2010.04.16 Do you think Ron knew what happened?

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Do you think Ron knew what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, I think he knew.

    Votes: 316 68.1%
  • No, I do not think he knew.

    Votes: 148 31.9%

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That decal bugged a lot of people, but for me it was that tattoo. memorial tattoo, plain & simple.

Ahh the tat, it's a good point. Yes that whole incident didn't sit well with me either. I'll tell you what I've been watching. It's the culmination of the number of incidents grouped together like Badme had listed previously about this subject.

I believe each incident paints a larger picture (circumstantial) of what was happening. Many things bugged me about the tat but I can't say it crossed my mind it was memorial. Thanks

Yes I believe he knew.
It's been my opinion from the beginning, that Ron was either covering for himself or covering for Misty. I don't know which would be worse.
I don't think it's either/or.

Both (and maybe others) bear some form of guilt so they are covering for each other, IMO.
IMHO-- I have felt from the very beginning that Ron not only knew, but was either directly or indirectly involved in Haleigh's disappearance. My thoughts have been similar the the hypothetical scenario of profiler Pat Brown's:

Why Ronald Cummings knows what happened to Haleigh


This is just my opinion, based on Ron's actions, words and body language.

I think Pat Brown is dead on...although I think Ron told Misty before he went to work, to give Haleigh a few of his "pills" if she couldnt get her to sleep..cause everyone was so adamant that Misty was tired from her three days of partying and didn't she even ask Ron's mom to take them that night?
I agree with everything she says. He has never appeared sympathetic in the least to me...even when he was bawling his eyes out on the lawn that for the tv crews..it just didn't feel right.
One more thing about that dead rat..always said to me.."you better not "RAT" us out or I'll cut YOUR head off too"...

Tommy took LE to the "crime scene" on Sunday/Monday
LE starting searching the "crime scene" on Monday
LE gathered the family together, (Cummings&Sheffields) on Monday
Ron and Misty were both taken to the station on Monday
LE flies to TN to interview Jo on Tuesday
Ron has a meeting with LE on Wednesday
Misty is taken to the "crime scene" on wednesday
LE tells us this is ruled a homocide on Wednesday/Thursday
LE tells us they have 'persons of interest' on Thursday
Ron meets with his lawyer on Friday

Is that correct?

Whatever the reason Ron had for putting that dead rat in Tommy's mailbox is now unfolding right before our eyes. Whatever Tommy told them involved Ron..LE found Tommy's information credible probably based on other evidence. After LE talked to Tommy, they started searching and brought the family in to "update' them on the case. LE went to TN to corraborate Tommy's story...When LE got back, on Wednesday they had a meeting with Ron (not the whole family-just Ron...if it was only to give him an update why wasn't the whole family invited? They invited them Monday to give updates, why not Wednesday?). On the same day, Misty is taken to the search area. After all of this goes down....LE says it is a homocide and that they have "persons of interest". Friday, Ron needed to speak with his lawyer.

Ron is definitely guilty in my book. JMO though

I just read that Tommy met with the SA office, FDLE, and FBI Monday morning. Thanks to Twall post.
I voted that yes, Ron knew.

Lately I have been going back and forth on that!!! :banghead:

Ron's behavior has shown (to me anyway), that yes he did indeed know what happened that night. I will not rule out a theory just because it does not include Ron. I just can't make the "Jo did it" theory fit in with the "Ron knew" theory!

IMO~ There are many things that point to Ron at the very least KNOWING what happened, all have been listed, and none of them suggest any reason why Ron would cover for Jo or vice-versa.
fo sho.....

He would not pull the keep your enemy close idea from thin air, on the fly, from the jump, the minute he pulled in the driveway....

He also would not have pointed LE in the direction of a stranger abduction while playing super spy....insisting, day after day, it was a stranger abduction....

unless GUILTY....nuff said
I don't think it's either/or.

