CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #11

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I have no reason to doubt what LE says.
These children were so malnourished that the doctors and nurses cried.
Regardless of how tall some of the girls were, that doesn't mean they weren't starved.

Hmmm. Well, it did get me thinking about their ages some more.

It does appear in the CNN article that a 12 year old is referenced:
One of the victims is age 12 and is the weight of a 7-year-old while the 29-year-old was 82 pounds, Hestrin said.

If that is accurate, and it was linked earlier that he mentions the 11 & 14 year old in shackles. So is there an 11 year old and 12 year old as well?

Not important in the grand scheme of things, I suppose, but it caught my eye none-the-less.
My understanding is that the parents are in jail, not in prison.

I would like to know how they are adapting to prison life thus far..not well I would assume. That is, unless LT is enjoying the spotlight.
My understanding is that the parents are in jail, not in prison.

The confusion may have arisen as jail is often considered synonymous for prison outside of the US.
In the US, “[T]he most notable difference between jails and prisons is that prison inmates have been tried and convicted of crimes, while those in jail may be awaiting trial, where they may yet be found innocent.”
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I doubt we will get many updates on the condition of the children/adults due to their rights to privacy. I am certain they are out of the hospital and receiving therapeutic care through occupational, physical, nutritional, mental health, speech & language, hearing, vision, and medical professionals. I would hope they have sibling visits with each other frequently in a therapeutic setting and again in a relaxed, nurturing and safe environment weekly. I hope they get to make valentines for each other and each one of them get to have a sweet treat tomorrow. I truly hope they get to experience multiple adventures, sensations, art and culture and many things of beauty. I bet they are beyond happy that they get to experience real education and possibly even real school with socialization and peers. What wonderful and exciting experiences await them.
I feel it is safe to say that at least one of the girls, if not more, will get their genes from Mom and be short like she is.

Of course, a few might get a mixture of genes and be about 5’4”-5’5”.

From the pictures, it appears that many of the older children got the tall gene from their father.
Hmmm. Well, it did get me thinking about their ages some more.

It does appear in the CNN article that a 12 year old is referenced:

If that is accurate, and it was linked earlier that he mentions the 11 & 14 year old in shackles. So is there an 11 year old and 12 year old as well?

Not important in the grand scheme of things, I suppose, but it caught my eye none-the-less.

One of mine is nearing 30 and still gets carded. At age 16, restaurants were still giving her the child's menu when we sat down. She may have just looked like an extremely frail ten year old, who, in a normal life, might have looked like a healthy ten year old, at age 17.
I doubt we will get many updates on the condition of the children/adults due to their rights to privacy. I am certain they are out of the hospital and receiving therapeutic care through occupational, physical, nutritional, mental health, speech & language, hearing, vision, and medical professionals. I would hope they have sibling visits with each other frequently in a therapeutic setting and again in a relaxed, nurturing and safe environment weekly. I hope they get to make valentines for each other and each one of them get to have a sweet treat tomorrow. I truly hope they get to experience multiple adventures, sensations, art and culture and many things of beauty. I bet they are beyond happy that they get to experience real education and possibly even real school with socialization and peers. What wonderful and exciting experiences await them.

Any updates?

We know that the older adults are in assisted living (six of them.) The six minor children AFAIK are in two sets of foster homes. Is that correct? Do we know anything about the families that have the minor children, or the care facility housing the adults?

One of mine is nearing 30 and still gets carded. At age 16, restaurants were still giving her the child's menu when we sat down. She may have just looked like an extremely frail ten year old, who, in a normal life, might have looked like a healthy ten year old, at age 17.

If there was ever any logic to that argument, it was lost on me (eta...from last night, not yours). I actually still get carded from time to time and I have a few years on yours. I also make tall kids, so .... No arguments here :)

I didn't mean to appear to entertain that person's notions about the rest of it. I just noticed they were going on about a 12 year old and I was confused.

But I wrote down (on actual paper with circles and arrows) the ages from bankruptcy doc dated Aug 2011 and the ages from the news conference giving info about Jan 2018 ages and I think I've got it straightened out now...for now.
If there was ever any logic to that argument, it was lost on me (eta...from last night, not yours). I actually still get carded from time to time and I have a few years on yours. I also make tall kids, so .... No arguments here :)

I didn't mean to appear to entertain that person's notions about the rest of it. I just noticed they were going on about a 12 year old and I was confused.

