Greta 8-22

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have posted this before but could all of this 'help' from the lawyer be to keep Casey from ever telling the truth becasue she could bring down something really big. The BH riding shotgun. He doesn't need the publicity. This is costing him. He could have spent his money more wisley on other forms of advertising. Why would this lawyer take this case on. Pro bono or not. Don't you ususlly go for a case that you may have a chance with a win if you are looking to make a big name for yourself. Something is out of order with this. Too many big wigs and not enough reason to draw them in. There has got to be some fat cats looking to loose a whole lot.

My sentiments exactly..............I have been saying that since all the "money" came out of the woodwork.
But what's his angle? Ratings or he's trying to inject himself into the middle of this story?
He's within 12 months of his contract renewal (4 yr deal w/Fox signed in June 2005).
For spite? Revenge?

B/C Cindy told Casey she had to be more responsible (after stealing from the GGPs) and had to move out, but not take Caylee with her... that she, Cindy, would get custody of her.... Casey says, "Oh yeah? I'll show you."

I spoke a little bit about this the other night. My family dynamic was so strangely similar to Cindy / Casey / Caylee. With me being the Caylee. My mother lied, stole, cheated, was a CASEY to a "T" and my GM was a Cindy to an even higher "T". My mother was jealous of me from the day I was born. She never tried anything as sinister with me (as in this case) but there was oh so much. "Rick" the other night - putting out the family dynamic like he did - just rammed it home. Even hubby was here while I was putting that doc together and just said "man that's your mom and GM - no doubt about it". If Cindy had told Casey to get out - she would have just left. My mother used to do it all the time. Just leave - but never took me with her. Left me with GP's - I cramped her style. She was so very jealous of me as I got older and older. She was so narcissitic and vain - o man - even more than Casey. I was always about her - and twisting the lies to make everyone else go "huh" and playing both ends against the middle. I've lived it all. But she would have NEVER taken me away out of spite. She didn't want to be bothered.
I love the T-shirts yall.. lol..

Greta is on for the night shift and it's still covering Obama! Ack!!
They make $5,000 or more for a good size drop if it is cocaine or heroin. There is a lot of money to be made or OWED if something goes wrong.

Yes, some dealers do partake.........particullary in the black and hispanic communities.
Dealers yes - but the BIG money behind them all - NO NEVER.
Casey's car was dumped in a strip mall lot and there was a check cashing place there. Amscot or something like that. I have always wondered why pick such a small lot. Why not a big shopping center where it would take longer to notice a car that has not moved? I'm I hearing things but wasn't that the same strip mall the pizza came from that wasn't order came from?

One of my favorite Cindy utterances. I still don't understand this. Cindy spent quite a long time babbling about the car, the registered letter from the tow company, nothing that she said was coherent.

This is from the transcript of the Larry King Show:
"They think she's smart enough to make up this person for the last two and a half years, but dumb enough to park a car where in plain sight that her mother would drive by twice a day and see and leave her purse in the front seat of the car and not drive it into some lake."
hello all!! 1st post so here it goes...Seeems to me i recall Geraldo being on O'Riley last week and he seemed pretty sure of the fact that there were issues between Casey and Cindy prior to Caylee going missing..So if he's responsible for the BH and TP getting Caysee out and back into the household what better way to force the issues to be rehashed till someone cracks..also found Rob Dicks response earlier intresting about what the plan is? answerd its allready working or something like that.. All I know is you wouldnt want to walk bare foot in that house cuzz that floor is made out of pins and needles.......
One of my favorite Cindy utterances. I still don't understand this. Cindy spent quite a long time babbling about the car, the registered letter from the tow company, nothing that she said was coherent.

This is from the transcript of the Larry King Show:
"They think she's smart enough to make up this person for the last two and a half years, but dumb enough to park a car where in plain sight that her mother would drive by twice a day and see and leave her purse in the front seat of the car and not drive it into some lake."
Apparently she was, if Cindy drove past that car for days and never noticed it.
I threw this out a couple of days ago, and at the risk of repeating myself, here it comes again:

I still wonder if there's a possibility that Casey was involved in something horrific that did not, initially, involve Caylee. Maybe even involved carrying a body in the trunk of her car. That could explain the cadaver dog hits. In order to secure Casey's silence as to that crime, Caylee was taken. That could explain the continued references to Caylee's safety. And, as has been pointed out, any drug dealer would be hampered by having a 3 year old to take care of. Just speculating on other possibilities. Please don't throw things at me!

That was my first choice but I threw it out when the Gas Cans and George brought the car home thing. I had the dates wrong but now that I have gotten the right dates it could fit. Since LE hasn't anymore charges on Casey they got hit with a there was a dead body but not Caylee DNA.
That's what these avatars are about. We can spin just like the circus can. We have a voice just as much as they do. They can create all the reasonable doubt they want, we can inject Common Sense back into this.

