Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #46

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Yeah, I don't think she would have had a problem dragging or pulling the suitcase up the stairs by herself. It looks like there are just a few steps to the landing and then a few more to the main level.

LE found blood on the stairs, on the landing and from the steps and pathway leading to the garage, as well as in the garage underneath where her car was parked on Monday night.

At some point she probably transferred the body to the car in the suitcase, after placing the board in the trunk to keep blood from soaking through the suitcase.

Maybe that's when she got the blood on the trunk of the car. Either that or it happened when she dumped the body on Tuesday night.

There was no way she was going to allow anyone to see her car, so there had to be some very incriminating evidence in it.

You could exit the basement through the window. There is a ladder right there to climb up. Not that I think that's what happened, just saying you can exit the basement to the outside.
This is an excellent map. However, the drop site was across the river to the north. Not near the Swamphouse Boat ramp. If you look at 90 going north across the river, it is just past the first '90' marker on the map. There is nothing there. The higher bridge is the one traveling north. I believe she went over the crest, pulled to the left side, and dropped him over the side. If it was night, she wouldn't have been able to see anything beneath the bridge. You can see from your map how wide and spread out this connection of Escambia River is to Escambia Bay. From the height of the bridge, it looks mostly like water far and wide. Not being familiar with the area, she wouldn't know there was no water there. It almost proves that she dropped him in the cover of darkness. MOO

Good info and good ideas! This hypothesis about the possible drop situation makes me wonder if lack of sleep had finally caught up with her, to the point of her eventually dropping him in a less-than-ideal place because she was just so done with everything and lacked the energy to bury or hide him.

We know from Google searches that:

she was up until 4-5 am the night before he “disappeared”

she didn’t sleep the next day/night he did disappear

she can’t have slept much in the days after that either because...moving a body/lying about it/getting the family caravan together/providing press interviews...

She wasn’t at her best when dumping his body days after these pressures started eating at her. Not that her possible “best” is even worth considering, sorry...

AnyhowI think the dump spot was likely just a poor choice due to her deteriorating mental state after days upon days being frantic, awake, driving, and desperate.
Since she was trying to presplain her blood being present, then I do think it’s probable that she was bleeding at some point. The thing that gives me pause is that there was nothing in the affidavit in regards to wounds on her hands. I would expect law enforcement to both check for injuries, and document those injuries within the AA.

So I’m not sure what to make of it.
Yeah, I'm still scratching my head over some of the things in the AA. In many of the child murders we see here blunt force trauma is often found in the autopsy and it makes sense that LS could have initially hit Gannon with something, causing him to bleed. Head wounds tend to bleed a lot.

That fits in with LS going into a rage over something Gannon said or did - something innocuous to us but not to Miss "I want to be the center of everyone's attention." I'm finally coming around to your theory that she killed Gannon after seeing that he was too hurt to explain away and decided to murder him. And I believe that rage was also fueled in part by her anger at AS and LH.

But... it's hard to add in a knife and a gun too as that seems over the top even for LS. And you're right - if she did use a knife it's likely she cut herself at some point. I could more easily see her shooting Gannon at the end but doing so in her house doesn't make sense. Which brings us back to whether or not he actually did arrive home with her on Monday.

The burnt rug video is another weird piece of the puzzle. If she created it on purpose then it may imply premeditation depending on when she took it. IOW, at some point she consciously decided to end his life so was the video done before or after she hurt him? I assume after so as to cover her tracks (great job LS - not) but Gannon was still able to speak.

I dunno, maybe the head injury caused a subdural hematoma which can take time before symptoms appear.

Sigh. So much doesn't make sense and I suppose the original AA can be amended based on the autopsy. For now I'm having a devil of a time trying to piece it all together.
Crime lab returns to home of Gannon Stauch

I wonder why they would go back in 25 days later to search the house. This was exactly one month before his body was found in FL. I also saw on another video that crime scene techs were removing items from the house in late February. And TS was arrested one week later on March 2, for reference. I wonder what intel they had by then that prompted them to go back to the house to search, and what that intel was. Maybe someone talked, maybe phone or computer data.
You could exit the basement through the window. There is a ladder right there to climb up. Not that I think that's what happened, just saying you can exit the basement to the outside.
Yeah, I think if she had done that she would have risked setting off the motion detector or being seen on camera.

She must have gone out the back door several times while she was cleaning, maybe to dump out water or rinse out rags. Someone mentioned there may be a hose back there.