Both (and maybe others) bear some form of guilt so they are covering for each other, IMO.
I agree & it's heartbreaking. Now that the end is close, & I really think it is this time, my emotions are playing tricks on me & I don't really want my gut instincts to be true. I've been hard on Ronald from the beginning, but those pictures of Haleigh don't lie. He loved her & she was happy. So, even though logic tells me one thing, I don't want Ronad to be involved. I've defended Misty since the beginning, but logic tells me she was involved too. If Ron's only crime was to cover for her, I'll kind of understand his reasoning, (what's done is done}, but it's unforgiveable. & if it turns out to be Tommy or Joe? I will never, not in a million years, understand Ronald's behavior.
Yes. From the time of the 911 call through tonight on NG when per Ron's attorney: Ron REQUESTED to be taken out of PC and put into General Population.
You've supposedly just been told your daughter is dead. Gone. And presumably if the story about Crystal telling a friend via cell phone "Joe killed my baby" is true -- and if Ron was at the same meeting -- then he has been told this too. So, instead of wanting to stay by himself in PC and reflect on this news and maybe beat on the walls with his fist while starting the true grieving process for his child. . . his first thought is "I wannna go out into GP." Why? Why would you want to be out among a bunch of other people when you didn't have to be? To intimdate someone?

I wonder if Ron has been thinking about that cinderblock that he claimed he had never seen? Hmmm . . .

These families make the Flowers In The Attic family seem normal.
I had to bring this over from another thread: This is why I do not believe Ron Cummings.

My feeling is LE would have done this at the very beginning of the search. I really think they brought the family in to let them know that based on recent tips, they believe Haleigh is dead and that they are working around the clock to find her. That's what LE is supposed to do in such a situation, otherwise you have family upset that they are not being told anything and must learn all from the news. To learn of the death of a child from the news would be horrible.

Maybe it's just me, but I do not think Ron is involved in Haleigh's disappearance or any after-the-fact cover up. I truly do not think so. Hopefully I won't have to eat my words. Here's why I don't think he is involved:
1. He was at work. I think by now LE could discern where he was. I don't think either he or Misty are good enough actors to cover up an earlier killing of a child by an hours later 911 call. (But we don't know when the crime took place so even if he was at work that doesn't mean he had no involvement. There's 24 hrs in a day, he didn't work all of them. And right after he was fired, laid off...whatever..the company installed a more hightech Time clock system. What's your take on that one?)
2. The 911 call. It seemed believable to me. Well, Ron did, Misty did not. I have known guys like Ron. His reactions seemed normal for a guy like him. His anger, calling Misty a bit#@, etc. I heard panic in his voice. (IMO, Ron's reactions were as fake as Misty's. Who has better people to talk to other than the police, when your child is missing? We didn't hear about Ron walking/running the block looking for his daughter. Ron didn't want to be on that 911 call no more than Misty did. Who's concerned about the call being "on recording" while trying to give vital details about your missing daughter? I call it BS.)
3. His anguish later on. Those were real wails and tears to me. I think he really loved his kid. (I don't doubt that he loved his kids, but those could've been guilt tears not love tears.lol)
4. LE has never given any indication that Ron is involved, a suspect or "holds the key" to what happened, unlike with Misty. (Ok if we go with that,...why did Ron need a criminal defense lawyer? Furthermore, for months Ron wouldn't even go talk to LE. But he wants his child back right? If I was LE I wouldn't want to give any indications to the person I thought was responsible either not if their building a case around him.)
5. His relationship with Misty. This seems confusing, but not totally to me. Ron is not the brightest tool in the shed. But he knows this: That he made a mistake in entrusting his precious kids to a member of a family from "Deliverance". He likely could not face that his decision could have cost his child her life. Plus, he was in love with Misty. How could he have been so wrong? Instead of facing the fact that he made such an error in judgment and then have to point the finger at himself rather than someone else, he tells himself there is no way Misty could have hurt Haleigh. He tries hard to convince himself of this, even marrying her to do so. But deep in his heart, I think he knows she did something, failed to protect Haleigh or knows exactly what happened. (His continued relationship/marriage with Misty was nothing more than him trying to convince himself that if he did she could not tell and/or testify against him. IMO, Love or not, Ron would've destroyed Misty if he thought she did something to his daughter. He was already knocking her around... .look at what happened to her when she told him she was pregnant with his child...he knocked her around. So if he knew, deep in his heart, that she did something to or with his daughter, Misty would've got a beat down for sure. But she didn't.)

