2010.08.18 - Dede's ex-Boyfriend describes her

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Kinda ticked me off that she loses her job and displays obvious signs of being depressed, and he's 'turned off'. What a (unusual person).

He liked her well enough when she could help him maintain his "4.0".


So worth repeating!
shoot me now.... please..... I could care less what this man is saying or what DD is saying....

do we all really think that this is the reason the property was searched and that she is featured on the flier?

This is filler! IMHOO> moo... all those sounds, etc....


:put em up:...now give me some cookies & milk to go along with this saga...
After having to read that letter, I, for one, am glad Dede's only had one boyfriend.

One thing in it's favor is that it has inspired the most enjoyable thread in this gawd-awful case. If I didn't thank your post, it's because the little scroll thingy on the right of my screen can't handle scrolling to that many thanks buttons and starts skipping.
I have a picture of the planter boxes he made, but its in my email and I dont know how to bring forward to here. I can send someone the email if they know how to post it on here. let me know.
WS peeps. Complete. Me.

Lol I just love you guys. I was about to rip my hair out when reading about people around or near or by a white truck and can't give gender and probably wasn't DDS and all this other crap and then I come across this and literally was laughing so hard I woke up my sleeping 2 year old in the other room!! :)
"Adding to my belief that Kyron is still alive is the nature of the implications of what
must have happened for Kyron to be killed and buried. This is a series of events that is so
unimaginably evil in nature, not even Ted Bundy, Charles Manson or John Wayne Gacy
were that evil late into their murder careers. They never killed a 7 year old innocent child
that just moments previously was smiling proudly for the camera with his science project.
That level of evilness is so egregious that it would have manifested itself in some way
previously. This is a step way beyond trying to recruit someone to kill your husband. To
extinguish the life from an innocent and tender boy under this scenario is way beyond
reasonable comprehension. Then to go about your routine and act surprised when the kid
is not on the bus, and act like a distraught Susan Smith for the media and law
enforcement? I just fail to believe that this happened, God would not allow it."

I generally avoid true crime accounts because I find them so disturbing and they make me feel helpless; Kyron's case is the exception for me. But as I read more and more on this site, I wonder if a character witness really carries any weight at all. This man's evaluation of the degree of evil that would be necessary to carry out a murder indicates a belief that there will be signs and warnings ahead of time. But all you WSer's out there who have followed many cases: are there ever really signs or warnings? Isn't that what is so fascinating and yet horrifying about these kinds of crimes, that we can't see them coming, and really can't defend ourselves against them no matter how alert we are? Can you remember a case where a character reference held any weight or was accurate against the odds?

I hope this is on topic.

I'm just now catching up on this thread and wanted to respond to what I bolded. But first, a welcome to WS! I say in most cases character references mean nothing. People rarely see something like this coming while they are in the middle of it. Sometimes they get a clue with hindsight is 20/20 vision. But usually they just don't see it or except it. IMO, it's just too scary for them to think they know someone so scary and they won't let their mind go there. And to have a personal relationship with someone evil, what does that say about themselves? Why didn't they see it? are they stupid? Blind? etc. It's just easier for them to not let their mind go there and just claim the evil person was not evil at all.

It's crazy what people are capable of doing to other people. And what parents are doing to their children. It's epidemic. Looking at the threads at WS is an education. Someone is commiting these crimes. For the most part they look and act just like you and me. And yet a huge amount of the public just can't let themselves believe it. And sociopaths know exactly who those people are and target them. They avoid people who see through them.
You know the more times I read this guys letter the more I think I have read him elsewhere however he wasn't a boyfriend but a relative of Dede's. I just can't remember where that was to share a link. IMO
I had returned to school in the spring of 2007 at the University of Phoenix in Tigard for Criminal Justice and had transferred to PCC for a health then a chemistry class and had achieved a 4.0 GPA the entire time.

