ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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Don't know where you're at with a 9 1/2 hour time difference?!?! Are you in Europe or something?? haha, on vacation like me also?!

No, I think PP is one hour earlier than my post #336....
I posted at 6:11am but it probably showed up Central Time at 5:11am where he is, CantNotCare.
No, I think PP is one hour earlier than my post #336....
I posted at 6:11am but it probably showed up Central Time at 5:11am where he is, CantNotCare.

Stalker....(as if I could hide from this crew of amateur sleuths!)
Not even sure what to think after viewing that.... I have never met Perry... but have been around Goehring and the Berg family a bit. Are you a ND local BankingOnIt?

I am from ND but I do not live there now.
This Perry Miller is just an official in Richland County, I think. I don't know any of the politicians or elected officials in ND.

I do know that ND is consistently rated at the top of the list for CORRUPTION in a wide array of different categories.. To think that NDSU - or any college - would place value of any one student over the reputation of their school is naive at best. I am a businessman. College is big business and NDSU's reputation is very important to the survival of the state. They can't just be a giant oil well forever. No matter how Tom was killed - gang, drug deal, talking to the wrong girl, CI, hazing - NDSU would rather not speak of Tom Bearson again. This is bad for them on every level.

Even if Tom was not a CI, it is still a practice that deserves some attention, IMO. We simply don't want our children put into these situations without adequate training & supervision. The Andrew Sadek case got my attention. The interview with Mr. Miller should be concerning to every parent with a child in college in ND. (Wisconsin colleges just had an incident as well. There were a lot of articles debating the use of CI's on their college campuses - which they openly admit to doing.). I am against that on every level from a philosophical point of view as well as that of a parent who understands full well that college kids make judgement errors. These local task forces prey on their ignorance and those stupid mistakes they make.

I guess I am at a loss on this case. It doesn't appear as if anyone other than us on this thread really give any thought to the murder at times, including LE.

Also. We are not all going to agree on one theory. If you don't like someone's theory, move on. No need to downgrade it.
I am from ND but I do not live there now.
This Perry Miller is just an official in Richland County, I think. I don't know any of the politicians or elected officials in ND.

I do know that ND is consistently rated at the top of the list for CORRUPTION in a wide array of different categories.. To think that NDSU - or any college - would place value of any one student over the reputation of their school is naive at best. I am a businessman. College is big business and NDSU's reputation is very important to the survival of the state. They can't just be a giant oil well forever. No matter how Tom was killed - gang, drug deal, talking to the wrong girl, CI, hazing - NDSU would rather not speak of Tom Bearson again. This is bad for them on every level.

Even if Tom was not a CI, it is still a practice that deserves some attention, IMO. We simply don't want our children put into these situations without adequate training & supervision. The Andrew Sadek case got my attention. The interview with Mr. Miller should be concerning to every parent with a child in college in ND. (Wisconsin colleges just had an incident as well. There were a lot of articles debating the use of CI's on their college campuses - which they openly admit to doing.). I am against that on every level from a philosophical point of view as well as that of a parent who understands full well that college kids make judgement errors. These local task forces prey on their ignorance and those stupid mistakes they make.

I guess I am at a loss on this case. It doesn't appear as if anyone other than us on this thread really give any thought to the murder at times, including LE.

Also. We are not all going to agree on one theory. If you don't like someone's theory, move on. No need to downgrade it.

Truer words have not been spoken BankingOnIt. Very well said.
I understood Perry Miller to be a former "board member" of SEMCA. How safe.....(for them).
I am from ND but I do not live there now.
This Perry Miller is just an official in Richland County, I think. I don't know any of the politicians or elected officials in ND.

I do know that ND is consistently rated at the top of the list for CORRUPTION in a wide array of different categories.. To think that NDSU - or any college - would place value of any one student over the reputation of their school is naive at best. I am a businessman. College is big business and NDSU's reputation is very important to the survival of the state. They can't just be a giant oil well forever. No matter how Tom was killed - gang, drug deal, talking to the wrong girl, CI, hazing - NDSU would rather not speak of Tom Bearson again. This is bad for them on every level.

I'm from SD - and maybe I'M naive - but I cannot even fathom that sort of corruption. I don't see it here - is it really that way in Fargo? You're in a much better position to know so no downgrading here....i wish I could argue with you, in fact....but I cant.
I am from ND but I do not live there now.
This Perry Miller is just an official in Richland County, I think. I don't know any of the politicians or elected officials in ND.

I do know that ND is consistently rated at the top of the list for CORRUPTION in a wide array of different categories.. To think that NDSU - or any college - would place value of any one student over the reputation of their school is naive at best. I am a businessman. College is big business and NDSU's reputation is very important to the survival of the state. They can't just be a giant oil well forever. No matter how Tom was killed - gang, drug deal, talking to the wrong girl, CI, hazing - NDSU would rather not speak of Tom Bearson again. This is bad for them on every level.