Winnts, I love your avatars - wonderful idea! It gave me a thought...have you considered going to and selling t-shirts with the slogans on them? All of the proceeds could go to a legitimate missing children's charity and maybe with enough talk among the threads we could have people all over the country wearing them. I'm sure it would bring attention to the case and get everyone thinking any time one is worn. I know the Anthony's have their own donated t-shirts, but something with a tactful but pointed message for Casey to bring Caylee couldn't hurt. I would wear one. Please don't slap me for suggesting this - I don't mean it in an ugly way. :)
hello all!! 1st post so here it goes...Seeems to me i recall being on O'Riley last week and he seemed pretty sure of the fact that there were issues between Casey and Cindy prior to Caylee going missing..So if he's responsible for the BH and TP getting Caysee out and back into the household what better way to force the issues to be rehashed till someone cracks..also found Rob Dicks response earlier intresting about what the plan is? answerd its allready working or something like that.. All I know is you wouldnt want to walk bare foot in that house cuzz that floor is made out of pins and needles.......

How sad is it that the media engineered her release in order to let the dysfunctional family dynamic kick in, benefiting the media in the form of higher ratings/more ad dollars.

Poor little Caylee. She truly is lost in all of this.
Dealers yes - but the BIG money behind them all - NO NEVER.

We will just have to differ on that one, but trust me when I tell you I have witnessed it first hand on million dollar yachts and the owners were not a small dealer (5 million and under) but a "complete source"............
I hope I didn't miss a comment on this earlier, but I almost fell over when LP said he ate the pizza that was delivered, and then his stomach hurt! Guess he's added food taster to his job description.
All week I have been thinking of when you first said "Follow the money". Everything we're hearing about relates to money, right from the very beginning. It started with Casey stealing the money from Cindy, then money from Amy. Now, you know that when Cindy and Amy were in the car on the way to pick up Casey they compared notes.
Then, as an after thought, maybe it was against Cindys better judgement, she tells LE that she hasn't seen Caylee. All of a sudden within a day, the reward of 225K is put up.
Why such a huge amount? I thought they usually did it in steps. We know now that Casey had been only going to Fusian for a month, so why did the owners drop that kind of money?

It doesn't make sense, but its there, like that hippo.

I wondering if George's 'friends' tie into this. Could George have some ties to these people?
I spoke a little bit about this the other night. My family dynamic was so strangely similar to Cindy / Casey / Caylee. With me being the Caylee. My mother lied, stole, cheated, was a CASEY to a "T" and my GM was a Cindy to an even higher "T". My mother was jealous of me from the day I was born. She never tried anything as sinister with me (as in this case) but there was oh so much. "Rick" the other night - putting out the family dynamic like he did - just rammed it home. Even hubby was here while I was putting that doc together and just said "man that's your mom and GM - no doubt about it". If Cindy had told Casey to get out - she would have just left. My mother used to do it all the time. Just leave - but never took me with her. Left me with GP's - I cramped her style. She was so very jealous of me as I got older and older. She was so narcissitic and vain - o man - even more than Casey. I was always about her - and twisting the lies to make everyone else go "huh" and playing both ends against the middle. I've lived it all. But she would have NEVER taken me away out of spite. She didn't want to be bothered.

Sorry you were caught up in the middle of a dysfunctional mess similar to that. I've seen it in my family much it tore it apart. The Anthonys really peeved me when Cindy lied on the news day one and said there were no problems goin gon with Casey......My first thought was "yeah right!" and see now its all coming out. Why cover up the image when a little girl is missing? Dont they have any idea what destruction that causes a kid as they grow up??? No, my family didnt care who it destroyed or warped either.

How sad is it that the media engineered her release in order to let the dysfunctional family dynamic kick in, benefiting the media in the form of higher ratings/more ad dollars.

Poor little Caylee. She truly is lost in all of this.

Good Point!
One of my favorite Cindy utterances. I still don't understand this. Cindy spent quite a long time babbling about the car, the registered letter from the tow company, nothing that she said was coherent.

This is from the transcript of the Larry King Show:
"They think she's smart enough to make up this person for the last two and a half years, but dumb enough to park a car where in plain sight that her mother would drive by twice a day and see and leave her purse in the front seat of the car and not drive it into some lake."

The fact that they believed her for two and a half years doesn't make her smart. It kinda makes them a little...umm ...
Why would Casey need to drive her pizza, road-kill, maggot infested car into a lake? She left it where her mother would see it on her way back and forth from work everyday. Casey knew her mother and father would clean up her car for her.
Everybody asks where George was while the 911 calls were going on. I bet he was working on cleaning up the car. Used car salesmen know how to detail a car.
I have looked at the pictures of the car in the bay getting the forensic work done.
That 10 year-old car, that had been sitting in a parking lot for 2 weeks, looks shiny sparkly brand-new.

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