I am not even 30-seconds of reading it and this person is already boasting about THEIR achievements. IMO, there is something wrong about that. Something wrong about writing this letter in the first place. For what reason?

This sudden and dramatic turn of events in her life was a turn-off for me and I lost respect for her. She would just talk to her friends on the phone and have little luncheon get-together’s with her friends almost daily.

WHAT? I was laid-off as well, and excuse me.. I took great SOLACE and had much GRATITUDE for the support my friends offered me.

At that time the economy had tanked and I was working for almost nothing, I was eating top-ramen and day-old bread money was so tight.

So, you don't want to help, but you want to tell you GF what to do, and look down on her when she tries to cope with things through friends and the like...

I don't even.. Who is this man?
Do you have a picture of this dude along with the planter boxes he made? Creepy creepy man....

It's got to be the same guy that was in that video interview:

[ame="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/38673392#38673392"]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
(at about 1:30)
I had returned to school in the spring of 2007 at the University of Phoenix in Tigard for Criminal Justice and had transferred to PCC for a health then a chemistry class and had achieved a 4.0 GPA the entire time.

I am not even 30-seconds of reading it and this person is already boasting about THEIR achievements. IMO, there is something wrong about that. Something wrong about writing this letter in the first place. For what reason?

You know what else is strange? IIRC he kept some cards and letters that Dede gave to him. Why would he keep these items from a person he had no respect from? Beyond creepy IMO.
You know the more times I read this guys letter the more I think I have read him elsewhere however he wasn't a boyfriend but a relative of Dede's. I just can't remember where that was to share a link. IMO

I think I know who you are talking about. DeDe's "cousin"? The writing style is somewhat the same (a weeee bit on the self-serving side) though the letter today is the longest rambling I have seen. I am not sure if that can be linked to here.
I had returned to school in the spring of 2007 at the University of Phoenix in Tigard for Criminal Justice and had transferred to PCC for a health then a chemistry class and had achieved a 4.0 GPA the entire time.

I am not even 30-seconds of reading it and this person is already boasting about THEIR achievements. IMO, there is something wrong about that. Something wrong about writing this letter in the first place. For what reason?

Another couple seconds of reading and you would have learned how DeDe came to his rescue in Chemistry 101 and saved his 4.0 GPA. She was one hot chick then. :yes:
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Please read the above. Thanks!
You know what else is strange? IIRC he kept some cards and letters that Dede gave to him. Why would he keep these items from a person he had no respect from? Beyond creepy IMO.

Yes, and it was pointed out how he had them all spread out for the world to see in that video snippet. The cards were very mushy looking (with lipstick kisses and glamor shots) and it was deemed caddish that he displayed them that way, since it really added nothing to the point he was ostensibly making about Dede. Maybe it was to verify that he had actually been her boyfriend.

Please read the above. Thanks!
If that was meant for me, I was seeking out help to post a picture on here for everyone to see. Im not very computer savy. It was help to post a pic of the planters boxers. so sorry about that.
Yes, and it was pointed out how he had them all spread out for the world to see in that video snippet. The cards were very mushy looking (with lipstick kisses and glamor shots) and it was deemed caddish that he displayed them that way, since it really added nothing to the point he was ostensibly making about Dede. Maybe it was to verify that he had actually been her boyfriend.


Why would he save them? I don't think it's to show to the long line of women waiting to date him. I wonder who ended the relationship and when is the last time he saw Dede. Rambling I know but this guy just blows me away.
After having to read that letter, I, for one, am glad Dede's only had one boyfriend.

One thing in it's favor is that it has inspired the most enjoyable thread in this gawd-awful case. If I didn't thank your post, it's because the little scroll thingy on the right of my screen can't handle scrolling to that many thanks buttons and starts skipping.


I gotta believe that the folks at the Oregonian had a very good laugh when Jason's letter hit their desk. Printing excerpts would never have conveyed the essence of this self-righteous masterpiece.
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