Even if Tom was not a CI, it is still a practice that deserves some attention, IMO. We simply don't want our children put into these situations without adequate training & supervision. The Andrew Sadek case got my attention. The interview with Mr. Miller should be concerning to every parent with a child in college in ND. (Wisconsin colleges just had an incident as well. There were a lot of articles debating the use of CI's on their college campuses - which they openly admit to doing.). I am against that on every level from a philosophical point of view as well as that of a parent who understands full well that college kids make judgement errors. These local task forces prey on their ignorance and those stupid mistakes they make.

I guess I am at a loss on this case. It doesn't appear as if anyone other than us on this thread really give any thought to the murder at times, including LE.

Also. We are not all going to agree on one theory. If you don't like someone's theory, move on. No need to downgrade it.

If you recall the SDSU student who was missing in Oct and ultimately found in a grain bin - the Pres released this statement:

“South Dakota State University officials were notified last night of the death of student Jacob Heisinger,” South Dakota State President David Chicoine said. “Fellow students, faculty and staff have been preoccupied with his well-being since his unexplained absence was reported Monday. My wife, Marcia, and I join the many people connected to the university who are thinking of his family and friends today.”
According to Dean of Students Sam Jennings II, Heisinger was an SDSU student majoring in construction management. Unexpected deaths among university students are tragic and heart-breaking. Students will likely experience an array of emotions regarding the loss of a fellow Jackrabbit.
Counseling is available on campus at the SDSU Wellness Center at 1440 N. Campus Drive. Students may call the Counseling Center at 688-6146.

Did NDSU do anything similar for Tommy? (I hope I'm not in some sort of violation here....)
Well, where do we go from here? I just don't know.

In 'real life' when I've spoken to friends from that area, I've asked what they think of this case and they just completely shrug me off. They either haven't really heard of this case or have heard of it but basically filed it in the back of their mind. :(

So here we are, all of us the good, the bad and the ugly hanging on and waiting and the police haven't uttered a word.

Not a word.

Not a 'Thanksgiving' piece nothing.

This certainly isn't the point I had envisioned to be at. I guess we'll just keep on a posting and hoping.
Lots of D words come to mind: Disturbing and disappointing and depressing.
I'm from SD - and maybe I'M naive - but I cannot even fathom that sort of corruption. I don't see it here - is it really that way in Fargo? You're in a much better position to know so no downgrading here....i wish I could argue with you, in fact....but I cant.

Yes, it is that corrupt in North Dakota and Fargo. I work in Fargo but live over the border in Minnesota. I am personally acquainted with someone within the City of Fargo who holds a prominent position in the government system. In the last year this person has witnessed illegal activity and decision- making at the executive level in favor of the best interests of those in command at the emotional, psychological, financial, and career costs of at least one prominent person inside the system. This person is so shocked, upset, and ethically disturbed by what they witnessed that this person has started to gather data and files at the risk of this person's career if found out. This person has reached out to local media to a deaf ear, which is no surprise since the media is owned by those who also prefer to keep the status quo. I suggested this person talk to the Minneapolis Star/Tribune to have a shot of this ever being made known to the public. Which reminds me of the series of articles written and investigated by a New York Times reporter who revealed practices related to the oil field are not in the best interests of citizens of the state and are to the benefit of those in positions of government and oversight.

I sincerely believe what BankingOnIt has just said. At first I didn't really believe what I heard about state and local corruption but over time and finding out more about what's happening I have come to the realization that these are not exaggerations. I do believe what Banking says that TB and whatever happened to him is something NDSU would prefer to go away quietly.
If you recall the SDSU student who was missing in Oct and ultimately found in a grain bin - the Pres released this statement:

“South Dakota State University officials were notified last night of the death of student Jacob Heisinger,” South Dakota State President David Chicoine said. “Fellow students, faculty and staff have been preoccupied with his well-being since his unexplained absence was reported Monday. My wife, Marcia, and I join the many people connected to the university who are thinking of his family and friends today.”
According to Dean of Students Sam Jennings II, Heisinger was an SDSU student majoring in construction management. Unexpected deaths among university students are tragic and heart-breaking. Students will likely experience an array of emotions regarding the loss of a fellow Jackrabbit.
Counseling is available on campus at the SDSU Wellness Center at 1440 N. Campus Drive. Students may call the Counseling Center at 688-6146.

Did NDSU do anything similar for Tommy? (I hope I'm not in some sort of violation here....)

This is the only quote I have seen from NDSU - taken from the Union Herald September 24. As a parent of a NDSU student, I have not received anything from NDSU addressing this! NDSU communication to the students consisted of a missing person report text, followed by a "be careful" and don't walk alone.

