Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #3

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Crystal did not say when she saw Ron hitting the was a rather short interview unfortunately. However, they were discussing the alleged abuse by Ron towards Haleigh and Jr when GR asked her that question. She did not clairify what kind of hitting like you mention in your post, so it leaves the viewers the impression that Crystal saw him hitting the children in an abusive way. I hope I'm making sense.

You're making perfect sense. I just don't think Crystal's comments indicate that she is lying.
Theres a huge difference to me, when someone says they saw abuse vs. saw hitting. imo. that does not make what she said on HR a lie. Im pretty sure most people from reading here know the difference between physical abuse & corporal punishment (hitting).
Then they are both taking advantage of this nightmare. It just makes me want to cry with a broken heart for Haleigh to have a mother such as this.

She turned up missing from her father's house. None of Crystal's faults or shortcomings will ever change that fact. Crystal's stupidity does not make Ronald's stupidity a-ok!
Um, isn't that the whole point of this site? To take a case and analyze it from every direction over and over again?

I'm not even going to bother with a comeback for the rest of your post as it's rude and unnecessary. :rolleyes:

To be quite honest with you, I disagree, My post was not intended to be rude to the OP whatsoever. I've seen several posts here that are worded pretty much like that. Hmmm And I dont see anyone calling those out to shame them. I was being sarcastic about the issue over "how long it took CS to get to Samsuta" with a little humor mixed in with it. Its upsetting that every other post on this thread wants to paint CS into a mother that didnt care enough about her missing daughter to call a private plane and get over there within the 90 minutes it takes to drive there. And iirc, I didnt respond to any of your post in a like manor, therefore a comeback would be not only rude & unnecessary, it would be mean spirited - rolling your eyes was enough dont you think? imo.
Then they are both taking advantage of this nightmare. It just makes me want to cry with a broken heart for Haleigh to have a mother such as this.

There's no bad time to fight for your child and there's no way she could afford to turn down the services of an attorney of this caliber. I am so glad Crystal has this attorney. It would be great if both parents could put their differences aside so that RJ could have equal time with both of his parents but it seems clear to me that if they don't change the custody order the Cumming's will continue to alienate Crystal. My opinion is based on the family repeatedly referring to the children's "new mommy". Crystal is their mommy and as a mommy myself, I would want my children with me instead of a teenage girl who is a child herself and according to LE the "key" to finding Haleigh.
I can't wait until Geraldo posts his transcript of tonight's show!! Wow! A definite TKO by the opposing council (not Ronald's, but TH) against KP! Worth watching Geraldo for once!


Thank God a case is not solved/prosecuted by the Media and TH's.
Puh-Leeeze!!! But you know that!! :D

I bet that KP is a real bulldozer in the court room. LOL!!!
Theres a huge difference to me, when someone says they saw abuse vs. saw hitting. imo. that does not make what she said on HR a lie. Im pretty sure most people from reading here know the difference between physical abuse & corporal punishment (hitting).

Where I'm from, there is a difference between hitting and spanking. Hitting is considered a form of abuse, spanking a controlled form of discipline. The question to Crystal about Ron hitting the children was directly in the context of that part of the interview which was the alleged abuse against Haleigh and Jr. When Crytal said yes she has seen Ron hit both Haleigh and Jr, she did not clairfy that the hitting she was referring to was a spanking, instead she let viewers like myself assume she witnessed Ron hit the children in an abusive manner. Crystal was very misleading in her answer which rates right up there with lying IMO...Maybe I am seeing it all wrong, but it's how I was raised and the general rule of thought, at least in my area.
There's no bad time to fight for your child and there's no way she could afford to turn down the services of an attorney of this caliber. I am so glad Crystal has this attorney. It would be great if both parents could put their differences aside so that RJ could have equal time with both of his parents but it seems clear to me that if they don't change the custody order the Cumming's will continue to alienate Crystal. My opinion is based on the family repeatedly referring to the children's "new mommy". Crystal is their mommy and as a mommy myself, I would want my children with me instead of a teenage girl who is a child herself and according to LE the "key" to finding Haleigh.

