Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #10 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think it is highly likely that the lab tests came back showing something foreign--something that should not be on anything belonging to Sierra. It could be fingerprints, or it could be something containing DNA. It is something LE hopes to expand on and see who it leads to but the "no direct hit" to me says the evidence does not at this time point to any particular person or persons. It could be fingerprints not showing up in any database. Or some kind of DNA evidence that does not show a "hit" at this time.

It could also be fibers from a vehicle but not so unique that the fibers point to a particular make or model of vehicle. Possibly with further research this can be narrowed down. Or it could be some environmental evidence such as leaves, burrs, or soil, that would not be associated with Sierra's normal environment. Such evidence may be useful if someone should be detained at a later date and matching evidence is found on their person, possession, vehicle, etc.

I think LE got some results from the lab, perhaps not something that can at this early stage zero in on who was involved but gives them more clues on the type of person to look for and areas such a person would be associated with.


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Perhaps they have a DNA profile from her underwear if they were found in the bag and do not have a match, I think this was a first offense for this person and he may not be in any database. It could take years to indetify. They need to look at older males missing that Friday from their normal activities. Mo

I can easily see a teen taking a set of cloths thinking she can call mom after school and con her into letting her spend the night somewhere but the more the case is unfolding, I am thinking those were possibly the cloths she had on that day. As far as DNA on the underwear, I doubt once the cloths came off they were ever put back on, hence no DNA on the underwear. So, thinking on the lines of why the cloths were in the bag and not left with Sierra? The purse most likely never left the car once SL was abducted. The perps first thought would be to get rid of the naked body and the body was not left where the crime occurred. The crime occurred where the clothes couldn't be left, such as a car or home. So the perp carries her body to dispose of it in water or heavy brush comes back to the vehicle and leaves all the rest of her belongings in another spot. This does not explain the shoes though. :banghead:
saw her last.

Sierra waited at the bus stop alone; no other students used that stop.

The bus driver may have waited at the bus stop for Sierra but she did not drive up to Sierra's home before continuing on to the next stop. That was a rumor and remains a rumor until it is substantiated.

Thank you krkrjx!
I follow as I can because of IP and computer troubles.

Is her stop first on line, I followed and I am thinking that there are a few stops before hers, supposedly it was a few kids in bus.
Welcome to Websleuths, rachaellouise!
GRACE: You stated, Sheriff Smith, that you found her school books. Were they in her Juicy couture bag?

SMITH: Everything was together in the one location that we found wedged between a building and a big cactus.

There could lie the answer to my prior post questioning where the shoes are. "Everything was together in one location". We do not know what everything is because LE didn't tell us exactly what was and what wasn't found.
When DH, pup, and I sleuthed Morgan Hill and its environs about three weeks ago, we saw the YES sign at the front of the house. I wondered what it meant...
Political sign?
Sign regarding Sierra in some way?

One of the posters said that photo was from May 2011 so I guess the Lamar's weren't moved in yet at that time?
Sorry trying my best to get caught up from overnight-to present posts so please forgive me if my inquiry is that of a repetive nature thats already ben asked&answered numerous times over..
Is there newly released(or atleast newly discovered) somewhere that somehow has Sierra's text messages from her phone(all or some or even one) that we are able to read? If not directly linkable could someone just post what words to post in a Google search to find it? TiA ..

And one other thing..the "party" of possible party on March 16.. I just wanted to have clarified that an actual party is being diiscussed rather than the whole "Project X Party" that was all the hype around the ttime Sierra went missing.. I know early on there wwee some with confusion between the movie being an actual reference to an actual party...??

Again I apologize in advance for my being behind aand appreciate any light anyone could shed on the above issues:blushing:

**and now back to reading to catch up..**
I've been reading SL's tweets and saw several references to her "signature uniform" she wore on FRIDAYS being Red chucks (shoes), shirt, leggings and jean jacket.

Just curious as I've not seen this outfit mentioned elsewhere. Anyone else seen it?


Now this is "interesting" ... I don't do Twitter and find it hard to follow and understand ...

Did the tweet say what type or color for the shirt ?

And did the tweet say what type and color for the leggings ?

OK, here's something that is probably WAY out there, but...

What if the perp took Sierra's clothes and washed them in hope of eliminating any fibers, hairs, sweat, and then placed them in the bag to toss?

I still think there was trace evidence found on the clothes...hairs, fibers, or even fingerprints. But if there wasn't, maybe they were laundered after Sierra wore them. It seems to me that there would be a carpet fiber or a hair or SOMETHING on those clothes if Sierra had them on when she was in a car. Even if they looked clean and the perp shook them out, all it would take is one hair or a tiny carpet fiber, and such evidence would be really hard to shake off.

