ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #16

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Hi, everyone. Idaho resident here. I thought I'd chime in with this video released on Oct. 24, 2015 where Jessica, Deorr Sr., Trina (Deorr's mom) and Tanisha (Deorr's sister) are back up at the campsite doing another search before the snow hits. At around 3:50 Trina says they will be meeting people the next morning at the Leadore store and that it takes about 45 minutes to get up to the campsite from there. Good information for those of us wondering about that.
Parents of missing 2-year-old Idaho boy named suspects

DeOrr Kunz Jr., 2, vanished July 10 from his family’s campsite close to the Montana border at Timber Creek Campground. The boy’s parents, Jessica Mitchell and DeOrr Kunz Sr., have been “less than truthful” under questioning and polygraph tests, and investigators believe the couple knows where their little boy is and whether he’s alive, said Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman.

“They’re not able to tell the same story twice because they’ve told so many stories,” Bowerman told KTVB-TV. “We’re getting changes in the stories all the time.”
I think the most important piece of information he gave was when he said "I am 99% sure DeOrr was at the campground." Which also meant "I am NOT 100% sure DeOrr was at the campground."

I assumed he responded this way because the only way he could be 100% sure was if he saw the baby there himself.
Question: I've run across comments in posts stating that the parents have pointed a finger at IR, or thrown him under the bus. Where is this coming from?
Now I want to know why...... why kill your child???? Why cover up and lie for months about an accident? (If it was an accident).
InTheDetails - they are now named suspects, no longer just persons of interest.

I anticipate they will have legal counsel by tomorrow.

GP Kunz is in denial that his son could be involved in the murder of his own son. I get that. Like Rueben Ebron's mom, no one wants to believe their child could be so evil.

I also want to add that as SB is naming them as suspects and stated that he is hoping to find the body so as to get the charges correct, if they hope to convince people it was an accidental death, mommy and daddy better tell where to find DeOrr so they can prove accident. Otherwise, they may find themselves facing 1st degree murder charges.

Got it! Thanks for keeping me on track.
I have a question for our attorneys here. What are the legal implications of being named a suspect in a possible homicide case?

I assume they won't get a court appointed because they haven't been charged. They"ll have to hire their own attorney. Any thing else we should be aware of? Can they leave the country? Thanks!!
Deorr Sr. uses distancing language in his interview. "that boy" "that little boy". He NEVER says "My grandson", like he says "my son", and he never calls little Deorr by name. Interesting. Then he infantilizes his son and Jessica by calling them "kids", as if they're too young to do any wrong.
So....are we jumping the gun here? They haven't been charged yet, right - just named as POI. It seems like LE felt compelled to warn well-meaning people not to donate money. If the donation thing hadn't come up, LE probably wouldn't have released their statement today at all. Am I understanding the situation correctly (I'm playing catch up after a long absence).

Perhaps there really isn't movement in the case itself, but just a sheriff who doesn't want people bilked for their money. ??

What I hope happens next is one or both parent come clean with what they know. I know, wishful thinking.

They've been POI for some time now. Now they've been 'bumped up' to suspects. Actually all 4 were POI, but at this point only the parents have been upgraded to suspect status.
There are some legal ramifications of this. One being that once named as subject, police must be careful to read then their Miranda Rights before questioning them, or anything they say could be inadmissible in court. (I'm not in the legal field but read this while researching, so if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me )
This change in status is quite possibly due to the much anticipated 'previously withheld' information, in MY opinion.
I'd also bet there is a lot LE has that we don't know about, as is always the case.
Presume for a moment that the parents do know just where baby is, and imagine the 'clues' they have given LE to cause suspicion. I can think of several I've seen in just the two days I've been following this case, but imagine their body language and actions of while pretending to search, repeatedly, knowing full well there is no baby to be found. You can bet your bottom dollar they were being heavily observed through those searches.
I'm sorry some here are finding it difficult to see theories and observations being discussed. But...that's kind of the whole point of this forum, you know? In fact, the only real reason to participate here is to sleuth. The fact that media updates are given is a bonus, and part of how we sleuth, but frankly, if someone is just looking for news there are countless other websites for that. It's a bit disappointing to feel hand-slapped for doing just what this site is intended for. Especially when things are discussed here in a civil tone. The TOS and moderation here are so respectable. You only have to read a few FB pages to see proof of how well run this place is compared to the general public. I appreciate that a lot.
Although my first reaction was "It's about time", I wondered what would happen if it was a mistake. JM and DK as well as their families have been dragged through hell and back on SM. what will it be like now? Can someone be publicly called a suspect without being arrested?
Geez have the parents been charged, tried and convicted in the last four hours? From the comments here it sure would seem that way...

No but they are suspects now and some of the things we couldn't say or talk about before can now be discussed, especially things that didn't make sense if they weren't some how involved. Its not us to be the judge and jury, we just discuss as that is what we do here... others will get to do that if they are charged with something and if they have to go to trial.

I really don't take issue with discussion. However the discussion seems to have escalated to a point that I find disturbing.

Full disclosure--I'm very distantly related to this family, and admit to giving them more of the benefit of doubt than I likely would otherwise. Not proud to admit it but it's true.

I'm also the mother of a child killed in violence and know how unfair and ridiculous speculation can be and it is hurtful to the innocent family members.

