MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #2

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Trojan, you are welcome to vent your frustrations and feelings whenever you need here. Your presence is a force that keeps me focused and hopeful for the truth to unfold, sooner rather than later. We are here for Justice for your granddaughter and her loving family. When this is resolved, I would love to meet you for lunch if we can arrange. If not .... just know that I care very much about "our girls" (Julia and Chelsea) and have come to feel they are a missing part of my own family.

So well said Spellbound. I think we have adopted these girls as honorary nieces.

I'm so very sorry for what you're going through. I hope you hang in there as strong as you have over the last two years because we're not going to stop on WS, more importantly, LE is moving ahead with some momentum it seems. Who knows what's next?

Thank you for all your golden help so far, as your words ring true to me, your descriptions, your sense of the things, along with what's on MSM, repeated discussions of Julia's SM, mood, relations, her drive to succeed, as seen through her commitment to hard work and academics (goal at time of death TV produce NYC?) and possibly to the truth, until her very last breath, it seems to me.


First , Julia had a 3 bedroom/ 3 bathroom model apartment at the Peninsular Place Apartments. Which exact one, I'm not sure. Remember, she had two room mates. The website gives the floor plans for these. Julia's room was the farthest from the main entrance. I hope this helps.

Two little things that stuck out, and I'll try to find the MSM sources which shouldn't be too hard. Kim described that she ran up some steps to Julia's dorm, then in one of the video of the building from just days after she was found murdered, there was a little blip of some wooden steps, could that possibly be steps just up to her dorm room or a split level first floor wing or something? The reason I ask is I'm trying to consider the possibility that there may have been a ride/a lookout type outside waiting and I'm trying to determine line of sight to the outside as one walks out of Juila's room.
Hi Everyone,
As Julia's grand father, I can tell everyone that I am sick and tired of family members "lawyering up" and not cooperating with LE. They get on TV and preach "Justice for Julia" and yet they are acting in a manner that seems to oppose that. Give the formal statements, cooperate with all the authorities and be as helpful as you can. If there is nothing to hide, then cooperate. I have not been able to sleep a solid night for over two years now. My heart aches constantly and my mind will not rest until this is resolved. I don't care who is responsible for her death but I want them brought to justice. I have done all I can do to cooperate with LE and will continue in the future until this case is solved. Maybe then I may finally get a full nights rest and feel some relief in my heart - which will probably never happen until I die. I'd like to thank everyone for their involvement and your ideas as to what may have happened and how this should be solved. Let's all hope and pray for "Justice for Julia". I guess that's enough of my stating my opinions but it feels good at times to do such a thing. Thanks all for listening .


My heart breaks for you Trojan, I pray that you will get justice for your beloved granddaughter very soon!!!
This is just the type of stuff I'm looking for - THANK YOU. I will start examining it shortly.
And more questions; really need a local who knows the area where she was living:


Still looking at these points and most of your posts since, thanks, rosesfromangels, for all the amazing sleuthing and inspiring queries.

First, Julia and Jennifer both worked at Electric Beach Tanning Salon, not a nail salon. The only connection between Julia and Chelsea is that their sisters are best friends. As far as I know, Julia did not socialize with Chelsea but did casually know her.

The area known as Depot Town is where both Julia and Jennifer took us during our visits to the EMU Campus. Small bars and dining places throughout the area. They like to eat lunch in that area.

Julia's grandmother lived and still does live in Monroe. She has recently moved to a different address but is still in Monroe. My understanding is that the YPD wants to question JT and have him provide a formal statement concerning his whereabouts around the time of Julia's murder. If he is innocent, why not fully cooperate? The YPD does know about the cleaning business and as far as I know, they have looked in to his clients in the Ypsilanti area. Again, as far as I know there was not a "struggle" from what I have been told.

From what LE has told me, JT has not given an official on the record interview as requested in the last few months. Initially, he did give an interview concerning some background information of Julia. They have been using this early interview to tell the media that he has cooperated with LE.Now that he is a POI, he has refused to sit down with LE to answer any questions or provide an on the record account of his whereabouts around the time of the murder. This does not make sense to me if he and his wife are only wanting Justice for Julia! LE really wants to "clear" family members before they can really proceed with the investigation. Why not answer their questions and give a formal statement to allow them to do this?

My understanding is that yes, JT provided fingerprints, DNA sample and a polygraph test early in the investigation. Yes he did talk to LE early in the investigation but primarily as background information about Julia. Since then, he has refused to provide any additional information or on the record statements to YPD. My big question is why??? I believe he even sat down to talk with some other investigators (State Police and maybe FBI) but has not actually given a signed, formal statement to LE.


Thank you, Trojan, all noted.
I think it is important to map Julia's employment location - as well as possibly the buildings on Campus she may have been in based on her degree. We may also want to note the location of the tanning salon, The Turnquist home - perhaps the Bruck home, etc.

It would help to have some good approximations of the 'on sight' or other work related location, that you mentioned, at which you had interacted with Turnquist, for example, where you interviewed him, commiserated, as you mentioned, or had lunch, coffee, or bowled, you know, whatever. Was there a favorite place for food, haircuts, to by socks, another friend, something near you that you can recall that Turnquist would head out to or come from, and/or maybe spoke of, or where you may have seen him, or bumped into him by chance? He sought you out on craigslist, so you never know, where you are doing business may have a been a main consideration for him.

I'm so very sorry for what you're going through. I hope you hang in there as strong as you have over the last two years because we're not going to stop on WS, more importantly, LE is moving ahead with some momentum it seems. Who knows what's next?

