Casey and TonE Chat Logs

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For some reason I think that gun was newly acquired. During the time that Caylee was missing. I had done a lot of searching for info on it after finding out Frank's daddy sells guns. I didn't find a connection. But I still believe this was a new gun.

IIRC he had recently ordered it off the internet (claiming it was for protection from protesters) & had it delivered to the house..I remember thinking that's how LE got wind of it.
EXACTLY. The PR vacay really set things off, didn't it? Remember Cindy asking Casey on the jail vids, something to the effect of, were you still planning on GOING to PR? Casey said, "yes".

I entertained the notion months ago that Casey asked Cindy to watch Caylee so that Casey could go to PR and Cindy said "no" and then perhaps used a "I don't have vacation then" or "I used it all up" excuse. It's funny/strange how Cindy goes on and on about her vacation in the LE videos about how she had one week and then she got another week...yadda yadda yadda...then used it all up. I got the impression (which is pure speculation) that after Casey may have asked Cindy for the time off Cindy went and booked her vacation for OTHER TIME and then told Casey she couldn't get off for the time Casey asked. Then it was strange how Cindy told LE that she thought the girls would go to the beach together or some such nonsense (around the same time or near the same time as the real PR vacation). I got the impression watching the video that Cindy said "NO" to Casey but then got some time off and said, "Let's girls go to the beach together if you want to go to the beach so bad"....

I would have to go listen to those horrible videos to be exact about this but this is how I remember it. It struck me as manipulative.

Good analysis. I always thought that was a strategic point of contention. At first I wondered if there had been a fight on June 9 because - even though CA said she could or would not watch Caylee while KC took a trip, KC might have charged a ticket for herself on one of CA's cards and the charge hit earlier than she thought and CA saw it and hit the roof (she might have booked it a bit later than the other ones she did on line on May 14). It also seemed to me that the spending spree she did with Amy's account when she left was also some kind of self-justified entitlement thing because somebody had not gotten her a ticket or she had not been able to finalize her own. I'm still not clear on how many different cc statements (in addition to the JC Penny one) that CA was reluctant to hand over to LE but offered to JB.

It's getting hard for me to listen to those videos too - my tolerance level for both of their voices is pretty low these days.
Not anymore :) :)

Sorry, but I just had to be ugly this morning.

Yup, your right that flight has been grounded!! I should have used the past tense. You can be as ugly as you want, I have my monitor set so everything comes out hearts and flowers to me. :D
I think she had a plan...not sure what it was, but she was definatley planning on getting G and CA out of that house. How does the timing of this im message line up with the vaccation they took. Was she simply referring to them being out of town?

if not, and I have always thought this based on what she told amy, that she was going to kill them and make it look like a break in or something.

Was killing george and cindy also going to be blamed on the nanny who supposedly had caylee and was threatening her family?? Then she could say " see this is why I didnt tell you they threatended to kill my family and now they had done it .
While Casey is texting Amy about "moving in" and IM'ing TonE about coming over any time he wants 3 days from June 10, 2008, saying that her parents were "moving out" consider the situation in the A family home at that time period:

1. We've heard about Cindy ALLEGEDLY going to counseling about the Casey/Caylee situation and allegedly trying to go for custody of Caylee (see Grandma Plesea emails, Rick emails, Cindy co-worker emails).

2. We KNOW that Cindy threatened Casey the day in the car of July 15th, 2008 as you can hear it when they were between 911 calls...saying essentially if you want to go this route I'll get custody. Yes, this example is AFTER Caylee went missing BUT did Casey say, "Mom, what are you TALKING about? Custody???" Nope, this was a familiar conversation and not the first time Casey had heard it from Cindy. MY OPINION.

3. We heard that allegedly Cindy considered throwing CASEY out of the house (see grandma Plesea, brother Rick emails and Cindy co-worker emails).

4. We've heard about the neighbors hearing FIGHTS coming from A family home. Fights in which Cindy and Casey can be heard arguing with Casey doing the majority of the yelling.

5. Casey was stealing from her family (ex: credit cards, grandma/grandpa Plesea X2, "robbed at gunpoint" 4k, was caught on more than one occasion (AT LEAST) and the family was at the end of their tether with her.

