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CBS show questions Haleigh's family
Published: Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:01 AM EDT
Neves was unsure if a different story remains untold by Croslin, who married Neves' son and Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, a month after the child vanished.

"I don't know that there is anything I haven't heard," Neves said. "I don't know what they've heard. It's hard for me to say."

Attorney Mark NeJame accompanied Neves during the interview, which was filmed in Putnam County.

"There are certain areas with a large question mark hovering over them," NeJame said. "I think that is the focus of the investigation. We have been brought on to assist with that by bringing renewed attention to the investigation because there are unanswered questions."

He added, "I think the police are quite appropriate in trying to piece together that puzzle. What happened in that five hours and where's Haleigh?"

Haleigh was discovered missing at 3:27 a.m. on Feb. 10, and no sign of the 6-year-old has been found.

Report: Misty Cummings 'Miserably Failed' Polygraph
"snip" Dave Wax 8/26/2009 4:01:51 PM

PUTNAM COUNTY, FL -- First Coast News has learned that Misty Cummings has failed three recent tests related to the search for her missing five-year-old step-daughter.

Putnam County Sheriff's Office has said as recently as two weeks ago that Misty's account of the night in February when the then-5-year-old girl disappeared is "sketchy," and that she "continues to hold important answers."

Today, First Coast News spoke with Tim Miller, from Texas Equusearch, a group that has already led a major search effort to find Haleigh.

Miller says Misty wanted to take the tests even though her attorney advised her not to.

In a signed letter, Misty stated her attorney, Robert Fields, told her not to take the polygraph, but she wanted to anyway to clear her name.

Miller says she "failed miserably" the polygraph examination, and "did not cooperate" with the hypnosis.

Misty's attorney, spoke to First Coast News, saying he believes Misty was pressured into taking the tests.

Ronald spoke with First Coast News via phone only long enough to say he didn't have anything to say.

Putnam County Sheriff's Office says they have been made aware of the tests and the results, and are surprised she put herself through them.

UPDATED: Last Person With Haleigh Fails Polygraph
Equusearch Group Director Says Misty Failed Lie Detector Test 'Miserably'
POSTED: Wednesday, August 26, 2009
UPDATED: 9:34 pm EDT August 26, 2009
In an exclusive interview with Channel 4 just one day after Haleigh's disappearance, Misty said, "I want everyone to know I did nothing with that little girl. If I knew, we would have her. I don't know where she is."

In that same interview, Misty said she took a lie detector test and thought she did OK.

But now, Miller said Misty wanted to take another one.

So, Equusearch arranged for her to take a lie detector test in Orlando last week.

Miller said Misty failed "miserably."

In fact, he said she failed more than once.

There were three parts to the test, a written portion and a voice analysis. She failed both.

There was also a hypnotism session, but Miller said it didn't produce any results because Misty was fighting being put under.

Misty's attorney in Putnam County said he told her not to take the tests but she felt pressured to because she wanted Equusearch's help in the search for her stepdaughter.

Miller said Equusearch did not pressure Misty into taking any lie detector test.

Channel 4 was told when investigators with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office heard about the new polygraphs, they subpoenaed the results and now have them.


New Video: Director Says Misty Fails Lie Detector Test 'Miserably'

Video: Director Says Misty Fails 'Miserably'


VIDEO: 08/26/09 6PM News Report
Misty Cummings' Polygraph Questions
Created: 8/26/2009 4:48:32 PM
Updated: 8/26/2009 5:19:48 PM
Here are the four questions Miller says were asked to Misty on August 19, followed by her answer and the polygraph result:

Question: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance?
Answer: No
Result: 99% deception

Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh?
Answer: No
Result: 99% deception

Question: Do you know where Haleigh is now?
Answer: No
Result: 95% Deception

Question: Do you know who took Haleigh?
Answer: No
Result: 42% deception

Miller says he was confused by the 42% result, but a polygraph expert who spoke with Miller says that could mean there were multiple people involved, and that something may have happened inside the house that prevented Misty from knowing which person took her away.

Miller goes on to say Misty cried at the results, then stormed out of the room. That's when he says he spoke with Misty, who begged him to let her undergo hypnosis and voice analysis.

VIDEO: 08/26/09 5PM News Report

Haleigh Cummings, Trenton Duckett: New developments in each case
posted by halboedeker on Aug 27, 2009 3:48:46 PM
WFTV-Channel 9 today reported that Misty Croslin-Cummings, who last saw Haleigh, failed a polygraph test. "And failed it miserably," anchor Barbara West said.