Bottom line, IMO Ron is a low class kind if guy with zero education and limited intelligence. He is a criminal type, obviously. Probably violent at times as well. But these kind of people are capable of ferocious love for their children.(Absolutely. So what do you think Ron would've done to these punks if he even thought they were involved, including Misty? He did nothing to them, none of them, and one just lived around the corner from him at the time. All he did was put a dead rat in Tommys mailbox. If you know guys like Ron, then you and I both know what a "dead rat" means. Rat=snitch, A Dead Rat=Dead Snitch. Meaning if you talk you die, c'mon you know that. So what was there to tell?? IMO, we are seeing it in action right now, the result of Tommy talking and Ron is involved.) That's why baby killers and rapers have such a hard time in prison and can't go into the general pop: Guys like Ron will kill them if given the chance.
Is he a good guy? (Nope) Was he a good parent? (Nope) I wouldn't give him any awards, but there are millions across the U.S. just like him, trying to make their way through the world with the limited resources they have and most of the millions like him wouldn't dream of hurting their children.
I don't think Ron knows what happened with the exception that his negligence and lack of parenting skills led to the disappearance of his little girl. He will have to live with that forever and I think that's why he doesn't seem to care whether he rots in jail or not. He lost one of the two most precious things he had and ultimately, it is his actions that led to that loss. (Absolutely..may he seat there forever)
6. The meeting with LE and Ron's expression as he left that meeting. I don't think LE would have brought him there if they thought he was a potential suspect. They would have told him separately and used that opportunity to gauge his reactions and interrogate. I get the sense that LE feels sorry for him and although they know he's not a stellar person, they also feel for his loss. As far as his expression as he left the meeting, again, I have known guys like him and the expression makes sense to me. Ron has probably known for a long time that Haleigh is unlikely to be alive. His mind is now set to revenge. His words all along have shown that's where he is at. His expression told me that he was thinking: "I heard what I need to. I'm coming to get ya'. It won't be long." (We all have interpreted his expression in our own way. I too have been in a world similiar to Ron's and know guys just the same. His expression to me was more like "It's over." Not like "it's over, I'm gonna kill someone", IMO, it was more like "It's over. I know Misty and her family is talking and she's going to tell on me." That's how I saw it.) LE just came out today and said they have persons of interest now...sooo Monday when they brought the family in they hadn't made that determination as of yet, so Ron was still just a drug trafficking father of a missing girl...Let's see if Ron be at any more family meetings in the future concerning Haleigh. I don't think he will, maybe a solo meeting but not with his family. IMO, he is one of the persons of interest.)
We'll see what happens but my experience and instinct tell me Ron Cummings is not involved. If I'm wrong, the evil of what happened to Haleigh will seem all the more greater to me.
(My experience and my instincts tell me that Ron is involved.If I'm wrong I'll be woman enough to admit it.)

We are all entitled to our opinions and these are mine on the subject. :innocent:
Within hours of the crime, rc says, "I'd give my life to have my child's life back"...

From the first few hours to the stenciled words on his new truck to the tat, he behaved as a father that knew his chld had passed

He also knew why.
He knew. He only cared about those kids cause it was a paycheck. If you care about your kids, you don't leave them from 2pm-3am with a 17 year old drug addict. When you get arrested, and you are taken from your child, the same child whose sister was taken from him, wouldn't your first 8 calls to your home mention your son for most of the conversation??? We heard about his underwear, his chain, his mail, the "rat." Did anyone hear him ask how is son is? Did he cry because his son has experienced another trauma? Did he ask who is helping his son deal with this? He's a male CA. Haleigh was dying or dead before Ron left that house, and he had her thrown out like trash.
Yes, I do think he knew all along. Why did he have to control everything Misty said? Why did he call Misty about Donna Brock being a spy? Why wouldn't he want her or anyone to find out what happened. Because HE KNEW. He is a controlling manipulative person. I think Haleigh got a hold of HIS drugs, and that's why he acts like he doesn't know. But he knows and he has always known. Just My Opinion
Ron definitely knew. Their fabricated story was rehearsed with each other (and soon after shared with Tommy and a close-knit few others) and the 'crime scene' at the trailer (door propped with block, etc..) was staged.
I think MC wanted to go out that night and she doped Haleigh (probably R. Jr. as well) and then left them alone 'sleeping', only to realize when she returned at 3 a.m., Haleigh was'nt alive due to overdose. IMO, that is the closest scenario that would explain why so many of them seem to be covering for each other. In a druggies' world, that comes first, and there is not much else. Overstreet is merely a scapegoat in it all. I guess authorities would have had no reason to do drug testing on R.Jr. that morning(?)
Would have been interesting, though, if they had thought to do it.
Obviously the 'man in black' that scooped Haleigh up, according to R.Jr., was someone the little boy was very familiar with, and the person had to make it difficult for the little boy to recognize. Yeah, RC knew - and he surely would'nt be covering all this time for Overstreet (!?!)
Yes, he knew because IMO he is the one who killed Haleigh. I believe that he promised the gun to Joe for the job of disposing of Haleigh. I think that he had it hidden in the culvert for Joe to find after he did the deed. I think that after the fact, Ron changed his mind about paying Joe and had Misty go fetch the gun. I think by this time that it had already been decided to use Joe as the scapegoat and he did not want Joe to have the gun in his possession with the story that it was payment from Ron. Tommy was called over to help. Misty did as Ron told her to do.

