Brian Scott

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Oct 14, 2004
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I dunno something just rubs me the wrong way about him...was he investigated?
Refresh my memory, please...Man in Plaid, who is Brian Scott? Too many names for me to remember! TIA
Brian Scott, wasn't he the gardener who mentioned Jonbenet's well toned legs, and quoted her about the "rose's thorns".?
Thanks Sissi! The Brian Scott I was thinking about was Lee Brian Scott, who is a detective for the Longmont PD.

Wasn't the gardener investigated early on? Not that that means anything, because I think everyone should be looked at again.
sissi said:
Brian Scott, wasn't he the gardener who mentioned Jonbenet's well toned legs, and quoted her about the "rose's thorns".?
Sissi I didn't even know about her well toned legs (BTW how well toned could they be at the age of six) I just got suspicious of him because he remembered in detail all those converations they had had and drove by the house the day the body was discovered. Signed...The Man In Plaid
My sis has most of my books, including Schiller's, but I think it was in PMPT , the details concerning Scott.
ok..I found this, (the best I could do without the book) a critique by someone named gg..

“She would attach an exercise device to one ankle … she would hop with the other leg over the cord as it swung by. … It was kind of a cool thing--demanded good reflexes and coordination. I even thought of getting one for myself.”

No big thing, you mig ht think, a twenty-seven year old man taking an interest in what this pretty young girl – the daughter of his employer, was doing while he worked. However, things change tack a little, as far as I am concerned, when he goes on to say,
“ … I could see the muscles becoming defined in her calves.”
JonBenet was six at the most when she was murdered.
What did this man have in mind thinking about a child’s calf muscles, let alone allowing these thoughts to be published?
Did he see nothing ‘incorrect’ in his observations?
I do.
How you feel about it is for you to decide.
The gardener, Brian Scott, left his girlfriend's house about 12:30 A.M. on the night of the murder to go home alone and had no alibi after that.

BlueCrab said:
The gardener, Brian Scott, left his girlfriend's house about 12:30 A.M. on the night of the murder to go home alone and had no alibi after that.

This is interesting ,another person whom Jonbenet would have trusted.
What time did he claim to have driven past the house that morning?
sissi said:
This is interesting ,another person whom Jonbenet would have trusted.
What time did he claim to have driven past the house that morning?

Brian Scott drove by the Ramsey's house later in the day on the 27th, the day following the murder. (It's in the front of PMPT.)

Hmm..I wonder if that was his first trip, why would he "drive by" the day after, what was he thinking, what was his reason for this...IMO odd behavior.
Night all:)
sissi said:
Hmm..I wonder if that was his first trip, why would he "drive by" the day after, what was he thinking, what was his reason for this...IMO odd behavior.
Night all:)

Yeah I thought he was cleared. I agree with who ever made the statement
Everyone should be re-investigated...

Sissi , Scott could maybe play into the Barbie Doll thingy??
I am finding nothing, just rumors and discussions, but really nothing substantial.
Perhaps if anyone has their copy of PMPT they may enlighten us ,at least with the info Schiller shared.

my hopeless search..
an astrology site..sad..moon here..planet there..gardener did it
another site..gardener lives in Boulder..spotted over and over at grave
best one..however not"strange that neither LHP nor the Gardener could remember if the window was broken" when asked by BPD.
Once again, no reliable sources...amazing how little we know about this guy.
Here's what Schiller had to say about the gardener, Brian Scott, in his book Perfect Murder Perfect Town (pb).

Pg 266-267:

"The next day, on February 24, Detective Arndt reinterviewed the Ramsey's gardener, Brian Scott. She had spoken to him earlier in the month.

"Scott, who had graduated from the University of Colorado the year before, told the detective that he'd started working for the Ramseys in June 1995 as a landscaper. The last time he was at the house was December 10. The family used large wooden candy canes to decorate the yard during the holidays, and he noticed that they hadn't been arranged properly. They needed deeper holes, which he dug before pounding them into the ground. Detective Arndt asked him what he remembered about the window-well grate near the rear patio. Scott said he didn't remember that the window was broken. He'd only been in the basement to fix the sprinkler clock. He didn't know there was a wine cellar, much less where it was. He did recall a broken window at the front of the house, but it was for the electrical cord for the Christmas lights and certainly not big enough for someone to crawl through -- something like 2 inches square.

"While Scott adjusted the candy canes along the front walk, he saw a blue Chevy Suburban pull up to collect JonBenet. She was wearing a pair of blue overalls and was being bratty about something. I think she might have been giving orders, Scott said, like, You get in the back. You do this. Something like that. A moment later the car was gone. That was the last time he saw JonBenet.

"On December 25, Scott went to the apartment of his girlfriend, Ann Preston, at around 10:30 P.M. and stayed until just past midnight, then went home alone. There was nobody to confirm his alibi for the rest of the night. Arndt asked him for a handwriting sample, and two weeks late he gave police blood, saliva, and hair samples as well. Only then did he feel he was a suspect."

pg 446-447:

"Meanwhile, Steve Ainsworth met with detective Jane Harmer to discuss several possible suspects the police might want to look at again. The Ramsey's gardener, Brian Scott, came up. Detective Arndt had interviewed him in February, but she was no longer working on the case. Ainsworth thought Scott's alibi should be rechecked and that he might be able to describe the condition of the grate covering the broken basement window. Harmer reinterviewed Scott, showing him two photographs taken just after the murder. One was of a bushel basket with some weeds in it, and the other was of the window grate. To the police, the ground cover around the grate looked as if it had been disturbed -- perhaps because the grate had been lifted up. Looking at the photographs, Scott said it looked as if the ground cover had grown underneath the grate, which indicated it had been lifted, but he couldn't tell when. It could have been in September-October, when Ramsey said he entered the house by that broken window, or as late as December, when JonBenet was murdered.

"two weeks later, Harmer spoke to Scott's girlfriend, Ann Preston, to reconfirm when Scott had left her place on Christmas night. She said it was around 12:30 A.M. Scott's saliva, hair, and handwriting samples would have to be analyzed before he was cleared."

Thank You Blue Crab!!
I would think he had a key and the code for the garage opener.
He noticed the window yet claimed it was too small?
The problem with him and with others, if they were cleared in interview to the satisfaction of the BPD ,would the BPD send their samples for comparison?
Interesting guy, my own husband couldn't tell you what our daughter wore on Dec.10 two weeks later, and he called her a "brat". hmmm
I can't find where it was said, but what was the description of the vehicle John said he saw that morning, and didn't report it to anyone? I hope it wasn't a blue Chevy Suburban.


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