Penalty Phase #13

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Something that strikes me as really pathetic is the lack of remorse- I believe that the only remorse that she feels is that she got caught, & that people know that she did this. She doesn't even know enough to try & fake remorse or guilt.

It just boggles my mind as to how someone can conceive of something like this, carry it out, & then continue on with their life-it just chills me to the bone, to know that people like this are out there-I hope that I never encounter them.
I hope the jury gets to deliberations today!
Watching JA do her "powerpoint" presentation made me sick, sick, sick

I'll never understand what the big deal is about Power Point. Millions of people use it at work every day for mundane stuff such as plain text slideshows. Yes, multimedia can also be used and I'm sure many of them are much more impressive than others, but in the end it's just more office work (to me), much of which is done by template, so ... okay.
Knowing that she's being interviewed by reporters as I type this infuriates me. I don't understand why reporters want to talk to her, and why their viewers want to waste time watching and listening to her spew lie after lie. We've heard enough of her bull since January. Why prolong it?! She's not important! Don't give her the attention that she craves!
I just now got to watch the murderer's allocution-what a crock that was. She spoke as many lies today as she has done throughout the trial. I hope the jury can see through her web of lies and give her what she truly deserves-death.
Knowing that she's being interviewed by reporters as I type this infuriates me. I don't understand why reporters want to talk to her, and why their viewers want to waste time watching and listening to her spew lie after lie. We've heard enough of her bull since January. Why prolong it?! She's not important! Don't give her the attention that she craves!

Unfortunately, it's all about ratings. People are obsessed, or these threads wouldn't move so fast.
On HLN After Dark, the Sheriff says he has nothing to hide and its an open door policy, and he does this all the time for other prisoners, so he is letting Jodi give interviews......BUT......

First, it is not about you Sheriff, and you are also giving Jodi a HUGE PRIVILEGE because she gets to stay out of her cell for MANY MANY hours this evening, so you are a little misleading saying these things. Im sure not too many prisoners get to stay in an interview room for about 6-8 hours or more. Knowing Jodi, she will stay in the interview room till morning.
You know what would be fair to the media? When the verdict comes down tomorrow and Jodi is sent away, for the Alexander family to tell all the media to go suck an egg. You know the media will be clamoring for interviews with the Alexander's. I wouldn't give them the time of day after this night!!!!

MOO, but I feel pretty sure the Alexander family will give interviews. Top notch ones(ratings wise) though, like Barbara Walters, but nonetheless they will speak out in defense of Travis.

I could be wrong, but I am rather certain we will see a strong Alexander media presence.
I am really surprised to hear that if JA gets life that she could be eligible for parole in 25 years. I thought LWOP meant WITHOUT the possibility of parole?

Me too. Can anyone explain? :please:
I am really surprised to hear that if JA gets life that she could be eligible for parole in 25 years. I thought LWOP meant WITHOUT the possibility of parole?

And since she has already been in jail for almost five years ... it would count as time served; making it a possibility to get parole in 20 years in that scenario.
They can't speak or they'll never get another client.

In my imaginary scenario in which they write tell-all books, Nurmi retires to sail his Barkalounger around the Caribbean and Wilmott moves to an unnamed eastern European country to open a cute little café and nail salon.

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K.Randle, PhD, LCSW ‏@DrKRandle 1m
The #JodiArias Ego Strikes Again:

Thank you so much for the link to that blog. I've started to read through it and it's incredibly informative.

I'm trying to remain detached and impartial. I'm trying to look at the crime and not judge the person. It's impossible.

I am morally opposed to punishment by death. I have never been as close to changing my mind in my whole life. I've been reading here but I haven't been posting. I just couldn't.


I have to say this. If ever there was a person that didn't deserve to live it is Jodi Arias. I watched her allocution today. Even if she had been a victim of domestic violence (she's not) or believes herself to be, she should feel remorse at her actions. She should have apologised for the grief she has caused. There is so much a truly repentant human being could have said, could have displayed emotionally if she couldn't find the words. Her allocution was diabolical. It was egomaniacal, self-serving, cold and remorseless. It did not address the heart of the matter - taking responsibility for the crime followed by a truly heartfelt apology.

She is not sorry. Not one little bit. She asked for her life to be spared for the sake of her family. She has graciously and resignedly accepted her fate of LWOP. A martyr for the cause, she outlined her plans to bestow her many talents on those undeserved souls she will now share the rest of her life with, even though it's truly beneath her.

I think it's very telling that her family did not plead for her life. I have read reports of their bad behaviour in court but I have not seen it myself. Her sister did wear that t-shirt but bonds between siblings can be very strong and different to the parent-child bond. It can't be an easy thing to come to terms with, at all.
Her parents are doing their duty, pure and simple. The bare minimum expected of them. I hope when she is gone that the family can move on and have normal lives.