I'm curious, and I don't know if this has been said already, but what do you think was Tommy's payment for helping dispose of Haleigh?
I'm curious, and I don't know if this has been said already, but what do you think was Tommy's payment for helping dispose of Haleigh?

I believe that the whole gun story(ies)..... came before whatever happened to Haleigh ....well happened. I never really bought into the gun "story" but it now seems to be a likely place to start.

The whole "Jo did it" theory is based on him wanting a gun..... WTH??

Who takes a child when all they wanted was a gun???

Jo is being accused of murder at the very least...... at worst he's accused of the rape of a child and then murder of that child, by horrible means, depending on which granny Flora story you listen to.

Ron denies any such altercation took place, Jo's attorney only says that he will not go into details, which says to me, that the fight DID happen ..... why would Ron deny it, it seems even Jo doesn't deny the fight over a gun??????

ETA: sorry I probably did not answer the question that I quoted
Yes, I think he knew and was involved in the coverup.
Based on Shoemaker's (Ron's attorney) reactions last night on NG I don't think he knew. Shoemaker was much more relaxed than he has been previously. He(Ron) may have suspected, but I don't think he knew for sure. Then again, I have never thought he was involved in any way. He is an odd character and his behavior is a bit abnormal, but I truly believe he loved his little girl and would never harm her. I, also, think there is much more to this than we are aware of and there is much more yet to be revealed. LE isn't going to release those most important details as they are trying to build a case against those they feel are the guilty parties. They are saying the forensics they now have could take six months to determine. Ugh! I'm sure everyone feels as I do about wanting this to be over with ASAP.
JMO, but not only do I believe Ron knew, I have felt from the get go that he is the one responsible for Hayleigh's demise. The weird thing with the 90 ? phone calls.. then the whole 911 call.. 1st off... what truly frantic parent would have his 17 yr old gf call for him? and his reactions and voice just sounded .. phoney to me.. WHAT PARENT, when asked what their child was wearing, would curse at 911 and make sure it was noted he was "at work" ..? Wouldnt the normal response be to immediately ask Misty what she was wearing? .. to make sure police would know what to look for.. I realize there is no cut and dry way a person is supposed to act during a crisis.. but RC's words and actions did not fit those of a frantic parent at all.. Why wasnt he running around the mobile home park banging on everyones doors to see if she was there? why wasnt he outside just screaming her name?? instead of throwing out threats to kill people.. just none of it makes any sense to me.. anyone thats lost sight of their child in a market for 2 seconds knows their immediate response... they start looking and calling/screaming for their child.. it's instinctive. Not once on the 911 recording did I hear Ron in background hollering out Hayleigh's name..
I also felt like RC's display of "crying" and throwing himself on the ground was beyond fake. His voice.. his crocodile tears.. the whole act was for show.
Add to that, the deadless rat thing.. the tattoo.. the wedding.. I still havent figured out for the life of me WHY Misty has kept Ron's secret.. I dont think for one second it is out of "love".. Im sure her life was threatened by Ron.. and told she was an accomplice, so better keep her mouth shut.
If it turns out he is completely innocent.. I will be the first to admit Im wrong.. but I will also be purchasing a new hinky meter... because mine will have been beyond broken.
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