Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Avon/Farmington/Canton local here! Been creeping on WS for a week, joined last night, and am actively finding the courage to answer LittleBitty's call to action! (You are all geniuses, BTW). I just started a deep dive into this case a few days ago and have been FREAKED out by the stuff I've discovered so close to home. Highlights include: my oldest friend's family home shares a long stretch of woods with 585 Deercliff; I went to the same HS as MT's daughter (and discovered in an edition of the school magazine published MAY 28TH, 2019 that MT and GB recently donated a $10K ski trip to GB's ski chalet); I had the same elementary school teachers as JFD's eldest kids; I rode at the same barn (Folly Farm) as her kids; and, most chillingly, I've met Dana Hinman several times (named in AW; not someone I would call a 'good guy').

To answer the question, teens hang out in the woods here. There's a lot of pretense in the Farmington Valley, and if you're going to misbehave, you better do it in a secluded spot. For the local prep schoolers (Avon Old Farms, Ethel Walker, Miss Porter's), the go-to spot is the woods surrounding the sprawling Avon Old Farms campus. Close to AOF is another big park called Fisher Meadows. I also recently talked to a local mother with teenage kids, and she was telling me her daughters routinely walk through the woods on Deercliff Rd. If AOF is a sprawling wood, Deercliff is VAST. It is as winding, tree-covered, and secluded a residential area as it gets in Farmington/Avon. To that point, there are two types of luxury home developments in this area and they typically represent the two types of wealth we see. The first are open developments with all the houses right on top of each other -- people who purchase these houses typically want to display something (wealth, status, etc). The second are secluded developments with lots of tree-cover, private driveways, and distance between the houses -- people who purchase these homes want privacy (lots of athletes, lawyers, old money). If you look at FD's first properties (Bart Drive, Charlotte Court), they fall into the first category. But his later developments (Jefferson Xing, Olcott, Deercliff, Sky View) exemplify the second category. IMO, this transition from high-visibility properties to low-visibility properties marks a distinct shift in FD's business model and personal objectives.

Hope that helps answer your question. LMK if you have any other local questions and I'll do my best to answer!

PS I've been immersed in the archived pages of JFD's blog and the codified language she uses to discuss FD turns my stomach. I hope the state is holding out on big evidence and they nail this sociopath. Justice for Jennifer.

I think that PI is Patrick McKenna, not McNamara? I've wondered what he's up to, too. IMO NP having his PI attempt to directly contact state's witness PG (EE), while PG was represented by Atty Urso was an ethical violation, if not an attempt at witness tampering.

You're wondering what the state should do at trial with NP's proclamations. I wondered about that also. Maybe NP should be called as a witness? He's said (WFSB interview) that a "cleaning woman was there (Welles) for hours. Now he's said FD was in the house (Welles). Testify about what you know, Atty Pattis. (Attorney as witness can't act as counsel according to RPCs)
@pernickety, brilliant idea. Perhaps we should blast off a memo to Atty Colangelo and ask if he would be willing to deputise ALL the people on this WS thread for 2 (or so) hrs so that we could create a list of questions to ask 'ole Atty. P. !

I have to go back to the CT Practice Book (which CT attys don't seem to follow but I'm curious what the rule is) as we have discussed the issue of attorney's knowingly repeating something they know to be false (e.g lying). We saw Atty. P. repeat the Fd alibi script for months without first checking it out to make sure it was true (it wasn't). Didn't Atty. P. as an officer of the court have the obligation to check out the Fd story in advance of repeating it to the public?

Going one step further, and look at our favourite 'reposter' Dave Altimari of the Hartford Courant. DA take the statement/s made by Atty. P. and 'reposts' them in the HC. Then, you get other news sources citing the HC as the 'source' of the original statement and there is no way of knowing whether the statement is true or not because there was no diligence done by HC and DA on anything that they were given as a statement by Atty. P. or even the "Greek Family". I guess its been an eyeopener to me to see the fact checking of the HC is actually not even as good as the National Enquirer and the Enquirer is interesting because they have really broken news while the HC, not so much IMO.

To me, the misinformation has come from Atty. P. and Pattisville IMO and so much of the information has been blatantly false or items created as fiction to create reasonable doubt.

I don't think Atty. P. or Pattisville makes any attempt to comply with the CT Practice Book and they certainly haven't made any effort really to comply with the gag order either IMO. They just hide behind the gag order when they don't want to answer a question.

I just wish Judge Blawie would step up here and first stand behind his gag order and then second hold Atty. P. accountable for his statements and simply stop the lying and 1/2 truths.

