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  1. C

    MI - Three siblings in juvenile detention for contempt, Pontiac, 9 July 2015

    My knowledge comes from working many years in a consular section of an Israeli consulate in the States. Israel has a Two Parent Consent Law. Children cannot leave Israel to travel without the consent of both parents. She smuggled them out, and hasn't gone back to Israel since, because she knows...
  2. C

    Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #11

    Good riddance to bad, bad rubbish. Now she'll fade into obscurity pretty quickly. If she had gotten the death penalty, we would still be hearing about her for years from all kinds of anti-DP advocates. So she'll be in general population and she can socialize. Big deal. Let her go be Queen of...
  3. C

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    I apologize I did not have time to read this thread, so if this report was already posted, I apologize for the duplicate. Saw this article, immediately thought about this case.
  4. C

    NY NY - Sara Lepkofker, 56, New York City, 8 May 1997

    Wild stab in the dark here... What was her profession? Could she possibly have stumbled across information someone didn't want her to have? For some reason I am wondering if she was a bookkeeper and maybe saw something someone wanted to hide, who then murdered her and tried to obliterate her...
  5. C

    NY - Jude Mirra, 8, autistic, poisoned in Manhattan hotel room, 5 Feb 2010 *guilty, found dead suicide 2023*

    What an incredibly tangled web. Mom is currently chewing up her 12th defense attorney; she's gone through 11 previously in the past year alone, with a nonstop stream of motions that presently fill 7 bankers' boxes at the courthouse. If the subject of this case weren't so terribly sad, it...
  6. C

    CA - Elliot Rodger kills 6, injures 13 in Isla Vista, Near UC Santa Barbara, #2

    Here ya go: Elliot Rodger's "Manifesto" If the link doesn't work, it is the first search result when you Google Elliot Rodger Manifesto.
  7. C

    GUILTY PA - Troy LaFerrara, 42, dies in Craigslist thrill killing, Sunbury, 11 Nov 2013

    This caught my eye on the news so of course I came hear to read what everyone else thinks! Before I go back to read from the beginning, I'm just going to note that in the news clip I saw, she was emerging from a door, cuffed, in an orange prison jumsuit. Just as she comes out of the door...
  8. C

    Arias files motion to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi

    LOL! Just saw this news bulletin, came straight here to read all about it. If I were Nurmi, I'd carry that letter around as a badge of pride. I think the DSM should add "bonkers" as a classification, with a picture of Jodi under "details," with the description 'stark raving.'
  9. C

    trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #142

    Re the photo and what's in the reflection in Travis' eyes, when Juan Martinez says he thinks he might see a chihuahua holding the camera, can he tell if it was shaking? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
  10. C

    trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #127

    "Isn't it true that it is your opinion that cannot be verified?" Bing. O. :great: One groaning, moaning, shuffling step closer to justice for Travis.
  11. C

    SIDEBAR- Arias/Alexander forum

    "...and he has the nerve to tell me to balance my checkbook. Nay, he didn't just tell me, he screamed it at me..." Show of hands, folks. How many of us in here have ever used the term "Nay" other than in a school play, or if we accidentally misspell that thing that horses do. What's...
  12. C

    trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #120

    Oh, this statement by Nurmi is simply wonderful. He knows the judge asks the jury whether they've seen any information in the media, "but to believe them would be a total fiction." He's just assuming, a priori, based on nothing except nothing, that surely the jury must be lying. Mr. Nurmi...
  13. C

    trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

    (As always I'm about three threads behind but not wanting to miss any comments from you wise and wonderful 'sleuthers.) One thing I'm noticing about ALV's testimony is that Jodi is always faultless, always impeccable, never makes a wrong move, does everything perfectly. Jodi is always...
  14. C

    SIDEBAR- Arias/Alexander forum

    This Wilmott is grating on my last nerve. What's with the chipper cheeriness? "So you slashed his throat from ear-to-ear, arrright, and then what" "So you stabbed him in the back 27 times, arrright, and then what" "Most of the stabs were in the area near the heart, arrrright, and then...
  15. C

    Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

    Maybe she meant 7:30 - 8, like 7:30-ish?
  16. C

    Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

    Catching up and will be trying to read the entire thread, meantime, I so much appreciate all the insights! Pls forgive if someone mentioned this earlier. One of the things that struck me most about the new video is the casual way she reached over, picked up the wastebasket, rifled through...
  17. C

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    "Now when you say you were shaking, Miss Arias, how badly were you shaking?" Whaaa? Did I miss something in civics class? Do we have a constitutional right to be spared all shaking while being cross-examined when we're on trial for murder? Good to know. This is ridiculous. I don't...
  18. C

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

    Quick comment before leaving for work: When JA is asked why she called 911 when Bobby shook her, but didn't call when Travis hit her, she says that a previous attempt to call 911 "didn't go well." Of course, Jodi being Jodi, she embellished by adding that the previous attempt had occurred "years...
  19. C

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

    Did that <modsnip> just say that Jodi is making up stories because she's afraid the Mormons are out to sacrifice her as a way of cleansing sin?
  20. C

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Oof, I wish I could keep up better with the threads! I'm still on page 15 of #64. Listening to InSession while getting ready to leave for work. So Jodi is trying to convince us that she was in mortal terror, managed to get into the closet to get the gun, found herself momentarily...

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