Croslin-Cummings asked Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller to help clear her name in the bewildering case. Miller said Croslin-Cummings also failed voice analysis, and he passed the results on to authorities, West said. Authorities say the results were not surprising but they don't have probable cause to make an arrest.

A vigil for Trenton will be held 8 tonight at the Leesburg City Hall. The boy disappeared three years ago.

The former lead detective talked exclusively to Mike DeForest of WKMG-Channel 6. Rich Giles, who is retired from the Leesburg Police Department, continues to explore Trenton's case and wants to find answers for the family. He believes the child is dead and points to a pillow, later found in a dumpster, that had the boy's DNA on it. Giles is suspicious of Melinda Duckett, the boy's mother. Giles had planned to confront her three years ago, but was stunned to learn she had killed herself.

Article from TES: written by Member from TES who is with Tim Miller in Orlando!
August 2009
During the intense questioning, which lasted 2 days, Misty broke down in tears as she recounted sexual abuse at the hands of family members and attempts to point fingers at people who she thinks may have taken Haleigh in an attempt to defer attention from herself. Police have asked me not to mention &#8220;who&#8221; as its part of the ongoing investigation. Tearfully, Misty reflects &#8220;My life has not been very good and it looks like its not going to get any better.&#8221;

Misty&#8217;s shocking statements, all caught on tape, have refueled the investigation into little Haleigh Cummings. Detectives from the Putnam County Sheriff&#8217;s Department were made aware of the findings, and although they are not endorsing the release of the information to the public, they were planning on subpoenaing the tapes and any related information. Miller willingly turned the finding over to investigators. Just yesterday, detectives questioned Miller and myself for over five (5) hours concerning our observations and viewed the tapes in our presence as we answered questions about our conversations with Misty Cummings.

The results of the taped interviews according to the experts who conducted them and the police who reviewed them are great for the investigation but not great for Misty.
Now even her husband Ronald isn&#8217;t buying that story &#8220;she never went to bed that night&#8221; he said &#8220;the bed was made&#8221; Police confirmed Ronald&#8217;s story.

It&#8217;s clear from spending time with them, that the Putnam County Sheriffs&#8217; Department is passionate about solving the Haleigh Cummings case. They have worked tirelessly following up on leads, they have a room full of evidence, and continue to search areas of interest. Without divulging specifics about their investigation, Captain Dominic Piscitello is very clear about one thing &#8220;Misty Cummings holds the key to what happened to Haleigh Cummings that night.&#8220;


TES web Site:
UPDATED: Misty Cummings: 'I'm 17-Years-Old, What Do You Think?'
Created: 8/27/2009 4:06:25 PM
Updated: 8/27/2009 11:40:44 PM
Haleigh's maternal grandmother, Marie Griffis says that only confirms what she already thought, that Misty knows more than she's letting on about what happened the night Haleigh disappeared from Ronald Cummings' home in Satsuma.

Griffis also said she thinks Ronald Cummings should be tested, as she believes he also knows more than he's saying.

Misty Cummings told First Coast News said Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch told her if she did not agree to take the polygraph, voice analysis test, and undergo hypnosis, he would not search for Haleigh.

She said she only agreed to take the tests because she wanted Miller to search for Haleigh. She also said she did not want to take the tests because her attorney told her not to.

Misty Cummings told First Coast News she and her husband will have nothing more to do with Tim Miller or with Mark NeJame. He is the attorney who agreed to work with the Cummings last week in the search for Haleigh.

During the tests, Misty Cummings said, "I didn't have nothing to do with it. I loved that little girl more than anything. I would never hurt her. If i knew who hurt her, I would tell!"

At one point, private investigator T.J. Ward, who conducted the test, pressed Misty Cummings for answers.

"I don't know what your're trying to get out of me. I'm 17-years-old, what do you think? Come on! How much do you think a 17-year-old can take?" Misty Cummings asked Ward as she cried.

Miller said he will still do a ground search for Haleigh in Putnam County.

VIDEO: 08/27/09 11PM Report~3:30

VIDEO: 08/27/09 6PM Report

Voice Expert: Misty Cummings Knows More than She's Saying
Created: 8/27/2009 6:32:37 PM
Updated: 8/27/2009 9:50:45 PM
T.J. Ward met with Misty this week. Ward says the 17-year-old signed an agreement to take a layered voice analysis test. He says she wanted to take it to help clear her name.

"She was not pressured. She was on the phone with me and asked if I'd come to Florida," says Ward.

Ward is a voice analysis expert based in Atlanta. He says the test is much like a polygraph except it is better. He says instead of just getting yes and no answers, like with a polygraph, a voice test allows him to get more in depth and have a conversation.