Avon/Farmington/Canton local here! Been creeping on WS for a week, joined last night, and am actively finding the courage to answer LittleBitty's call to action! (You are all geniuses, BTW). I just started a deep dive into this case a few days ago and have been FREAKED out by the stuff I've discovered so close to home. Highlights include: my oldest friend's family home shares a long stretch of woods with 585 Deercliff; I went to the same HS as MT's daughter (and discovered in an edition of the school magazine published MAY 28TH, 2019 that MT and GB recently donated a $10K ski trip to GB's ski chalet); I had the same elementary school teachers as JFD's eldest kids; I rode at the same barn (Folly Farm) as her kids; and, most chillingly, I've met Dana Hinman several times (named in AW; not someone I would call a 'good guy').

To answer the question, teens hang out in the woods here. There's a lot of pretense in the Farmington Valley, and if you're going to misbehave, you better do it in a secluded spot. For the local prep schoolers (Avon Old Farms, Ethel Walker, Miss Porter's), the go-to spot is the woods surrounding the sprawling Avon Old Farms campus. Close to AOF is another big park called Fisher Meadows. I also recently talked to a local mother with teenage kids, and she was telling me her daughters routinely walk through the woods on Deercliff Rd. If AOF is a sprawling wood, Deercliff is VAST. It is as winding, tree-covered, and secluded a residential area as it gets in Farmington/Avon. To that point, there are two types of luxury home developments in this area and they typically represent the two types of wealth we see. The first are open developments with all the houses right on top of each other -- people who purchase these houses typically want to display something (wealth, status, etc). The second are secluded developments with lots of tree-cover, private driveways, and distance between the houses -- people who purchase these homes want privacy (lots of athletes, lawyers, old money). If you look at FD's first properties (Bart Drive, Charlotte Court), they fall into the first category. But his later developments (Jefferson Xing, Olcott, Deercliff, Sky View) exemplify the second category. IMO, this transition from high-visibility properties to low-visibility properties marks a distinct shift in FD's business model and personal objectives.

Hope that helps answer your question. LMK if you have any other local questions and I'll do my best to answer!

PS I've been immersed in the archived pages of JFD's blog and the codified language she uses to discuss FD turns my stomach. I hope the state is holding out on big evidence and they nail this sociopath. Justice for Jennifer.

All I can say is a million welcomes!

There is such a lot going on with this case that catching up is a challenge.

There is a separate media thread that is helpful as its sole purpose is to capture articles and reference materials. I believe all the arrest warrants are in the media thread as are many of the court documents.

CT - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, Media, Maps, Timeline, *NO DISCUSSION*

Please don't hesitate to private message if you have any specific questions or need a link to materials. We have been chatting on here now for so many threads that its sometimes challenging to get your fingers on something via WS search functions. My suggestion is to search WS via google by something like this, "Websleuths Fotis Dulos Arrest Warrant". But if you ask a question on the main thread, someone will answer it there too.

We had a wonderful local (@thekirbyfamily) for awhile on the thread and she and her family left the Nutmeg State back in November/December and so while she is thankfully still on the thread she isn't local anymore. She had taken pictures of all the properties and also taken us on a tour of Albany Avenue very early in the case. Her great detective work helped explain how there were no real storm drains on Albany until the new redevelopment project added them along the Albany Corridor.

We also had a local on the thread that walked the area around the reservoirs but he hasn't been here recently.

If you can give some more specific info about landmarks where the paths are located where the HS folks might be hanging out then it might be possible to load that info into Google Earth and people can take a look and discuss it further on here. Many believe that 80MS location is critical either as a clean up location or as a possible location for JFd body to have been taken and then removed to another nearby location. It's been the subject of endless debate and there are lots of different POVs on the topic. Others believe NC was the departure point for the body of JFd and that the body did not return to 80MS. Again, solid arguments present to support multiple theories at this point, so feel free to weigh in at some point!

I could ask you a million questions but will take a breath and wait awhile.

This isn't exactly related to the case but I am curious how someone like MT would have been received by the folks at Renbrook and then EW? The situation at Renbrook might have been socially quite 'tricky' given that many there knew JFd and by all accounts thought highly of her and the Renbrook Head of School/Headmaster spoke very highly of JFd as a parent and member of the Renbrook Community. We also saw the local article talking about how Fd and MT flaunted their affair for the year before JFd finally left 4Jx. I can't imagine the locals loved watching that situation play out! The New York Post even reported that EW Head of School had 'disinvited' MT from her daughters lower school graduation last year. MT has been named as a co-conspirator and charged in this murder and so under the terms of service (TOS) of WS she is totally fair game but her daughter is not fair game for sleuthing under TOS.

