Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #70 *ARREST*

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Ever since MG mentioned it to LS, I always thought it was Suzanne wanting Barry to come home to go on an outing with her. I think I thought that because MG was surprised and said she expected to work all day, but Barry cut it short at 11am and gave her the now infamous "make the wife happy/hiking or biking" excuse.

Now we learn, it's Barry that initiated that convo with Suzanne via text. Am I the only one who always just assumed it was the other way around?
I did too until I read about the conversations Suzanne was sending to JL. I can't help but wonder why she would be so bold as to send messages to JL right up to the minute BM was arriving. Now we know the results of doing just that. Scratching my head here.
Also, during the text exchange between SM and BM that occurred while BM was still at the worksite that morning, one of them asked the other whether the Range Rover had been changed to the summer tires.

Would winter tires more capably handle rough terrain on mountain roads?

When I was a resident many years ago, certain snow tires had to be removed from the vehicle by May 31. It appears there are still laws that govern vehicle winter tires between Sept 1 - May 31.

Colorado has a new traction law and here’s what it means | OutThere Colorado
Plus, paying for a hotel room just because that job had to be started on Sunday, a day which was prohibited in the City of Broomfield.

Anyone with a braincell knows that Barry reserved that room to distance himself from the crime scene to wait until someone else notified police about his wife being missing.

I want to know when that room was reserved.

I wonder how many times this question will be asked before somebody finally answers it?
It's fairly straightforward using apps like SpoofCard -- watch a few YT tutorials, install the app, buy some credits, and spoof away. But there would be a trail for investigators to follow, from App Store and in-purchase to app logs.

He could have done it, but they would know he had done it, and it would be part of the evidence here, IMO. And I'm not sure why he would have bothered going to all that trouble only to apparently abandon that plan and let SM's phone play dead thereafter with so much mileage in the scam, as it were. The "hottub stuff" message sounds to me like something SM might well have texted, as opposed to "chemicals and cleaners X and Y."

Although this is "mechanical thingy" Barry we're talking about, so who knows? He strikes me as a guy who lacks the nous, interest and patience to work out a technical problem in a field he knows nothing about.

It's surprisingly easy for a hacker to call anyone from your personal phone number

I would usually agree one hundred percent - but I've seen people rise to the occasion when it really, really suited them (all their adrenalin and similar biochemicals were focused on the problem).

But I do agree that "hot tub stuff" is not a weird thing to text to a longterm partner.
Every single tweet

Lauren Scharf
BACK FROM LUNCH: Agent Johnny Grusing is still on the stand

Marc Sallinger
Court is back in session. We're anticipating learning a lot more this afternoon about the day Suzanne went missing and what Barry was doing. I'm in court sitting a couple feet from Barry. I'll continue to tweet updates as I hear them

Lauren Scharf
Exhibit 56 in #BarryMorphew preliminary hearing: This is the text message he had deleted off his phone from Suzanne. The text is from May 6 at 10:13 a.m. There were only two messages that were swiped (deleted)

Marc Sallinger
On May 6, Suzanne sent text to Barry: “I’m done. I could care less what you’re up to and have been for years. We just need to figure this out civilly.”
FBI investigator says Barry responded with texts that detailed suicidal thoughts
This was 4 days before Suzanne went missing

Lauren Scharf
MAY 6, #BarryMorphew sent text messages to #SuzanneMorphew talking about suicide. "Going to see my savior. This life on earth is a mear grain of sand compared to eternity"

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Texts recovered from Barry’s phone talks of suicide from Barry from May 6, 2020. “When I die...which won’t be long....”

Russell Haythorn
Grusing testifying that investigators recovered deleted text messages from #BarryMorphew to Suzanne about suicidal thoughts on/near May 6.
Text: "I'm sorry things went the way they did... when I'm dead, which won't be long, you guys will be taken care of."

Lauren Scharf
On May 7, #BarryMorphew texted a person about getting a new truck. Attempted to call #SuzanneMorphew dad Gene. Also texted George Davis. Mallory was sending pictures of their trip to Utah and also a text that said, "Finally got the job!"

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
May 8, 7:02 am: computer scientist able to recover from notes on phone a list of grievances against Barry. 50 reasons why Suzanne is leaving the marriage

Russell Haythorn
Another text from Barry: "I'm going to see my Savior." #BarryMorphew #FindSuzanne

Lauren Scharf
On MAY 8, a note in #SuzanneMorphew was a list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave the marriage. Ex. A lot of Women on FB, and said it was good for business

Carol McKinley
New thread for #BarryMorphew Prelim Day 2 afternoon.
FBI Agent Jonathan Grusing on stand discussing texts from Morphew to Suzanne, 4 days before she was reported missing, which were suicidal. "This life on earth is a mere grain of sand compared to eternity.”