Crime lab returns to home of Gannon Stauch

I wonder why they would go back in 25 days later to search the house. This was exactly one month before his body was found in FL. I also saw on another video that crime scene techs were removing items from the house in late February. And TS was arrested one week later on March 2, for reference. I wonder what intel they had by then that prompted them to go back to the house to search, and what that intel was. Maybe someone talked, maybe phone or computer data.
I think it was most likely related to lab results, and they returned to gather more evidence.

Another solid potential reason, is that something in her phone taps told them where to look for certain evidence. We know these intercepts were approved in early February (7th and 10th if I recall), and she said incriminating things around Valentine’s Day. This search was about a week later.

So I think it’s one of those two things.
HA some.point
I can bet she had a phone similar to mine (Samsung galaxy) and now I absolutely cringe and redo it when the dots get all in there. I hit the dot instead of the space aaalll the time. I had to delete 3 already this message. I cannot do it without thinking of that creature. It was annoying enough already that from the last phone to this phone, obviously the placement is slightly off, but to have my stuff look like hers.... oh uh unh. Thats gone to far.
Good info and good ideas! This hypothesis about the possible drop situation makes me wonder if lack of sleep had finally caught up with her, to the point of her eventually dropping him in a less-than-ideal place because she was just so done with everything and lacked the energy to bury or hide him.

We know from Google searches that:

she was up until 4-5 am the night before he “disappeared”

she didn’t sleep the next day/night he did disappear

she can’t have slept much in the days after that either because...moving a body/lying about it/getting the family caravan together/providing press interviews...

She wasn’t at her best when dumping his body days after these pressures started eating at her. Not that her possible “best” is even worth considering, sorry...

AnyhowI think the dump spot was likely just a poor choice due to her deteriorating mental state after days upon days being frantic, awake, driving, and desperate.

Interesting. So that gives us a window of from 5 am til 8 am, when she took the bed pix, to clean up the blood on wall, move or replace blankets, move the bed away from wall, and set up staging for the pics. Opportunity.
I think it was when she said she threw the blankets on the fire and there were blisters and they were both bleeding. I’m not exactly sure, but I’ve seen it posted in here a few times.
Thanks, I found it in the AA. She told Albert that her blood would be found in the corner (where most of the blood actually was) after she and Gannon had been anally penetrated with an object and she had been tied up. In this version, Eguardo was hiding in the house when LE was there that night.

She also told the homeowner that when she and Gannon got back inside (from the fire) they had blood all over and the blankets around them. That was when she said she threw the blankets over the fire.

It's hard to keep her stories straight. She has the mentality of a four year old child, but with sick sexual fantasies.

Thanks, I found it in the AA. She told Albert that her blood would be found in the corner (where most of the blood actually was) after she and Gannon had been anally penetrated with an object and she had been tied up. In this version, Eguardo was hiding in the house when LE was there that night.

She also told the homeowner that when she and Gannon got back inside (from the fire) they had blood all over and the blankets around them. That was when she said she threw the blankets over the fire.

It's hard to keep her stories straight. She has the mentality of a four year old child, but with sick sexual fantasies.


Investigators heads must spin when they hear her talk.

I was thinking how obstinate she was in that S.C. courtroom right after she was arrested. She was very defiant with that judge, detached, and disrespectful. It was like she was angry she got caught, not scared, not worried, just angry and wanting out of there. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is about revenge on AS for some reason.
Interesting. So that gives us a window of from 5 am til 8 am, when she took the bed pix, to clean up the blood on wall, move or replace blankets, move the bed away from wall, and set up staging for the pics. Opportunity.
I don't think she did all the cleaning until after the murder. LE has pictures and video that show Gannon was still alive on Monday morning.

With all that blood on the walls, mattress and carpet, the bedding must have been saturated with blood. I think she just got rid of it.

Investigators heads must spin when they hear her talk.

I was thinking how obstinate she was in that S.C. courtroom right after she was arrested. She was very defiant with that judge, detached, and disrespectful. It was like she was angry she got caught, not scared, not worried, just angry and wanting out of there. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is about revenge on AS for some reason.
Yeah, she didn't show much emotion in that court appearance. There was just a blank expression on her face.
It's interesting that the only thing she had to say was, "I wasn't running from you guys."

She could have at least pretended to be concerned about her stepson.

I don't think she did all the cleaning until after the murder. LE has pictures and video that show Gannon was still alive on Monday morning.

With all that blood on the walls, mattress and carpet, the bedding must have been saturated with blood. I think she just got rid of it.