This is not a response to attack but to help you and others see my heart felt belief as a mother who would give her life for her own. I was a single mommy of three little girls by the time I was 19 and yes we were married after the fact and before our first child. He drank and abused me not our children the 2 1/2 years we were together out of 5 years married. I finally pressed charges after a brief stay in the local hospital and filed for a divorce. I had no job, no education, and half a months rent paid. I was a single mother who went back to school and went to college. I relied on my family for my support and the well being of my children. I have eaten nothing so that my children can have a meal. I didn't get a licence till I was 23 and bought my first car when I turned 24. It was hard but would of gone through a lot harder to have my kids.
I also have lost a child. She would of been 19 this year. I would do anything to have her back.
No comment needs to be made. Just want to give a glimpse at why I feel so strongly.
This is not a response to attack but to help you and others see my heart felt belief as a mother who would give her life for her own. I was a single mommy of three little girls by the time I was 19 and yes we were married after the fact and before our first child. He drank and abused me not our children the 2 1/2 years we were together out of 5 years married. I finally pressed charges after a brief stay in the local hospital and filed for a divorce. I had no job, no education, and half a months rent paid. I was a single mother who went back to school and went to college. I relied on my family for my support and the well being of my children. I have eaten nothing so that my children can have a meal. I didn't get a licence till I was 23 and bought my first car when I turned 24. It was hard but would of gone through a lot harder to have my kids.
I also have lost a child. She would of been 19 this year. I would do anything to have her back.
No comment needs to be made. Just want to give a glimpse at why I feel so strongly.

I feel I need to comment.
I'm sorry for what you went through, but I'm not sure why this made you feel so strongly that Crystal shouldn't try to get custody of her son. Based on what I've seen and heard from Ron I think he has most likely abused CS & Misty. As a battered woman yourself, I'm confused as to why you seem to very strongly support Ron while being critical of Crystal.

I don't mean any disrespect, I honestly don't understand what it is that you feel so strongly about. Maybe I'm just too tired to be coherent and if that's the case I'm sorry.
Just now on GR, GR asked Crystal point blank did Ron ever hit her while she was pregnant, she said yes, he hit her in the back of the head, and kicked her out of the bed. Then GR asked her if she ever saw Ron hit Haleigh or Jr...and Crystal said "Yes, I have seen him hit both Haleigh and Jr....OK...Hasn't Crystal maintained until just now..that she never saw Ron hit or abuse the kids? As a matter of fact, she stated it on NG on Fri night, that she didn't know anything about Ron hitting/abusing the kids until Haleigh went missing...then she states all of a sudden all these people are coming forward with info that states otherwise...Crystal is a liar, and she also just talked about Misty and her inconsistancies...looks like Crystals stories are changing by the day. This is another circus and both Crystal and her Mother are the ring masters IMO. They both discust me now!!!

If she was abused during her pregnancy, wouldnt that have been in the court transcripts from the child custody battle?

I can assure you it's the lawyers putting this out in the media. Shameful as it is...Crystal's lawyer is taking advantage of her representation of Crystal in this child custody right to the media...more than probably for her own gain on television as well as thinking it will help Crystals cause. I for one do not believe that Ron beat his children. As for Haleighs bruises, everyone knows bruises worsen over days...children are reckless and clumsy..NONE of the bruises on JR are even worthy of a second look, imo...and if Crystal felt this than she should have done something a long time ago. I do not believe her. Her facial expressions do not show she is truthful, in my opinion. Ronald has some issues of his own...but hurting his children does not seem likely from anything I've observed in the photo's of little Haleigh....and certainly he was straight up and straight forward looking Geraldo right smack dab in the middle of his face when he he proclaimed "I have never ever ever hit my children". I believed him.
When Crystal was asked by Valez Mitchell as to WHY she wanted custody, here was her response...and NOTHING...was stated about RC abusing the children:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Quick question, Crystal. What about this potential custody battle between you and Ron over your little boy, Ronald Jr.?

SHEFFIELD: I -- I don`t feel safe with him. I mean, my daughter is missing. He has a 17-year-old that he is married to now. She`s a child. Obviously, she`s -- I mean, she`s been out doing drugs. He`s caught her with drug dealers, and I don`t feel safe with him there.
Then they are both taking advantage of this nightmare. It just makes me want to cry with a broken heart for Haleigh to have a mother such as this.