Marc Sallinger
FBI was able to recover a note on Suzanne's iCloud from her phone. It was a "list of grievances" that FBI agent testifies was written by Suzanne about things she thought were wrong with her marriage with Barry. This is when she has already talked to friends, family about divorce

Lauren Scharf
Agent Grusing said he spoke with Sheila and #Barrymorphew and other friends about this list. He spoke to Barry about a time in Mexico trying to take her phone and look at it.

Lauren Scharf
Agent Grusing spoke with Sheila about #SuzanneMorphew list. More examples of grievances: concerns about recovering from cancer with #BarryMorphew still in the picture. Concerns about cameras in the garage. Accusing Suzanne of Boyfriend. They spoke with Barry about this.

Jamie Leary
Back from break, prosecution continues questioning: Investigators state they recovered messages from #SuzanneMorphew's ICloud account & messages which appear to have been deleted from #BarryMorphew's phone. Suzanne texted him she was "done" & he threatened to kill himself

Ashley Franco
SuzanneMorphew texted her sister about #BarryMorphew being allegedly physically abusive and that Suzanne wanted out of the marriage. Sister told investigators she didn't really know how to respond

Marc Sallinger
On May 8 at 9:28, Suzanne texted her sister saying, He has been "abusive emotionally and physically." This was two days before she disappeared

Lauren Scharf
On May 8, At 9:28 am #SuzanneMorphew sent a text to her sister Melinda. Saying that #Barrymorphew was abrasive and abusive

Lauren Scharf
·ultiple calls between #SuzanneMorphew and #BarryMorphew were sent back and forth to each other Friday morning. At 10:55 am Barry sent a text, "I love you Suzanne."

Lauren Scharf
ON May 8, #SuzanneMorphew sent a picture of #Barrymorphew standing outside Moonlight Pizza waiting for pizza to the girls. The girls are in Utah on a roadtrip

Carol McKinley
On Saturday night before Suzanne was reported missing, her Facebook codes were reset and her account friended 23 of her old friends, 20 of them male. investigators asked Barry if he did this and he denied it.

Lauren Scharf
Between 8-9 p.m. on May 8, #SuzanneMorphew Facebook codes were reset. She friend requested 23 people in total 20 were men. Investigators asked Barry if this was him and he said no.
Lauren Scharf
#SuzanneMorphew sent messages to Sheila Oliver about her daughters wedding the next day

Lauren Scharf
On May 9, Text messages:
9:50 BM: Wanna go on a hike?
9:52 SM: where? (no response)
Later on, asking about summer tires on range rover?
10:36 SM: Wanna meet to hike?
12 minutes later
10:48 BM:No, coming home
SM: Get Hottub stuff

Lauren Scharf
Exhibit 60 is being showed. It is a google map of where the helmet and bike was found vs. where the home is on Puma Path. #SuzanneMorphew helmet was 50 feet from the road. Libler advised Suzanne to have contact info in the helmet in case of crash

Lauren Scharf
Investigators' last interviews with #BarryMorphew were April 5 and April 22.

Lauren Scharf
On May 9, #BarryMorphews phone is pinged near the river behind his home. Investigators asked why this was, his response was, "I was looking for a turkey that Mallory had shot some time ago." 11:50 a.m. - 12:50 a.m.

Ashley Franco
May 9th while #BarryMorphew was away #SuzanneMorpehw was sending LinkedIn messages to Jeff Libler. Investigators showed a picture Suzanne sent to Jeff to Barry, he said she "looked drunk" and she had "drunk eyes"
Investigators say this is the last sign of Suzanne being alive

Lauren Scharf
#BarryMorphew left the home around 1:38 p.m. #suzannemorphew sent a message to Libler saying "Guess who is alone again?? at 2:03 picture was sent sunbathing

Russell Haythorn
Grusing testifies that Suzanne sent her lover, Jeff Libler, a photo at 2:03 p.m. on Saturday, May 9. Grusing says that #BarryMorphew told them that Suzanne appeared drunk in the photo. Grusing says it's the last 'proof of life' for Suzanne

Lauren Scharf
This picture is the last PROOF OF LIFE of #Suzannemorphew Barry looked at the photo and allegedly told investigators she looked drunk. Described her eyes as drunk eyes, "it would take the edge off for the night."