"On behalf of the North Dakota State University community, I want to offer our deepest condolences to the Bearson family. In a tight-knit campus community like ours, we all mourn the loss of such a promising, well-regarded young man," NDSU President Dean Bresciani said in a statement.

Bresciani requested the community not to come to any drastic conclusion before the outcome of the police investigation. "Conversations like that can be exceptionally painful to family members that are grieving over this," Bresciani said, Bismarck Tribune reports.

Read more: http://www.universityherald.com/art...missing-ndsu-dakota-student.htm#ixzz3KkVdgDcI
Yes. It's apparently gone cold & not that many people care. I can't fathom sitting in silence if my child were murdered. No amount of guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, or sadness would be able to keep me quiet. But everyone handles these things differently. I have to respect that this is Bearson's battle, not mine. And I have to respect their reasons for being quiet even if I don't understand. Maybe they are simply trying to grieve quietly through the holidays and they will begin their fight for justice then. I just hope the trail won't grow even more cold in the meantime. I mean the windchill there in Fargo was in the sub zeros today, I heard.

RIP Thomas Bearson - I'm so sorry you didn't chose to go to college at the U of M in Minneapolis. (Who would have ever thought that Fargo would prove to be deadly?)
Even if the police department does not want to make a statement directly on this case, I do believe they need to address their own declaration of, "The community is safe, we don't believe the community is in danger...blah, blah, blah" (paraphrasing here).

I've decided to keep on a posting for awhile at least just to keep this thread active.

We need Matlock.
Yes. It's apparently gone cold & not that many people care. I can't fathom sitting in silence if my child were murdered. No amount of guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, or sadness would be able to keep me quiet. But everyone handles these things differently. I have to respect that this is Bearson's battle, not mine. And I have to respect their reasons for being quiet even if I don't understand. Maybe they are simply trying to grieve quietly through the holidays and they will begin their fight for justice then. I just hope the trail won't grow even more cold in the meantime. I mean the windchill there in Fargo was in the sub zeros today, I heard.

RIP Thomas Bearson - I'm so sorry you didn't chose to go to college at the U of M in Minneapolis. (Who would have ever thought that Fargo would prove to be deadly?)

Because there is no crime at the University of Minnesota and no student has ever died . Oh wait---that's not exactly true.




Enough already of blaming the school. The person who did this is solely responsible.
Yes. It's apparently gone cold & not that many people care. I can't fathom sitting in silence if my child were murdered. No amount of guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, or sadness would be able to keep me quiet. But everyone handles these things differently. I have to respect that this is Bearson's battle, not mine. And I have to respect their reasons for being quiet even if I don't understand. Maybe they are simply trying to grieve quietly through the holidays and they will begin their fight for justice then. I just hope the trail won't grow even more cold in the meantime. I mean the windchill there in Fargo was in the sub zeros today, I heard.

RIP Thomas Bearson - I'm so sorry you didn't chose to go to college at the U of M in Minneapolis. (Who would have ever thought that Fargo would prove to be deadly?)

Today someone posted on WDAY's FB page asking for an update on the Bearson case...one follower commented: OLD NEWS. So that is the mentality we are dealing with (grumble, grumble).

I'm betting since the "Room Mate" article came out, the media has been shut down by the family (IMO).
Yes. It's apparently gone cold & not that many people care. I can't fathom sitting in silence if my child were murdered. No amount of guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, or sadness would be able to keep me quiet. But everyone handles these things differently. I have to respect that this is Bearson's battle, not mine. And I have to respect their reasons for being quiet even if I don't understand. Maybe they are simply trying to grieve quietly through the holidays and they will begin their fight for justice then. I just hope the trail won't grow even more cold in the meantime. I mean the windchill there in Fargo was in the sub zeros today, I heard.

RIP Thomas Bearson - I'm so sorry you didn't chose to go to college at the U of M in Minneapolis. (Who would have ever thought that Fargo would prove to be deadly?)

Maybe they are waiting for TB's birthday (Jan 9)?
Maybe they are waiting for all the college kids to return back home for the long Christmas break?
Or maybe.....???

I just don't know.

It's been very, very quiet. Unusual IMHO.

Because there is no crime at the University of Minnesota and no student has ever died . Oh wait---that's not exactly true.




Enough already of blaming the school. The person who did this is solely responsible.

If Tom would have went to school in Minneapolis, you think he'd be dead today? Likely not.

I, personally, don't blame the school per se. I don't blame the state either. Frankly, I guess I wish I knew who to blame. It doesn't look good that this hasn't appeared to be a priority. Simply statements would help. "We are still actively working with the FBI and Moorhead Police on this case. If anyone has any information, please contact us." Maybe offer an award for information leading to the arrest?
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