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DNA Solves
  1. M

    What if another parent from Skyline abducted Kyron?

    My initial belief was that he was taken on foot away from the school, but either an older student or an adult. I still believe this is a possibility. If an older student is resposible and killed Kyron in the process, I think they could have had help from older friends or parents to...
  2. M

    Kaine explains the car swap

    Maybe the car seat was already in the truck and it was easier to just take the truck instead of reinstalling the seat?
  3. M

    Kaine explains the car swap

    2 kids, one of which is in a car seat and a science project in the back of a 'stang? I can see whe she needed the pick up.
  4. M

    Is Terri's arrest imminent?

    I don't think they have anything to nail her on. I mean, the murder for hire plot didn't pan out! I don't understand why, if they believe the murder for hire story is true, they haven't arrested her.
  5. M

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    I hope Kaine doesn't eat anything left behind in that house!
  6. M

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    BBM- Yep, I am just about off the fence too... I wonder if this was all some well thought out plan of her attorney's and there is some long term strategy? I just don't get it
  7. M

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    Maybe Terri knows she won't be around to parent her baby. I still have an ominous feeling that she may take her own life. Her marriage is over, her children are gone and her reputation ruined. What else does she have to live for?
  8. M

    If Terri truly had no part in Kyron's disappearance...

    BBM- First, I never take my toddler to school events if I have a choice. He is a wild animal, hates being in the stroller and our school discourages bringing siblings to class parties and other activities because they can be disruptive. Second- I don't know if it has been confirmed that...
  9. M

    If Terri truly had no part in Kyron's disappearance...

    I remain on the fence, but on any given day (sometimes multiple times a day) I slide one way or the other. I am not convinced TH is involved, but if she isn't, she has some terrible luck (and extremely bad judgement). To answer the OP's question- I think it is entirely possible that if TH is...
  10. M

    Searchers return to area near skyline school.

    I have felt Kyron was within walking distance of the school all along. This was before all the bad stuff came out about Terri... makes me wonder agaom about her involvement. Back up on the fence I climb.
  11. M

    Can a Toddler shed any light?

    Some toddlers are more verbal than others, but their recollection and understanding of events wouldn't be reliable. My son is 18 months old and answers an enthusiastic "YES!!!!!" to everything. My teenagers thinks it's great because they ask him "Jonah, do you like to eat cat poo?" and he...
  12. M

    POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

    I don't know how they maintain their composure. I can guarantee that if I was convinced that someone knew the whereabouts of my missing child, I would go give them the beating of a lifetime until they confessed. And I am not a violent person at all. Just imagining DY's pain, makes my blood...
  13. M

    POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

    I agree with all of this, especially the bolded, and I am married to my baby-daddy! We went around and around and waited a year to medicate because my DH was so appehensive about it.
  14. M

    Tipster saw TH truck 6/4 AM near SI

    This new tip saddens me. The tipster only believes they saw Terri, not Kyron too (unless they left that bit of info out of the news report). If she is responsible, she has been incredibly lucky so far, which no reliable witnesses to her whereabouts. This may change everything.
  15. M

    Tipster saw TH truck 6/4 AM near SI

    Oh snap! If this tip can be verified, I bet Terri will start talking.
  16. M

    Kaine Horman

    My heart goes out to him... I am sure he is beating himself up over things that he couldn't have known. :( I was a fence sitter for a long time, and now I think it is pretty obvious that TH has knowledge of his whereabouts. I just can't imagine putting someone, even my worst enemy though that...
  17. M

    If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

    I think LE is taking a huge risk by waiting on an arrest. If Terri does have a form of mental illness or even if she doesn't, the stress of her world falling apart may drive her to do something harmful to herself and if that happens, they may never know what happened to Kyron.
  18. M

    If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

    So now I wonder... if Terri is suffering from PPD, PPP or some other mental illness she is not being treated for, could that alter the results of a polygraph and make her appear deceptive when she is not? How does untreated mental illness affect the results of LD and other personality tests?
  19. M

    If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

    Good points. I wonder though if arresting her might expedite her confession (if she is guilty) because she would be hoping to negotiate a deal.
  20. M

    If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

    I don't think that is weak, I think it is very possible. Also, I still have a hard time explaining TH getting Kyron out of the school with our anyone seeing anything. Anybody. If she did, then she should go buy some lottery tickets because that is some really great luck!

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