Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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I cannot bring myself to believe that she dropped a sick or injured child she has taken care of for two years, off on the side of the road or dropped him over a cliff while he was still alive. How would someone live with those cries in her ears or the sight of that for the rest of her life.
I still think she was taking him to a hospital and he died in the back seat before she got him that far. I think she recognized the trouble she was in to bring a child who, most likely had been deteriorating for several hours either from an intestinal problem or a head injury and the hospital personnel would have had to take him out of the back seat of a pick up truck. The hospital would never have believed any concocted story, they would have looked at her and reacted to an extreme medical neglect. She knew she was in deep trouble.
I think she drove around with him for an hour or so, trying to figure out what to do and concocting a cover story. I think she left his lifeless body somewhere. If she doesn't crack and tell LE where he is, what does LE do next?
I'm leaning towards this as well. Mainly because there are other hikers. And IF she WAS able to get him somewhere with no one seeing (big IF , especially if she has to help him on the hike or he's fighting her or limp or screaming, any scenario), if he's alive, there's a chance he will be found. By other hikers , by park rangers, by the tons of dogs people bring on the trails. He is found, he tells on her, she's done for.
I'm thinking he passed already when she placed him wherever :( Or he was in a state he was so far gone that he was sure not to survive unfortunately IMO
It seems that the 17 year old has a lot to lose, if she loses her mother. She has no father now and would have no where to live unless she is close to her NC relatives. In any case, she is just 17 and losing her mother and her home may keep her quiet as to what she knows. I wonder if her mother's lawyer is defending them both.
Do we know for sure if TS has a lawyer at this point?
I know she mentioned wanting one in her interview but I haven't seen any indication that she has obtained one.

If she does that might explain why she has avoided the media but I wonder if she is still posting on SM because I would think she would be advised to not do that as well.

Good Morning Everybody!
Let's hope today is the day he is found and there is an arrest!

Whew! I have a lot of catching up to do!
I lost 5 pages in my recovery exercise last night trying to read everything at the same time, the current posts and the ones I'd missed and then I got distracted and I know now I'll never again find them.
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office says crews are out near Big Johnson Reservoir next to Powers Boulevard south of the Colorado Springs Airport using new equipment to continue the search.

According to a tweet from the Sheriff's Office, search crews are using a submersible remotely operated vehicle to search bodies of water.

"Our search and rescue team with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office, we have Douglas County Sheriff's Office search and rescue, as well as Fremont County Sheriff's Office search and rescue, as well as volunteers from the National Guard out today, we also in addition to that have four of our mounted unit, El Paso County Sheriff's Office mounted unit team out here, and two search and rescue dogs, as well as a Razor... Kind of like a utility vehicle or ATV," said Sgt. Deborah Mynatt from the Sheriff's Office.
Search for Gannon Stauch continues into 10th day
I’ve seen some posts wondering about water searches after dark. The equipment they’re using includes a blue view sonar unit which uses sound, not light for imaging.

Wow. That’s really cool. I watched the video. If little Gannon’s in the water, he’s sure to be found. Someone had some big penny jars to buy those.
I am starting to think she dropped him off somewhere alive as a punishment, told him to find his way home, then got worried when he didn't show up. The reason I think that is because she seems awfully adamant that she will be vindicated when he is found. I think he will be found in the middle of nowhere, succumbed to the elements and look like a runaway. I think she is counting on LE not being able to prove she was behind it.

Unfortunately, if that is true I don't think he is alive anymore due to the weather conditions.
Patrick Frazee thought "No body,No crime". Look how well that worked out for him.
Snow bands will continue falling from Fremont County east through Pueblo and Otero counties in the early morning hours, with additional snow bands likely to develop later this morning in El Paso County and areas north of Highway 50. The second band of snow in and around El Paso County will have the potential to drop another 2 to 5 inches of snow through the early afternoon.
Cold with more snow possible this morning through the early afternoon
and could well be the reason they decided to work during the night with the sonar, they would have expected this weather.
Regarding the family's plea video, LE does nothing by accident. IMO the reason for that video had one purpose: to personalize Gannon in order to bring out tips vital from those who have information they're holding back. IMO LE knows EXACTLY who that message is for.

Yes, I thought the mom was talking directly to the person or people who know what happened. Especially when she said if you are scared than imagine how Gannon must feel.

Having the younger sister there may help put pressure on someone, too. Although I don't think TS was close to Gannon, she may be close to and have more affection towards his little sister.

It was an appeal to their conscience and I'm hoping someone who knows something has enough of a conscience to come forward.

The El Paso County Sheriff's Office says crews are out near Big Johnson Reservoir next to Powers Boulevard south of the Colorado Springs Airport using new equipment to continue the search.

