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Reward doubled in Lindsey Baum disappearance case

Published: 03/05/1012:41 pm | Updated: 03/05/1012:42 pm

Grays Harbor County Sheriff's officials and the FBI have increased the reward for information that helps them solve the case of the disappearance of Lindsey Baum from $10,000 to $20,000.


Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott said Wednesday that investigators plan to ramp up the police presence in McCleary in the coming weeks as they reinvestigate and re-canvass the area.
Renewed effort in search for girl
Missing since June 26: News about abductee’s return after 18 years draws people to help find Lindsey
Published: 03/03/10 7:00 am | Updated: 09/28/09 7:00 am

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...The three also discovered a black garbage bag filled with clothes, including a pair of denim jeans, the same kind of clothes Lindsey last was seen wearing. After that discovery, it was determined that the clothes and trash likely belonged to a transient and not Lindsey, although Dennis praised the group’s efforts in finding the bag...


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New Search For Clues In McCleary Girl's Disappearance
Posted: 7:39 am PST March 8,2010
Updated: 7:44 am PST March 8,2010
Volunteers and police searched again over the weekend for any clue that would lead to Lindsey Baum, the 11-year-old girl who vanished last summer.

Pairs of federal and local investigators spread across McCleary on Sunday, canvassing neighborhoods and interviewing neighbors. "We are continuing to be as comprehensive as we can, but the focus this time is not haste, it's thoroughness," said Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott.

Sunday was especially difficult for Lindsey's mother, Melissa Baum. She had to move out of her house because she lost her job and can't afford it any more. Baum said because Lindsey is still missing, she didn't want to go back to work full time.

WATCH IT: New Push To Find Girl Who Vanished

Officials continue push for new leads
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 2:11 PM PST
Local and federal investigators plan to continue their push for new information into next week as they work on leads arising from recent interviews in the search for missing Lindsey Baum.

Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott said detectives and FBI agents have received huge amounts of information from McCleary residents as they work to create a &#8220;snapshot&#8221; of the rural town on the summer evening Lindsey disappeared. &#8220;All of that&#8217;s helping us to more thoroughly investigate leads,&#8221; he said. &#8220;The focus of the case is much clearer.&#8221;

After a week of questioning residents, Scott said he hopes to keep extra officers from other regional departments around until next week to continue the recent drive for new evidence. He said deputies and FBI agents may conduct follow-up interviews beyond next week as information surfaces. &#8220;It&#8217;s not like we&#8217;re going to just put the lid back on the box,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I don&#8217;t want to shut the stove off when we&#8217;ve got something cooking.&#8221;

Scott said detectives are also asking residents about their theories on the case or rumors floating around the community. &#8220;Now they&#8217;ve had a chance to think about it,&#8221; he said, later adding, &#8220;Everybody&#8217;s had a chance to play armchair investigator here. ... Some of (the ideas) seem plausible.&#8221;

As details come in, Scott said he and others felt the interviews were developing into new leads similar to other child abduction cases that were solved. Scott said he hopes and prays they can make a breakthrough in locating Lindsey. &#8220;We are definitely making progress,&#8221; he said.

Lindsey Baum

Special FBI Team Joins Hunt for Missing Girl
High-Tech Tools Join Old-Fashioned Police Work in Search for Lindsey Baum, 11

March 16, 2010
Last month, ABC News accompanied local police and members of the FBI's Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) team as they worked on the case.

The task force questioned two-thirds of the town's residents. They also set up a massive command post with state-of-the-art equipment capable of tracking down leads around the country. An FBI computer database tracked leads as they came in and identified sex offenders who may have been in the area at the time of Lindsey's disappearance.

"Thousands of children go missing every year," said Kevin Perkins, assistant director of the FBI's criminal investigation division. "Many of them are runaways in family issues. But there's between 100 and 200 cases a year where it is a stranger abduction. These are very, very serious crimes that the FBI places a high priority on. There's no greater crisis in a community, and I can't imagine a greater crisis for either a parent or a community, then to have a child go missing."

The questions for the local police and FBI's CARD team: Was it an abduction? Or was it an accident? Where could Lindsay be now? The model allowed the FBI to identify twelve new persons of interest in the case, inside and outside of McCleary, with at least two people of high interest.

'Every Place Possible'
The FBI brought in profilers to analyze the behavior of persons of interest and to help develop a sense of who the possible perpetrator might be. Profilers also studied Lindsey's behavior and personality for clues.

