2010.04.18 Ron's comments about Misty per Shoemaker

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Not any normal parents reaction period. So he doesn't want him to appear violent at the stake of being seen as looney or non caring. Makes me really think the story that is about to break is Haleigh's death was violent.

Dr. F I'm taking your post over to the theories thread to comment because I don't want to get off topic here in :)
And it's equally hard, nee impossible, to equate the kind of parent you portray here as determining very early on to marry his suspect, then divorce her and help get her trapped in drug deals on the off-chance she'll believe selling drugs is worse than killing a child.

Well, I do believe that LE tried to convince Ron to divorce Misty and that LE told him that they thought they had a better chance to break her. Ron wanted most of all to get to the truth, so that's why he finally did divorce her, IMO. It turns out that LE was right.

I also think that, contrary to public opinion, Ron was in touch with at least some persons in LE the whole time.
Well, I do believe that LE tried to convince Ron to divorce Misty and that LE told him that they thought they had a better chance to break her. Ron wanted most of all to get to the truth, so that's why he finally did divorce her, IMO. It turns out that LE was right.

I also think that, contrary to public opinion, Ron was in touch with at least some persons in LE the whole time.
I have the opposite take. Ron's actions gave me the feeling all he wanted to do is hide the truth. That is why he banded with Misty....they share the same knowledge of that nights events.
Ronald was quick to call on Dana T. for an exclusive interview when he was arrested on the drug charges in Jan. He got his message out then.
I wonder why he has not called on Dana now? He did tell Dana that he would only call him, he trusted Dana to only print what he wanted Dana to print. Something to that effect.
You would think that finding out that his daughter is most likely no longer alive and Misty and Tommy talking he would have something to say. I would of thought that Ronald would of been devastated. No reports about devastation, only that he Hopes Misty was Forced to Hold Info from Him about Haleigh. Why would he hope that? Why would he not want her to not hold back and tell the truth?

Key Words: Ronald Hopes Misty was Forced to Hold Info from Him. Why? I just can not rationalize this statement.
Hmmm...........so if THAT is the case...............is that why he called up misty in nyc and warned her of Donna being one of Tim Miller's croanies and not to trust her:waitasec:? Because he didn't want to be disappointed?
"He's still hoping that if Misty did know something -- and it appears she did -- he's hoping it was something she was forced to do, threatened to do, and that's why she wouldn't talk to him," Terry Shoemaker said.

What, has he been hoping this all along? He has been hoping the whole 14 months that if she knew something and did not tell him it was because she was forced to?
Ronald was quick to call on Dana T. for an exclusive interview when he was arrested on the drug charges in Jan. He got his message out then.
I wonder why he has not called on Dana now? He did tell Dana that he would only call him, he trusted Dana to only print what he wanted Dana to print. Something to that effect.
You would think that finding out that his daughter is most likely no longer alive and Misty and Tommy talking he would have something to say. I would of thought that Ronald would of been devastated. No reports about devastation, only that he Hopes Misty was Forced to Hold Info from Him about Haleigh. Why would he hope that? Why would he not want her to not hold back and tell the truth?

Key Words: Ronald Hopes Misty was Forced to Hold Info from Him. Why? I just can not rationalize this statement.
I think it means..
Now that he knows people are breaking, Misty is likely to tell LE that Ronald also knew, so he is preparing to deny knowing and to say Misty is lying. He doesn't want to look too reactive..he wants to look innocent and blindsided when that claim surfaces.
Well, I do believe that LE tried to convince Ron to divorce Misty and that LE told him that they thought they had a better chance to break her. Ron wanted most of all to get to the truth, so that's why he finally did divorce her, IMO. It turns out that LE was right.

I also think that, contrary to public opinion, Ron was in touch with at least some persons in LE the whole time.

BBM...I respectfully disagree...IMHO..Last thing Ron C ever wants is for the truth to be revealed as to what happened to Haleigh...JMO

BBM..RED Now, that statement doesn't really surprise me considering I recall hearing with my own two ears his momma claim she had been around enough LE to feel comfortable as to where she stands....
IIRC that was before she was asked to leave LE headquarters and not return.. JMO
HLN just had a very brief report about the case with references to the "family being told to make funeral arrangements" and that "LE told Ronald to divorce Misty because it would make her mad and cause her to reveal information". Since Misty seemed completely unphased by "just a divorce", if this was truly a strategic plan by LE to elicit a response from Misty, it doesn't seem to have worked for them. jmo

This is all coming from Shoemaker's interview....hmmmm? So Ron divorces her and yet continues to deal drugs with her and now hopes that Misty was forced to withhold information about Haleigh. There's something I am not understanding in all of this. My biggest problem is the 4 month +/- period that he didn't speak with LE as, per RC--what more could he tell them as he was at work and yet didn't take Misty to visit the SO either? :waitasec: Again, I am trying to think logically and that is my flaw. :banghead:
The thing that bothers me the most is the statement RC made about killing the person if he finds out who has his daughter. So if he was/is that bad of a person I would think the only person MC would be scared of would be RC.
If RC was in close contact with LE over this case, then how in the heck did he get busted for what he and MC were doing.
This case keeps my head spinning, and there is another here in Fl that does the same.
Well, I do believe that LE tried to convince Ron to divorce Misty and that LE told him that they thought they had a better chance to break her. Ron wanted most of all to get to the truth, so that's why he finally did divorce her, IMO. It turns out that LE was right.