Crystal is weak. She is easily taken by the hand and given direction which if she had any spine of her own, she may not choose to go down. KP seems to be one of those "women and children are all victims" lawyers, which says to me that Crystal has been asked to search her mind for ANY small little thing she may have seen over the years which would suggest abuse. I don't think it was the way Crystal would have handled it on her own (based on her initial comments that Ron is a good father), but as history has shown us, her way was to roll over and let Ron or her own mother intimidate her into doing things his way because, for some weak people, it's easier to just not bother. That isn't to suggest that she doesn't care for her children, but just that she did not have any strength or resources (beyond just money) to put up the fight she could see she would have to wage.

I hope what she learns from KP is that she doesn't have to just let people push her around, but I guess she'll have to learn that by telling KP to stop pushing.
I feel I need to comment.
I'm sorry for what you went through, but I'm not sure why this made you feel so strongly that Crystal shouldn't try to get custody of her son. Based on what I've seen and heard from Ron I think he has most likely abused CS & Misty. As a battered woman yourself, I'm confused as to why you seem to very strongly support Ron while being critical of Crystal.

I don't mean any disrespect, I honestly don't understand what it is that you feel so strongly about. Maybe I'm just too tired to be coherent and if that's the case I'm sorry.

I am sorry I should of continued with my comment but it was late and I got a little emotional. Went to bed.
My point is I can identify with her on so many levels. With out giving a bio here I can only say that she is not what I would consider abused.
A victim maybe of overbearing individuals in her life but not abuse. I have not heard her mention being beat, but that he called her names. If I am wrong please correct me.
I really do feel for CS. I just can't shake my conclusion to the evidence that its a parental abduction. It doesn't make her a bad mom for wanting her kids or wanting them safe but her actions that say other wise. I probably should retire on this case and wait for the outcome since my opinion is so debatable here at WS.
I am sorry I should of continued with my comment but it was late and I got a little emotional. Went to bed.
My point is I can identify with her on so many levels. With out giving a bio here I can only say that she is not what I would consider abused.
A victim maybe of overbearing individuals in her life but not abuse. I have not heard her mention being beat, but that he called her names. If I am wrong please correct me.
I really do feel for CS. I just can't shake my conclusion to the evidence that its a parental abduction. It doesn't make her a bad mom for wanting her kids or wanting them safe but her actions that say other wise. I probably should retire on this case and wait for the outcome since my opinion is so debatable here at WS.

Oh pppppppppffffffffffffffffttttttttttttt. You do not need to retire. Debating is a good thing. Makes ya think. There will always be people on the other side of the fence, no matter what "case' it is. :crazy:
I am sorry I should of continued with my comment but it was late and I got a little emotional. Went to bed.
My point is I can identify with her on so many levels. With out giving a bio here I can only say that she is not what I would consider abused.
A victim maybe of overbearing individuals in her life but not abuse. I have not heard her mention being beat, but that he called her names. If I am wrong please correct me.
I really do feel for CS. I just can't shake my conclusion to the evidence that its a parental abduction. It doesn't make her a bad mom for wanting her kids or wanting them safe but her actions that say other wise. I probably should retire on this case and wait for the outcome since my opinion is so debatable here at WS.

Please don't retire texas!!! Your perspective on this case is very needed here IMO (as well as everyone else's unique perspectives). Nothing is black and white in life, and especially in this case.... :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

ETA: I'm begging you!
Theres a huge difference to me, when someone says they saw abuse vs. saw hitting. imo. that does not make what she said on HR a lie. Im pretty sure most people from reading here know the difference between physical abuse & corporal punishment (hitting).

The difference is sometimes quite academic as many child abusers will tell you that they're just disciplining their children because it's necessary and see nothing wrong whatsoever in what they've done.
Does any one remember the interview with CS in regards to her lie detector results. If I remember correctly she stated she didn't know if she passed. I have questioned this in my mind so many times. I wonder why she would not know if she passed or not. My opinion is if she was not there and had no knowledge she would of stated of course I passed not I am not sure.
RC and MC said they passed.
Does any one remember the interview with CS in regards to her lie detector results. If I remember correctly she stated she didn't know if she passed. I have questioned this in my mind so many times. I wonder why she would not know if she passed or not. My opinion is if she was not there and had no knowledge she would of stated of course I passed not I am not sure.

She said that they didn't tell her the results and that she'd been told that the results were sent away to be analyzed.
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