Lauren Scharf
Attorney Dru Neilsen is now questioning Agent Grusing. They are looking at #BarryMorphew phone records proving that Barry called Suzanne as he drove home from Broomfield. No answer

Marc Sallinger
Suzanne Morphew's last "proof of life" was a photo she sent to her lover at 1:42p on LinkedIn on May 9, according to FBI agent. She was out sunbathing. Shortly before she had messaged him saying “Guess who’s alone again??”

Carol McKinley
May 9th around 2:03 pm is when inv think is the last photo taken of #SuzanneMorphew alive. She texts it to her lover, Jeff Libling. When Agent Grusing later showed photo to B, he said she appeared drunk.
Grusing - "He looked at her eyes and said 'Those are drunk eyes.'"

Ashley Franco
The defense has taken over on cross. They are asking Grusing about calls #BarryMorphew was making to #SuzanneMorphew

Lauren Scharf
May 10: #BarryMorphew called #SuzanneMorphew at 11:20 a.m. then called Mallory at 12:06 p.m.

Marc Sallinger
Defense Attorney Nielsen is now questioning FBI agent Grusing
Showing cell phone records, she says they prove that Barry tried calling Suzanne when he was driving home from Broomfield the day she went missing
Agent had previously testified that Barry had not called Suzanne

Lauren Scharf
Agent Grusing helped write the 129-page arrest affidavit. #BarryMorphew spoke with LE 23 times. Barry didn't LE until Feb. 28, 2021, about the chipmunks 9 months after #SuzanneMorphew went missing. (reference about phone pinging outside the home)

Ashley Franco
Defense says Grusing asked #BarryMorphew why his phone was roaming around their property. He asked Barry if he was looking for "her" Barry says that's when he was shooting chipmunks. Defense argues Grusing testified that he doesn't know if the phone was bouncing around or still.

Russell Haythorn
Defense attorney now cross-examining Grusing. Defense says #BarryMorphew spoke to law enforcement 23 times from the day of Suzanne's disappearance to the end of 2020. Grusing says that 'seems high,' but didn't disagree.

Lauren Scharf
Agent Grusing said the 23 times speaking with LE sounded like a high number. Neilsen is questioning Grusing about the pinging data. She is showing him defense exhibit H: Cellebrite Report
Ashley Franco
Defense is arguing that #BarryMorphew phone could be staying still in one spot- when the former agent says his phone was pinging on several places on the outside of the house. Defense says it could've been in one place- Grusing says "That's why we asked him what he was doing."

Lauren Scharf
She is talking about Push pins on a map. (locations where #BarryMorphew phone pinged) Attorney Neilsen is speaking about how much time it takes for someone to walk from one distance to another.

Marc Sallinger
Defense is making the argument that the cell phone data showing Barry moving around home as soon as he arrived home the day Suzanne went missing is inaccurate. Barry says he was shooting chipmunks, though only told investigators that nine months into case
Carol McKinley
Morphew atty Dru NIelsen questioning Agent Grusing says Barry Morphew spoke with investigators 23X from May 10 til the end of 2020. None of those times did he mention that he shot chipmunks. This in reference to why his cellphone showed he was running around the house on the 10th

Lauren Scharf
Defense exhibit J,K,I,L,M: Google maps around the Morphew home off Puma Path in Maysville with push pins on them. Neilsen again is speaking about the distance between these points referring to #BarryMorphew phone. Neilsen says this shows he had to have been moving through walls.

Lauren Scharf
The judge has asked multiple times in court to keep masks on while inside the courtroom. #BarryMorphew had to pull his mask above nose

Ashley Franco
Defense is still going over #BarryMorphew cell phone position on the Morphew property the day before #SuzanneMorphew went missing. Right now they're going through coordinates and defense is detailing where exactly the phone was and how long it took to get to different points.

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Defense is calculating the distance between the pushpins that Grusing had mentioned would be Barry’s coordinates (via his phone) at 2:44pm on May 9, 2020.
The distance between 1 and 2 is over 50 ft. Grusing testified the time between these 2 points was one second

Russell Haythorn
Defense poking holes in prosecutions theory that cell phone data suggests #BarryMorphew was moving all around the house the day before Suzanne disappeared. Defense says Barry would have had to move through walls & at speeds up to 42 mph in order for cell records to be accurate.

Ashley Franco
Still going through phone pings. It's hard to keep track of all the points, so I don't want to confuse anyone by trying to explain it all!