I also think that, contrary to public opinion, Ron was in touch with at least some persons in LE the whole time.
has there been some indication that Ron has stayed in touch with LE?
Yep, the emotional response to Ron's comments are stronger than the *disappointment* he feels when he considers Misty *possibly* was involved in the death of his daughter, then let her rot somewhere rather than be buried by her loved ones, and then lied to him for 14 months.

He was so mad at Tommy for coming to his house he assualted him.
He was so enraged at the incident he put a decapitated rodent in the mailbox. He has road rage incidents and waves guns around, but this evokes disappointment?

You could almost convince that Misty really didn't do it and the person who has been threatening her with a knife is Ron.

Unless she likes that sort of thing, lol. She was a little too giddy, showing off her new ring to the media and shoving wedding cake all over RC's face. She didn't looked scared to me until her butt was tossed in jail with no freedom in the near future.
"The police always said, 'If you divorce Misty, we'll find something out. She'll crack.' They've told him, 'If Misty got in trouble, in jail, we could probably get her to crack,'" Shoemaker said.


All we have is Ron's word that the police ever told him that.

Why couldn't he just get her to sell drugs while he was married to her? Seems like it would have been easy to do living together. 8 months and he could not get her to commit one crime she could be arrested on.
This is all coming from Shoemaker's interview....hmmmm? So Ron divorces her and yet continues to deal drugs with her and now hopes that Misty was forced to withhold information about Haleigh. There's something I am not understanding in all of this. My biggest problem is the 4 month +/- period that he didn't speak with LE as, per RC--what more could he tell them as he was at work and yet didn't take Misty to visit the SO either? :waitasec: Again, I am trying to think logically and that is my flaw. :banghead:

That spoke volumes to me, too. He set a terrible example for Misty to follow.

If he actually wanted her to be open and accessible to LE, then he should have bent over backwards to be so himself.

His actions, from all I have observed from day one until yesterday, have done nothing but make it easier on her to stonewall and obfuscate.
Shoemaker can't quote RC directly as I am 100% sure that his comments were liberally laced with profanity.

RC was not "disappointed" but more likely "F*ckin p*ssed off" etc and so forth. RC is in jail and not exactly handing out personal interviews.

I too find it very odd that there are no RC jail phonecall/visit tapes.

But I am not reading too much into what RC says re: Misty because anything said right now I can Guarantee is not the words from the horse's mouth but rather the very watered down filtered ones put there by his attorney.

Agree, TLC. I call "hogwash" on this latest development in it's entirety. Doesn't matter to me whether it's an accurate representation of what RC said or not.

IF RC made such a comment - he's even more messed up than I thought - and, if Shoe just took editorial liberties with what was said - he's not a good mouthpiece for anybody. All JMO
Well, I do believe that LE tried to convince Ron to divorce Misty and that LE told him that they thought they had a better chance to break her. Ron wanted most of all to get to the truth, so that's why he finally did divorce her, IMO. It turns out that LE was right.

I also think that, contrary to public opinion, Ron was in touch with at least some persons in LE the whole time.

I go over and over this as a possibility--Ron wanting to get the truth--and I SO want to believe this. If he is hoping Misty was forced to withhold information--why did he say on NG that he wasn't even aware that LE wanted to speak with her several months back? I don't want to believe that anyone is responsible for harming this beautiful child, let alone a parent or a caregiver or anyone she trusted. It's a heartbreaker all around. It just really is not adding up for me unless Ron has been working undercover and honestly, IMO, look at the difference from his mug shot to his recent photo--he looked like a user in that mugshot. He looks much healthier today. I don't think he has been undercover, but this is all JMO.
The thing that bothers me the most is the statement RC made about killing the person if he finds out who has his daughter. So if he was/is that bad of a person I would think the only person MC would be scared of would be RC.
If RC was in close contact with LE over this case, then how in the heck did he get busted for what he and MC were doing.
This case keeps my head spinning, and there is another here in Fl that does the same.

Add to this that I'd expect her to fear Ron's wrath even if he were imprisoned. Ron would be expected to have dangerous contacts and family who could reach me even if he were behind bars, but I would not expect that of JO or Timmy.
"He's still hoping that if Misty did know something -- and it appears she did -- he's hoping it was something she was forced to do, threatened to do, and that's why she wouldn't talk to him," Terry Shoemaker said.

What, has he been hoping this all along? He has been hoping the whole 14 months that if she knew something and did not tell him it was because she was forced to?

Above Bolded by me...

I finally get it!! :banghead: M.C. was following "the script"! DaaahhDaDA How did we miss that???

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