Possible Links between RAT and JM

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Right. So he implicates "a" guy so his family isn't harmed by naming names. And, around here, a lot of people don't know the difference between cornrows or braids or dreds (and certainly most likely not RAT). LE finds a guy - RAT says (in his pathologically lying way), "Yup. That's the guy."

Perhaps he doesn't even personally know JM in any more than a drug-associate way to be able to tell them anymore than a description (and a wrong one at that so they wouldn't find him). Perhaps AM knew JM, as her family says she never would have gone to RAT's trailer without someone she knew.

Twisted and confusing, yes, but I dare say not impossible or implausible.

The truth will out.

Rats lawyer bought Bradley up by finding his picture on facebook printing it out and taking it to the court. RAT gave an I.D before anyone even heard bradleys name. Bradley was one of Alexis Facebook friends who also happened to work at Mcdonalds in the liberty gas station.
Oh, that would be crazy if Katie were tied into this in any way. That was so long ago!
RAT was burglarizing homes in 1986 and would go to prison sometime later. He ended up going to VA Beach and wound up back in jail/prison until sometime in 1996. Richard Evonitz was killing people in Spotsylvania county by 1996 and also had VA Beach connections and was in the Navy.

It really does make you wonder if these men didn't form some kind of pact or competition and found new apprentices as they got older. There are so many similarities in these cases and the MOs and the way evidence is discovered. Then there is this possible NJ Shore connection....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Any opinions on why RAT has been moved to a different facility?

I don't think he was moved other than when from the county/city jail to the state facility after his sentencing.

"In May, a Nelson County jury convicted 48-year-old Randy Taylor on charges of abducting and killing Murphy. He is serving two life sentences at the Powhatan Correctional Center." http://www.wbtw.com/story/26857052/search-to-resume-for-va-teen-missing-since-2013"

I could be wrong, but that's how I understood it.
OK, since we're wondering about apprentices and training, etc., can someone fill me in on the 29 Stalker/SK? In the RAT thread, it's questioned whether or not that is he. Do we know it's not based on DNA? I was too young/dumb then to pay attention and have no idea what the outcome was of any of the cases to know what evidence was collected and who it was tested against, and I can't begin to start reading all of those posts to figure that one out. If this is totally off base or shouldn't be here, feel free to delete/tell me and I'll delete.

But from the beginning of the Hannah case, I've wondered about RAT and JM working not necessarily together but knowing of each other's work and learning from one another and potentially helping one another, even if not physically.
OK, since we're wondering about apprentices and training, etc., can someone fill me in on the 29 Stalker/SK? In the RAT thread, it's questioned whether or not that is he. Do we know it's not based on DNA? I was too young/dumb then to pay attention and have no idea what the outcome was of any of the cases to know what evidence was collected and who it was tested against, and I can't begin to start reading all of those posts to figure that one out. If this is totally off base or shouldn't be here, feel free to delete/tell me and I'll delete.

But from the beginning of the Hannah case, I've wondered about RAT and JM working not necessarily together but knowing of each other's work and learning from one another and potentially helping one another, even if not physically.


Also Just k the rt 29 stalker name of breeden ,dont you have that in your notes somewhere ,the man and the link to that name? And all the FAMILY LAND?

Also Just K do you remember the theory about a serial killing doctor in or near Blacksburg va? I saw it all on ws but I cannot remember much about it. (thats the other crazy in the LISK case..and in the background of my head) I dont like theories but I think we might be able to really pull out some facts.
So, maybe like we now know there is a Murdered Child's Club, there could be a Serial Killer Club?

I think I want to go cry.
OK, since we're wondering about apprentices and training, etc., can someone fill me in on the 29 Stalker/SK? In the RAT thread, it's questioned whether or not that is he. Do we know it's not based on DNA? I was too young/dumb then to pay attention and have no idea what the outcome was of any of the cases to know what evidence was collected and who it was tested against, and I can't begin to start reading all of those posts to figure that one out. If this is totally off base or shouldn't be here, feel free to delete/tell me and I'll delete.

But from the beginning of the Hannah case, I've wondered about RAT and JM working not necessarily together but knowing of each other's work and learning from one another and potentially helping one another, even if not physically.

