GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #3

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So far no one in the 2013 season of trials has beat Dr. Kevin Horn, M.E. of Maricopa County, AZ. Rowwwrrrr.
I don't like men with a full face beard, but I strangely didn't mind it on Dr. Horn. ;)

Hey 16 guests! I've seen you here multiple days now. Are all of you the same 16 folks every day? :couch: Come out from behind the couch & JOIN US! Tell us what you are thinking!

FBI says Laura physically wrote the last sentence, yes?
“By notifying counsel John Sargeant of this arrangement,
less the monetary compensation,
I understand that I will be able to see my kids when I want to,
at the discretion of their father

Presumably Grant was the one with the $25,000 idea and inserting it in the first part of the agreement. Ditto re notifying counsel phrase.

Was it his idea or her idea to add “less the monetary compensation”?

What does this phrase ‘less the monetary compensation’ mean?

Did it mean -
1. From Laura’s viewpoint, I’ll tell counsel I want to drop custody case,
but I won’t tell him I’m accepting money for dropping the case?
2. Or was Laura trying to say, she agrees to accept $25,000 from Grant and the legal fees due to Sargeant will come from that?
3. Or did Laura mean something else?
4. Or did Grant tell Laura to insert this? If so, what did he mean by it?

Maybe trying to over-analyze the doc, but that phrase puzzles me.

Alpine, I don't have a clue. My guess is GH composed all the content. The monetary compensation sentence makes no sense to me. If he had thought it out better, I think he word have worded it better. Maybe he was rushed, or perhaps he wanted it to be ambiguous. Or maybe he just sux at writing. ;)

But since his texts to Laura kept referring to: "I haven't told anyone about this," maybe he and AH are trying to make it look like she was going along with an under-the-table agreement, and then she ran off with the money (as I think marilou suggested). That's a very good theory. This has been driving me nuts...but I think this is a good explanation! #1=good thinking! Thanks!
I do hope this officer has brought along some of the police interviews. I really want to see and hear the bullchit coming out of GH.
So far no one in the 2013 season of trials has beat Dr. Kevin Horn, M.E. of Maricopa County, AZ. Rowwwrrrr.


I would go 1) Officer Vergillo (chrisman trial) and 2) Dr. Horn.
I hvnt had much time to actually write anything yet about this case; and it's been so long I had forgotten that he was actually the Dexter wannabe....that it was this case. The first week; I was sick to my stomach. Yesterday someone flew out of the courtrm right as I texted DH that I'm surprised no juror has puked yet...and someone left the courtrm very quickly. Their crime was henious and cruel; at times I have cried for Laura, that photo of her with her kids just does me in. WE all know that she was trying so hard to do the right thing to keep her kids away from this couple. I know how it feels and it's gutwrenching.

She lost. She went there in good faith only to be attacked by them both; from what we now know. I loved seeing the snitch on the stand as well. GH's attitude in the courtroom sz it all to me; he is and always will be a WANNABE and nothing more. I hope he gets LWOP and rots in his cell. His cavalier attitude has made me want to reach through the screen at times.

I believe the state has more than proven their case; I"m good to go, and can't wait to see AH on trial. I hope they cover it on wral. I really like their coverage, they do a very good job; *except for the syncing and some volume issues" other than that they and TN have it down, *airing trials*. I will miss Judge Stephens, and it has hurt at times to hear in his voice....I dk sadness resignation; tiredness after all the domestic abuse cases that he has had to sit on. I really really feel for him. I read that he would retire soon and that the system wil be reeling from his loss on the bench. I agree. It's always so great to watch a well versed judge rule from the bench often off the cuff; and know the we know some don't. I just feel that after the Young case, the Stewart case and now this....that the War on Women; is something America has turned a blind eye to. We need to wake up. We were not put on this earth for men and other women to destroy. Esp over a marriage and custody. I know how it happens, I know personally how devestating it can be.

Laura has waited a long time for justice. She should be here today alive with her children.

:grouphug: Iow I feel awful about this case; it's been hard to watch and swallow...and not vomit at times. I've followed a lot of cases in my lifetime. But this one has made me figuratively and literally ill. Just for the record.
I agree that we'll never know about the agreement. It hit me last night about GH's phone message or text to LA while he was standing outside Wilson Sheetz on July 15th. Of course he already knew she was dead and his standing out there and calling her was part of his coverup. But, IIRC, in the message or a text he was saying there were only 2 business hours left in the day for her to call John (Seargant) and he was f'd if she didn't call before close of business. It hit me that this was also part of his laying the ground work for explaining her disappearance ( he thought the body would never be found) in that he could produce the document she signed, say he gave her the $$ on the night of the 13th and that she ran off with the money without calling her attorney. Then, once again poor GH would look like the victim of LA who, in his words, only really wanted money all along. He could say she got what she wanted (money) and ran off w/out holding up her end of their bargain, proving she was unfit. Then he would be left with kids and nobody could prove LA didn't just run off. When she never returned, even after the tearful media pleas he had planned, he thought LE would eventually give up looking for her.


I do believe you hit the nail on the head with this theory. Makes sense.

Random thought #1
I think that when AH's trial starts, we will hear much more about the $25,000 document. I think it will be explained, at least in "her words".

Random thought #2
What do you want to bet that AH will NEVER go to trial. The GH trial is not going well so far, she will want to plead out.
Without a doubt WRAL will live stream the AH trial. WRAL gets BIG ratings from these trials. You can take that to the bank.
If I've heard 5 minutes of Detective Faulk's testimony I will sit behind the Defense table.

I'm buffering like mad.

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