He says the analysis allows him to pick up on stresses and untruths. "I think she is lying...I don't know who she is covering for," says Ward.

He says he believes Misty knows who took Haleigh.

The test, which happened on Monday, lasted about 24 minutes. Misty now says she was pressured to take it.

"That's totally untrue. I was with her four of five hours, there was no pressure."

Ward says a polygraph is about 50 percent accurate and a voice test is about 95 percent accurate.

Portion of Hypnosis Session with John Gastar

Video: 08/27/09 6PM Report~2:51


Misty Cummings Believes Haleigh is Still Alive
Created: 8/27/2009 9:23:40 PM
Updated: 8/27/2009 10:15:26 PM
Cummings, the wife of Haleigh's father Ronald Cummings, agreed to a series of tests set up by Texas Equusearch founder Tim Miller. She took a polygraph exam on August 19, and she underwent hypnosis and took a layered voice analysis test on August 24.

During the questioning, Misty Cummings said she believes the little girl is still alive. She also said she didn't believe her husband had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

Miller said Cummings failed the voice test and polygraph exam.

T.J. Ward, the private investigator who administered the voice test, said the Putnam County Sheriff's office conducted its own polygraph exams with Cummings and that she failed those too.

Click on the video link to hear excerpts from her polygraph exam with D. Craig Harper.

Misty Cummings


Private Investigator Speaks On Stepmom
Man Who Gave Misty Cummings Test Says It's Clear She's Withholding Information
POSTED: Thursday, August 27, 2009
UPDATED: 11:31 pm EDT August 27, 2009
T. J. Ward has a consulting firm that offers a test he said is much more accurate than a polygraph.

The test is an audio analysis test that Ward said Misty wanted to take.

"The system works with involuntary changes of the voice and works off of stress, and I can see from pertinent questions and answers that she's given me and her responses that not only was she not telling me the truth there was a lot of inaccuracies and there was a lot of things that she didn't tell me completely that I can detect in the course of the test," Ward said.

"I let her tell me about what happened in the course of the time when she was in the trailer with the child, putting the child to bed, till the time she woke up and the child was missing. I let her in her own words tell me about that," Ward said. "What I could see in the results of the tes was that she knows more than what she's telling me and that she knows about who or what why Haleigh went missing."

"Some people think they can beat the test, that there's going to be some kind of different results where she could use it against three other tests on the polygraph that said she was not telling the truth. My test just confirms that the polygraphs have come out the same."

Equisearch's Tim Miller said Misty Cummings failed some lie detector tests.

Video: Misty Takes Voice Analysis Test 3:12

Analyst: Haleigh's Father's Wife Fails Lie Detector
Misty Croslin Cummings Was Last Person To See Missing Girl
POSTED: 6:57 am EDT August 27, 2009
UPDATED: 6:24 am EDT August 28, 2009
Experts said Misty Croslin Cummings' tears don't hide her lies. They said she appeared to be lying about how Haleigh vanished on a voice analysis stress test.

The analyst giving the test called her out on her inconsistent stories.

"I can see it," the analyst said. "There's things going on that you know that you're not telling anybody."

"There were two or more people involved," Miller said. "So when Haleigh was taken out of the house, she doesn't know who it was taking her to the final destination."

The 17-year-old said she expects tough times ahead.

"I've lived in cars, had drug addicts as parents," she said. "My life has been bad my whole life, and it's just not going to get better it looks like."

VIDEO: Analyst: Haleigh's Father's Wife Fails Lie Detector

Haleigh's Stepmom Takes Stress Test
Girl Vanished From Satsuma Home 6 Months Ago
POSTED: Friday, August 28, 2009
UPDATED: 7:29 am EDT August 28, 2009
"I can see it. There's things going on with you about Haleigh going missing that you know about and you're not telling anybody," the detective said.

"There's nothing that I'm not telling nobody. I told everybody everything that I know. I don't know what you're trying to get out of me," Misty Cummings said.

During the voice stress test, Misty Cummings denied doing anything to harm Haleigh, but she did say she suspects others may have played a role in the girl's disappearance.

"Why do you think your brother would take Haleigh?" the detective asked.

"Well, he's done something to me. The way he's been acting lately, it's really, really strange," said Misty Cummings, who added that her cousin or the family of Haleigh's biological mother could have been involved.

Misty Cummings said her husband, Ronald Cummings, the girl's father, had nothing to do with the disappearance. She also said that she's not been told about Haleigh's whereabouts.