6. Cindy called some of Casey's friends and told them she was a sociopath! This is not a "happy family".

Even before the ALLEGED neck-squeezing on Father's Day, I speculate there were fights and custody discussions. I think Casey was also informed of her shaky situation on the home-front. It's like we get new information and sometimes forget what we've read before regarding this time period--it was NOT GOOD. Casey spent Father's Day without her father and without her grandfather. I can see exactly why she was considering GA and CA "moving out" since Casey herself was likely being threatened with being "moved out" onto the sidewalk by the 'rents if she did not change her ways!

Casey even went as far as to claim to her friends that her mother was "Crazy" (see texts to Amy) and that to various friends/boyfriends that both her father and brother molested her or were inappropriate with her sexually or physically. Just because Casey says it doesn't make it true but PERHAPS she was hoping some young male would "save" her from her bad family situation!
Sounds like there may have been some words exchanged between mom and daughter that very evening because of how Caylee acted before bed:
CA "My mom is in bed, my dad is working till 11 or so. the kid is passed the out."
L7tone "Oh"
CA "She kept telling mom that she's a boss, and was patting herself on the chest.?

Any thoughts?
I agree with ya, Cecybeans, that Casey likely got the first "notion" of getting the house from Cindy if it is to be believed about the CA/GA divorce and putting the house in Casey's name. Shady behavior breeds shady behavior, does it not? That is not a good thought to put in lazy Casey's skull.

So, SPECULATION, when GA and CA get back together and here's Casey preggers with Caylee, and then has the child out of wedlock, the 'rents are starting to complain and criticize Casey's stealing, work history, and child raising, friction begins to occur. The idea may have been planted in Casey's mind at various times about her "getting the house". In fact, by June 2008 she is NOT getting the house, she's close to getting the BOOT from the home (but they want Caylee to stay).

I think Casey was ANGRY at the alleged threat from the A's about taking Caylee away from her. I think she was ANGRY about them riding her @ss about the No Clothes Party when she told them she went to work and then Cindy went on her MySpace and then showed Casey she saw the photos and said, "You were AT WORK, HUH"? I think she was ANGRY at being usurped as the "mother" of Caylee. I think she was ANGRY about not being able to go to Puerto Rico. I think she was ANGRY at being called out on her stealing and was jealous about the attention Caylee got from Cindy, George and even Lee. I think the Father's Day event and not being invited or told not to come really set her off! I think she was ANGRY that they would even CONSIDER kicking her out (I don't think they would have anyway).
EXACTLY. The PR vacay really set things off, didn't it? Remember Cindy asking Casey on the jail vids, something to the effect of, were you still planning on GOING to PR? Casey said, "yes".

I entertained the notion months ago that Casey asked Cindy to watch Caylee so that Casey could go to PR and Cindy said "no" and then perhaps used a "I don't have vacation then" or "I used it all up" excuse. It's funny/strange how Cindy goes on and on about her vacation in the LE videos about how she had one week and then she got another week...yadda yadda yadda...then used it all up. I got the impression (which is pure speculation) that after Casey may have asked Cindy for the time off Cindy went and booked her vacation for OTHER TIME and then told Casey she couldn't get off for the time Casey asked. Then it was strange how Cindy told LE that she thought the girls would go to the beach together or some such nonsense (around the same time or near the same time as the real PR vacation). I got the impression watching the video that Cindy said "NO" to Casey but then got some time off and said, "Let's girls go to the beach together if you want to go to the beach so bad"....

I would have to go listen to those horrible videos to be exact about this but this is how I remember it. It struck me as manipulative.

As it very sadly turns out, KC could have gone to PR without a sitter but apparently couldn't scam the cash. But it wouldn't surprise me a bit if CA did deliberately and blatantly put an end to the PR fantasy by arranging her schedule to be unable to care for Caylee. I believe that CA's reasoning could have been something along the lines of: Why should KC get to go on this fantasy trip while poor martyrmom couldn't have such things?

