Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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They make me sick. It's obvious that the A's know how good TES is at search and recovery and they are scared. I think that is exactly what causes their outlandish behavior...fear. Lee's email raises my hinky meter big time. He knows way more than he's telling and is, imo, complicit in the crime.
On another note, I'm in NE, PA and can't afford a plane ticket right now to fly down and help in the search. If I didn't have grad school tuition, I would be on a plane and search until I collapsed. We all need to show Tim and all of TES how wonderful they are. If the Anthony family can't praise and support TES, then we shall do it. It's very sad that we are the ones demanding justice and a proper burial for Caylee. Her own family clearly has zero respect for her. It's heartbreaking.
You know I had hopes that LA was made of different stock than the rest of the Anthony clan, clearly after this email, he is just like the rest..:crazy:
I just received the following email from David Lohr. I am only passing it on, I can't vouch for anything in it, but this is what he sent me when I emailed him and asked for a copy of the actual email that Lee sent out. (Notice Lee's email address in case anyone would like to respond directly to him about his email!)

----- Original Message -----
From: <redacted>
To: David Lohr
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 5:22 PM
Subject: Caylee Anthony
We are a group of committed parents and grandparents that came together after the trajic death of Riley Ann Sawyers. Texas Equisearch was very supportive of Riley's family and as a result they have gained our undying support. One of our members sent this email to donate $5.00 to Texas Equisearch on behalf of missing persons. Somehow Lee Anthony (Grandfather of Caylee Anthony) got ahold of it. Please read below. I just wanted you to know the attitude of Lee Anthony. Please let me have your thoughts. Thank you, Circle of Friends to Riley Ann Sawyers


From: Lee Anthony
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 3:51 PM
To: <redacted>
Cc: <redacted>
Subject: Re: Texas Equisearch

In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally...

Save your money.

-Lee Anthony I reading this right?....(bolded) ...did this say that LA is Caylee's GRANDFATHER?......sumsing wrong here????? :waitasec:
I just received the following email from David Lohr. I am only passing it on, I can't vouch for anything in it, but this is what he sent me when I emailed him and asked for a copy of the actual email that Lee sent out. (Notice Lee's email address in case anyone would like to respond directly to him about his email!)

----- Original Message -----
From: <redacted>
To: david Lohr
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 5:22 PM
Subject: Caylee Anthony
We are a group of committed parents and grandparents that came together after the trajic death of Riley Ann Sawyers. Texas Equisearch was very supportive of Riley's family and as a result they have gained our undying support. One of our members sent this email to donate $5.00 to Texas Equisearch on behalf of missing persons. Somehow Lee Anthony (Grandfather of Caylee Anthony) got ahold of it. Please read below. I just wanted you to know the attitude of Lee Anthony. Please let me have your thoughts. Thank you, Circle of Friends to Riley Ann Sawyers


From: Lee Anthony
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 3:51 PM
To: <redacted>
Cc: <redacted>
Subject: Re: Texas Equisearch

In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally...

Save your money.

-Lee Anthony

I still want to see the actual "alleged" email. Hopefully this email will be scanned and posted on David's site for everyone to see. Until then, this "alleged" email can't be verified.

I see the comments and post about the email on David's site and found it interesting that anyone can post in anyone's name.
Where do these people get off?? What gall. I'm just uttering and fuming right now. Like someone said.....makes me want to give Tim more. I can kinda see why Tim may have wanted to just bow out.....look at how they are trying to smear him. But stand strong and hold the faith Tim and searchers........bring this little girl home. I reading this right?....(bolded) ...did this say that LA is Caylee's GRANDFATHER?......sumsing wrong here????? :waitasec:

I think the lady who wrote the email to David was just confused about the names, the email was clearly written and sent under Lee's email address.
anyone ever notice that when ever the anthonys complain of tim they always seem to put more emphasis on the money aspect than anything else? jmo
I'm just throwing this out here as an idea right now. Since we know the A's are doing what they can to stop people from donating to TES and clearly do not want TES there and searching, why don't we do something positive to offset their negativity. We all want Caylee home and we want her honored. The A's are not doing that, but we can. Instead of emailing Lee or anyone going off (believe me, I thought about it!) on them, we should all plan some type of fundraiser for TES donations. Of course, with Tricia's ok. I won't do a thing unless Tricia ok's it and we are all on the same page. I feel useless since I 'm so far away and can't search...but I want to do something! This is a positive thing and we will show Tim how very much we support TES!
anyone ever notice that when ever the anthonys complain of tim they always seem to put more emphasis on the money aspect than anything else? jmo

That is a necessary observation. It does seem to always be about money, and attention. They seem to be be a very envious family.
anyone ever notice that when ever the anthonys complain of tim they always seem to put more emphasis on the money aspect than anything else? jmo

Yeah...they're obviously po'ed because the money going to them has dried up.