Thank you for all your golden help so far, as your words ring true to me, your descriptions, your sense of the things, along with what's on MSM, repeated discussions of Julia's SM, mood, relations, her drive to succeed, as seen through her commitment to hard work and academics (goal at time of death TV produce NYC?) and possibly to the truth, until her very last breath, it seems to me.


Two little things that stuck out, and I'll try to find the MSM sources which shouldn't be too hard. Kim described that she ran up some steps to Julia's dorm, then in one of the video of the building from just days after she was found murdered, there was a little blip of some wooden steps, could that possibly be steps just up to her dorm room or a split level first floor wing or something? The reason I ask is I'm trying to consider the possibility that there may have been a ride/a lookout type outside waiting and I'm trying to determine line of sight to the outside as one walks out of Juila's room.

I'm not sure about "steps". As far as I can remember from going to Julia's apartment, there were no steps. It was on the first floor and the floor is perfectly level. If you go to the web site for Peninsular Place Apartments in Ypsilanti, they do show typical floor plans. Unfortunately the 3 bedroom/ 3 bathroom plans are what I would call a "mirror image" of her apartment's plan. As you came into her apartment, the kitchen was on the right side and the living room was slightly left.
Here's the web site for the floor plans: http://ypsistudenthousing.com/floorplans
Julia's bedroom was the furthest from the front door to the apartment.
Here is a good, simple article that gives an overview of a pedophile. Notably, it talks about pedophiles seeking employment or volunteer opportunities that involve contact sports with children. Further, it talks about pedophiles targeting women who have pre-pubescent children:

From what LE has told me, JT has not given an official on the record interview as requested in the last few months. Initially, he did give an interview concerning some background information of Julia. They have been using this early interview to tell the media that he has cooperated with LE.Now that he is a POI, he has refused to sit down with LE to answer any questions or provide an on the record account of his whereabouts around the time of the murder. This does not make sense to me if he and his wife are only wanting Justice for Julia! LE really wants to "clear" family members before they can really proceed with the investigation. Why not answer their questions and give a formal statement to allow them to do this?

Is JT a POI strictly based on his lack of cooperation or does LE have something else on him that makes him a POI?
Shortly before Julia was murdered, she posted a cryptic "Trust no one". What did she mean by that? No one? We have discussed this before, but I think we need to revisit this posting, the timing, and see if we can uncover what this post meant. She certainly intended for the person who betrayed her trust to see it.

Was she referring to something she told Jennifer that got back to the stepfather?
Someone needs to ask Jennifer if this post was referring to her, and what was the cause. When Julia said "no one", I interpret it as "not even some one you trusted as your closest confidant".
How did JT spend his days?
With a part time cleaning business and teaching kids martial arts, that hardly seems like a full day.
How did he occupy his time?
Why wasn't he working full time as his industrious wife was? Walmart and McDonald's are always hiring. He could have full time employment; why did he not?

What was he doing during the day when no one was around?
As someone posted upthread, I am *very* surprised that JT would be able to fund expensive hunting equipment/boats etc. by selling apartment leave-behinds on Craigs list.

What else was he using Craig's list for? This should be vigorously examined
Seems that Jim, Kim, and Jennifer want justice for Julia on their terms. I recall reading a few months ago, perhaps around the second anniversary of Julia's passing, that the family was disappointed with the slow progress of LE in finding out who killed Julia and bringing that person to justice. Hiring lawyers, not providing LE with information they want to clear family members, not cooperating fully with the investigation doesn't sound like the appropriate path to justice for their daughter/sister. :moo:
How did JT spend his days?
With a part time cleaning business and teaching kids martial arts, that hardly seems like a full day.
How did he occupy his time?
Why wasn't he working full time as his industrious wife was? Walmart and McDonald's are always hiring. He could have full time employment; why did he not?

What was he doing during the day when no one was around?

Seems like the cleaning business and teaching martial arts are fairly recent endeavors of Mr. Turnquist. What other types of employment has he had? What job did he have when he was married to his former wife? Did she work full-time like Kim and provide most of the household income? JT seems like a jack-of-all-trades but a master of nothing. Has it always been like this? What did he do when he and Kim married? Something wrong with this picture. :moo:
Seems that Jim, Kim, and Jennifer want justice for Julia on their terms. I recall reading a few months ago, perhaps around the second anniversary of Julia's passing, that the family was disappointed with the slow progress of LE in finding out who killed Julia and bringing that person to justice. Hiring lawyers, not providing LE with information they want to clear family members, not cooperating fully with the investigation doesn't sound like the appropriate path to justice for their daughter/sister. :moo:

Sadly, your post is all too true from my perspective as well. It appears JT, Kim, and even Jennifer are trying to protect some family secret at the expense of moving Julia's case forward.
Seems like the cleaning business and teaching martial arts are fairly recent endeavors of Mr. Turnquist. What other types of employment has he had? What job did he have when he was married to his former wife? Did she work full-time like Kim and provide most of the household income? JT seems like a jack-of-all-trades but a master of nothing. Has it always been like this? What did he do when he and Kim married? Something wrong with this picture. :moo:

Or perhaps he enjoys a "flexible schedule" to pursue other activities? And what *are* those activities?
Isn't there a hearing coming up next week regarding the child *advertiser censored* charges?

What will it take for JT to make a formal statement to LE, and take a LE administered poly? Surely we can come up with conditions that would relieve his anxiety? Since his goal is Justice for Julia, we need to find a way to make this happen ASAP.

Additionally, this article states the wife called 911 because JT was suicidal and homicidal. He frightened/concerned the workers at the mental health facility where he was taken. Why did Kim think he was suicidal/homicidal, and has he repeated any of this behavior?


It is true that it was stated by the media that he "frightened" workers at the facility - however it was also later stated that some of these individuals came back out to say that was not the case.
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