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  1. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

    i napped as well. and my son, (he's only FIVE) just went to bed as well. tonight has been fun!! i get so mad when i'm frustrated to the max with my little boy, and still kiss him sweetly goodnight (for the 12th time) and tuck him in, and then get on here and read these cases involving...
  2. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

    hey all. haven't posted on this in a minute, seeing as tho not much has changed and casey and cindy are still as batshiz crazy as ever. i keep waiting for the day the case breaks. @ least there are some late-nighters out there like me.
  3. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #16

    do people on here get excited when something they realized/posted on first becomes like something a lot of people agree on, and ever have the urge to announce "hey, i found that first" lol... or am i a huge egotistically dork? :woohoo:
  4. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #16

    i haven't had many posts, and i'm not big on theorizing so much as asking questions, linking things i've found/read, etc. but like... i understand what you're saying, but @ the same time, i kind of hope they ARE reading it. everyone has a right to have an opinion, and "freedom of speech" and...
  5. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #16

    i asked about this yesterday which led to a lot of name googling and myspace searching and trying to come up w/ connects as to how the mike mentioned with kristina is the same mike mentioned by patrick at the jail visit. check out general discussion 15.
  6. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    what's the link to this girl's page? i guess i'm confused as to what you're asking.
  7. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    i searched for mike walker in orlando on a regular myspace search, and found one that was originally FROM new york... but he hadn't been logged into his myspace in like 2 years. sometime in 2006. who knows...
  8. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    that's what i was kinda wondering. if it was like a "hey, don't worry, no one knows" kinda "keep your head up" message. idk... @ this point, anything could be anything and still mean nothing. yeah, confusing like like. lol.
  9. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    exactly, which is what confused me. because generally, i wouldn't have thought anything of the fact that some patrick guy mentioned a mike that they both knew. it really did just sound like he was trying to jog her memory as to where she might kno him. but then 2 minutes later i was reading...
  10. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    yeah, that's the name that the patrick guy said they both knew or had in common right? but who is "mike" that she is talking about on the jail call to home that she wants to try to call after asking for tony's number... could they be the same person? i mean just odd some random guy shows...
  11. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15 the part i'm talking about is when she's talking with kristina... she asks for tony's number. says she wants to talk to him, and then says, "i want to actually try and call mike"
  12. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haven't caught up w/ these posts yet. but i can't HEAR the calls from jail, but i read the transcript from a link posted... did anyone catch this part?? "I will call you tomorrow," Casey Anthony said. "I want to talk to him really quick. I wanted to actually try and...
  13. abrakadabra

    A Letter From Rev. Richard

    hey rev. i'm glad you wrote in a letter to a mod for her to post. i posted your reply to my e-mail from myspace [abra] and most people seemed to genuinely believe everything you told me and felt better for anything they might have thought or said after the fact. hope you are feeling a little...
  14. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #14 link to Kristina Chester's myspace... the friend on the jail call. looks to have a boy about the same age as caylee... only 4 comments total, one being from Casey on June 20th.
  15. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #14

    hey!! just realized these boards were back up. but, not sure if anyone copied this... but i posted it in the temp form, and on insessions... i emailed jesse's dad last night, after he came here and after the blog he wrote. i asked him a few questions, and here's his reply... don't kno why...
  16. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

    hey all... so, i took it upon myself to message jesse's dad on his myspace, from mine, and simply ask him what we all have wanted to kno... could jesse be the dad. i explained that that is why (in my opinion) many of started talking about him/his family to begin with... no one knew where...
  17. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

    STILL not the right link lol... but i'ma send him a message and flat out ASK him if jesse could be the dad. wouldn't that save a LOT of speculation?
  18. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 years old #12 General Discussion

    this might have been mentioned already (i'm still catching up) but i think maybe cindy called about the car first, because casey may have lied and said caylee was with so and so, or what not. maybe after the first 911 call cindy was grilling casey and realizing she hadn't seen her granddaughter...
  19. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 years old #10-General Discussion

    drugs are weird that way. my son is severly ADHD and we noticed the first symptoms were that downers upped him and uppers downed him. for instance... benadryl and him mixed produced hell, but i'd gladly give him a glass of mt. dew before bed, lol. maybe cindy has had the same kind of...
  20. abrakadabra

    Caylee Anthony 2 years old #10-General Discussion

    alcohol has provided me stupid things to say once or twice :crazy:. thankfully i'm not dumb enough to try to mix it w/ xanax or another drug like it.

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