I agree that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. DeOrr's parents, included. But this forum isn't a court room. We aren't the jury. We don't HAVE to be objective if we don't want. Yes, there are TOS for this site that we must abide by. But other than that...we are free to have opinions and to (web)SLEUTH named suspects. That is what I see people doing here today. And if people don't want to sleuth and would rather wait until more info is out, that's obviously perfectly acceptable as well. To each their own and all that.
I wasn't telling anyone how to post, I'm very well aware of the WS tos, and am equally welcome to express my thoughts.
Deorr Sr. uses distancing language in his interview. "that boy" "that little boy". He NEVER says "My grandson", like he says "my son", and he never calls little Deorr by name. Interesting. Then he infantilizes his son and Jessica by calling them "kids", as if they're too young to do any wrong.

This is the one they live with, right? I'd guess he may feel like they're "kids" since they're living with him.

I can't imagine how hard this is for their families right now.
Although my first reaction was "It's about time", I wondered what would happen if it was a mistake. JM and DK as well as their families have been dragged through hell and back on SM. what will it be like now? Can someone be publicly called a suspect without being arrested?

I hate saying this, but I firmly believe that when we find out what exactly happened to little Deorr, we will know that hell is too good for the people who killed him. The sheriff is a sly old dog, he is shaking the tree, and the snakes are going to fall out.

The pair are not under arrest, and no warrants have been issued. Bowerman said he has met with prosecutors, the FBI and the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office and plans to take his time and make sure the case is solid before bringing charges against Mitchell and Kunz.

"We don't feel that the arrest is imminent, but we're leaving all options open," he said. "We don't want to jeopardize the investigation and charge them too early, for fear that we might find DeOrr and it might change."

Thank you for explaining , Dee10.
While I realize they haven't been arrested and no warrants have been issued ; it seems there's enough information to declare them suspects , and not poi's.
What is sad is that if little DeOrr suffered any harm and is deceased, by the time he's found --there'll be no evidence left of the cod.
Sounds like they're waiting on the parents to break, for one to spill the beans on the other first.
The sheriff has said though that D&J's story changed several times whereas IR has been consistent.

I guess the question is WHY would D&J change their story?

We don't even know IF it changed or if it seemed to have, to what degree and to what significance. A statement was made fairly recently, by Deputy Penner, that they were working on some leads that came about from information that had been previously withheld. I tend to think that information was previously withheld by LE. Just Saturday, they interviewed IR for the first time since he retained counsel. DK and JM also went in that day for yet another interview. When DK and JM were asked questions for which they didn't know the answer, something ensued, and DK and JM stopped cooperating. So, SB didn't get any "new" information from DK and JM that he didn't previously have (IMO). Two days later SB announces that he has decided to name them suspects because (in his mind) they absolutely know where their son is. Klein, otoh, was seemingly pointing his finger at IR, yet IR through his attorney, refused to be interviewed by Klein and company. Now, for some reason, SB puts out there that IR has been pretty consistent. Why make that statement? To me it seems like the previously withheld information is contained in the polygraphs. That info might have come from the behavioral analysis of the interviews and polygraphs done by the FBI and just recently provided to SB. While it certainly might appear that DK and JM are true suspects, that might not be the case at all. Of further interest is Klein's comment regarding today's announcement.
We don't even know IF it changed or if it seemed to have, to what degree and to what significance. A statement was made fairly recently, by Deputy Penner, that they were working on some leads that came about from information that had been previously withheld. I tend to think that information was previously withheld by LE. Just Saturday, they interviewed IR for the first time since he retained counsel. DK and JM also went in that day for yet another interview. When DK and JM were asked questions for which they didn't know the answer, something ensued, and DK and JM stopped cooperating. So, SB didn't get any "new" information from DK and JM that he didn't previously have (IMO). Two days later SB announces that he has decided to name them suspects because (in his mind) they absolutely know where their son is. Klein, otoh, was seemingly pointing his finger at IR, yet IR through his attorney, refused to be interviewed by Klein and company. Now, for some reason, SB puts out there that IR has been pretty consistent. Why make that statement? To me it seems like the previously withheld information is contained in the polygraphs. That info might have come from the behavioral analysis of the interviews and polygraphs done by the FBI and just recently provided to SB. While it certainly might appear that DK and JM are true suspects, that might not be the case at all. Of further interest is Klein's comment regarding today's announcement.

It certainly sounds as if their story has changed at least somewhat (to what degree is not clear).

"Sheriff Lynn Bowerman told KTVB that Jessica Mitchell and Deorr Kunz Sr. have been 'less than truthful' since the investigation began. 'They refused to give us any further information to clear up the untruthfulness and they've changed their story on numerous occasions,' he said." bbm
The bolded quote should be "post of the day"

Jessica Mitchell and DeOrr Kunz Sr., have been “less than truthful” under questioning and polygraph tests, and investigators believe the couple knows where their little boy is and whether he’s alive, said Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman.

“They’re not able to tell the same story twice because they’ve told so many stories,” Bowerman told KTVB-TV. “We’re getting changes in the stories all the time.”
The bolded quote should be "post of the day"

Jessica Mitchell and DeOrr Kunz Sr., have been “less than truthful” under questioning and polygraph tests, and investigators believe the couple knows where their little boy is and whether he’s alive, said Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman.

“They’re not able to tell the same story twice because they’ve told so many stories,” Bowerman told KTVB-TV. “We’re getting changes in the stories all the time.”

Not gonna lie -- this is a tiny thread of hope, but it does sound like there may be at least a tiny hope that he's still alive. (moo, of course).
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