"FBI agents who work these child abduction cases on a full-time basis can come in and they can quickly discern from the behavior patterns of those associated with the case certain aspects of things," said Perkins. "They can look at the subjects that might have already been identified. They can look at registered sex offenders in the area to determine where were these people, what were they doing? There are certain techniques that you use in grid searches that make sure that you look every place possible that this child could be."

Drawing on interviews, cell phone data, ATM videos and surveillance cameras from the day of Lindsey's disappearance, the FBI built a model and timeline of the day Lindsey vanished.

*Much more at link!

WATCH: Without A Trace
Go behind the scenes of a 9-month search for a 10-year-old girl.

WATCH: Military Dad: Bring My Girl Home

A Boy's Disappearance, 20 Years Later

WATCH: Different Responses to Missing Girls

Nightline's Daily Line: Where We Fit
Inside the Ongoing Search for Lindsey Baum

March 16, 2010 2:27 PM
Tonight, Pierre Thomas and producer Ted Gerstein will have an inside look at the investigation into the disappearance of Lindsey Baum, a 10-year-old girl from the small town of McCleary, Wash., missing since June 26, 2009.

We were given intimate access to some of the cutting-edge techniques used by local police and the FBI, which has now joined the case.

They include extensive interviewing -- two-third's of the townspeople -- sex offender database scrubs, the use of profilers, review of surveillance footage, and the creation of a massive command post -- all used to build a timeline of the day the child disappeared.

Lindsey's mother, Melissa Baum, is convinced her daughter was kidnapped and believes she is alive. Work by authorities has identified twelve persons of the interest -- in and out of McCleary -- with two of them of high interest.

Sources: Persons of interest ID'd in girl's disappearance
Story Published: Mar 17, 2010 at 11:02 AM PDT
Story Updated: Mar 17, 2010 at 12:35 PM PDT
A renewed investigative effort in the search for a 10-year-old girl who vanished last year has identified a dozen persons of interest, law enforcement sources told ABC News. Investigators from multiple agencies have spent months searching for the girl, and the FBI recently moved in a high-tech command center to coordinate efforts.

Agents with the CARD team have been checking hours of ATM security camera video taken from cash machines throughout McCleary and the surrounding area, looking for anything that seems out of place.

They have also been checking cell phone records to see who was in the area when Lindsey vanished. "We can start putting a timeline together," FBI Assistant Director Kevin Perkins told Nightline. "And we may see that call and a certain cell phone and, perhaps, our missing individual coming together at a certain place at a certain time."

The agency also has profilers and psychologists analyzing evidence. Detectives from the sheriff's department are working with the FBI to check new sites that might be connected to the case, and they're also re-searching sites checked previously. "We're looking for the whole picture, but there are sometimes when you get a gut reaction or gut feeling about a certain individual or their reaction to your questioning," sheriff's Det. Keith Peterson said. Investigators have talked with more than two-thirds of the town's population.

Sources tell ABC news that 12 people identified as persons of interest in the case live inside and outside of McCleary, and at least two of those people are considered "high interest" by investigators.

While an arrest may not be imminent, police say the case is active and they are hopeful.

Baum case to be featured on Nightline tonight
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:11 PM PDT
ABC News&#8217; Nightline will feature a segment on tonight&#8217;s program exploring the recent FBI search in McCleary for missing Lindsey Baum.

Much of the segment will focus on the FBI&#8217;s Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team, which recently reviewed the 11-year-old&#8217;s case and helped with new interviews in the search.

Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott said Nightline crews spent a few days in McCleary while federal and local authorities re-questioned many residents on the case two weeks ago.

Renewed search fruitful
Thursday, March 18, 2010 2:10 PM PDT
Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott said federal and local authorities collected vast amounts of anecdotal information during hundreds of interviews with residents, some of which identified the potential persons of interest.

&#8220;I&#8217;m not calling anybody a suspect,&#8221; he said.

Of the 12 or so people identified, Scott said two people were of &#8220;high interest.&#8221; Detectives will be closely examining their activity around the time that Baum disappeared on June 26.

Local authorities worked with the FBI in recent weeks to question McCleary residents living near where Baum went missing. The questions were suggested after a review of the investigation by experts with the FBI Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team.

&#8220;We&#8217;ve got a lot of stuff to look at,&#8221; Scott said.