According to a tweet from the Sheriff's Office, search crews are using a submersible remotely operated vehicle to search bodies of water.

"Our search and rescue team with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office, we have Douglas County Sheriff's Office search and rescue, as well as Fremont County Sheriff's Office search and rescue, as well as volunteers from the National Guard out today, we also in addition to that have four of our mounted unit, El Paso County Sheriff's Office mounted unit team out here, and two search and rescue dogs, as well as a Razor... Kind of like a utility vehicle or ATV," said Sgt. Deborah Mynatt from the Sheriff's Office.
Search for Gannon Stauch continues into 10th day
That sounds to me like the GPS tracking paid it's dues!
That may be why they changed the search.
Might not have been the cctv at all...
Yes, I thought the mom was talking directly to the person or people who know what happened. Especially when she said if you are scared than imagine how Gannon must feel.

Having the younger sister there may help put pressure on someone, too. Although I don't think TS was close to Gannon, she may be close to and have more affection towards his little sister.

It was an appeal to their conscience and I'm hoping someone who knows something has enough of a conscience to come forward.

the step mom has already shown she has no conscience. nothing i have read about her or seen of her shows me otherwise. She is void of all emotion.
Common sense tells you that SAR's purpose is to find the subject. The science of SAR is also frequently used to find where the subject is NOT. In a case like this, or Aliayah Lunsford, or many others that we've all followed here, a custodial adult will report a wander off. Given no other leads, SAR might be called in to map, segment and search every possible area where search science would show a subject of that category statistically likely to go. As those areas are checked and cleared, LE would then go back to the reporting party and say, "Look, these are all the places the kid could have gone, and we've combed those areas, found no kid, no evidence, no footprints, no footage, no indications the kid was ever there. Why don't you tell us what really happened?"
Thanks for your SAR service helpfulcharlie (and others), don't know what we'd do without people like you. :)
This...also wouldn't there have been some type of electronic communication between Gannon and said friend. Such as a text or phone call. He wasn't at school that day. It seems odd to me that he wouldn't have had any communications with his friends all day (i.e. not at school to socialize) so how would he know who was able to play?

Also, I'm assuming he's in elementary school, and it looks like the dismissal bell is at 2:30 PM. By the time they dismissed, got on the buses loaded [assuming they rode the bus as I believe it was mentioned previously] and started their bus trip home would the other children be home from school at 3:15. I guess that would depend on where they were on the bus route. My daughter's bell rings at 3:15, I pick her up directly at school. She comes out of the building to me around 3:20. The buses are still loading up and not pulling out of the parking lot until about 3:30-3:40. I would assume (again MOO) that most kids would need to vacate the bus and check-in at home before they went to play with friends and possibly do homework before playing as well. And yes to the above I wouldn't nor would I let my kids say "Can I go to a friend's house?" it would be "Can I go over to Susie's house?"

I'd be interested to know if and what communication he had with his friends that day. The timeline and complete occurrence doesn't work for me. MOO
Finally caught up. Here's a few thoughts. Some are on the last thread so I can't quote.

The training was only two weeks long. I can’t see her doing something to get him home sooner unless she had things she wanted to do.
Oh you would be surprised at some of the excuses I have seen trying to get soldiers out of even 2 day training. I would list some, but I don't want to get deleted for being off topic lol. But it does happen, and a lot more than anybody would imagine.

I seen it mentioned on the last thread and can't remember who said it, sorry! I'm basing this knowledge off of being Active Duty Army, I'm not sure if it would be different for National Guard/AGR but I don't think it is. Even if TS called AS and said "hey we have a problem you need to come home now!" There usually has to be a Red Cross message in order for him to leave training. Now, his unit may have let him leave before the message came in, but I can bet, IMO, that there was one called in. It doesn't take long at all to get one sent. I know Active Duty message has to come thought the chain of command, before they can get the soldier out and to his family. When I had one called in, I think it was less than an hour from the time my stepmom called the Red Cross, it went through my chain of command and me waking out of my Units door. I would be interested in knowing if TS called in to the Red Cross, and if she did, hearing it. I wonder how she sounded. MOO

Growing up I had a WWW step-mom and I would call my dad at work to ask him things instead of my step-mom. If LS behavior in the interview is even slightly what she was like at home all the time, I can absolutely see GS texting and asking his dad instead of LS. Even though I do not think he sent that text, it may be something that is not unusual for GS to do so it may have not sent any alarm bells to AS.
Best guess is that he was like any kid from a home like this and LS said no so he was trying to get his dad's approval. Kids try stuff like that all the time.

Yeah it took me ages to get my husband to realise that if they were asking him for a treat or permission for something then it was a pretty safe bet I had already said no!,now we always ask them "What did mum/dad say?"
Kids are sneaky:D
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