Again, welcome and so glad you are here!

this is why Pattis changed his court date
he wanted to see what the other wife killer attorneys were up doing

In Rockville superior court where lawyers for Rick Dabate, the Ellington CT man accused of killing his wife and staging home invasion, are arguing a motion to Suppress evidence
New court docs reveal Richard Dabate searched ‘homemade poison’ online

Thanks for the article @sds71. Dabate's searching history will help convict him. No wonder NP is interested....:eek: It started my wheels turning and checked the search warrants for 4JX.

Noticed the warrant for seizing all of Fd's computers, etc. state as"found, seized, and now held in custody." Think the date of the SW was early June...2nc 0r 3rd.

I don't remember seeing any warrants requesting permission to search the contents of the computers, etc. Did you or anyone see a search warrant for the the hardware itself? I probably missed as I am officially SW blind at this point. :( MOO...IMO

P.S. Could @LittleBitty or someone put her wonderful SW summaries on the media thread. I tried to look for them....but couldn't find them after looking at about 8 pages back....sigh!
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I have more direct connections to JFD's friends, and I'm increasingly getting the sense they ran in very divergent circles. Let's put it this way, Dana Hinman is not the type of person I would ever imagine JFD socializing with. Same goes for Hutch Haines, who I do not know personally but my boyfriend does (and considers sketchy). Perhaps this is why FD is so drawn to MT? She can get down with the rougher type of people FD clearly prefers, while JFD was always put off by them (Uncle Mark, Yorgos, Kent).

I do believe my friend's family who live on Deercliff had several run-ins with FD and I'm planning to follow up with them about it.

I also talked to a bartender at our local ski resort, and she said FD would come in often and she did not enjoy waiting on him.

So glad to have you here, Auspex! Welcome! Enjoyed your posts a lot so far.

Just wondering if you had a chance to speak with the CT state police as you might have valuable info - info you didn't realize was helpful? Worth a call. There might be things you know that are tiny details that could help the case. Just a thought! :)
New Canaan Police Tip Line 203-594-3544

(looking for State Pol tip line - anyone?)
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The camera belonged to another neighbor on the same street. not JD house. Her house has no camera surveillance at all. only spotlights

There may well have been hidden cameras. I have several that would not be found easily that are not attached to the main system.

LE would not be putting in the AW about any cameras she had at this point, either. :)
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Speaking of KM....I notice that Cheshire Correctional Institution has an "Addiction Service Program" and wonder if the big guys at Bridgeport or wherever he was held decided if
KM was a good snitch he might get a transfer to a cushier, more sympathetic environment where
a drunken lawyer could get some AA type counseling and services. Cheshire years back was a Reformatory School for bad boys 16-24
and I believe it was a minimum security facility.
I do suspect he may be talking and thus the
softer digs and maybe even a real bed to sleep in.

Agree that KM is probably talking to authorities and that he likely needs addiction services.
I took a cursory look online and it seems Cheshire also has protective custody. A good thing if you are a criminal who has turned/become state’s evidence
Cheshire CI
The Cheshire Correctional Institution confines long-term, adult sentenced offenders. It also operates several specialized housing units, including protective custody and restrictive housing.
Bridgeport CC
The Bridgeport Correctional Center is a level 4 high-security facility which confines both pretrial and sentenced offenders. It serves the superior courts of Ansonia, Derby, Milford, Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford. This facility also manages a sentenced level 2 minimum-security unit for an inmate work force population who qualify for outside clearance jobs and community support programs.

Bridgeport Correctional Center provides substantial programming to all inmates incarcerated at this facility. This programming is designed to assist them in the acclimation of incarcerated life and their eventual return to society as productive citizens. To this end, the facility offers inmate programming in Addiction Services, Recreational Services, Educational Services, Volunteer Services, and Religious Services. As it is a part of our mission to provide a safe environment for inmates, it is of paramount importance that the time spent incarcerated is as productive and non-violent
There is no article but the cameras shown on the news belong to the neighbor and I verified those cameras belonging to that neighbor's house. Also by the owner of the house.
So, some images came from the neighbor's house. I recall that from - somewhere. :)

That does not mean, however, that JD's house didn't have hidden cameras or other video not yet mentioned by LE in the AW.
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Thanks for the warm welcome, @afitzy ! Once I realized there were 30+ forums, I started doing exactly what you suggested and searched "WS" + "Jennifer Dulos" + whatever I wanted to know. You guys have covered it all!