I have always believed LA saw this whole thing as a gravy train, and GA saw it as a cushy retirement.
I find this family completely appalling! I, in the begining had such hopes that LA was a stand up kind of guy. You know the level headed one of the bunch. Now he has sunk to the lowest of lows in my book! Tim Miller is a fine man who has a heart of GOLD!

The A's did not deserve this child Caylee!

Tim, I hope you and your team brings this baby home on November 8th!

It is so obvious that CA is a controller, manipulator and a habitual liar so is it any wonder that both her children are lacking in any morals or ethics? CA has taught them well, Casey is a socoipathic monster who killed her child, and LA is not very far behind her. Great Job Cindy! GA I think was just absent, an absent father and a controlling domineering mother makes for very messed up kids!
It is so obvious that CA is a controller, manipulator and a habitual liar so is it any wonder that both her children are lacking in any morals or ethics? CA has taught them well, Casey is a socoipathic monster who killed her child, and LA is not very far behind her. Great Job Cindy! GA I think was just absent, an absent father and a controlling domineering mother makes for very messed up kids!

Very true, but no free pass for GA. He could have put all of this to an end back in August by refusing to allow KC back in their house after she was bonded out. He had a second chance to do the same thing when Padilla pulled the bond.
I still want to see the actual "alleged" email. Hopefully this email will be scanned and posted on David's site for everyone to see. Until then, this "alleged" email can't be verified.

I see the comments and post about the email on David's site and found it interesting that anyone can post in anyone's name.

My first thought, too, Patty. Anyone can create an email account in someone else's we need some sort of verification before assuming this email did, in fact, come from Lee A.
Very true, but no free pass for GA. He could have put all of this to an end back in August by refusing to allow KC back in their house after she was bonded out. He had a second chance to do the same thing when Padilla pulled the bond.

Not giving GA a free pass, his passive behaviour makes him just as guilty as the rest of them.
I have not read this thread. But if anyone is even hinting at an email campaign to Lee Anthony,don't.
anyone ever notice that when ever the anthonys complain of tim they always seem to put more emphasis on the money aspect than anything else? jmo

I think thats why they dont like him . He pulls money away from them. But he actually uses it to find caylee I have no idea what they do with donations.
It feels like they have made a business out of this tragedy.
I'm just throwing this out here as an idea right now. Since we know the A's are doing what they can to stop people from donating to TES and clearly do not want TES there and searching, why don't we do something positive to offset their negativity. We all want Caylee home and we want her honored. The A's are not doing that, but we can. Instead of emailing Lee or anyone going off (believe me, I thought about it!) on them, we should all plan some type of fundraiser for TES donations. Of course, with Tricia's ok. I won't do a thing unless Tricia ok's it and we are all on the same page. I feel useless since I 'm so far away and can't search...but I want to do something! This is a positive thing and we will show Tim how very much we support TES!

Pocono - this is a great idea! I think it is important that we not respond to LA's email, especially in light of what Patty G and Mom of Five have pointed. This email may NOT be from LA.

I agree that we all can, collectively, support TES. If we can't search or donate, we can send TES lots of supportive and positive energy. We are over 1,000 strong - that's a lot of energy. We could set up a day/time to all gather here at WS to send collective positive thoughts in this search. Maybe around the time the search kicks off. We can add energy for Jennifer Kesse also.

As for the fund raiser - I'll wait to see what you come up with. Maybe selling T-shirts? or .....? (I'm not very good at this planning stuff)

Part of Lee's email is:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

Give it up Lee. It is Casey who has failed Caylee and no one else!!! Tell your sister to open her mouth and give us some leads as to where to look for the "alive" Caylee and you will have thousands on it immediately!!!!

Why don't they just go away:furious:

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