"Jersey" and MW #2

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If DB was calling about her stolen GPS I don't see why she wouldn't have told LE all about it. The people who burglarized their car before make excellent suspects. Why did she say the phones don't work?
This may have already been answered and I appologize in advance if it has ~ but ~ does anyone have a link to the phone number being on DB's hand the morning of the 4th?
This may have already been answered and I appologize in advance if it has ~ but ~ does anyone have a link to the phone number being on DB's hand the morning of the 4th?

Jim, what about the reports that the pink -- the lady with the pink hair, that her phone number was written on the hand of the mother of the missing child allegedly purportedly? Tell us about that.

SPELLMAN: The pink haired woman, Megan Wright, told me last night that police told her that on Deborah Bradley`s hand was written in pen her phone number. Megan Wright`s phone number. Now Megan says she doesn`t know Deborah or she doesn`t know anybody involved in the family.
If DB was calling about her stolen GPS I don't see why she wouldn't have told LE all about it. The people who burglarized their car before make excellent suspects. Why did she say the phones don't work?

Not sure the ad was on Craigslist at the time of Lisa's disappearance, could have been after. Which is even more incriminating.

There are a lot of GPS units for sale on there around that time frame. The actual ad could still be up on there actually but it's impossible to know without knowing the phone number obviously.

They could have googled (edited to add) the number it and the craigslist ad came up.

How could it be a fluke that MWs phone number, the ex of the guy seen around the neighborhood, is written on the hand of the person whose child is missing, given that they all claim they don't know each other?

Also I think the general assumption has been that they are having money problems, I am not sure how true that is or if they were just bad at paying their bills on time, but if they assumption is true and they were having money problems, why would DB contact her re: the GPS (which has been mentioned) UNLESS, lets throw a curveball the GPS was stolen out of their car and she recognized a pic of it on craigslist and was calling to say - that is my GPS!

But that seems highly improbable. Far too convoluted. Of course at this point in this circus anything is possible, I guess.

Sorry, I meant that how did the cops connect Craigslist and MW with the number on DBs hand? Was it a fluke? I guess it could have been cops Googling that helped them connect the dots.
You're entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to my opinion of your opinion.
Yes you are, but you are not entitled to start rumors, <modsnip> refuse to provide links.

Neglect is abuse, I agree - but you are saying MW described herself as being a victim of child abuse and she did not. She didn't say she was kidnapped. <modsnip> She was abandoned - we don't know where or with whom - or where she was taken from. Lots of questions that could change it all, so why not move on to what we do know?

MW owns the phone that received a call directly from a phone involved in the disappearance of Baby Lisa. MW made some really bad choices in her life and is associated with the person the police were looking for in the first weeks of Lisa's disappearance.
<modsnip> the focus should be - who had her phone, who handed the phone back to her - when did she split with Tanko? Who are the people in the flop house and how does she know them.

Sorry, I meant that how did the cops connect Craigslist and MW with the number on DBs hand? Was it a fluke? I guess it could have been cops Googling that helped them connect the dots.

Supposedly MW was selling a GPS on craigslist. The phone number on DB's hand (not verified I know) was MW's. The FBI have programs that you can just type the number in and it spits out the information on where that number is posted. I will assume the FBI had people looking on Craigslist to see if anyone was selling a baby, adoptions etc from the area and when they put that phone number in it bumped out her for sale ad she had placed on there and that is how they found her.
Sorry, I meant that how did the cops connect Craigslist and MW with the number on DBs hand? Was it a fluke? I guess it could have been cops Googling that helped them connect the dots.

They probably googled the number on her hand. That's the first thing I would do. What really puzzles me is how they knew about the call so early on. I read the rumor of the 2:30 call within a few days of her disappearance....yet nothing about the 8:30 call until MW mentions it.
Wish I had cable, I don't get HLN.
I didn't know about shaving his head that day. OMG!

OMG... ?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK91LdOmE40"]Lisa Irwin: Prime News 11/1/11 - YouTube[/ame]
If LE found an unlisted phone number on Debbi's hand,
I believe they would have had Debbi call that number from her phone right away. Debbi must have claimed no memory of how it got there. Imo, LE would quickly assume the abductor might have written it on sleeping or impaired Debbi and that the abductor expected Debbi to call when she found her baby missing (possibly regarding ransom). But, of course, Debbi's phones had been stolen (possibly by said abductor). So, LE may have tried to have Debbi call the number from a civilian phone and gotten no answer.