Lauren Scharf
Sorry gang... they are showing things on the computer that are too small to read. They are going over the Cellebrite Report extensively. District Attorney Linda Stanely has not questioned a witness today

Carol McKinley
Grusing still on stand as Nielsen hammers at the exact time it would have taken for #BarryMorphew to run around the family house on May 10th when he pulled up to the home and Suzanne was texting her boyfriend on the porch. confusing talk about latitude, longitude, feet per second

Lauren Scharf
Agent Grusing said he isn't too familiar with this program that the defense is sharing. He said this isn't what they use, they use another program and knows what this program is but not really how to read the data.

“I’m done”: Texts between Suzanne and Barry Morphew reveal troubled marriage | FOX21 News Colorado

Lauren Scharf
·efense exhibit *advertiser censored*: Another copy of cellebrite report. Neilsen is speaking about the precision value of this data. (more up to date program) The state is objecting this foundation because the exhibit doesn't say who's phone the data came from or a number.

Carol McKinley
This is mind-numbing testimony & people in the crtroom are struggling to stay awake.
Judge asks Grusing if he understands the method Nielsen is using to explain this. It’s the first time he’s seen it. He says he can follow, but he says to Nielsen - “You are teaching me.”

Lauren Scharf
Judge allows this exhibit... If you were wondering Agent Johnny Grusing is only the third witness the prosecution has called to the stand. They were planning to call 8 for the first two days of #Barrymorphew preliminary hearing

Carol McKinley
In the Arrest Warrant Affidavit, Nielsen points out, there's a sentence which says "There’s an opinion that Barry is most likely chasing Suzanne around." She asks Gruning "Did the neighbors heard unusual noises at 2:44 pm on the 10th?" "No."

Russell Haythorn
Grusing testifies he wrote in arrest affidavit that #BarryMorphew was 'most likely chasing Suzanne around while she was conscious' and that's why Barry's phone pinged in different areas in/around house, but defense says his movement impossible given time/distance of cell records

Lauren Scharf
Exhibit T is admitted. It is a copy of the cellebrite readers report with precision value which Neilsen points out was info in the affidavit but didn't have the precision values the defense would like to add.

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Nielsen and Eytan shuffle around papers on the defense desk for a few minutes. Nielsen apologizes for the delay. Barry sits watching with his mask still below his nose.

Ashley Franco
Defense now recounting the movement of #BarryMorphew truck. Recall-- it was parked in the Morphew driveway from the afternoon of May 9th to early morning May 10th

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Law enforcement physically removed module from Barry’s car for telematics.
It is located behind screen in dashboard of the F350.

Carol McKinley
Taking an afternoon break. I'm keeping track of witnesses and wondering how they'll get to five more before the end of the day. We're on the third out of 8 and no sign of Jonathan Gruning stepping down soon. I'm told the Chaffee Co Crthouse docket is full tomorrow. Stay tuned

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Law enforcement had to open dash to get it. Barry’s car was seized on May 10 and didn’t look like Barry had tampered with the dash. Barry’s car was dusty and dirty. Dust was not disturbed.

Lauren Scharf
Neilsen is going over the truck and cell phone data again on May 9. At 1:55 p.m. door opens at DSI and there is surveillance video as well.

Lauren Scharf
At 2 p.m. #BarryMorphew was getting his blade replaced on his bobcat. on Saturday, May 9.

Ashley Franco
Defense says the door opening events recorded from #BarryMorphew car are not always accurate in that on May 9th there was an event that was captured where the door was open but never closed.

Lauren Scharf
At 2:44 p.m. #BarryMorphew comes home according to truck data and the next-door event is at 4:44 p.m. Agent Grusing said he asked Morphew if he would authenticate whether he left the door open or not. Neilsen checking the data on the truck again from May 9, 10.

Lauren Scharf
Defense Exhibit GG: List of events comparing the door events to the light events on #BarryMorphew truck.

Marc Sallinger
Defense is now trying to poke holes in data presented by FBI agent from both phone tracker and tracker on car. Arguing data is inaccurate and there’s no way he could move so quickly from place to place. It's very nuanced testimony focused on what data is tracked and what isn't

Lauren Scharf
On page 6, #BarryMorphew truck stays in the same coordinates at 4:44 p.m. until 9:25 p.m. Parking light events on Page 7, doesn't change the coordinate of the truck. 6 odometer events on May 9. 3 odometer events 10:04 am & 10:06 am. are around the same of two parking light events

Carol McKinley
Back in courtroom, Nielsen is attacking the technology Grusing used to figure out exactly where #BarryMorphew and his truck were on May 9 and 10. Much discussion about odometer, parking light and door opening/closing events on his Ford F350 & whether they match up

Lauren Scharf
According to an employee at Salida Stove and Spa, Neilsen said from an interview with investigator Derek Graham #BarryMorphew visited on May 9 between 4 and 5:30 p.m. That there was nothing unusual about his demeanor.