Its very hard to say. we need some hard to feel proof.

My theory is rat met Richard Evonitz in Seattle Wa or out right Wa. He was in the army/navy as well / they both moved va beach/nc area. then they moved up to rt 29 area. I remember a case where RE kidnapped two sisters from a home.. its stuck me as odd and down right impossible to kidnapped 2 girls at the same time. I always assumed he had alot of help. Keep in mind they both liked cars and to fix them up.

Now where does JML fit in.. I think he fit in the va/ nc time line. RAt went jail in 1996. I think. they both were in the same area upon his return nelson Rt29. I cant put any hard evidence on that claim. This why im asking was Rat part of a car club. I think Rat killed Am and Sc alone and many others. What strike me as odd rat said. I can give place were the body could be found. I think a week after that His defense attorney met JMl's very odd to see to connection in a case on the defensive side. That mostly for LE attorney's never defense. I have only seen that in drug cases never mass murder/ missing murders.. Then all of sudden Le is searching a area and its a mass gave// I'm be-wilderd by the timing.

Did RAT tell his attorney??, Rat playing mind games to get off?. Put all his murders on JmL or some of them, maybe they used the same areas. I do think JML is guilty as sin of murders im not saying he is a saint nor Rat, but I don't he worked alone all the time. His connection is cars to his murders. Rat and Re connection is cars.. they killed the same way I think. They strike'd in same time of years which is the summer to fall. All said to nice guys and etc, then kill young women on whim. All of them outdoors men. All of them in nelson at same frame

I don't have any hard proof they knew one another other than de ja vu of area in the time line, c-ville and that could be new Seattle Wa for serial killers for all we know. But I assume they met, shared info at one point, work together at one point. Maybe broke off to compete. Im thinking Rat put his victims in the same manner only difference it was in the deep woods. I think he scatterd them in parts. Rat was evolving at faster rate from my lookings. JMl was not that far behind
Manorville ny
Okay here comes the crazy maybe..Notice the picture.


Good article about rt 29 stalker,
Notice the picture.
Jessica Taylor.
"Taylor was an upstate New York native, last seen on the streets of Manhattan, working near the Port Authority Bus Terminal, the week before her body was found, according to police reports. She had been arrested for prostitution in Atlantic City, New York and D.C., where she had just relocated from that same month.
Someone posted recently, and I tried to find it so I hope it wasn't removed by mods and I'm therefore breaking rules, but that RAT testified that whoever was involved was someone not to be messed with, eluding to the fact that only now that JM is safely behind bars would RAT feel safe fingering him. Now, in the Samantha Clarke case, RAT theoretically said guy #2 was one not to be messed with and, from those accounts, guy #2 is clearly not JM, but I wonder if guy #1 could be.

I wish I understood what you're saying. I didn't follow RAT threads but read news reports and some of the trial accounts once I began at WS with HG. So I don't get why JM is clearly not guy #2. Tell me if this is right. RAT claims he was not involved though his DNA was found, apparently in his trailer and on AM's articles there. RAT said someone else did it, a (light skinned?) blk male with cornrows. That's guy #1 ? So I don't know who #2 could be. I'll try to review the old threads. Sorry I can't follow better.

I guess we can't discuss a guy #2 b/c he wasn't a POI?

In any case it does seem to me JM is someone to be afraid of just because of his build and physical strength.

Also Just k the rt 29 stalker name of breeden ,dont you have that in your notes somewhere ,the man and the link to that name? And all the FAMILY LAND?

Also Just K do you remember the theory about a serial killing doctor in or near Blacksburg va? I saw it all on ws but I cannot remember much about it. (thats the other crazy in the LISK case..and in the background of my head) I dont like theories but I think we might be able to really pull out some facts.

I do know that one of the complainants one of RAT's assault or threatening charges, in C-ville, was named Breeden.

I also found the name Diggs associated to the land that RAT was living on in the camper trailer. The name Diggs came up today in reference to land or a road or a mountain, something associated with the searches for HG.

I don't know about a Blacksburg SK doctor :(

But I have wondered about Richard Marc Evonitz and RAT who were both connected to VA Beach....
It's mind boggling...what if....................................
I see Barker worked in a convenience story and Katie Worsky's father used to stop in that convenience store a few times a week...even recognized Barker.