In the meantime, the FBI, imo, would be scouring the internet for that number using their special software (vendor sights, seller sights, registration forms...). When they found it on Craigslist, they had the perfect guise to get the person's address and move in; quick cash for a GPS. LE may have attempted to call Megan's number several times before anyone answered, but when someone did, they hit the jackpot and got an address immediately.

If the number wasn't really on Debbi's hand, but instead obtained from the cell records from phones at the Irwin house (or found during a home search on a piece of paper, on a match book cover, etc...), I think LE woud have gone through the same process outlined above and gotten the same results.

Does Debbi know Megan? Dunno. Does Debbi know any of Megan's housemates? Dunno. Does anyone who had access to the 3 cell phones know Megan? Dunno.

Here's what I think. If Debbi isn't involved, why wouldn't the news about Jersey and then Megan push Jeremy and Debbi into overdrive - get down to the station ASAP, they might have Lisa or know who does!!!??? They'd be at the police station like bats outta hell with their lawyer ready to answer questions about comings and goings that night. Even if Debbi was blacked out when Lisa disappeared, she would be thrilled to learn that local strangers/acquaintances may somehow know what happened to her baby. She would want to try and remember anything about that night and how these two local characters might fit in; she would want her mind probed so that any knowledge she might have repressed could be surfaced, imo. She would want to know everything about these people. If not involved, Debbi would be hopeful that a quasi-couple might be involved as it would statistically increase the likelihood of Lisa being alive. JMO...

Nope, Debbi remains silent. So, she knows these two (or at least knows of them) and either knows they are not at all involved, or that they can implicate Debbi - no need to subject herself to LE. She may fear that Jersey and Megan know more about her than she'd like to admit to LE, imo.

Debbi and Jeremy's lack of action regarding all the hooplah surrounding Jersey and Megan means that Debbi knows what happened (and/or that LE has shown them solid evidence proving that neither Jersey or Megan can be involved). I can see no other reason for the parents not going down to the station for questioning, and no other reason that their PI & lawyers didn't publicly demand answers about Jersey and Megan and focus on them as much as they did the white blob ( and supposed sightings that night). Nope, no focus on Jersey or Megan from Debbi's team; there's a reason for that imo.

And, now, even the PI and the lawyers are silent. I think they've recently learned a few new facts about their clients and need some time to figure out how to spin it.

They probably googled the number on her hand. That's the first thing I would do. What really puzzles me is how they knew about the call so early on. I read the rumor of the 2:30 call within a few days of her disappearance....yet nothing about the 8:30 call until MW mentions it.

I read about that rumor too, it was a comment in a news article somewhere and it was a text. I guess there was a bit of truth to the rumor.
Yes you are, but you are not entitled to start rumors, <modsnip> refuse to provide links.

Neglect is abuse, I agree - but you are saying MW described herself as being a victim of child abuse and she did not. She didn't say she was kidnapped. <modsnip> She was abandoned - we don't know where or with whom - or where she was taken from. Lots of questions that could change it all, so why not move on to what we do know?

MW owns the phone that received a call directly from a phone involved in the disappearance of Baby Lisa. MW made some really bad choices in her life and is associated with the person the police were looking for in the first weeks of Lisa's disappearance.
<modsnip> the focus should be - who had her phone, who handed the phone back to her - when did she split with Tanko? Who are the people in the flop house and how does she know them.


You are right. 1st, she never said she was a victim of child abuse but, but I will say on her myspace page she says she had to move out of her house because her father beat her. I dont condone beating your kid but this was a couple of years ago so she wasnt a child, and well, did he beat her or give her a smack because she was into something she should have been into. (she never says why on her page).
I also do not understand how she does not know who gave her her phone back. I mean to say she doesnt know who took the call is insane, and we dont know who lives in that house. I am trying to think if I read someplace that the people in the house were questioned, if someone has that link can they post it please. I think we are obviously getting tons of hearsay and running with it because this is a circus of a case. LE is being very quiet about the whole thing as they should be, but it would be nice for even them to give press conferences every once and a while. At least to let the parents and the parties involved know that no one is in the clear yet.
Sorry, I meant that how did the cops connect Craigslist and MW with the number on DBs hand? Was it a fluke? I guess it could have been cops Googling that helped them connect the dots.

There was no way IMO that DB had a phone number on her hand. They likely got the number from the phone records and googled it when they realized the service provider did not have a contact for the number.