Russell Haythorn
Defense says employees at Salida Stove and Spa saw Barry come in to the store between 4-5:30pm on Saturday, May 9 and there was nothing odd about Barry's demeanor. Agent Grusing says he did not include this information in his timeline of events from May 9.

Lauren Scharf
#BarryMorphew had a convo with Janelle and Colton Nebal at the store, according to Neilsen. She is questioning Agent Grusing on his timeline. On May 8, Morphew sent a message to Colton around 1:18 p.m. about getting his hot tub fixed. Asking when he could come out to the home

Lauren Scharf
There were 19 miles that were unaccounted for when #BarryMorphew went to Broomfield. Neilsen said this Salida Stove and Spa trip could account for 18 miles

Lauren Scharf
Agent Grusings theory is that #BarryMorphew did something to #SuzanneMorphew when he got home on May 9. Chasing Suzanne around the home while she is concious. The push pin map that they presented said it isn't possible for him to move at 45 miles per hour, according to Neilsen

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Grusing theory that #BarryMorphew did something to Suzanne when he got home at 2:44pm. Ran around the house and was ‘most likely chasing Suzanne while she is conscious’. Nielsen: how would this be possible? He is traveling at 30 mph?

Lauren Scharf
"At 2:45 p.m. #BarryMorphew did something terrible to his wife and then went to get his hot tub fixed?" Neilsen asked. Agent Grusing responded, "I don't think their timing is accurate." (referring to Salida Stove and Spa)

Carol McKinley
Nielsen hammers at investigation's theory : Nielsen-your theory is that BM did something to Suzanne at 244 when he arrived home. He was most likely chasing her while she was conscious.
JG yes
DN-The push pin evidence refutes the theory….do you think he traveled 50 mph between the walls of the house? Do you still believe he was most likely chasing Suzanne while she was conscious?

Jamie Leary
Defense trying to disprove investigator's theory, that erratic cell phone pings on May 9th from #BarryMorphew's home was him chasing Suzanne around the house before killing her. Defense says Barry went to get his hot tub fixed shortly after. Shop employee confirms.

Lauren Scharf
Neilsen is going over the truck data again with Agent Grusing. BERLA report from 3:25 am - 3:49 am total of 7 door events and 6 parking lights events. Indoor lights are also considered as parking lights

Lauren Scharf
Now Neilsen is going over phone data of #SuzanneMorphew and #BarryMorphew. According to the CAST REPORT, an incoming call at 12:02 a.m. and an outgoing 2:17 a.m. on May 9. Barry doesn't have a call until a little after 6 a.m.

Lauren Scharf
ALSO Suzanne's phone made an outgoing call at 2:53 am of MAY 10. That was a half an hour before the door event occurred on #BarryMorphew truck.

Russell Haythorn
FBI agent's theory is that Barry chased Suzanne around the house before killing her. Defense trying to disprove this. Neighbors who were home at the time said they never heard anything. Defense also says cell records and Barry's vehicle telematics data are unreliable at best

Lauren Scharf
#BarryMorphew First interview with Com. Walker, Morphew claimed on Sunday morning, he set his alarm for 4:30 am. He had already loaded the truck the night before. Left the driveway around 5 a.m.

Lauren Scharf
Takes about 32 minutes to drive to Johnson Village from #BarryMorphew home. Neilsen said this is according to Google directions. Based on phone data, he is in Johnson Village at 5:37 am.

Lauren Scharf
"Do you think there is time to dispose of a human body in that time?" Neilsen asked. "No there is not," Agent Grusing replied

Lauren Scharf
At 6:56 a.m. sent two text messages to #SuzanneMorphew
"You up?"
"Happy Mother's Day, I love you."

Lauren Scharf
On March 5, Agent Grusing showed #BarryMorphew a list of the times when he used Airplane Mode. Neilsen is asking if GPS can still be tracked. He replied it can

Ashley Franco
Defense asks Grusing about when #BarryMorphew phone was turned onto airplane mode. She says “can a phone still be tracked in airplane mode?” He says “I would guess” she says “just because there was no phone activity doesn’t mean it was in airplane mode?” He says “yes”

Lauren Scharf
Defense exhibit FF: Information about Airplane Mode that investigators showed to #BarryMorphew.

