jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I totally agree. I'm hardly impartial, I know, but I put psychopaths in a category that is pure predator and hardly human.

After my experiences, even knowing they live among us often undetected, scares the living hell out of me. They usually find the sweetest, most compassionate and generous people to prey on...

And they often end up leaving such people in a state of total ruination and destruction. They'll stop at nothing to totally and utterly destroy human beings until and unless it suits them. Nothing.

I was a victim of one, preyed upon my kindness, convinced me I had a better life with her than with my guardians. lived with her for about 5 or 6 months until she moved on to the next man who caught her eye. basically the whole time i was with her she had her eye on other men, would fly onto a jealous rage if i spoke to any of my friends who happened to be female. She only felt at ease if they were married and knew they were no threat to her... put me in debt for almost 10 grand and at the very end she constantly lied to me..then threw me out of her house. i had to call my family crying begging them to come get me. because i was stuck with no way to get back.

when i look at Jodi Arias...I see everything I went through, minus of course being murdered. How ever if "murdered" my ability to trust again.
pop rocks


I so wish the Jury could see her now. She's cool,calm and collected continuing on in her own little Jodi world.:banghead:
One other thing that Mr. Martinez could have covered.

At the Hoover Dam checkpoints, when you approach, the officers check the front license plate.

If the car is from a state that doesn't require a front plate, they check the rear plates.

The checkpoint would have seen the (supposed) upside down license plate.
In all fairness, he knows there is going to be an appeal and most likely she is going to blame him for inadequate representation, so he is just covering his *advertiser censored**, which it no easy task

Ha! :floorlaugh: I see what you did there:floorlaugh:
Jodi was clearly not crying on the stand at all today. There is a pic of Jodi after she and attys came out of chambers that clearly showed she was crying before entering the courtroom. She had better practice those crying skills over the weekend cause I think that is her only hope and it is an infinitely think hope at that!
Man I am wiped out by all this. I need no court for 3 days. I can't wait for our in-court websleuthers to file their reports.
JVM is an idiot .. I think she's too concerned with Jodi's female status .. JM is not 'bullying' her.
If a woman puts her hand on her face when she is crying - it is the mouth she covers because there are no words to describe what she is seeing/experiencing. Cover your eyes - well that speaks for itself.
Thanks button not enough!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you

thanks so much! . . . . no one in my life understands this obsession with me! I guess I feel better doing something and keeping busy - so comments like this keep me going .

I will probably not be able to transcribe much (if at all next week) so I will be hoping someone will be willing to jump in and back up KMouse and others!

it helps to have more than 1 person - there is no way me to keep up with every word (thank god they repeat themselves frequently!)

I (for one) am honestly looking forward to transcribing someone who doesn't talk as fast! both of them talk so fast . . . . . and they talk over each other frequently!
Those twins seem weird to me and do alot of smiling from the little I have seen.
If that was my daughter/neice I would have a bag over my head with what has been said in that courtroom.

It is very strange. If my daughter had done this, I would be heartbroken. I don't think I could recover from it. And they seem to be sitting there, mildly entertained by the trial.
Did the judge state that rebuttal would begin on Monday? I thought JM was done for the day but not his cross.

Redirect will be Monday, we are still in the defenses case in chief

Rebuttal is after the defense rests
Beth Karas InSession
After Arias completes her testimony next week, the defense is expected to call two experts: psychologist Richard Samuels and domestic violence expert Alyce LaViolette. They are expected to offer opinions that she suffers from PTSD and Battered Women's Syndrome--and will explain Arias's behavior in that context.

How would that explain her behavior?
Those twins seem weird to me and do alot of smiling from the little I have seen.
If that was my daughter/neice I would have a bag over my head with what has been said in that courtroom.

Paper or plastic? Or double-bagged? :D

I found myself applauding JM during today's cross. It was clear that he was wrapping up before the end of court today.

Now prepare yourselves for Nurmi's loooooooong and draaaaaaaaawn out rebuttal/redirect next week. Ugh! :banghead:
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