But I wrote down (on actual paper with circles and arrows) the ages from bankruptcy doc dated Aug 2011 and the ages from the news conference giving info about Jan 2018 ages and I think I've got it straightened out now...for now.

I am on the tall side, and I was a thin kid too, but my kids took their height back after my mother's side and ex's side. However, I was rarely carded. Could have been that it was just that very different era. It blows my mind that mine get carded. I bought alcohol at 17-20, easily, and was drinking in biker bars, and, well, any bar, during that same time period and never got carded. The one time I did get carded, was when I was in a state where it was legal to drink at 19, and I was legal.

Re; the other post. I thought it was interesting. It got me thinking. Could it be possible they were taught to also lie about their ages and the bankruptcy docs were one place the Ts had to be truthful? They weren't supposed to tell folks their names. Maybe she said she was 10, out of habit, then later, told her true age at the hospital, when they were all out of the home. Just a thought that crossed my mind.
It looks like they were honest about ages at the Christmas party a couple of years ago, but still hiding their names in CA. (Plus one interpretation would be that #8, the 17 year old who appears 10, seems to have pinpointed the lewd act to happening "when she was 12" ....or is it link, don't quote me...for it to be charged the way it is.). But...I have had the thought myself.

And OT, now they just card everyone these days I think or they think they are flattering me or something, imho

David and Louise Turpin were present with five of their children when the contest winners were announced, Salynn Simon, who lived across the street from them, told the newspaper. Louise Turpin introduced her to the children and said one of the boys was in his mid-20s.

“I told him ‘You look so young, you look 15,’” Simon recalled, adding that Louise Turpin mentioned she and her husband would take their older children to Las Vegas.

Another neighbor saw them at the party.
Neighbor Josh Tiedeman-Bell grappled with how he and others in the tight-knit development that hosts an annual barbecue and Christmas decorating contest could be unaware of what happened there.

He recalled seeing the Turpin children doing yard work in the evenings but it didn't seem unusual in light of the blazing midday heat. He said a handful of the kids came to a neighborhood Christmas event one year and didn't say much, but he would never have thought this was why.

"We were all like a part of their nightmare," he said, fighting back tears.

A CA neighbor recalls they were not allowed to share names.
Those who tried to speak to the children over the years say they were rebuffed.

A neighbor of the Turpins when they lived in Texas told KTVT that the couple “kept them away from everybody.” When that neighbor asked one of the children her name, the girl said they weren’t allowed to tell people their names, according to the TV station.
It looks like they were honest about ages at the Christmas party a couple of years ago, but still hiding their names in CA. (Plus one interpretation would be that #8, the 17 year old who appears 10, seems to have pinpointed the lewd act to happening "when she was 12" ....or is it link, don't quote me...for it to be charged the way it is.). But...I have had the thought myself.

And OT, now they just card everyone these days I think or they think they are flattering me or something, imho


Another neighbor saw them at the party.

A CA neighbor recalls they were not allowed to share names.

I'd forgotten about that. They did grow taller than their mother though. My oldest, until after their 30th bday, held a nickname that was due to his young appearance and stature. Some folks still call him by it, and he's actually embraced it as sort of "statement". Maybe, my former post was closer. That had they have been normal weight, they'd still have had a youthful appearance anyway, and a slight build. Folks may have just been thrown off.

O/T I think you may be right about carding these days. I just remembered, I was out of town this weekend, and a restaurant carded me. I laughed. They laughed. I had to produce my license.
Next court date is on Feb 23rd:

I want to know what the Ts will say. This case is haunting.

The article wasn't clear in what type of hearing. I thought a three year restraining order was imposed at the last hearing which means that was a hearing on "permanent" restraining orders and no further hearings should be held for a few years on that issue.

Does anyone know what the hearing is about?
I have said this multiple times in many of my posts-the family members should have noticed something and acted accordingly.

As they say, denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

The one sister who lived with them for a summer was many years younger (she went to stay with them during summer break from school--on condition that she get a job there, rather than staying at home and working). This many years later, if we can rely on the truth of her statements, which is another question, she can look back and say that the treatment of the children was odd or controlling. but, as a teen visiting big sis, well, maybe she saw things differently.