Carol McKinley
Nielson says a worker reported Barry came into a spa store between 4 & 530 on May 9th to inquire about fixing their hot tub. This destroys Grusing's theory that BM was home freaking out after doing "something horrible" to #SuzanneMorphew. Grusing believes she got her time wrong.

Lauren Scharf
Neilsen said, the first May 9 event is at 6:46 am start time airplane mode off event may have been triggered by something. According to CAST report, could be mean that he is coming out of an area with poor service.

Lauren Scharf
Defense Attorney Neilsen is poking holes into Agent Grusings evidence of when #BarryMorphew put his cell phone on airplane mode on and off. Which is mentioned in the sealed arrest affidavit.

Lauren Scharf
Verizon records show #BarryMorphew cell phone at 7:19 a.m. on May 9 receiving a signal. Neilsen asked, "Can a phone receive a signal in airplane mode?" Grusing said, "I don't know."

Lauren Scharf
The state has been objecting to many questions due to repetitiveness. The judge agrees. Neilsen continues

Ashley Franco
Defense is going over when a phone can be tracked when airplane mode is turned off and when it’s turned on.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

Lauren Scharf
Neilsen asked to have a break for the day but the Judge said no, we must go until 5 p.m.

Lauren Scharf
The BOBCAT, also called the Skidsteer. On page 41 in the affidavit, it states #BarryMorphew was not connected to #SuzanneMorphew disappearance. #FindSuzanne

Lauren Scharf
On Saturday, May 9 his bobcat was very active. I have to go outside for my liveshot on

Carol McKinley
Nielsen just asked to break for the day because she has another half an hour which would put the court past 5 pm. Judge said no, that she has to continue and we will wrap at 5 pm. Things are getting testy in the courtroom

Ashley Franco
Prosecution says they still have witnesses to still call, only 3 have been called. He believes those 3 are the “meat and potatoes” for this hearing BUT still would like to call other witnesses. He says defense is taking too long and he doesn’t know if it’ll be done in 4 days

Ashley Franco
Judge says he’s going to keep defense tight on time because they’re taking fairly longer than the prosecution. Judge is worried this won’t be done in 4 total days. Defense says they understand they have to be shorter.
#SuzanneMorphew #BarryMorphew

Carol McKinley
Judge Murphy is afraid the hearing won't get completed. DA Jeff Lindsey~ "We called 3 witnesses. we’re doing the best we can. The ones we heard from are the meat and potatoes. We won’t finish this in 4 days if things go the way we are. Court needs to set boundaries and barriers

Ashley Franco
Reminder- Prelim is supposed to continue August 23 and 24.
Judge says he’s not sure if they’ll continue the livestream at the Chaffee County Fairgrounds because there haven’t been many people showing up.
#SuzanneMorphew #BarryMorphew

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Time use:
Defense 6 hours 55 minutes
Prosecution 5 hours 20 minutes
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew #preliminaryhearing

Crime Talk with Scott Reisch
Second portion scheduled for August 23 and 24. Won’t be broadcast on Webx . Not sure if there will be live stream at the fairgrounds again

Ashley Franco
That wraps up the first half of the preliminary hearing for #BarryMorphew.
We’ll be back in a few weeks. #SuzanneMorphew
Last edited:
I love the distraction here. A spa worker claims that Barry Barry visited on Saturday between 4-530. Agent Gushing says he believes the employee is wrong.

Here’s the issue though, why did Suzanne never contact a soul after Barry came home that afternoon, and why did she never respond to her lover?

I wish they would be more careful about potentially unclear phrasing. I mean, was he actually there for an hour and a half or do they mean he came in sometime between 4-530?

Also, during the text exchange between SM and BM that occurred while BM was still at the worksite that morning, one of them asked the other whether the Range Rover had been changed to the summer tires.

Would winter tires more capably handle rough terrain on mountain roads?

Where I live (inland western mountains and high desert), 'winter tires' mean studded tires, which are good for keeping traction when roads are icy. They aren't designed specially for rough roads although I imagine the studs don't hurt whenever more traction would help.

I wonder if SM had actually been using the hot tub when texting and sending selfies before BM came home? That would be the only way I'd be comfortable while outdoors in a swimsuit in May in Colorado...

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