Jodi Arias is almost inhuman. An anti-human. It's evident in that everyone that has contact with her, recoils from her. I don't blame her DT one bit. They have to defend her. She is entitled to a fair trial. I hope they now give her the sentence that she deserves.
He said in his tweet he would ask hard questions, i.e. why she lied to him about wanting to die, does she trace her art, why she didn't apologize to the Alexanders. He did take heat for the last interview, but I think it turned out fine and really brought out who JA really is. That's all .. and JMO

I doubt it matters how tough the questions are. She has no qualms about lying through her teeth and is deft at spur of the moment lying. Because of that, I don't think there will be any "gotcha" moments or revelations of any sort. Just more of the same deflecting, blaming, lying. It's so second nature to her that it's actually first nature.

I look for her to continue to play the martyr, victimized by the system and by everyone in her life. I think she'll outright trash her attorneys, the prosecution and the public, and take subtle (or maybe overt) digs at Travis and possibly his friends and family.

Fortunately, I think all she'll succeed in doing is making everyone (including any potentially naughty juror she might hope is watching) dislike her even more. She's so lacking in real substance, so contrived and insincere -- truly soulless -- there's absolutely nothing there for anyone to relate to.
It figures I had to do something today so didn't get to hear, prisoners#2013 speech. I did go out and buy an extra large pair of galoshes because I'm sure what she had to say was just full of doo-doo and it had to be getting really deep in the courtroom. Did she even apologize to the family? I doubt it, but if she did it would be a step in the right direction. Prisoner#2013 doesn't seem to know what the right direction is.
I have to respectfully disagree. I needed NO ONE to help me find the truth. For 18 days I watched a cold blooded murderer tell lie after sickening lie. Dragging Travis through the mud as often as she could and in her ego fueled battles with Juan, well she relished every minute of it.

She is a person with no soul. She is empty and she is evil. She has no compassion nor empathy. She thinks ONLY of herself and damn anyone that gets in her way. In our 24 hour news cycle one can chose to watch, turn the channel or turn it off, but to blame the media misses the point.

This is the OJ Simpson, Scott Peterson or Casey Anthony trial "of the moment." HLN hit ratings gold with this trial but it falls to each one of us what we "take away". The simple fact the Defendant was on the stand for 18 days and the fact that the murder was so horrific made this trial unlike any other.

So the next "Big" trial will begin, in a new city with a new horror and the crowd will get loud and the networks will clamor for interviews and some will get sucked in...again. But it won't be anything like this trial. No 18 days, no expert witnesses who are woefully ill prepared and, with luck, no 5 year wait for Justice. God Speed to this Jury.

I know the truth was plain and clear as day. If you watched the trial, looked at the evidence, the documents, followed the motions, hearings, saw the tricks played by the CM and the defense it was obvious as can be.

My point was that the media was irresponsible, indulgent, hypocritical, dramatic, and reckless with their coverage. They turned it into a game. Literally. They created shows just for this trial to hold their own mini-trials and reach their own verdicts and argue their own arguments with their own involved parties. They spoke with anyone and everyone who ever met anyone involved in this case, they injected their own reporters in the case, they stopped all other news coverage to focus on this case, they said they were only covering the sex and tawdry details because they were a part of the case, until they were no longer a part of the case, then they kept playing the ugliest most personal parts- for what reason?

Any reasonable person can see truth in this case. It would take a fool to miss it. The facts are the facts. I'm saying that the media has created this circus that distracts from the horror and the reality of this case. They allow it to go on. There is no need to dramatize something that is inherently tragic and brutal and sad. HLN and other news outlets should just tell this story and allow it to unfold. They will still get ratings, since that is their goal and they need to meet it. And I DO turn it off. Most of the time. But what's happened in the media has been really gross. And it's gone over the line in many instances.
Did you hear what Beth Karas said right after Jodi's alecution ?
She was outside and SHOCKINGLY told Jean Valez that she thought that Jodi did mention some worthwhile points and might have done enough to get Life. I now believe she is against the death penalty - which is her right. As much as I love Beth Karas (she has been my fav) - I was floored and upset.
yep..before I was banned, and now with a proxy i.d. (family says i have flipped) 'that' site said some $$ go to DV group, and some to support survivors (like her and her friends in jail..needing commissary supplies and snacks, don't you know..)

Here's a cute thing that I bet jodi doesn't know, I mean since she only found the light to live this weekend... When you work in prison, your wages go towards the victims family expenses first.

I have a friend whos son was murdered and his cm's had to pay. One refused to work, and eventually committed suicide. The trail may be over but a victim advocate will stay in contact with the family forever. Little jodi will have reports on everything she does sent to the family, along with a picture. I hope they see her rapidly deteriorate! I don't know if this is set in stone for Arizona but it is in my state.
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