Investigators were aware of many of the potential persons of interest, Scott said, but new information has sparked cause for additional scrutiny. He described them as a mix of local residents and others who may have been passing through the area in late June.

Scott said the results of the interviews were similar to other cases the FBI child abduction team has been able to solve. Local authorities are considering organizing a second push for information across a wider area.

&#8220;There was a lot of information,&#8221; he said. &#8220;It&#8217;s given birth to spin-off leads.&#8221;

New surveillance video released in search for Lindsey Baum

By KOMO Staff
Story Published: May 3, 2010 at 5:24 PM PD Story Updated: May 3, 2010 at 5:40 PM PDT

MCCLEARY, Wash. -- New surveillance video has surfaced that investigators hope will help in the search for 10-year-old Lindsey Baum, who has been missing since last June.

The video [eta: from June 26, 2009] is from a Shell gas station in McCleary that shows two people there around the time Lindsey would have been walking back to her home and disappeared.

One segment shows a Honda Ridgeline truck that went through the station twice during that same period.

Investigators would like to talk to the driver, but Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott says the driver is not considered to be directly connected to the case. They just want to talk to him to see if he witnessed anything that evening that could provide a clue in the case.
As for why such a long delay in getting these tapes, Scott says they thought they had all the video camera footage from the nearby stores, but there was a language barrier with the owner of the station and the owner was not that familiar with the surveillance software. They didn't even know the video existed until now.

"It's truly been an emotional roller coaster," Scott said of the ongoing investigation. "(But) we're not going anywhere; we're going to keep working on this as long as it takes."

more here - including videos
Deputies and FBI agents began searching a house in the 100 block of Fir Street, and a storage area in the 900 block of West Simpson on Tuesday morning.

Scott said a "gentlemen who has become a subject of interest to us" is connected to the properties. <snipped>
Scott said that as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, there were no indications that the items seized were of value to investigators. Investigators might find evidence that will clear the person of interest, Scott said.

The man is being investigated because of discrepancies in what he had told law enforcement officers during interviews and information later uncovered by investigators, Scott said. One of those discrepancies had to do with his criminal record, Scott said.

Scott said the man moved to McCleary a little more than a year ago. He did not live at his current location on Fir Street at the time of Lindsey’s disappearance, Scott added.<snipped>

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“We found no obvious evidence of involvement,” Scott said this morning, adding, “We haven’t found any smoking gun or red flags.”

Scott said the 47-year-old delivery man moved into the home of a longtime family acquaintance almost two years ago. Investigators are focusing on the man as a “person of interest,” but the homeowners are not under suspicion.

“He warrants a further look,” Scott said. “Because he lives in a third-party residence, we’re using search warrants. There’s no evidence he has knowledge or involvement in the disappearance.”<snipped>
Prisoners are helping police in the search for a missing girl in McCleary

The Associated Press
Prisoners are helping police in the search for a missing girl in McCleary.

The FBI says inmates from the Cedar Creek Corrections Center are removing dense vegetation this week so investigators can search the ground.

Superintendent Douglas Cole says inmates are genuinely interested in helping solve the case.

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MCCLEARY, Wash. -- A controversy is brewing in McCleary, where Lindsey Baum disappeared 18 months ago. The group helping with the search is upset with local firefighters, accusing them of refusing to help find the missing girl.

"This Christmas will be 18 months that my daughter has been missing. I'm not going to let her be forgotten," says Melissa Baum, Lindsey's mother.
The firefighters were asked to hand out candy canes with Lindsey's picture and to hang a banner of the missing girl on their rig. But the firefighters declined.

more here

WILMINGTON, North Carolina -- Lindsey Baum's family has joined forces with the CUE Center for Missing Persons in a campaign geared toward hunters searching the region where 11-year-old Lindsey went missing over a year ago.
The objective is to involve the community of people who know the region and can eliminate space, in hope of bringing Lindsey home.
&#8220;I am so excited about this idea, it gives me hope and I believe in the hunters because they know every inch of the wilderness out there and I need more help to find my daughter&#8221;, said the mother of Lindsey, Melissa Baum.
Lindsey Baum will be the first missing person's case to air on HLN's new Nancy Grace: "America's Missing" show airing Monday night at 9 p.m. EST. Click here for complete article.

Continue reading on &#8217;The Hunt for Lindsey Baum&#8217; calls for hunters to adopt piece of land to search - National missing persons |

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