"I have never been once told not to tell where Haleigh is. I don't care if somebody told me not to tell. If they want to kill me, they can kill me. They can have my life for her back any day," Misty Cummings said.

VIDEO: Full Stress Test

VIDEO: Misty Cummings' Stress Test

The Putnam County Sheriff's Office says Misty is their person of interest right now
Updated: Friday, 28 Aug 2009
(WOFL FOX 35) - A man who recently gave Misty a lie detector test says she “failed miserably.”

In video taken by a freelance photographer at the request of Tim Miller, He says Misty is hiding something.

"There's things going on with you about Haleigh going missing that you know about that you're not telling me about," he says. "There's nothing I'm not telling nobody. I told you and everybody everything I know. I don't know what you're trying to get out of me. I'm 17-years-old...come much can a 17-year-old take?" responds Croslin.

During a couple hours of voice analysis, a polygraph and even hypnosis; Misty again and again points the finger at other people. Tim Miller says the polygraph test was not effective, adding that Misty was not cooperative, even though she was the one who requested it be conducted.

"If it's her mother's side of the family... they came in and took her because they didn't want to pay child support.... or if it was somebody else.... I keep hearing things about my brother... I have no idea if he took her," said Misty.

The Putnam County Sheriff's Office says Misty is their person of interest right now adding that her only consistency is her inconsistency.

In one of the polygraph questions, Misty is asked, “Have you intentionally withheld any information about Haleigh's disappearance?" Misty answered, “No.” According to the polygraph technician, her answer indicated a 99 percent deception rate.

When asked if she knew the whereabouts of Haleigh, she answered, “No.” According to the polygraph technician, her answer indicated a 95 percent deception rate.
New search for Haleigh may come Saturday
[SIZE=-1]Gainesville Sun[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]By Karen Voyles [/SIZE]

A comment Misty Croslin-Cummings allegedly made about investigators needing to double-check a patch of ground marked by a single plastic rose in their search for her missing stepdaughter, Haleigh Cummings, has motivated a private firm to begin scouring the area this morning.
Misty's Brother and His Wife Questioned in Haleigh's Disappearance
Created: 8/28/2009 8:03:19 PM
Updated: 8/29/2009 6:28:00 AM
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office is interviewing Misty Cummings' brother and his wife in connection with the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings, who disappeared a little more than 6 months ago from her home in Satsuma.

Hank Croslin tells First Coast News that detectives took his son, Tommy Croslin, to the sheriff's office at about 7 p.m. Friday. Hank Croslin is also Misty's father, but says allegations against his son that he was involved in Haleigh's disappearance are untrue.

Hank Croslin says his son told investigators that he would take a lie detector test to prove his innocence as he was led away.

Tommy Croslin says he has no idea why his sister is accusing him in Haleigh's disappearance. He told First Coast News Misty is trying to pass blame onto someone.

Despite the accusations, he says he stands by his sister and doesn't think she had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

He is now being questioned by detectives. This is the first time he has been brought in for questioning in about a month.

Stay with First Coast News and for the latest information.

Tommy Croslin

VIDEO: Interview With Investigator Who Questioned Tommy 2:09

VIDEO: Misty's Brother and His Wife Questioned in Haleigh's Disappearance 1:49

VIDEO: Misty's Brother and His Wife Questioned In Haleigh's Case 3:51

VIDEO: Misty Cummings Reveals Suspicions In Voice Analysis 19:41

Expert: Haleigh's Now-Stepmother Fought Hypnosis
Misty Croslin Cummings Was Last Person To See Missing Girl
POSTED: 6:57 am EDT August 27, 2009
UPDATED: 5:46 pm EDT August 28, 2009
WESH 2 spoke exclusively with former New York Police expert and retired Central Florida lawman John Gaspar, who conducted that exam.

Misty Croslin Cummings is the 17-year-old who married missing 4-year-old Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings. Gaspar said she told him she wanted him to find the truth through hypnosis, but that she fought the process.

"It seemed a little more rehearsed than I've ever seen in my experience as a forensic hypnotist," Gaspar said.

He said he explained to her a subject must be willing to undergo the test and that she told told him that truth about what happened Haleigh is all she's ever wanted, yet during the process Gaspar said she seemed to fight him.

"She moved around a number of times, uncrossed her legs, moved her arms, crossed her arms," he said. "Things of that nature and those are things that would distract somebody from a meditative or relaxed state."

Video: Interview With Gaspar

On Thursday, investigators said Croslin Cummings failed a series of lie detector tests. Watch the video:

Slideshow: UPDATED: Images Of Haleigh Cummings


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