Barker, was 23 at the time Katie disappeared and he was in a Virginia Prison at least some of the same time frame as RAT served time. Barker is about five years older than RAT.
Someone posted recently, and I tried to find it so I hope it wasn't removed by mods and I'm therefore breaking rules, but that RAT testified that whoever was involved was someone not to be messed with, eluding to the fact that only now that JM is safely behind bars would RAT feel safe fingering him. Now, in the Samantha Clarke case, RAT theoretically said guy #2 was one not to be messed with and, from those accounts, guy #2 is clearly not JM, but I wonder if guy #1 could be.

OK, since we're wondering about apprentices and training, etc., can someone fill me in on the 29 Stalker/SK? In the RAT thread, it's questioned whether or not that is he. Do we know it's not based on DNA? I was too young/dumb then to pay attention and have no idea what the outcome was of any of the cases to know what evidence was collected and who it was tested against, and I can't begin to start reading all of those posts to figure that one out. If this is totally off base or shouldn't be here, feel free to delete/tell me and I'll delete.

But from the beginning of the Hannah case, I've wondered about RAT and JM working not necessarily together but knowing of each other's work and learning from one another and potentially helping one another, even if not physically.

JM seems to be the kind of person who prefers to work alone. But no reason why he wouldn't have known RAT. He might have given RAT a taxi ride home after RAT left the car in downtown c-ville.

We have to remember that JLM Jr was a team member (Football) So, I would not dismiss the idea that he would be more than happy to be a part of a strategic team.

Re: Rat and Barker. I just re-read the Katie Worsky story. Barker was also a standout football player who recieved offers to SEVERAL colleges and was a scholarship recipient for football. His dreams of being a football star were thwarted when his girlfriend got pregnant and by 23 he was working in a convenience store instead of playing football in the pros. If, by chance (BIG IF,) RAT left Charlottesville and hooked up with Barker and later, possibly 2006, RAT and JLM Jr went to NJ where JLM Jr would met Barker....well, the two of them would have had a mutual ax to grind. Both of them might see woman as the cause of their lost football chances.
I wish I understood what you're saying. I didn't follow RAT threads but read news reports and some of the trial accounts once I began at WS with HG. So I don't get why JM is clearly not guy #2. Tell me if this is right. RAT claims he was not involved though his DNA was found, apparently in his trailer and on AM's articles there. RAT said someone else did it, a (light skinned?) blk male with cornrows. That's guy #1 ? So I don't know who #2 could be. I'll try to review the old threads. Sorry I can't follow better.

I guess we can't discuss a guy #2 b/c he wasn't a POI?

In any case it does seem to me JM is someone to be afraid of just because of his build and physical strength.

Sorry, I should have included the article. Read here. The article describes a guy #1 and a guy #2 that Samantha met/dated right before she disappeared. Guy #2 is (was) 23 and wanted on a parole violation. Doesn't match JM. http://www.readthehook.com/108360/l...amily-mourns-suspect-claims-police-harassment
You have to scroll ,but I just thought it weird how Darrel rice and the manorville guy ,look alike.

I believe I see what you are seeing. One of the sketch's of the 29 Stalker shown in the Hook article bears resemblance to JB, who was arrested for the cold case murders of Rita Tangredi and Colleen McNamee up NJ. Perhaps he had something to do with some of the incidents along 29.

At any rate, I think that 29 stalker is related to the many disappearances that have continued to haunt the central Va. area for the last 3 decades. If the stalker is not behind bars, then he is up to no good IMO. And the stalker is not behind bars as far as we know.
I see the resemblance but still think its way too far fetched to conncect all of these killers. I think we just have a lot of sick people in this world.
It does seem way farfetched.

I agree with that, so we were just trying to connect RAT and JM together. It is hard to ignore bark however because really how far fetched is it that Cville, has 3 people who have abducted people in high profile cases who have all at different times lived in the 100 block of georgetown rd?

It is kinda mind bending .

All these guys have the same range Richmond to newport news.

Barker also is suspect in Cynthia powers murder ,and that case. there was arson of a home.

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