Sounds incredible, but perps sometimes do really weird things. IDK, it might explain the neatly folded clothing. Simply folded would have fit them into the bag...but we have heard numerous times they were "neatly" folded. One would think they would rather burn the clothes rather than launder them, but maybe burning was not an option.
OK, here's something that is probably WAY out there, but...

What if the perp took Sierra's clothes and washed them in hope of eliminating any fibers, hairs, sweat, and then placed them in the bag to toss?

I still think there was trace evidence found on the clothes...hairs, fibers, or even fingerprints. But if there wasn't, maybe they were laundered after Sierra wore them. It seems to me that there would be a carpet fiber or a hair or SOMETHING on those clothes if Sierra had them on when she was in a car. Even if they looked clean and the perp shook them out, all it would take is one hair or a tiny carpet fiber, and such evidence would be really hard to shake off.

Sounds incredible, but perps sometimes do really weird things. IDK, it might explain the neatly folded clothing. Simply folded would have fit them into the bag...but we have heard numerous times they were "neatly" folded. One would think they would rather burn the clothes rather than launder them, but maybe burning was not an option.

I like it. Commits the crime and has his wife fold the clothes. Whoever this is makes me sick. Ugh.

Now this is "interesting" ... I don't do Twitter and find it hard to follow and understand ...

Did the tweet say what type or color for the shirt ?

And did the tweet say what type and color for the leggings ?


Fridays are often "spirit day" for schools. Sobrato High's colors are red (burgundy) and black. Maybe that is why she wore certain things on Friday?

Now this is "interesting" ... I don't do Twitter and find it hard to follow and understand ...

Did the tweet say what type or color for the shirt ?

And did the tweet say what type and color for the leggings ?


No, there was no reference to colors or type of shirt, only the RED shoes. Some of these references were also on SL's friends tweets and I'm not sure if they were from her old school or the new one.
hmm does anyone know where I can find the bus route for Sierra's bus? I think I recall it posed some where on some thread?

oh I am sorry to be a asking, but...y'all are so helpful:)
I think I read that Sierra did private cheerleading stuff, not for the school,...does anyone know where that is that she goes to?
thnx in advance
IIRC, it was stated in Thread #9 (or was it #8?) that the import/export business that operated at that address closed its doors in July 2011 and has not operated since.

Thanks Lisa, I remember that being stated but don't have a link of confirmation. It doesn't mean that the building is not still being used for storage or rented for storage. Since the owner of the home is renting it, it appears that the owner is into investment property. If that is the case then the other building and or trailers could very well be generating income also. If this is the case then people coming and going from that area would not arouse suspicion. I'm not saying that the perp is anyone that may be associated with the building. I'm just stating that vehicles around that area would no be deemed suspicious.
When DH, pup, and I sleuthed Morgan Hill and its environs about three weeks ago, we saw the YES sign at the front of the house. I wondered what it meant...
Political sign?
Sign regarding Sierra in some way?

That "Yes" sign has been there since before the Lamar's moved in. It's always been positioned at the gate that leads to the back of the property.

Most likely a 'yes' sign for order deliveries for the warehouse on the property in the back so that the truck deliver driver doesn't get confused pulling into what looks like somebodies home rather than a warehouse delivery destination.
Fridays are often "spirit day" for schools. Sobrato High's colors are red (burgundy) and black. Maybe that is why she wore certain things on Friday?

No, there was no reference to colors or type of shirt, only the RED shoes. Some of these references were also on SL's friends tweets and I'm not sure if they were from her old school or the new one.

:seeya: Thank You !

It is interesting ... but it still has not been public what color the clothes were that were found in the handbag ? :banghead:

Wish they would share "something" ... "anything" ...

:seeya: Thank You !

It is interesting ... but it still has not been public what color the clothes were that were found in the handbag ? :banghead:

Wish they would share "something" ... "anything" ...


It would be nice if they shared. Just looked again and the leggings mentioned were black .. From the San Francisco affiliate of ABC, this report makes clear that the findings which came back from the evidence labs are promising in the way of potential new leads, while the pond, lake and reservoir searches are a separate prong of the investigation. Divers & dogs & sonar are completing search coverage that included ground teams earlier. What was learned from the evidence analysis may have nothing whatever to do with water.
It would be nice if they shared. Just looked again and the leggings mentioned were black ..

The pants in the bag were leggings? Has that actually been stated by LE or by mom or anyone who might know? Because I had only heard the word "pants."
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