Near perfect hubby and I have never been away from our children for more than 1 night when that young. That's not because we couldn't; we didn't want to be. I couldn't imagine wanting to leave our child at age two years for an entire week. We wouldn't be able to enjoy it. Just goes to show where her head was at with regards to her child. I can get over the "snothead" remark made to AR. We often refer to our very well loved children as 'rugbrats,' 'monkeys' or even 'monsters.' We do so, however, with very much affection and/or teasing. Sometimes, at least in our families, normal words just can't encompass the beauty we see in or love we feel for our children. My sis-in-law, after many years of trying, was finally blessed with a gorgeous baby boy. This child was the be-all, end-all for both her and my brother but they would refer to him with less than flattering terms at times that would apparently shock many here.

Now that I've written all that, upon reflection, I'm thinking that context would make all the difference in the world and I can't imagine us referring to our children with derogatory terms to anyone outside of the family; particularly with someone we barely knew.
I hadn't thought about that, very possible. Remembering back to working in a hospital myself (I know Genevia isn't a hospital) we had to put in vacay time at the beginning of the year. And my dh who's BDay is very close to CA always, as long as I've known him takes time off around his Bday. I just projected that on to CA and figured she may do the same. Which is just too bad for KC who wants to go a couple weeks later.

I also thought that was exactly why KC was very scarce the whole time CA was off work the 1st time.

Funny (not really) that Cindy in fact did end up taking so much more time off all around the time KC wanted to go to PR.

Caylee was no longer an issue when the group did take off, KC could have easily joined them. I don't think she dared leave the area in case Caylee turned up. But she could have gone if she wanted to.

This (to me) is just more proof that KC isn't planning anything. She's flying by the seat of her pants.
I think by the time of the PR trip, she did not want to leave Tony's side. She was trying to change his mind about going to NY
Sounds like there may have been some words exchanged between mom and daughter that very evening because of how Caylee acted before bed:
CA "My mom is in bed, my dad is working till 11 or so. the kid is passed the out."
L7tone "Oh"
CA "She kept telling mom that she's a boss, and was patting herself on the chest.?

Any thoughts?

Can u direct me to these IM's? I cannot find them....or post a link? ty....are they in the batch of text messages???
That appears to me pretty obvious but ya know the A's will make up some SICK excuse in their heads for the "Bad Seed" planning their demise..IOW!..Not even this will stop them from supporting her to the bitter end..:sick:

CA supports CA only, imo. This show of support for KC is really because of how it reflects on CA, imo.
Could someone refresh my memory...this case has such a huge cast of characters..
What is the difference in TonE and Tony L's relationship with Casey?

TonE is Tony L. Maybe you meant Tony R., the former cop? There wasn't much of a relationship with Tony R., from what I recall reading. Just sex a few times and talk of having more sex at some future time. Don't recall them ever going out or talking about anything other than getting together to have sex. But I've been wrong before... :)
Sounds like there may have been some words exchanged between mom and daughter that very evening because of how Caylee acted before bed:
CA "My mom is in bed, my dad is working till 11 or so. the kid is passed the out."
L7tone "Oh"
CA "She kept telling mom that she's a boss, and was patting herself on the chest.?

Any thoughts?

The "boss" comment brings to mind gansta speak. A theme that seems to be present throughout her time with TL and the Fusian crew. I think this shows Caylee was around that influence a lot.
Good analysis. I always thought that was a strategic point of contention. At first I wondered if there had been a fight on June 9 because - even though CA said she could or would not watch Caylee while KC took a trip, KC might have charged a ticket for herself on one of CA's cards and the charge hit earlier than she thought and CA saw it and hit the roof (she might have booked it a bit later than the other ones she did on line on May 14). It also seemed to me that the spending spree she did with Amy's account when she left was also some kind of self-justified entitlement thing because somebody had not gotten her a ticket or she had not been able to finalize her own. I'm still not clear on how many different cc statements (in addition to the JC Penny one) that CA was reluctant to hand over to LE but offered to JB.

It's getting hard for me to listen to those videos too - my tolerance level for both of their voices is pretty low these days.

