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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. W

    Was Joe involved?

    If you watch Joe in his press release sitting there next to his lawyer. Watch his eye's and I see a liar. There was no reason for Joe to kill this little girl over a gun that belonged to Ron. I think Joe was helping Misty cover up a crime.
  2. W

    2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

    I voted NO. Misty was pissed off about having to watch those children that night. So I think its Misty who is responsible for the death of that child. Tommy was used to help her get rid of the evidence and body. I think Joe was used to help dump the body. Why they took 14 months to tell the...
  3. W

    2010.04.16 How many stories have we got now?

    I believe the Oxycotton Story. I think that Haleigh accidently gotten into his dad's med's and died. Tommy and Joe was called to the place to get rid of Haleigh. Misty is the ring leader in all this.
  4. W

    2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

    I read all the way up to page 70 and wow I have to take a break. She accuses her brother Lee of molestation, and how she has no family now. She is one ungrateful stubborn woman. Then she makes the comment that the real Zanny is a friend of hers for the last 4 years and she doesn't think she is...
  5. W

    The night Haleigh disappeared ***REVISITED 03/2010***

    I am sorry if there might already be a thread of this but I didn't see one. The night the little girl disappeared does anyone know if Misty had access to a car or was she on foot? I think something happened and it might have been accidental. If Misty didn't have access to a car then she had...
  6. W

    Casey files for-Indigency; Defense reveals how much it's been paid!

    I know she is entitled to a public defender but is the tax payers going to pay for this expensive dream team of hers. I am glad I am not in Florida. As a tax payer I would be steaming. Casey made the option to murder her own child. The tax payers should not be forced to pay for such a dream...
  7. W

    Kronk's Ex-Wife Questioned By Prosecutors

    I listened to her interview on Nancy Grace Friday my opinion she does not act like a woman who has been battered. My personal thoughts is she is lying & appears by her behavior its just a grind to ax with Mr Kronk. She shows no signs of an battered woman. Second why couldn't she travel to...
  8. W

    Kronk's Ex-Wife Questioned By Prosecutors

    Where are the police reports that prove she was battered by Mr. Kronk? I am pretty sure the D.A. checked Kronk's history with a fine tooth and nail. No where is there been reports that Kronk abused his ex wife. Do you have these police reports that support your statement of her being a battered...
  9. W

    Touch DNA

    If the item's were tested that was found at the remains site for touch DNA it would exclude the defense's theory of Kronk. I am curious if they tested that syringe, gatorade bottle, garbage bags, duct tape & if they could test the car itself like the steering wheel like another poster mentioned...
  10. W

    Touch DNA

    I know this is actually new in forensic's. But I wonder if they were able to retrieve any touch DNA off the Gatorade Bottle, and all the other evidence collected at the site where her remains were found. Could this be what the D.A. wants to hide from the Defense Team. Could this be the smoking gun.
  11. W

    2010.02.16 Document Release: Stain on Trunk Liner

    I watch forensic files on TrueTv every night. One case they had on there they were able to retrieve a facial impression off a garbage bag that was used to smother this woman. I wonder if there was any impressions left on that garbage bag or fingerprints.
  12. W

    New Letter from Prisoner to Judge Released 1-2010

    Okay where is the bag Casey took that had all the drugs and $25,000.00 in cash in the duffel bag she stole from the drug dealer at the hilton. I do not believe this letter. I bet Cindy wrote it.
  13. W

    The dead squirrel

    Could this have been the day she really dumped Caylee's body. We all know she lied about the squirel.
  14. W

    Caylee not in woods until after Casey was locked up proves she's innocent.

    I do not think its going to work with all the evidence recovered at the crime scene. Its going to be common sense and the jury will read right through it all. No offense their not good at lying. How are they going to explain the clothes caylee was found wearing was what george last seen her in...
  15. W

    2009.10.26 - Nancy Grace

    The cavader dogs signaled them to the dumpster. I believe that dumpster & the landfill is where Haleigh's at. I think Misty (like casey) gave the little girl something to go to sleep and the poor little girl over dosed. I think their search should be at the landfill. Why else would the dogs...
  16. W

    Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

    I think the 9-11 call was apart of their cover up. Why else would you tamper with evidence first and then dial 9-11. We all know from the beginning Casey and Cindy both tried to set up Zanny till the truth came out, and then they started targeting Jesse. But who knows the real truth. They could...
  17. W

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #6 (New Smoking Gun Theories for DP)

    I do not think I have read any where if the trash bags were tested for finger prints. I think there was something there with the remains that links Casey to the crime and it has not been in the document dump yet. As that old saying " its not over till the fat lady sings ". I think the smoking...
  18. W

    Stain in Trunk May Show Outline of Child**REVISIT FOR READING*

    YouTube - Geraldo with Jose Baez 10/4/09 Part 2
  19. W

    The elusive "other" cell phone - the Blackjack - REVISITED

    Did L.E. ever check cell towers for this missing cell phone?
  20. W

    If you were the Grunds?

    I would wait till the trial is over with to see what kind of accusations come out of Cindy's mouth, and then I would sue her for defamation of character.

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