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  1. B

    Outburst during JS hearing!

    BetteDavisEyes, what jurisdictions? I walk into Michigan courtrooms all the time with no hassle. And area federal courts; I went to a couple of the "underwear bomber" hearings and was not questioned about my purpose. Metal detectors are pretty standard in many courthouses and have been for...
  2. B

    Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

    Taxpayer dollars. This is a massively expensive case as Judge has mentioned several times and Florida is really hurting fiscally.
  3. B

    Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

    Yikes, what "dirty little secret" comment? I could kick myself for having the sound turned down most of the day! and my DVR doesn't appear to have been working!
  4. B

    Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

    The TruTV / In Session analysts are going crazy over this. Analyzing everyone's facial expressions, etc. They seem to feel the judge's demeanor changed quite a bit and are wondering if the defense team has gone above the judge's head (however that works) to complain about the jury selection...
  5. B

    Q & A for our NEWCOMERS! Ask a question and leave an answer! *NO DISCUSSIONS*

    Hi and thanks for this thread. I'm getting the drift that Caylee's father has never been identified -- is this really the case? Does anyone think Casey knows who it is? Thanks!
  6. B

    2011.05.17 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eight)

    Thanks so much, Ynotdivein! Actually I have been part of Websleuths off and on since the very original Jonbenet days and it's wonderful that the site has been nurtured and grown so much by Tricia.... but things are so complicated with this case that it will be neat to have an area for us...
  7. B

    2011.05.17 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eight)

    Hi Everyone, Really enjoying the discussion; you all are so well-informed. I didn't follow this case as I normally would have, due to a variety of things going on in life. Trying to catch up now -- and I notice there is a huge uptick in the "number viewing" of these threads. So, I was...
  8. B

    Do the defense really believe they can get a 'Not guilty" verdict

    Not even the most arrogant, egotistical, delusional defender could seriously believe that Casey Anthony will ever walk free again. As others have said, this is just a matter of saving her from the lethal injection. (For what, though? Fifty years behind bars instead of the 20 an appeal would...
  9. B

    What grade would you give Judge Perry so far with the jury selection

    I'm impressed though I think he's being a bit lenient with some trumped-up excuses. Vacations, the Catholic lady, etc. -- would not cut it if I were him. Though I'm sure having hostile, reluctant jurors does no one any good. I thought he was a bit condescending with the woman w/young children...
  10. B

    How Are You Going To Watch Trial ? Live Feed & Smart Phone Info

    Darn, I tried to install TuneInRadio on my iPhone and it says "not compatible; requires 4.0 software update" (i have a 3G iPhone hand-me-down from family member; so i take it the 4.0 update is not going to work on this phone?) Any other ways to listen via smartphone? What about just going...
  11. B

    Could you sit on this jury?

    I could do it. I'm self-employed and while the loss of income would pinch, I don't live hand to mouth and have a modest mortgage, no car payment, etc. so savings and the $600/month jury pay would cover bills. I'm single, no kids, no pets so the isolation would not be jarring. I would miss...
  12. B

    Why Have George and Cindy Requested a Video Visitation With Casey?

    I agree; something tells me this was a charade orchestrated in advance and that Cindy knew darn well she wouldn't be received. The defense just needed to get on record that Casey refused a visit on the eve of her trial, when one might be expected to welcome any moral support. The implication...
  13. B

    Tru-TV/IN session Caylee Anthony coverage #2

    Hi, this is a great thread. Sorry if this has been discussed but: When the trial starts will TruTV/InSession broadcast all day long, or only till 3 p.m.? Will it be otherwise available on, say, the Orlando Sentinel site? (I find their organization of trial material to be horrible, and I say...
  14. B

    The Presence of the Ransom Note

    Wow, great thread. I too have always thought that the ransom note did not in any way benefit an intruder in any scenario. You do not leave a long rambling ransom note for a corpse in the basement. You do not accidentally cause the death of your intended kidnappee and say "What the hell...
  15. B

    Pageant/showbiz moms show?

    Hi Everyone, Yesterday I believe I saw a promo ad for an upcoming TV news program about kiddie pageants/showbiz moms, etc. -- now I can't remember what network, night and time it will be on. Can anyone enlighten me? It was probably one of the cable networks. thanks!!!

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