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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. mkay882

    How much time will Ron get?

    He has been called a suspect by Asst. States Atty Lewis. An unheard of term these days without something major to back it up. "....... Lewis said Croslin only came forward when he faced a lengthy prison...
  2. mkay882

    How much time will Ron get?

    According to Kim P. attorney for Crystal (at one time) Ron's charges, although unlikely, could even be dropped. I reiterate KP said "could be but is unlikely" So, yes, I would assume all of that is left up to the discretion of the judge. BTW, I read that from KP on Radio's site where a Q&A...
  3. mkay882

    How much time will Ron get?

    :waitasec: I predict 15 years 10 suspended Credit for time served Released in 2 years with probation.
  4. mkay882

    Is it possible that someone acted alone? *Poll added*

    That's true LE hasn't said much. However they have stated Haleigh's parents are not suspects. They are the only two who LE has 'cleared' in this abduction. Well them and the RSO's in the area. That much has been shared with the public.
  5. mkay882

    Reasons Terri May or May Not Have Done it

    I have to say I fully believe TMH is guilty of whatever happened to Kyron and that hate is one of the reasons. Hate and money. KH says after baby "K" was born they started having problems, they worked on them and he felt they had settled things. That said, Terri may not have seen things as...
  6. mkay882

    Is it possible that someone acted alone? *Poll added*

    To me Ron sneaking out of work early, cleaning up evidence then making a drive to the store as an alibi doesn't work. That makes the whole deal much too convoluted and gives more people more chances to have seen him out and about or employees to notice him missing at some point. We have no one...
  7. mkay882

    Kyron's Fate ***POLL***

    In my scenario Kyron died at the hands of TH alone. IMO: TH told Kyron to meet her at the truck instead of going to class. Kyron did as she told him out of fear of provoking TH's wrath. TH smothered or strangled Kyron and dumped him. If Kyron's remains are eventually found they will be...
  8. mkay882

    2/22/09 Neighbor heard yelling @ 2:25AM with link.

    Maybe it can be purchased through archives?
  9. mkay882

    2/22/09 Neighbor heard yelling @ 2:25AM with link.

    This link no longer works but was saved in my Notepad: Haleigh Cummings' Disappearance 1 Year Later SATSUMA -- Wednesday marks one year since Haleigh Cummings vanished from her...
  10. mkay882

    2/22/09 Neighbor heard yelling @ 2:25AM with link.

    Misty didn't answer Ron's calls, but there is nothing to say she simply avoided him that night by looking at the ID whenever her phone rang. I believe Ron may have finally texted Misty to inform her that he had to work overtime whenever she wouldn't answer. Another scenario I can see...
  11. mkay882

    OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #3

    That made me wonder if Kyron might be trying to join/find his step brother on the camping trip.
  12. mkay882

    2010.06.03 Misty and Tommy's court appearance

    5 minutes in court, before Ron's trial date, can have it delayed until after Misty goes to trial. :banghead:
  13. mkay882

    Did Haleigh die in the mobile home?

    Still undecided to where Haleigh died... Did the cadaver dogs get to 'sniff' the clothing of TC, JO and Misty? Could it have been one of their articles of clothing the dogs hit on in the dumpster search? Would the smell of her death linger on their clothes?
  14. mkay882

    2010.05.17 Issues with JVM show thread

    :waitasec: Maybe LE doesn't want Ron for anything related to Haleigh's murder.?
  15. mkay882

    BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

    It was a REMOTE shut off switch this rig did not have.
  16. mkay882

    TX - Hank Skinner, awaiting last-minute stay of execution, seeks DNA test

    I think if there is DNA available in a case it should be automatically run before someone is sent to the death chamber. :waitasec: As often as we hear about innocent people released after YEARS in jail, I think we owe death-row inmates that much. What if he is innocent and DNA is/was...
  17. mkay882

    Tommy's activities in Feb. 2009

    Here is the transcript of the dispatch.
  18. mkay882

    GUILTY NY - Bernard Madoff charged in $50 billion fraud, 2008 - dies Apr 2021

    If DNA or video offers proof I say 30 days tops to carry out death penalty. That might serve to curb some of these type crimes if criminals actually see some justice being meted out in a timely manner.
  19. mkay882

    Sandra Bullock moves out of family home

    I hope I live long enough to see her body at 60-65 years of age... All those wilted blooms. Ugh. :eek:
  20. mkay882

    Sandra Bullock moves out of family home

    Gross! Let's just say I wouldn't touch that with my neighbors'.... Never mind.

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