MN - Dentist Kills a Tame Lion- Catches Heat, July 2015

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The mighty huntress Sabrina sounds like a bimbo with mental issues in the video below, saying such things as, "I got my giraffe" "I respect and connect with the animals I kill" "Giraffes are dangerous, they could hurt you" "How can you fault my hobby?" blah blah ding dang...


omg :scared:

BBM - (What?!?!? that's all I have to say about that.) :eek:

I am speechless. I never in a million years thought anyone would kill a giraffe. Given I'm completely clueless about any and everything that relates to humans killing any kind of animal, wildlife, etc. This breaks my heart. I had to quickly minimize my computer screen so my sweet daughter wouldn't see this. She has always been in love with giraffes. She's only 6 and is completely unaware of something as horrific as this.

Part of me wanted to watch her video to try to "figure her out" but yeah that isn't going to happen....I will never ever get it. It makes me seriously sick.

** The above is my opinion only. Yours may vary. I respect all opinions and view points just the same. **
Yes you're right, I'm very thankful that I'm not waking up to THAT every morning!


Respectfully, please add a warning when you post something like that. I haven't had coffee yet and it gave me a nasty shock!
omg :scared:

BBM - (What?!?!? that's all I have to say about that.) :eek:

I am speechless. I never in a million years thought anyone would kill a giraffe. Given I'm completely clueless about any and everything that relates to humans killing any kind of animal, wildlife, etc. This breaks my heart. I had to quickly minimize my computer screen so my sweet daughter wouldn't see this. She has always been in love with giraffes. She's only 6 and is completely unaware of something as horrific as this.

Part of me wanted to watch her video to try to "figure her out" but yeah that isn't going to happen....I will never ever get it. It makes me seriously sick.

** The above is my opinion only. Yours may vary. I respect all opinions and view points just the same. **

Danish Zoo, Reviled in the Death of a Giraffe, Kills 4 Lions

The Copenhagen Zoo, which generated global outrage last month when it killed a healthy 18-month-old giraffe named Marius, said it had to euthanize four lions this week to clear the path for a newly arrived young male lion
omg :scared:

BBM - (What?!?!? that's all I have to say about that.) :eek:

I am speechless. I never in a million years thought anyone would kill a giraffe. Given I'm completely clueless about any and everything that relates to humans killing any kind of animal, wildlife, etc. This breaks my heart. I had to quickly minimize my computer screen so my sweet daughter wouldn't see this. She has always been in love with giraffes. She's only 6 and is completely unaware of something as horrific as this.

Part of me wanted to watch her video to try to "figure her out" but yeah that isn't going to happen....I will never ever get it. It makes me seriously sick.

** The above is my opinion only. Yours may vary. I respect all opinions and view points just the same. **

(BBM) I really, really, really like that line. I can truly appreciate it when someone expresses THEIR opinion, states it's their opinion and respects other people's opinion. Thank you for that.
I read an article called 'what lion?' About the reaction in Zimbabwe. On phone so hard to link. Locals had never heard of Cecil, did not know why westerners were flipping out over the death of one lion when many are killed in each year, and why they don't pay attention or care about any of the other pressing issues facing the people of their county.

I hope the people of Zimbabwe are allowed to share their views on this.

‘Cecil who?’ Zimbabweans ask

The People of Zimbabwe Too Poor, Too Hungry to Care About Cecil

What do the people of Zimbabwe think of the death of Cecil the Lion and the man who shot him?

Zimbabwe’s Mugabe condemns ‘white’ safaris, eats baby elephant at birthday bash
there is no international outrage regarding many issues that effect humans. No one is ruining the lives of the perps, no one of talking about it all over social media, etc. where are the celebrities? how many people have tweeted about Teghan compared to Cecil and you really think people care about both? How many articles were written about her case? How many people know her name? But yep her murder definitely got as much outrage as cecil's...

it's become a common and accepted thing to say that one cares more about animals than humans...I'm just reacting to what I've heard.

On to the next outrage...95% of people crying over this will not tweet about animals becoming endangered and extinct after another week. it's the outrage of the week..there's always a new one.

BBM, I like that, :) I was thinking about it earlier and said to myself it's like, Selective outrage. :)
BBM, I like that, :) I was thinking about it earlier and said to myself it's like, Selective outrage. :)

You all convinced me. From now on, I am going to be discussing Kim Kardashian's big behind. Which surely more people pay attention to than to killing of the lion or anything else. Which means it must be superimportant.
This reminds me of when Kendall Jones from Texas got alot of heat for killing a lion, and other animals such as a leopard, an elephant and a rhino. The difference between her and this guy? She got a permit from the government, so it was completely legal, she didn't lure any animals out of a protected territory, and she didn't just leave the meat behind, it was donated to a local village(s). And her money that was paid for her hunts go back into animal conservation efforts such as anti poaching. It's actually well documented how money from these selected hunts actual help to increase the population of the very animals hunted. It's not for me personally but I think when done properly can serve a purpose. HOWEVER what this guy did is completely different. And while the group who took him carries a lot of the blame, he carries blame as well. I think we all know "not knowing" is not a real defense strategy. It was his job to research and make sure that the group handling this was reputable and legit. I don't think he should receive death threats, but I do think it should be made known what he has done, so any patients can be aware of what the money he makes from them goes towards.

