Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #23

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The police report is dated 07/17, but the actual burglary incident is on the 07/16. These are summary sheets of dispatch calls from the day previous. So technically the burglary occurred two days before Mollie's last sighting. Mollie was also reportedly at home alone with the dogs on the 17th.

This man has already been identified/apprehended, on 1Aug.

Dubuque man arrested in jogger assault

Presumably if he'd had anything to do with Mollie's disappearance we'd know by now.
Thank you Mr. Sharon for all your work and the ride.

I saw a spot where Mollie could have gotten forcibly snatched on video #04. Somewhere between 8:41 - 8:55. The kidnapper could have blocked the road with his vehicle (waited for her, knowing her routine), quickly gets out when Mollie approaches, knocks her out (chlorofoam maybe?), shove Mollie into his vehicle, drives away. She disappears without a trace.
I pondered a scenario like that along the edge of town as well, but my own feeling is that that would only make sense if a potential abducter knew she would be coming that way, was sure she wouldn’t just double back or take off through the yards, timed it just right so they got there right before she did and wasn’t just hanging around and getting noticed, and couldn’t come up with a better plan.
I believe that in the end, WC had nothing to do with this case. He's just too obvious of a choice, in my opinion. I think that Mollie went with someone she knew. As there was apparently no sign of struggle at the house, I think she was walking to work when she went missing. I have to think if it was a local she went with, someone would have noticed that person acting unusual by this time. It's such a small town. I have to wonder if in the end, some local will come forward with a tip they thought was insignificant and that will crack the case.
I actually do think this is unusual. A burglary happens the day before, and then someone vandalizes the hardware store and a girl disappears the following day. That’s a lot of crime all the sudden for a town this size.
especially since they have felt comfortable leaving their doors unlocked all the of the time.

Sorry, can't cite MSM post for "bog" search, but have followed MSM and this site for ALL 23 threads for past 3.5 weeks. Previous discussion/confusion about bog vs hog MSM misstatement on this site, concerning this search somewhere in previous above 23k posts. Per my recollection, bog search reports came up and were mentioned, in passing by MSM, in the wake of the search of the area about WC's property after the red shirt was found. There could be a LOW laying swampy morass in the general area, NOT on WC's property, and I am certain that near some of the rivers and streams in the Gurnsey area you find places where the mud do squish between your toes and that LE have CERTAINLY gotten their boots wet tramping through same, so I am sure that someone searched a bog OR boggy area somewhere looking for MT - if they didn't, LE didn't do their job, and I doubt that; but I was responding to a question about a bog on WC's property. ("WC has a bog?"), where he presumably keeps his sea serpent. He has 70 acres (again this number comes from MSM, for which I do not have a citation) of prime Iowa farm land (prime because it's planted with soy beans, which you can see when he tells the press to go away, and while mowing his lawn on a couple of MSM newscast videos ); not swamp or marsh, but plantable farmland. I grew up in South Louisiana, I know the difference. If you look on Google Satellite images, the only thing that looks wet and boggy on or near his property are the hog retention ponds between his property and the hog containment building next door. If I were to sell a parcel of land with or for a hog shed (Which MSM reported that he did for $600,000, for which I also don't have a citation, but seems about right for what it is - or might have been, hence my crack about WC's net worth. Who knows how much property this guy might own!), and IF I had a LOW boggy swampy area on my property, that is where I would put the clay lined hog waste retention ponds, and build the elevated hog shed on the rest of the swamp, if there were one there, which their likely is not. As I pointed out, in my response, there are other and newer operations that use contained waste systems (in some cases mandated by state law) but I'm fairly certain that other previous posters have opined about open hog waste ponds in Iowa, so I know they are still in use, at least in some parts of Iowa as they were when I was there 30 years ago, and I can see them adjacent to other hog sheds in the area, on Google satellite images.

Also, somewhen, in the past 3.5 weeks LE assured that MT was not at the hog farm they searched twice, again I don't have citation, but IF they did they would have had to search those ponds and the holding tanks under the hog sheds. I would like to know how they searched the ponds. Dredging with hooks (the traditional way)?Ultrasound? A newer tech? A newbe with a flashlight. I really want to know how LE has determined that MT's chain weighted and fenestrated body is not buried in the feet deep anarobic sludge at the bottom of THAT hog waste pit or any of the many others in the same area. And, if by now, all other operations in the area have been converted to closed containment, have all of those MASSIVE holding tanks been searched? That kind of was the point of my post. There is a reason that so many missing in Iowa will never be found. It's that good a dumping ground with so much open land, backhoes for deep burial, and open hog waste pits where the body is mostly digested. I've drunk with too many Iowa farm boys who told me graphicly how the cow ate that cabbage, and with too many cut throat Louisiana river rats who knew too much about disposing of a body.
“newbie with a flashlight”
This came up on my memories page today. If it's off topic, please delete it. It was written, oddly, on August 12th of 2012. When Sharon needles saw that Rob Tibbetts was right there, at Casey's giving another interview, I went back to this and read it again. I have the deepest respect for you Sir and for your compassion and how deeply you were touched. I guess I just wanted to say to everyone, no matter if the Press release happens tomorrow or not, no matter how this ends or goes on, keep sight of the human decency in yourself and others. Honor that, acknowledge it and maybe it can grow stronger than this pure evil that takes away out loves ones.