Again, based on the younger sister's story, we know that there was other abuse in the family generally, and that this was not discussed or confronted. Which is often the case. We also know that there was a deep, wide streak of religious fundamentalism on both sides of the family. Important because this suggests patriarchalism and for many a strong belief in corporal punishment carried out by the family head. I don't know that religiosity breeds abuse, but I do believe that strong believers (across many religions) have a hard time confronting evidence of trouble within. Should grandparents have noticed something and taken action? Very likely. Certainly we would wish so. But it is unlikely that they saw more overt kinds of abuse (withholding food, shackles) on the one hand. And on the other, they have not yet (at least on the dad's side of the family) been able to admit what happened.
I'd forgotten about that. They did grow taller than their mother though. My oldest, until after their 30th bday, held a nickname that was due to his young appearance and stature. Some folks still call him by it, and he's actually embraced it as sort of "statement". Maybe, my former post was closer. That had they have been normal weight, they'd still have had a youthful appearance anyway, and a slight build. Folks may have just been thrown off.

O/T I think you may be right about carding these days. I just remembered, I was out of town this weekend, and a restaurant carded me. I laughed. They laughed. I had to produce my license.

This is the article I read originally about this Christmas decorating contest. It mentions trip to Vegas for 21st bday too. I thought I remembered the smiled & nodded part. (And it relates to being carded too, so that's kind of nice.) Same neighbor as quoted before, I believe. The girl scout cookie neighbor, too, at that.

One of the boys, Turpin told Simon, was in his mid-20s.

"I told him 'You look so young, you look 15,'" Simon recalled.

The young man smiled and nodded, but Louise Turpin did almost all of the talking for the family, Simon said.

Louise Turpin told Simon that she and her husband had taken their older children to Las Vegas when they turned 21. Turpin laughed about how her children were constantly asked for an ID during those trips because they look so young.

Eta...this is not worth an extra post, but I can't edit the last one. My last post, last quote is NOT a CA neighbor recalling the kids not being allowed to divulge their names, but appears to be the TX reference. Which is easy to see with one's own eyes, but I am trying to do better, dang it, so, let it be noted. Is there a sitting on hands smiley? Sorry. smh
At Hephzibah House we were often forced to march in circles inside or march in place. It is very hard to move a group with one adult to various areas or activities, especially when it was seen as risky or inconvenient to take us outside. At Hephzibah House they said the marching fulfilled the state requirement for Phy Ed. Regardless, you can march many kids for an hour or so in a confined space with minimal supervision and involvement. Thats how I saw it. Something they used when they were short staff and the girls were getting antsy from sitting in a room, often on the floor facing the walls, all day. We had to march in place, knees high, silent, equally spaced while staff wrote letters or read a book. Any deviation was of course a paddling offense, so we just marched until we were ordered to stop.

Interesting that they claimed that marching was fulfilling the state PE requirement. Because there are no state requirements for church-run schools in Indiana. Just blame somebody else, I guess.
If there was ever any logic to that argument, it was lost on me (eta...from last night, not yours). I actually still get carded from time to time and I have a few years on yours. I also make tall kids, so .... No arguments here :)

I didn't mean to appear to entertain that person's notions about the rest of it. I just noticed they were going on about a 12 year old and I was confused.

But I wrote down (on actual paper with circles and arrows) the ages from bankruptcy doc dated Aug 2011 and the ages from the news conference giving info about Jan 2018 ages and I think I've got it straightened out now...for now.

The bit about the 12-year-old is a bit confusing. I had originally thought that was a reference to #12. But according to the bankruptcy document, #12 can't be older than 11 now. #11 is listed as two years older, but in the pictures they appear to be pretty close in age. So my best guess is that #11, who is listed as 6 at the time of the bankruptcy document, could be 12 now (at the time of the escape, that is) if her birthday falls between late January and August. So she would be about to turn 13 sometime in the next few months. That would line up with the bankruptcy document. I'm guessing that's what you are referring to.
A glimpse into the lives of the siblings today - the first report I've seen in a few weeks, actually. It says they are doing pretty well. The adult siblings are learning music and how to play the guitar. It also makes a reference to there not yet being a release date, which makes it sound like they are at the hospital. It also says the children are at a separate facility still.
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