2009.12.09 discovery docs to be released today

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This is just moo, but unless something in the garbage bag was found with true evidentiary value, I don't think it's a big deal.

Concerning the bag itself, many people lift it out of a container with the drawstring and never touch the sides. LE friends have told me that items can be covered with prints that are smudged and unreadable. I've rolled over 2000 fingerprints myself for FBI checks and even when one is trying hard, small imperfections can get them bounced. Pressure, the amount of oil on the fingers, all kinds of things can interfere with getting a useable print for recognition purposes. With a partial, or with only part of a legible print you still need a certain number of identification points, or minutiae to make a clear recognition match. That's hard enough to do when you're trying and you have the entire finger or palm; it's much harder when people handle things and don't use their full finger or swipe something.

It does look on TV like recognizable fingerprints are everywhere, but that is not always the case. It is often very difficult to get fingerprints clean enough for positive identification of an individual or that would hold up in court as such. Zero prints does not necessarily mean no fingerprints whatsoever, as in wiped clean; it can just mean no identifiable prints. From the way I read the report no prints simply means no recognizable prints in this case.

But let's look at whose fingerprints should be on the bag of domestic trash - KC and anyone living at AL's apt. So what? The only reason fingerprints would be of interest, is if Caylee's were on something in the bag, to show she was alive while KC was staying there, and children's fingerprints fade more quickly than adults. So even if everyone at AL's including KC had fingerprints on items in the bag, they would only be of interest if a specific item in the bag had evidentiary value. Empty food cartons just don't relate to the crime as far as I can see. A knife, a bottle of medicine or something else would be of value and would make fp identification important, but old receipts and Velveeta cartons are pretty irrelevant to the case or to any alternate scenario we've seen or imagined.

I sense absence of a "stranger's" prints seems to be bothersome for some reason. IIRC, the date of the trash bag and its contents post-dates the expected time Caylee's remains would have left the car, so a bag of trash being put in (perhaps to simply cover the smell already there) the trunk by KC herself does not seem to have much evidentiary value. If it were somehow retrieved by someone else, it would require a cumbersome and convoluted story as to how they got access to KC's car and trunk to begin with.

Thank you for your response. I feel better about the zero prints now. I still have some reservations as to why they waited 15 months before checking for prints though. My reason is this, if they had found any unexpected prints on this white trash bag, it might indicate someone assisted KC. It just seems like it would be SOP for such an important piece (pieces) of evidence. Thanks again.
Remember, if you don't break out the conversation into topic specific threads the information will be hard to search for in the future.
Find an old thread and add new information or start a new one if it is brand new discussion. If the previous discussion is really old and/or dated, let me know and you can make a new thread. We can close and link the old thread so people can read the info from the beginning.

I have read nothing. Are there any bombshells?
Remember, if you don't break out the conversation into topic specific threads the information will be hard to search for in the future.
Find an old thread and add new information or start a new one if it is brand new discussion. If the previous discussion is really old and/or dated, let me know and you can make a new thread. We can close and link the old thread so people can read the info from the beginning.

I have read nothing. Are there any bombshells?

For me, yes. Start your reading by viewing the very professional and well written motions filed by LDB today!!!!
Notice how her jail $$ account has dwindled throughout the past 1+ yr.? I notice less and less people depositing... love it when her acct. is in the red!

Looks like George is the only one putting money in @ 100.00 per month. But there sure are a lot of daily fees (to maintain the account perhaps). Goes to show that CA still can't manage money. If you get some money, spend it. Don't let it sit there and go to daily fees. It looks like she owes the commissary over $7.00.

Cecybeans, (or anybody who can give a definitive answer)

Would the fact that fingerprints are made from the oils in our skin along with the heat in the trunk make it harder to find usable prints? I was thinking that no matter what the prints were on the oil would degrade and run together making any prints just a blob of oil or a runny smudge. The temperatures in the trunk of the car at that time of year are very high. Am I on the right track with this or is the heat not a factor? Thanks.

The fact that there are is no child generated trash in there is not lost on me either.
Is that a plaid blanket next to Caylee? Didn't Cindy say there was a plaid blanket missing from the contents of Caseys trunk?

Also, Caylee is wearing the Big Trouble shirt. A good question is to find out where this picture was taken. Doesn't Caylee's face look bloated, and not happy at all? Who's behind that camera is what I'd like to know.



Looks like George is the only one putting money in @ 100.00 per month. But there sure are a lot of daily fees (to maintain the account perhaps). Goes to show that CA still can't manage money. If you get some money, spend it. Don't let it sit there and go to daily fees. It looks like she owes the commissary over $7.00.

I am not sure about Orlando facilities but Saint Lucie County charges a medical fee for each time an inmate sees a DR. They also charge a weekly or monthly maintenance fee of (I think, iirc) $2.50 per day for housing, food etc. It is for this reason the inmates try to keep their balances zeroed out, so the state can not charge those fees every week. There is also a rule here about how much an inmate can spend weekly so inmates purposely keep their balances low and spend everything they can every time they can when the have extra money. Hope this helps.

Precisely, WAISI. :thumb:

Eidetic: I would be VERY interested to read about Cindy's comment re: plaid blanket if you can point me to it.

WAISI + World According = the following conclusion....

IMHO, Caylee was being/had been put down to sleep AWAY from G&C's 6/16 PM when she died.

If Eidetic locates the plaid blanket/pillow information that would further support IMHO.

