Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #25

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Shed a few tears watching it......Not right!!!!!

I know what you mean, Puggs. Our 'child protection systems'' seems so broken in so many ways:

Broken Homes: How our child protection systems fails our most vulnerable

I think Helen Keevers says it best:

'The need to make harder, less satisfactory decisions about the care of individuals became more and more pressing. Compromises crept in. Disturbingly, the policy shift also created financial incentives that some exploited, turning this most critical area of social welfare into a money-spinner.

"What in fact happened was there seemed to be a growth beginning around that time of a new type of provider," explains Helen Keevers, who for many years oversaw the Catholic Church's foster care service in the NSW Hunter region. Keevers saw some new welfare organisations "pretty much operating from the boot of their car with a laptop". They submitted bids for contracts that were highly attractive to the NSW Treasury. "Frankly, [they were] providers who began to see this as an opportunity for business or quasi business ... and have grown like topsy."

Today, a good decade after these reforms began, a disturbing question persists. Are these private providers creating safer, more therapeutic environments for children in residential care facilities? The act of removing a child from their natural parents is so grave, the obligation to prevent further abuse is of the highest order. And yet, it's one that several providers have failed to meet.

"Removing children from their family of origin is a huge loss, even if that family of origin is abusive."

Helen Keevers

"If we're going to make a decision to remove children from their family of origin, it has to be to something better. If we remove them and we offer them something not better and often something worse, then that's almost a crime.

"We cannot compound the misery these children have experienced and yet that's what we're doing."

Although William was not in 'resi care' and by all accounts he had loving foster parents, he still wasn't safe from harm. How we protect children who become part of our 'child protection systems', I don't know. I've always wondered if William's 'complicated family history' had any bearing on his abduction.
If the two parked cars are relevant then the theory would presumably be that WT was put into one of those cars.
Would that have happened on the far side of the road where they had been seen parked, or would one of the cars move to the near side of the road first?
Or move to a completely different location like you mentioned and return on foot?
The police sketch shows both cars pointing towards the dead-end, so both cars would have to turn around to leave, if they left by surfaced road.
And the driver's windows of both cars are shown open, another mystery.

Hmm...need some time to ponder those questions. The cogs in my brain turn very slowly in the evening. I'll probably have a 'Eureka!' moment on waking tomorrow morning.

Still nothing. Either 'i haz a dumb' or there is no definitive answer to those questions only hypotheses which can't be proven or disproven as for the majority of the 'steps' in the reported sequence of events surrounding William's disappearance.

I am reminded of the koan, 'If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" albeit in the form asked by Albert Einstein of his fellow physicist and friend Niels Bohr. Einstein asked whether Bohr realistically believed that, 'The moon does not exist if nobody is looking at it.' To this Bohr replied that however hard Einstein may try, he would not be able to prove that it does, thus giving the entire riddle the status of a kind of an infallible conjecture—one that cannot be either proved or disproved.

Gah! *bangs head against brick wall*

We have been told that William existed and that he made a sound. That his FM heard it and then discovered that William had disappeared. Does William still 'exist'? My hope is that he does and that his 'roars' will be heard once again by his loved ones.
My layman brain is working this sequence: First there is a detached part of some vehicle laying near/in the forest and found by someone. Only after that it makes sense to start a search to find some more evidence: another part of the vehicle or maybe tire tracks or some dumped stuff.

Yes, we have never been able to determine why police were searching for part of a vehicle. Or even whose vehicle was missing the part, and what made them search the forest for it.

Was it one of the cars parked on the street? Was it Speddings van (the first 'S' from the Speddo's on the front maybe .... joke)? Was it a neighbourhood car?
Sexual abuse thrives in secrecy, threats to children and family and maybe pets are the price the child pays for non disclosure.
The average age of a paedophile is 27, and the number of children abused over a paedophile's life is around 300.

I said 'thanks' Gecko, as I appreciate your input, but at the same time it was accompanied by a sickening shame & disgust that our fellow human beings can act in this way.

I wish we we could find a solution to the evil that permeates our society. But tonight I so wish & pray for William & his family.
When the FM saw the two parked cars, where were the two drivers?


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There are probably many dozens or even hundreds of variations of design of child spiderman clothes. Two example identifying details in this photo minutes before disappearance are: Two vertical lines (not more not less) intersect the spider. And in the front two pairs of legs each leg has 3 segments. Those two details combined (and there are more) differentiate the design from the majority of designs. The important thing about that would be, if any spiderman clothes are ever found anywhere, comparision with the specific design details in this photo would be a valuable aid to initially determining whether completely irrelevant, or possibly relevant.


  • William_Tyrrell_in_a_Spider-Man_costume.jpg
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Following the idea of a car part or something being disacarded from a vehichle, I have been trying to get more specific information about Kendall State Forest, how it is utilised etc. from the forestry corporation website. Although I can't get specific information except for harvest and management plans for 2013- early 2014, I've been surprised in general about the types of info police may have been able to pick up and it has put me in mind of things quoted in the 1st month of reporting. So there would be rangers, forest workers at different time doing things such as logging, weeding , maintenance, management of endangered species, management of pest species, such as wild dogs, possibly volunteers, burn off. Possibly permits have been granted for different types of hunting, fire wood collection and then joggers, mountain bikers etc. So to implement laws and stop poaching, rules being followed etc. there may well be surveillance cameras used in Kendall and Middle Brother State forests. Although a number of fire trails feed back onto public roads, a number have gates across them. So my guess is that a vehicle has been picked up on surveilance. Somebody would have to know the area well and know their way through the Middle Brother fire trails, (to follow a theory) I think they would have gone into the Stoney Creek Rd Entrance off Batar Creek Road and followed through onto Middle Brother road all the way to the Pacific Highway. Did someone drive out of Kendall Forest and see WT at 10.20-10.25 and take him, or did someone who was in Benaroon Dr, that day spot him and take him? The white 4 WD intrigues me. MOO
The accurate photo of what WT was wearing is the photo taken on the porch a few minutes before WT disappeared.
The set obtained from Bali by police was described (as far as I recall before checking) as similar, or almost identical (which is different to completely identical).
Since posting about it I have just discovered that the difference was clearly pointed out by our observant colleague frogwell over 18 months ago
I also understand that police have indicated their thinking around this from early on, just getting my head around the ideas.
The accurate photo is the photo taken on the porch a few minutes before WT disappeared.
The set obtained from Bali by police, was described (as far as I recal before checking) as similar, or almost identical, rather than completely identical.
Since posting about it I have just discovered that the difference was clearly pointed out by our observant colleague frogwell over 18 months ago

No problem. There are many ideas in these threads that have been repeatedly picked over at different stages. The suit is very distinctive. MOO
No problem. There are many ideas in these threads that have been repeatedly picked over at different stages. The suit is very distinctive. MOO
As you also pointed out frogwell "the red pattern in the pants appears to go above WT's knees" is also an unusual distinctive feature.
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