August 12, 2012
I've had to come up for air from the land of the lost girls and all of those like them. How dare I when they don't have that option? How dare any of us sit, comfortable in our homes while unspeakable acts of violence are committed every second of every day?

I want to scream until my throat bleeds and rail against all that is evil and horrid in this world. I want to feel nothing, or read about them and say, "Oh, that is so sad.", and go on with my pitiful life, doing nothing. I can't, not this time, not with these two girls. And yet the tiny amount I do brings no results. It has been a month - an entire month since they went missing. Their families drag through each day, some put on false faces for their other children, some are slowly dieing, inside and out.

I can't enjoy anything in my life right now. I am transfixed, possibly obsessed with this. And why? There have been others, I have noted, with sadness and perhaps paused for a while to read and to check for updates ... but nothing like this.

This was, of course concerning Lizzy and Lyric. I was one of many who transcribed police calls to written word which was passed along to those who were mapping and plotting, discussing and hoping to find some clue, some something that would lead to the girl's safe return.
Crime in Brooklyn, Iowa
Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime)

Brooklyn violent crime is 45.8. (The US average is 31.1)
Brooklyn property crime is 43.8. (The US average is 38.1) Brooklyn, Iowa Crime
WHAT? OK, I'm not going to doubt the Brooklyn rates, so I'll have to doubt the U.S. average as reported!! MOO
Also, somewhen, in the past 3.5 weeks LE assured that MT was not at the hog farm they searched twice, again I don't have citation, but IF they did they would have had to search those ponds and the holding tanks under the hog sheds. I would like to know how they searched the ponds. Dredging with hooks (the traditional way)?Ultrasound? A newer tech? A newbe with a flashlight. I really want to know how LE has determined that MT's chain weighted and fenestrated body is not buried in the feet deep anarobic sludge at the bottom of THAT hog waste pit or any of the many others in the same area. And, if by now, all other operations in the area have been converted to closed containment, have all of those MASSIVE holding tanks been searched? That kind of was the point of my post. There is a reason that so many missing in Iowa will never be found. It's that good a dumping ground with so much open land, backhoes for deep burial, and open hog waste pits where the body is mostly digested. I've drunk with too many Iowa farm boys who told me graphicly how the cow ate that cabbage, and with too many cut throat Louisiana river rats who knew too much about disposing of a body.
snipped for space
I think it's already been reported that he hasn't owned hogs/pigs or a hog/pig set up for quite a while, and he had sold it to a company. Also, where I am from fields of soybeans means someone's renting land from someone else. Maybe someone is renting land from a landowner. Anyway, you may know bog from non-bog, but a bog is definitely swampy, and there does not look to be much swampiness there. And putting animal waste in a stream or retention pond is still not proper. And would not be called a bog. It was most likely a typo if it was mentioned in a report.

(3:15) As I enter West Des Moines St and continue East you'll see the house where Mollie was dog sitting and the Electric Co-Op to my left. You can get plenty of close up via google street view if you're interested.

(5:10) W Des Moines meets Jackson St and I turn left (N) towards the high school. To get to Mom's house one would turn right at the 6:30 mark. I'm not going over to those houses. I continue North to Hwy 6 (not the same as Historic US 6), then turn around and go back South.

(9:30) Heading South on Jackson, I turn left (E) on Pershing. This is likely a street Mollie would have jogged along regularly. 10:45 I turn right (S) on Mills St and follow that south to 2nd street (11:35).

Watching the video I noticed a few vacation mobile homes/trailers in the general 'jogging' area. I also noticed little to no foot traffic in the same and streets bordering that area; an occasional tractor mower here and there.

Later in the evening, when folks are sitting for dinner or desert I expect most of their attention would have been focused within their kitchen or dining rooms, chatting up one another and not peering out their living room windows. Areas where a jogger could be especially vulnerable are along north/south border streets.

I imagine it wouldn't take much, wouldn't take long... a matter of seconds.
That’s way more than I would have guessed. Wow.

I asked, quite a few threads ago, about the drug situation in the area. I know, from having extended family that lives in a small town, and from the Holly Bobo case, that rural areas often suffer from depressed economies before many urban areas do, and often, drug manufacture and use is prevalent in such areas. I was told that the opioid crisis that grips the whole nation is felt there as well, but that meth is the drug of choice. I was told that meth heads usually just steal stuff from people they know, and then people they don't know, but that they pretty much just want to be left alone to make more meth. Not sure I buy that thought, but anyhoo...that may go a long way towards explaining the property crime rate in the area, including perhaps the home break-in , as well as possibly the vandalism at the hardware store....JMO

Police Chief Kary Kinmonth says a lot of people asked them to train women to defend for themselves after the disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts. The University of Iowa student has been missing for almost a month.

This is the only positive about this tragic, heartbreaking and desperate situation.
That’s way more than I would have guessed. Wow.

I think there may be some small towns likes this where the young and bored look for outlets, like meth, and there may be a set of youth involved in activities that may (or may not) shock their parents.

It’s worrisome, for sure. At the same time, Mollie would be an unlikely person to get hooked up with a crowd like that. On the other hand, someone aware of her home alone situation and jogging routine might have been involved as a conduit.

I hope that might be another angle to consider - the underground young adult/older teens population in the area. IMO.
Are motor vehicle registration records available online? I've seen you mention a truck a few times, can you give any details of the connection?
if this was directed to me it was a part of theory. nothing more than speculation or MOO. Nothing factual or stated from msm or anywhere. Just grasping for straws I was.
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