Yes, the pics TS took at 8 am. The bed was already away from the wall at that time. That’s the giveaway to me. She took those pics for some reason. And the blood soaking thru the mattress was near his head. Easy to hide on pic with those blankets, many pillows etc. I think head or abdominal injury happened Sun night - Mon morning, he bled out over night, and wall clean up happened before those pix. Carpet clean up after 2 pm. I think blood on wall was from frantic movement of G on bed most likely pouring out of nose. Massive amounts of blood can pour out from closed head wounds and patient still be alive. Also, either head or abdominal injury could result in profuse bloody vomit on carpet.
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Yeah, I'm still scratching my head over some of the things in the AA. In many of the child murders we see here blunt force trauma is often found in the autopsy and it makes sense that LS could have initially hit Gannon with something, causing him to bleed. Head wounds tend to bleed a lot.

That fits in with LS going into a rage over something Gannon said or did - something innocuous to us but not to Miss "I want to be the center of everyone's attention." I'm finally coming around to your theory that she killed Gannon after seeing that he was too hurt to explain away and decided to murder him. And I believe that rage was also fueled in part by her anger at AS and LH.

But... it's hard to add in a knife and a gun too as that seems over the top even for LS. And you're right - if she did use a knife it's likely she cut herself at some point. I could more easily see her shooting Gannon at the end but doing so in her house doesn't make sense. Which brings us back to whether or not he actually did arrive home with her on Monday.

The burnt rug video is another weird piece of the puzzle. If she created it on purpose then it may imply premeditation depending on when she took it. IOW, at some point she consciously decided to end his life so was the video done before or after she hurt him? I assume after so as to cover her tracks (great job LS - not) but Gannon was still able to speak.

I dunno, maybe the head injury caused a subdural hematoma which can take time before symptoms appear.

Sigh. So much doesn't make sense and I suppose the original AA can be amended based on the autopsy. For now I'm having a devil of a time trying to piece it all together.

It was after the autopsy complete that the DA amended the criminal complaint to include that LS murdered GS after deliberation, and to also add 8 counts of "Crime of Violence." (If convicted, "Crime of Violence" charges are used as sentence enhancers).

I don't know if they typically amend the arrest affidavit after the complaint is amended. I think we'll learn a big chunk of what's missing from the AA at June's preliminary hearing.

Relative to the "Crimes of Violence" charges, there's a separate count for the firearm, blunt object, and knife, or sharp object each in the charges filed against LS.

The statute requires each deadly weapon listed in the criminal complaint whether they apply or not. I recall the DA's spokesperson explaining at the presser that the charges did not necessarily mean that all three weapons were used to kill GS.

I hope the statute is better explained or made clear at the preliminary hearing.


Here for Gannon!
Yes, thanks, I just read in the affidavit that she claimed the blood found in the "corner" of the room was a mix of her blood and Gannon's. I must have missed that before.

Yet I still can't find any evidence that they found her blood.

She must have had some reason for claiming her blood was "in the mix."

Maybe she thought she was covering for herself "just in case" while at the same time she was giving LE important clues about her actions. It seems to be a pattern for her.

As much as she tried to cover up and hide the murder, at the same time she was running her mouth and dropping clues everywhere which I guess is the one thing LE can be grateful for.

Thanks, Tee!

In this case it is not finding the murder weapon or finding the body or even all the physical evidence or the data from the vehicles, but also the murderer's own words that will help to convict her.

I wonder if she has realized that yet?

I am leaning towards TS (the baseballer) lost her temper and launched something at gannon sunday night.
a coffee mug keeps coming to mind.

a very big asset to LE is the Stauches were the first tenants in that brand new house.

any chips/marks in the plaster board are relevant and from their tenancy.o_O

its hard to get past her t splanning away that her blood will be found.
don't people realise when they stab someone they usually cut themselves too??
its a disturbing add on from her to think about.
how else does one draw blood from themselves while murdering someone......
stabbing or glass /ceramic shattering is all that I can come up with.

Thanks. I had read that: utilized by LS during those dates.

I was not sure if we actually knew when and where the rental was returned or if it was actually utilized by others beyond those dates.

Reviewing Spencer Wilson's tweets about the vehicles out of frame during the Cousin It interview, he specifically said the car she was in was a little car, a small 4-door car.

Isn't the Altima a mid-size car?

eta: Reaching... I know, but not much left to go on here.


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I saw an advert for the movie Sonic <On Demand>. Poor Gannon never got to see it and thinking of that just made me so sad. :(

TS is truly evil, cunning and manipulative and I'm afraid all of those children have suffered her mental/physical abuse. I would not be surprised if her attorney tries some type of not guilty by mental defect defense. Yeah, good luck with that. :rolleyes:

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