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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    True story. I was backpacking with friends on San Gorgonio and we were warned to check our boots before putting them on in the morning. Of course, when you're groggy and tired you don't always think rationally, but in spite of that I did remember to check my boots. Unfortunately, I did it by...
  2. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum
  3. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

    This Cole Bartiromo? Birds of a feather...
  4. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

    Of course you are... (Sorry, Highlander is one of my favorite movies and I couldn't resist) Mine would be Boots Dunwoodie from Santee CA.
  5. Dr. Nick

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

    I've mentioned this a few times, but remember that some people are just incapable of understanding what "reasonable doubt" means. They can't wrap their heads around the idea that it doesn't mean "beyond any doubt", and that even though you might come up with a ridiculously unlikely and...
  6. Dr. Nick

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

    I suppose that's true, although I didn't speak to that one way or the other. I'd argue, however, that LWOP was their fallback position. The defense they chose was more suited to a Murder2 verdict, and that was their real hope until their witlesses :giggle: came unglued. For Jodi, I have no...
  7. Dr. Nick

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

    I hope that the next few days allow everyone who has become emotionally invested in this trial a chance to reflect and gain perspective. Some jurors looked at Jodi's life and her relationship with Travis and couldn't sentence her to death. You and I may disagree with their assessment, but they...
  8. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

    Sorry, but I happen to agree with her. In fact, I want her to have a shot at the ULTIMATE freedom. (That would have the added benefit of taking your last sentence from a mere figurative statement to something more literal.)
  9. Dr. Nick

    Penalty Phase #12

    Just out of curiosity, and I apologize if this was asked already, but where's Gus Searcy?
  10. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #4- Arias/Alexander forum

    I'm a licensed hearing aid dispenser and have a few returned units laying here collecting dust. If you think you'd benefit from a binaural set, or if you just need a backup to the one you have, send me a private message. I'd much rather give it someone instead of it sitting in a drawer. My 14...
  11. Dr. Nick

    SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

    I moved to NJ just a few years ago from San Diego and was immediately introduced to pork roll (Taylor Ham). I'm in a constant battle to keep my weight under 190 so it's not something I indulge in regularly, but it's good stuff. A stack of pork roll slices cooked until just crisp on the edges...
  12. Dr. Nick

    penalty phase #10

    I'm a moderator on NBC's fantasy sports forum and we track multiple aliases from the same IP address. I wasn't at all surprised to find people using two or more accounts to create the impression that other people were agreeing with everything they wrote. What DID surprise me was how many people...
  13. Dr. Nick

    aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

    Did someone say CAKE? :bdscroll: Happy Birthday!
  14. Dr. Nick

    aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

    In much the same way that I believed premeditation was beyond doubt, the extreme cruelty really can't be denied. The defensive wounds alone tell an horrific story. He grabbed the knife knowing exactly what it would do to his hands. Even after failing to control it the first time, he did it...
  15. Dr. Nick

    Aggravation phase #7

    Some judges have the reputation of being stern or intimidating. If nothing else, we've certainly learned that JSS is very approachable.
  16. Dr. Nick

    Aggravation phase #7

    My hope is that the Alexander family gets whatever outcome causes them the least pain. Nothing can fix what Jodi destroyed, but the immediate sense of loss and horror can fade. I don't think that a death sentence for Jodi will accomplish that for them. Giving Jodi a dozen opportunities to...
  17. Dr. Nick

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

    Probably a surplus computer from the White House circa 2001. (OK, this was denied and never proved, but still...coincidence? I think not.)
  18. Dr. Nick

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

    I think it's important to note that even though Jodi never went anywhere without her camera, it wasn't used to take the pictures that day. I doubt that Travis would have ever trusted her with those photos, and he probably thought that they would be safely in his keeping. We all have our...
  19. Dr. Nick

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

    In her interview after the conviction, Jodi doubled down on the pedophilia claim. She said something like "Travis fantasized about 12 year old girls, and that pretty much the definition of pedophilia." I've seen some posts here that seemed to echo that sentiment, and I think it's a huge leap to...
  20. Dr. Nick

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

    I grew up in San Diego and graduated from UCSD, so La Jolla is home for me. There is a small village of boutique shops and pricey restaurants and hotels perched on top of a cliff overlooking a picturesque cove. As you head north from there you pass through a large residential area that sits next...

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