It just kinda dawned on me, that if KC was going to Puerto Rico wouldn't Cindy need to take and drop Caylee off at the "Nanny's" while she went to work? I don't think KC ever planned on going, knowing that this lie would be exposed. I guess she could have asked Cindy to take vacation time, but IIRC I think Cindy was on vacation the first week in June and first week of July and the Puerto Rico trip was the second week in July.
I agree with ya, Cecybeans, that Casey likely got the first "notion" of getting the house from Cindy if it is to be believed about the CA/GA divorce and putting the house in Casey's name. Shady behavior breeds shady behavior, does it not? That is not a good thought to put in lazy Casey's skull.

So, SPECULATION, when GA and CA get back together and here's Casey preggers with Caylee, and then has the child out of wedlock, the 'rents are starting to complain and criticize Casey's stealing, work history, and child raising, friction begins to occur. The idea may have been planted in Casey's mind at various times about her "getting the house". In fact, by June 2008 she is NOT getting the house, she's close to getting the BOOT from the home (but they want Caylee to stay).

I think Casey was ANGRY at the alleged threat from the A's about taking Caylee away from her. I think she was ANGRY about them riding her @ss about the No Clothes Party when she told them she went to work and then Cindy went on her MySpace and then showed Casey she saw the photos and said, "You were AT WORK, HUH"? I think she was ANGRY at being usurped as the "mother" of Caylee. I think she was ANGRY about not being able to go to Puerto Rico. I think she was ANGRY at being called out on her stealing and was jealous about the attention Caylee got from Cindy, George and even Lee. I think the Father's Day event and not being invited or told not to come really set her off! I think she was ANGRY that they would even CONSIDER kicking her out (I don't think they would have anyway).

It was a weird exchange, my first thought was 'where did that come from?'
but except for making plans to meet at certain times and sex talk all their context is just disjointed remarks.

I thought it weird when TonE asked KC if she wanted a reward for Caylee being potty trained. That reward is all Caylee's (KC's would be no more diapers) How sad was it that KC thought she deserved a treat for Caylee's success?
yeah thanks, I should amend that to not having any true feelings for anything outside her own perceived needs. I still don't think the tears were real. :D

I agree with you that she could turn them on and off at will. It seems likely that she learned at a very young age that temper tantrums, complete with tears, would cause her parents to back off. So, imo, at any given time, tears could have been: 1) a 'real' reflexive reaction; 2) a false on/off such as she tried to work up at JB's office over being indicted; or 3) an actual real event, although not for the reasons appropriate to the situation but instead, for herself and/or being thwarted. The tears over TL leaving her could have been either of the three but I'd bet on #3, if I were betting. She had a lot riding on this "relationship" and had invested a lot into it, by her standards. Having it taken away and blowing her belle vita fantasies of becoming a famous band promoter with TL could have caused her to become truly upset for herself.
1. Casey: "I sat around waiting until she strolled in until just before 11." (Who was the "she"? I'm guessing Cindy was used as an excuse for why Casey couldn't come over to service TonE the night before.)

2. She moves from talking about hooking up at Fusian later on to discussing her "kid" being potty trained by her birthday thank god, which then immediately transitions into sex talk of rewards.

3. She taunts TonE with comments about Ricardo, a ploy to raise jealousy and possessiveness in TonE which will then satisfy her need to feel wanted. It doesn't work quite the way she wanted so used her fallback manipulation: her body. It's still not working quite right so she moves in for the kill: She'll sleep with his roommate Cam. That gets a "go ahead" which puts her into petulance mode. She can't believe he won't play the game of "tag me as yours" so gets a little angry. In my mind, he's being a poohead, but hey. Foreplay takes its own path with two people. In any case, it all gets set aside by the "tap into the guy you're talking to" routine, and she discusses the game he's watching.

3. Game talk into sex talk. TonE wants to come over to her house. She has to deflect him. Cindy's home, and George is supposed to get home shortly. This is where it gets REALLY interesting. There's a plan afoot and TonE has been made aware of it at some point before this IM on June 10th. "Just a few more days and you can bring your *advertiser censored* over here anytime you want, and stay whenever you want." This is the same plan she's been telling Amy, that George and Cindy are leaving and she's going to own the house.

