clock.

I have made every effort to teach my children right from wrong and have told them over and over that I will always love them, but they are responsible for their life choices.

While I have never hit my children, I think that when said child was either not yet arrested or out on bail, we would have a real "Come to Jesus" meeting and I would open up a can of Whoopass until I got at the truth. :innocent:
I have a hard time with this question. The reason being that the question to me seems short. I read it like this:

If you knew what Cindy knows about the crime, would you go and visit KC?

When you think, Cindy cleaned up the trunk, washed the clothes, recognised the Pooh blanket and hamper from the house that the body was wrapped in, smelled the decay and knows what heinous crime her monster of a daughter committed.

If I were her, knowing what she knows, there is no way I would want to have anything to do with my daughter. I don't even know how she can sleep at night knowing what she knows.

Respectfully snipped.

ITA with the above. Cindy knows that KC killed her granddaughter
1. out of spite to punish HER, or
2. to eliminate obstacles (responsibilities of child care), or
3. all of the above

To protect my other child, husband, mother, brother, myself, and myself. I would help LE put her in prison for life, so she couldn’t kill/injure anyone else. I would force my entire family into counseling to help them realize that that my daughter has APD. They must learn that treatment for this disorder is extremely unsuccessful and incurable if the individual is resistant. Because she will always be looking for her next victim, it would become my “new” mothering responsibility to protect others physically and emotionally from her. To accomplish this I would strongly discourage anyone except my priest from visiting/contacting her.
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