Telling MW it was on DB's hand would cause her to not try to lie about their connection if there was one. If the GPS unit was for sale at the time, she could have easily used that ad for an excuse but she didn't, that we know of.

I guess what I'm confused about is that MW was "found out" based on baby Lisa. I thought the police were just doing some other investigation involving MW (maybe selling stolen items online) and by chance they got a connection between her and DB and hence baby Lisa. I guess I misunderstood something when this story broke.

I found this transcript with JVM on the Nancy Grace show:

But I`ll say this, John Manuelian, defense attorney. The FBI used Craigslist to track down the woman with the pink hair four days after the child vanished, this Megan. The woman with the pink hair says she placed an ad on Craigslist to sell a GPS unit. And she used as a contact the phone from which she got that call, from the phone connected to the family of the missing baby. And when she went to answer some person who was inquiring about buying this GPS unit, a whole bunch of FBI jumped out of cars with guns drawn and grilled her for six hours. What do you make of it?

LOL I can hear JVM voice from this.

Tweet to Jim Spellman

@jimspellmancnn Do you know what time MW received a phone call from Deborah Bradley's cellphone? 2:30am or 8:30pm?

His response

@detfrost she tells me the cops told her 8-8:30. By 2:30 she says she had the phone back and no call came in.


Also, someone asked him if MW has a vehicle. His response:

MW has no vehicle that I've seen and in fact I've seen her walking around to stores and such.
I want to see Jersey's most recent mug shot. Anyone agree?
I wander if he thought he could win her back with a baby?
Shaving the head... WOW, do certain gang type people shave their heads before they carry out a crime? Just wondering since I seen that video of him in court.
Yes you are, but you are not entitled to start rumors, <modsnip> refuse to provide links.

Neglect is abuse, I agree - but you are saying MW described herself as being a victim of child abuse and she did not. She didn't say she was kidnapped. <modsnip> She was abandoned - we don't know where or with whom - or where she was taken from. Lots of questions that could change it all, so why not move on to what we do know?

MW owns the phone that received a call directly from a phone involved in the disappearance of Baby Lisa. MW made some really bad choices in her life and is associated with the person the police were looking for in the first weeks of Lisa's disappearance.
<modsnip> the focus should be - who had her phone, who handed the phone back to her - when did she split with Tanko? Who are the people in the flop house and how does she know them.



Her mother "ran away" with her and her brothers to a foreign country. personally, I have had a trained focus on the evidence and profile of those of interest. <modsnip>
Snipped by me....
Debbi and Jeremy's lack of action regarding all the hooplah surrounding Jersey and Megan means that Debbi knows they aren't involved because she knows what happened (and/or that LE has shown them solid evidence proving that neither Jersey or Megan can be involved). I can see no other reason for them not going down to the station for questioning or for their PI & lawyers to not publicly demand answers about these two and focus on them as much as the supposed sightings that night. Nope, no focus on Jersey from Debbi's team; there's a reason for that imo.

And, now, even the PI and the lawyers are silent. I think they've recently learned a few new facts about their clients and need some time to figure out how to spin it.



I think you are on to something. I agree!!
Yes you are, but you are not entitled to start rumors, <modsnip> refuse to provide links.

Neglect is abuse, I agree - but you are saying MW described herself as being a victim of child abuse and she did not. She didn't say she was kidnapped. <modsnip> She was abandoned - we don't know where or with whom - or where she was taken from. Lots of questions that could change it all, so why not move on to what we do know?

MW owns the phone that received a call directly from a phone involved in the disappearance of Baby Lisa. MW made some really bad choices in her life and is associated with the person the police were looking for in the first weeks of Lisa's disappearance.
<modsnip> the focus should be - who had her phone, who handed the phone back to her - when did she split with Tanko? Who are the people in the flop house and how does she know them.


bbm= respectfully, I don't think we KNOW that as fact. MW originally said it came from a family phone from the Irwin home. Could have been someone else (possibly PN) that phoned her number from his own phone.
Thanks curiousjo! :toast: I edited the post a bit before you quoted it, but same gist.

The more I look at it, it doesn't make much sense to view Jersey and/or Megan as alternate suspects to Debbi. If it were possible in her mind that either Jersey and/or Megan were responsible, Debbi would be talking and her team would be all over the air waves about Jersey and Megan, imo. But there's only silence. So,Jersey and Megan are not at all involved (or they are accomplices to Debbi at most). JMO...
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