ETA: "to sleep" vs. "to nap" WTH was I thinkin'. :shakehead:

It's in Cindy's depo with the SA. There was a plaid blanket that was usually kept in the collapsible bin. It wasn't there when she went in the trunk on 7/15. I think the blanket was red plaid but I can't swear to that.
Maybe not the right thread,but if I remember correctly there was a night that RM stated that KC and Caylee were there, and in the morning KC was there and Caylee was gone,and that KC stated that CA had called for her to bring Caylee home.was this the same night that the picture was taken? Maybe way off on days dates.????
I feel like I am watching some horrible tragedy,type B movie except this is so VERY real,un friggin believable is aLL I have to say!!!!
Hey guys, just finished reading through the thread and you all make excellent points. One thing that stood out to me most was the photo with the "big trouble" t-shirt...and I noticed that a few of you guys posted info about the manicures, too. I was wondering if any of you remembered the convo between CA/KC (dunno when, where, or why/how I remember this) about some piece of jewlery (a ring, bracelet, necklace?)....I noticed her rings, necklace, bracelet in the photo.... I just can't seem to remember the details of the conversation I'm (kind of) remembering. Anybody know what I'm talking about?? TIA

I might be completely wrong (and I'm crazy, no doubt about it) but seems like I remember something about CA asking KC about a missing ring and KC saying that the invisinanny had it? Sound familiar? I might have dreamed it...but I swear I remember something about missing jewlery.
Hey guys, just finished reading through the thread and you all make excellent points. One thing that stood out to me most was the photo with the "big trouble" t-shirt...and I noticed that a few of you guys posted info about the manicures, too. I was wondering if any of you remembered the convo between CA/KC (dunno when, where, or why/how I remember this) about some piece of jewlery (a ring, bracelet, necklace?)....I noticed her rings, necklace, bracelet in the photo.... I just can't seem to remember the details of the conversation I'm (kind of) remembering. Anybody know what I'm talking about?? TIA

CA asked KC about a Tiffany ring in the jail videos.
Hey guys, just finished reading through the thread and you all make excellent points. One thing that stood out to me most was the photo with the "big trouble" t-shirt...and I noticed that a few of you guys posted info about the manicures, too. I was wondering if any of you remembered the convo between CA/KC (dunno when, where, or why/how I remember this) about some piece of jewlery (a ring, bracelet, necklace?)....I noticed her rings, necklace, bracelet in the photo.... I just can't seem to remember the details of the conversation I'm (kind of) remembering. Anybody know what I'm talking about?? TIA

Yes, KC had a silver tiffany heart ring that CA asked her about in the jail conversation-CA asked her who gave it to her, and she said Jeff Hopkins-IIRC, she said she could not find it or she had not seen it for a while

These pics are at RM's, and I believe these might be (the unpublished) part of what he sold to the Globe, IIRC. We have seen pics of KC and Caylee with that shirt before.
I wonder where all of Casey's jewelry was when she was at the party on the 4th of July before her arrest. Seems to me she would wear her jewelry to a party...where is that jewelry now?
Is that a plaid blanket next to Caylee? Didn't Cindy say there was a plaid blanket missing from the contents of Caseys trunk?

Casey looks like a 13 year old girl in this picture. (I realize she isn't, I'm just saying)
It's in Cindy's depo with the SA. There was a plaid blanket that was usually kept in the collapsible bin. It wasn't there when she went in the trunk on 7/15. I think the blanket was red plaid but I can't swear to that.
I remember this too Bean. I don't remember what color Cindy said the blanket was, but do remember her mentioning the plaid blanket.
Hey guys, just finished reading through the thread and you all make excellent points. One thing that stood out to me most was the photo with the "big trouble" t-shirt...and I noticed that a few of you guys posted info about the manicures, too. I was wondering if any of you remembered the convo between CA/KC (dunno when, where, or why/how I remember this) about some piece of jewlery (a ring, bracelet, necklace?)....I noticed her rings, necklace, bracelet in the photo.... I just can't seem to remember the details of the conversation I'm (kind of) remembering. Anybody know what I'm talking about?? TIA

I might be completely wrong (and I'm crazy, no doubt about it) but seems like I remember something about CA asking KC about a missing ring and KC saying that the invisinanny had it? Sound familiar? I might have dreamed it...but I swear I remember something about missing jewlery.

Video 2 jail visit 25th July
CA: k, [looking confused]
KC : Things from his parents, that I can, eh [shrugs shoulders] .....pause......
CA: I have a question
KC: I can honestly say I appreciate it. Yes?
CA : Your tiffany ring...
KC: Uh hum
CA: You know the little heart ring? where is it?
KC : I dont know. i havent seen it for a long time
CA: And who gave you that ring again? i forget.
KC: Jeff [pause]
CA: Ok...uhm, we cant find Jeff
See http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3140237&highlight=Tiffany+ring#post3140237 post #2 for entire transcript.
It's in Cindy's depo with the SA. There was a plaid blanket that was usually kept in the collapsible bin. It wasn't there when she went in the trunk on 7/15. I think the blanket was red plaid but I can't swear to that.

A red blanket would explain the red fibers found on items at the crime scene and in the hair mat. I have both parts of Cindy's depo saved on a flash drive and ran several word searches and could not locate the info about the plaid blanket.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, you guys! Now...gotta go look at that picture and see if I can spot a Tiffany ring with a heart on it....
Pic of ring
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3476896&postcount=875"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's Photobucket[/ame]
There it is..the Tiffany ring and bracelet
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