4. Don't even get me started on "the kid is passed the F$%K out." comment.

5. "A couple days, , 3 days to be exact (that would make it June 13) the place is all mine and we can do as we please." I know we've all speculated on what she was going to do. This is the Friday before Father's Day. Now she's telling TonE it will be done, George and Cindy will be gone. She doesn't talk about Caylee being gone; she talks about G&C being gone, for good. But it grosses me out to think about it and realize that immediately afterward she transitions to sex talk again, specifically about how noisy she is. The implications of heightened sexual stimulation and death is a whole field of study in psychology. But then, she "unfortunately still has too much damn respect for her folks." Wonder if that respect is why they're still alive to support her. Someone else pointed out that she kept the sex talk going as a hook, and I will agree to that. But interspersed into these other comments about her parents being "gone" and her "kid" is just a lot of ew ew ew for me.

6. The whole talk about having been on the phone (which apparently was ended abruptly) about how a co-worker came in to tease her about being in love. The whole thing nauseated me on a number of levels and I'm pretty sure everyone will have at least one of those levels in mind, so I'll just leave it there. But its all about bringing the girls out to TonE's club to show how supportive she is of his work. She's bringing in the harem for him! Of course, she's the best one. Natch.

7. June 12, she talks about her job some more: She was on vaction (OF COURSE!!!) when she and TonE had their important tagging ritual, so that's why she was able to bond with him so early so fast!! Her boss applauds her dedication by being there at 6 a.m. (the excuse why she wasn't in bed with him when he woke up? [also....wasn't she sleeping over at ricardo's on the 9th?]) But she's "CRAZY in love with this boy" so she's going to make sure all other guys know she's with him. She tries to tease him a little bit about which boy it might be, and he doesn't play along. I'm going to guess that at this point in their brief relationship (heck, in just this series of IMs it's been at least 4 times) that she attempts to make him act jealous to feed her need to make that mean he wants her badly enough to be jealous of other guys, and he's tired of the headgames already.

8. UHOH!! DANGER WILL ROBINSON! She's talking about going to "jville with Amy." A tactical error on her part. She can't remember if she told him (she probably told Ricardo in their pillow session on the 9th. oops!!!) and so makes it about him forgetting. He knows what he knows though and she didn't tell him (WTG TONY!) He gets immediately pissed off that she hadn't told him and calls her a "lil sneaking ". She tries really hard to remind him of when she told him (of course it was after sex with him!!!). He doesn't buy it at all. Calls her a lil sneaking of a girlfriend and she gets really mad about that. But she's in danger of him being really pissed so she does what any real trouper would do! Throws her body on the bomb! Poor Amy got the call that Casey "suddenly" couldn't go to Jacksonville because her dad had a stroke. Well, looks like we know why she didn't go to J'ville. She realized she needed to fix the tactical error of having NOT told TonE she was going, but (in my opinion) telling Ricardo. Gotta tag the man before he really realizes she IS a lil sneaking .

Anyway, there's my two cents.

Again, well said! I so agree with your posts. You offer some very keen insight into this character KC. Without being too nosey, what is your occupation? Are you a student of the human psyche?
I am ABSOLUTELY sure that Cindy will be reading these text messages. George, maybe not. But Cindy? Oh, yes.

Question if anybody knows: The conversation between George and Casey where he says to her that "other things may come out" was during her first trip to jail, right? And it was already known that she had stolen money from Amy, right? Could he have been referring to her stealing the money from the grandparents? Did George or Cindy ever tell police in those intitial interviews that they knew Casey had stolen from the grandparents? Or did that info come to LE later on, from Cindy's brother Rick?

Also wanted to ask, looking at the thread "Computer Forensics" in the Parking Lot, it certainly appears that George was the one going to the Escort websites. Anybody think Casey knew about this? Anybody think Cindy know about it?

How much money would it be possible to spend on escort services over a period of months if one was unemployed and tried real hard?
TonE is Tony L. Maybe you meant Tony R., the former cop? There wasn't much of a relationship with Tony R., from what I recall reading. Just sex a few times and talk of having more sex at some future time. Don't recall them ever going out or talking about anything other than getting together to have sex. But I've been wrong before... :)

No, you are right. TR was a new cop, went through the academy with Jesse. Jesse made the mistake of showing off KC as his gf and TR jumped her bones in a heartbeat. Then there was nothing but a lot of KC stinging him along and not showing up. Sometime in May she went back to his place for seconds and then as far as we know, nothing.

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