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  1. JusticeorJustUs

    Since When Does the Defense Do the Investigation?

    Exactly! Ok, everyone with me now (to the tune of The Byrd's song...) "To every truth... spin, spin, spin There is a reason... spin, spin, spin Just a-nother chance to cover Casey's a...rr....$$ A time to deny. A time to spin. A time to lie. No time for the truth...
  2. JusticeorJustUs

    Found Safe TN - Katharine & Robert Baskin, Murfreesboro, 1 March 1989

    I haven't found out anything yet but, in all fairness to Det. Flagg, I discovered that my phone batter went dead and I didn't know it for two or three days. (I'm not a phone person until I need it. :( ) I did put in another call to her apologizing for this. LOL Cakegirl. I have Liberty...
  3. JusticeorJustUs

    Skeletal Remains of child just found 1/3 mile from anthony home

    I feel like I'm going to be ill. :( I didn't think that possibly finding the little one, even knowing about the decomp, would hit me this hard. :(
  4. JusticeorJustUs

    IF KC Were to Plea - Reactions/Ramifications?

    Interesting series of questions. Interesting answers.
  5. JusticeorJustUs

    Cadaver Dogs, Search Dogs, K9 Units

    Sandy Anderson was a nutcase who was only interested in the notoriety and whatever money she could obtain from being sent here, there and everywhere. Ideas of grandieur. She was a pathological liar. Her mother even made the same claim. :( That rotten cow did more to damage the...
  6. JusticeorJustUs

    Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?

    I know many won't agree but I think not seeking the DP was the smartest thing the SA has done to date. This is a sociopathic b with an itch that will never, even if they took death off the table, so to speak, disclose how she killed her child or where she disposed of her child's body. As I...
  7. JusticeorJustUs

    Attorney Seeks To Spare Casey Anthony From Death Penalty

    Oh, how I agree, debs. Unfortunately I feel I must correct. Dear Jose: We live in the United States of America. Your client has been charged with capital murder which will cost the good citizens of the state of Florida a lot of money. You clearly have information about the case...
  8. JusticeorJustUs

    GUILTY NV - O.J. Simpson charged in Las Vegas armed robbery, 2007

    Sentenced to 15 years maximum ( everything ran concurrent) and eligible for parole in 7.5 years. Hope I added that up right, but that's how I got it. Woohoo! I guess that Nevada doesn't care who you are. The law is the same for everyone. Edited to add...I might just have to move...
  9. JusticeorJustUs

    Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

    OK. I had to be off because oxygen man was here. How the hell (pardon swear) do I go back and find out where I left off so that I don't ask stupid questions that have already been answered? I was able to answer one thread but it wasn't as fast moving as this thread is. Thanks in advance.
  10. JusticeorJustUs

    2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

    Thanks, Dutchie. Just...just thanks a whole lot. Now I have to clean the screen, keyboard (which might short out), desk and parts of the surrounding floor of Diet Pepsi. Not to mention the waste of a good mouthful and bottle (think backwash) of Diet Pepsi. <<<opens new bottle now while using...
  11. JusticeorJustUs

    2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

    I'm fed-up with GA playing the "poor me" thing. "I wish I was a better father and grandfather" and KC telling him (ego-boosting) all about how he was. Yes. He should have been a better father and grandfather. And, he could start now! Go to LE. Get immunity to tell the truth (provided...
  12. JusticeorJustUs

    Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

    Interesting to note that, after that "reward" announcement by CA and KC remark about that being half her bail in the visit of the 25th, the July 30 visit pretty much opens with KC bawling about how she wants to go home, etc. Funny that none of those genuine tears were shed for her daughter...
  13. JusticeorJustUs

    2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

    Oh, man. I'm having a real hard time transcribing this even as fast as I can type and even with pausing. This just slaps me hard in the face. Wow. GA to KC --- &#8220;I want you out of here.&#8221; Then, &#8220;Can I share something with you? The longer long this drags on (KC...
  14. JusticeorJustUs

    Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

    I'm afraid there's only one way I'd visit her if she was my daughter and that would be for 10 minutes alone, no LE, no cameras, no audio. Use that time to call for emergency services for her, but I'll come out with answers and those answers won't be about her appearance or the Zanny/Nanny...
  15. JusticeorJustUs


    Bold and color by me... Oh, for crying out loud. If they did not know that there was no sitter they'd have to be exactly what they are...the most neglectful and irresponsible grandparents that ever walked the face of the earth. As far as I'm concerned they should be charged along with KC...
  16. JusticeorJustUs

    Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

    Too late for that here. Meatballs w/noodles, sauce, greenbeans, bread. Then leave me alone! LOL <<bangs head on keyboard>> I so regret not keeping up with shorthand at times like this. I think this could be very, very revealing.
  17. JusticeorJustUs


    One of the things about prostitution and/or escort services is that there is a certain amount of annonymity on both parts. Neither is anything that's generally well-publicized. I can't see any way on this earth that any of the men she might have been with, if she was in that line of work...
  18. JusticeorJustUs

    Cindy Anthony Says Someone Hacked Her Email Account *REVISITED*

    Wow. I completely forgot that statement. LOL. Yeppers. Maybe she did learn that it's a crime. Oh, I so agree on the jail cell. I give it a month together in the same cell before they are at each others throats and the good citizens of the State of Florida are no longer supporting them...
  19. JusticeorJustUs

    Cindy Anthony Says Someone Hacked Her Email Account *REVISITED*

    That's not necessarily true. CA wouldn't "send" anything that was truly incriminating to Kathi B. I'm sure her claims are all spin. I think sending 2 of 4 emails that were written negatively about Kathi B. was a deliberate effort on her part. No, I don't think she expected Kathi B. to send...
  20. JusticeorJustUs

    Where is Caylee's stroller?

    I wish I knew re: MIA. I'm hoping that maybe someone here at WS has heard something about whether or not there was a stroller and if one is indeed missing. It crossed my mind after reading some of the posts that even if KC didn't have a stroller she could have easily picked one up for next...

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