Many believe that 80MS location is critical either as a clean up location or as a possible location for JFd body to have been taken and then removed to another nearby location.

I haven't walked Deercliff in several years, but I believe there are no dedicated paths and people just pick through the woods of their own accord. But I'm thinking of taking a little trip there this weekend and finding out for sure.

I, too, believe 80 MS is where any dismemberment/body disposal took place. There are only two gaps in FD's whereabouts on 5/24 and I don't think the 20 minutes at the Lapham Rd pull-off is long enough to do anything significant, plus it was the middle of the day in a fairly crowded place. The 2+ hours at 80 MS on the other hand....

Speaking 80 MS, has there been any discussion of FD using the vintage bike while at the property? The Tacoma pulls into 80MS at 12:22, and then FD and MT pull in with the Chevy and the Jeep at 1:36. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no evidence of FD leaving 80 MS by vehicle between 12:22 and 1:30. So how did he get to Jefferson Xing to pick up the Chevy? We know he still has the bike in the back of the Tacoma at this point, so could it stand to reason he uses the bike to get from 80 MS to 4 Jefferson Xing (~12 minute ride, probably shorter for FD because he's so active)? This also means he could have used the bike to go somewhere else, too. Like the woods. Where he might have dug a couple of preemptive holes. Maybe discussed with KM during his little visit on 5/23? (MOO)
The New York Post even reported that EW Head of School had 'disinvited' MT from her daughters lower school graduation last year. MT has been named as a co-conspirator and charged in this murder and so under the terms of service (TOS) of WS she is totally fair game but her daughter is not fair game for sleuthing under TOS.

Yeah, I have no interest in digging into MT's daughter or her status at EW, but I'm not surprised to hear the Head disinvited MT to the graduation; the prep school community here is small and gossip-riddled, and it would have been a bad look to have MT there.

I don't think the EW community would have had much of a reason to shun MT because the Dulos' had no connection to EW besides attending a graduation there. But I'll definitely follow up with a couple Renbrook parents I know. I didn't realize MT sent her kid there -- that takes some serious stones!

My heart really goes out to MT's kid. To be put into the middle of this contentious family situation and then have your mother named a co-conspirator to a terrible crime is just, UGH. I know the Dulos' kids have had access to lots of counseling, but I hope MT's kid has the same opportunity. Simply devastating for all involved.
Thanks, @Alathea ! The community on this forum is something to behold. Very glad I joined.

So glad to have you here, Auspex! Welcome! Enjoyed your posts a lot so far.

Just wondering if you had a chance to speak with the CT state police as you might have valuable info - info you didn't realize was helpful? Worth a call. There might be things you know that are tiny details that could help the case. Just a thought! :)
New Canaan Police Tip Line 203-594-3544

(looking for State Pol tip line - anyone?)

I have not spoken to LE because as of right now I haven't stumbled across anything they don't already know. But if I learn anything of value in my sleuthing, I certainly won't hold back!
It appears that DP (Dennis Puebla and/or his designee/associates) took detailed notes and never left FD alone with the kiddos during the visitation. Protocol dictated that the observer would arrive to the location first. Followed by FD (which FD totally violated on 5/22 by driving up JFd driveway 30 minutes ahead of the visitation time claiming confusion about plans that were well established and of which he was well aware). FD was never to be left alone with the kids the whole visit. Then FD was to leave first per protocol followed by the observer.

Thought...your question sparked a thought for me. Y'all ever use those universal remotes for tv/stereo/blueray etc...? I tried but LittleBitty is a moron when it comes to that kind of thing.
Is it possible that FD arrived early on 5/22 with a programmable garage door opener type of deal? I wouldn't even begin to know how something like that would even work though. Just a thought, though it is probably well out of the realm of possibility.

In the words of GAL Meehan himself, JFd would routinely make plans re: the visitation and act on those established plans and act accordingly and inevitably FD would do something last minute or mid-way through to throw a monkey wrench in the established plans per FD need to control stuff.

I believe he showed up early for other reasons that relate to the crime. Maybe he thought he could get into the house? Would just pop in through the door or something? Or he was scoping something out? And/or ofcourse to intimidate JFd and let her know that the orders he was under per the court meant nothing to him and that he was in control?
There was a lot of speculation here also a few months ago that he simply ran into the garage from around the corner either when she door was open for the departure to school or right after she returned and parked before the door was closed. Would fit with the LE comment of him "lying in wait."
Thanks for the warm welcome, @afitzy ! Once I realized there were 30+ forums, I started doing exactly what you suggested and searched "WS" + "Jennifer Dulos" + whatever I wanted to know. You guys have covered it all!