I'll never understand people hunting for pleasure in this day and age. How anyone would enjoy killing a lion or a rhino for fun is beyond me. I really think these people are psychopathic. All these types of hunts should be stopped and countries should ban the import of trophy hunts. It's just disgusting and it makes me both mad and sad.

There is something bizarre to the idea that killing these animals is helping preservation. If it was all banned and illegal it would make it more difficult for these scumbags.
I'll never understand people hunting for pleasure in this day and age. How anyone would enjoy killing a lion or a rhino for fun is beyond me. I really think these people are psychopathic. All these types of hunts should be stopped and countries should ban the import of trophy hunts. It's just disgusting and it makes me both mad and sad.

There is something bizarre to the idea that killing these animals is helping preservation. If it was all banned and illegal it would make it more difficult for these scumbags.

The world went mad when Caylee Anthony's killer went free. When Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman's killers went free. People do care about humans.

But I think what differentiates Cecil from a baby like Teghan is one, unfortunately, there are so many cases like Teghan's around the world that any one is not likely to capture the media's attention. Two, lions like Cecil are beginning to become rare. So hunting them is a big issue. Three, animals have far less protections than children. Four, we loathe yet understand that child abuse happens. We get that there are people who are evil or filled with rage and who abuse children. But the systematic hunting of a beautiful, rare and tame animal takes not only much planning -thus it is very cold blooded and methodical - it also takes a ton of money. So killers of animals like Cecil are actually paying to torture and destroy an animal. Which takes it all up a notch.

People can be outraged about both child abuse and animal torture. And we have been. Which is why we have passed numerous laws criminalizing the abuse or maltreatment of children. We do not yet have anything close to protecting innocent and dependent animals like Cecil. You can pretty much still torture your dog to death and not much is going to happen to you criminally.

Which brings me to number five: The issue of animal abuse and killing has not yet been resolved. We all pretty much acknowledge that certain conduct is abusive toward a child and should be illegal. There is no such consensus when it comes to animals. Thus, the outrage can become magnified and more intense as people strive to effect cultural change about the issue. :twocents:


I'll never understand people hunting for pleasure in this day and age. How anyone would enjoy killing a lion or a rhino for fun is beyond me. I really think these people are psychopathic. All these types of hunts should be stopped and countries should ban the import of trophy hunts. It's just disgusting and it makes me both mad and sad.

There is something bizarre to the idea that killing these animals is helping preservation. If it was all banned and illegal it would make it more difficult for these scumbags.

Big game hunters like to recite their conservationist rhymes & reasons for doing what they do. BUT it's so atrociously perverted when they gleefully pose over the magnificent animals they kill. To me, these folks are primarily out to get their "killing jollies" and to showoff their trophy photos. The rhymes & reasons merely provide a convenient "noble excuse" for their ugly narcissistic behavior.
Except most people screaming about Cecil
do not care about lions going extinct. They care about the death of one lion. Cecil is not the only endangered animal who has been hunted yet the only one people are willing to throw themselves off a bridge for.

Cecil is a symbol. People care about all lions and other wildlife. That is why the Oxford University research team who were tracking Cecil has received so many donations. There has been media stories about poaching in Africa and the plight of the White Rhino recently. The story of Cecil most likely is the result of a cumulative effect. He is a symbol of all the wildlife in Africa.
I am not sure why I need to talk to every single American to make an observation. That's like saying you need to ask every single adult who they would vote for before you can release a political poll. It would be nice to think that Americans care about what is happening in Zimbabwe, but I think it's most likely that most Americans couldn't even tell you who the leader is, much less what is happening there. There is very little news coverage of Zimbabwe in U.S. media, yet I'm supposed to actually go out and ask every single American before I can make a generalization that they nothing about Zimbabwe, much less care about what is happening there? Um....ok.

I think there are many, many people who care more about a lion being killed than a human. There are even plenty who will admit it. Of course it depends on who the human is. No one would say they care more about Cecil than the children at Newtown, but victims of police bruality? That's a whole other story. For many people, Cecil's death ranks above the deaths of many victims who they find something wrong with. Nobody is asking if Cecil has a record. Nobody is asking how many children Cecil has fathered with how many women. Nobody is asking what Cecil was wearing. When all victims are giving the same respect, then I will believe that people care equally about all of them.

I saw a tweet by a black person saying something along the lines of "We need to start wearing lion costumes so people care when we die" Very true, no matter how much it "bothers" or "offends" people.

Your post is getting very close to a personal should not be focused on me, the poster, but on my post. discussing my past posts, speculating about what I am like outside of the Internet, or saying that I cannot participate in any serious discussion on any topic is offensive and inappropriate.
The point is it's difficult for reasonable adults to take anything serious that includes offensive, presumptuous and sweeping generalizations about a huge group of people. When a person speaks in absolutes it's difficult to look past the hyperbole to see any valid arguments that may or not exist. They get lost in the always and nevers.
Danish Zoo, Reviled in the Death of a Giraffe, Kills 4 Lions

The Copenhagen Zoo, which generated global outrage last month when it killed a healthy 18-month-old giraffe named Marius, said it had to euthanize four lions this week to clear the path for a newly arrived young male lion

And when this happened, I expressed my outrage about it too. I wish posters here would stop with the if you care about animals, you can't care/be outraged about human deaths!!!:mad:
And when this happened, I expressed my outrage about it too. I wish posters here would stop with the if you care about animals, you can't care/be outraged about human deaths!!!:mad:

I never said a word about posters caring for animals more then humans, so please don't quote my post and say stuff that I didn't say. jmo idk

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