I haven't walked Deercliff in several years, but I believe there are no dedicated paths and people just pick through the woods of their own accord. But I'm thinking of taking a little trip there this weekend and finding out for sure.

I, too, believe 80 MS is where any dismemberment/body disposal took place. There are only two gaps in FD's whereabouts on 5/24 and I don't think the 20 minutes at the Lapham Rd pull-off is long enough to do anything significant, plus it was the middle of the day in a fairly crowded place. The 2+ hours at 80 MS on the other hand....

Speaking 80 MS, has there been any discussion of FD using the vintage bike while at the property? The Tacoma pulls into 80MS at 12:22, and then FD and MT pull in with the Chevy and the Jeep at 1:36. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no evidence of FD leaving 80 MS by vehicle between 12:22 and 1:30. So how did he get to Jefferson Xing to pick up the Chevy? We know he still has the bike in the back of the Tacoma at this point, so could it stand to reason he uses the bike to get from 80 MS to 4 Jefferson Xing (~12 minute ride, probably shorter for FD because he's so active)? This also means he could have used the bike to go somewhere else, too. Like the woods. Where he might have dug a couple of preemptive holes. Maybe discussed with KM during his little visit on 5/23? (MOO)

MOO whatever was done with JF was planned in advance, MOO everything else was. Alibis, phones in logical place, use a non-OnStar vehicle, parked on a road with no houses, assumed to have no cameras, Lapham down at the highway. The method of disposal was planned and ready. It may have been abandoned due to her fighting or not.
State of CT does have public defenders (salaried) as employees. In addition they use “assigned counsel”, previously known as “special public defenders” on a contractual basis. See link to Chief Pub Def’s Office:

Assigned Counsel

Then click on the AC forms. By statutes the AC must have a contract. Web site shows they apply each year for a contract, filling out a questionnaire (see questionnaire form) and other forms. However, according to both info received from CPD’s office, as well as from NP’s writings in his own blog-posts, he does not submit questionnaires and is paid “off contract” for cases referred to him directly from the CPD’s office and not assigned to him from a list by the judge on the case , according to statute. Why the special treatment for NP? Who knows? Are state funds being paid to NP for representation of FD? Who knows? Is the state paying PI McKenna? Does the public have a right to know how public funds are being spent? Yes.
Does anyone have a suggestion for where those of us who are concerned CT taxpayers can direct inquiries about whether or not public funds are being used?

Thanks @pernickety....Your correction of the name is helpful. How could I have confused the infamous fellow McKenna!

Here's an article about his work for NP:
OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony investigator hired in Jennifer Dulos case
That reminds me, does anyone else remember a motion where NP was talking about the PI and said that he wanted to redact the name of the PI from court documents? Trying to find it, it may have been in September or October during the back and forth about revealing how Fd's legal fees were being paid.

That struck me as being odd when them hiring McKenna was already public knowledge at the time.
FOTIS DULOS, with docket number FST CR190148554T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 01/23/2020. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.
Unless there are motions filed to the defense, I would imagine that yes the trial will happen this fall. NP will likely file for change of venue. Whether he gets it or not.
I think the other glaring thing is that we all know as Pattis and FD and MT and AB and KM and his attorney know that there are plenty of SWs that haven't been released yet. And those will deal more and more with KM and MT movements I would expect. And unless the State keeps pressing to have them sealed those will likely be released to the pubic in the coming weeks I suspect. And will become more and more damning.[/QUOTE

NP is going to do everything in his power to delay this trial, so I think fall is optimistic. When you look at the amount of time it takes murder cases to go to trial in CT, I become even more pessimistic. Two to four years does not appear to be out of the ordinary; this is consistent with other states. Part of this delay is the result of the complexity of these cases, but the fact of the matter is NP's client is out of jail and what is his hurry when the result is certain conviction and potential life imprisonment? CT does have life imprisonment as a mandatory sentence for premeditated murder, I presume.

If I were in CT, I would be asking my legislators why a rich person can obtain pretrial release while poor person cannot. Bond should not be based on one's (embezzled) wealth, it should be based on whether the accused is a danger to the community AND there should be a presumption against bond in first degree murder cases. Dulos got the benefit of CT's bond system, and that loophole should be changed. Given his disregard for court orders and the nature of the crime itself, he is a very poor candidate for pretrial release.
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