Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#6 About the Case

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It seems like they may have decided that already since nobody on the defense team or in the Anthony camp have had the nerve to mention the word nanny in a long time.
I think they get angry whenever her name is mentioned, as it reminds them of the outrageous lies their daughter has told, lies they know, noone believes. Maybe this is why they were SO angry at Zenaidas deposition ?
I wonder if you're right, probably so, but you know something, I think if they did put her on the stand, and she kept to the story they gave her, and she sobbed her lil heart out, and did not deviate from that at all, that's her best chance, I think it is possible she would walk, cause at the end of the day, common sense tells us that KC murdered her daughter, but the fact remains given what we know now, an accident cannot be ruled out..and if they all get off the nanny story...she just might walk...

I don't think there's much chance that she would walk. Life without parole, maybe- after all that's why Andrea Lyon is on her team now, it's her specialty. If (and that's a huge if), KC could keep her cool on the stand, it may work, but I'm hoping the SA is prepared for that with some very rigorous, relentless, hard-hitting cross-examination, enough to frustrate KC into the state we saw in the jailhouse video,scrunched up face and all- one little implosion like that from KC on the stand, and the jury should easily be able to see the rage Caylee had to endure from her mother in her last moments.
I wonder if you're right, probably so, but you know something, I think if they did put her on the stand, and she kept to the story they gave her, and she sobbed her lil heart out, and did not deviate from that at all, that's her best chance, I think it is possible she would walk, cause at the end of the day, common sense tells us that KC murdered her daughter, but the fact remains given what we know now, an accident cannot be ruled out..and if they all get off the nanny story...she just might walk...

I would love to see her on the stand explaining how duct tape over Caylee's nose was an accident! But I don't think they'll put her on the stand because she's not the accomplished liar she thinks she is... :)
personally I could care less if she gets LWOP or death ...I'm happy either way...personally LWOP would suit her better she will continue to get fat...stay behind the bars (not the ones she frequented) ....and can form her own lil world...then i can send her birthday cards and in memory cards and thinking of you cards....ALL FOR CAYLEE
cause once shes there permanantly Baez and lyon lady will fade away and she will get mail from whom ever no more att. montioring exc exc....
the special treatment will end and she will just be stuck there like every other prisoner...then her hell can begin....
personally I could care less if she gets LWOP or death ...I'm happy either way...personally LWOP would suit her better she will continue to get fat...stay behind the bars (not the ones she frequented) ....and can form her own lil world...then i can send her birthday cards and in memory cards and thinking of you cards....ALL FOR CAYLEE
cause once shes there permanantly Baez and lyon lady will fade away and she will get mail from whom ever no more att. montioring exc exc....
the special treatment will end and she will just be stuck there like every other prisoner...then her hell can begin....
I agree with you, LWOP for Casey. Death is too easy and too quick. I like your idea about the letters...

its not just letters and cards... I think cards taped shut with duct tape...stickers...a few smelly napkins..pictures....maybe a few condoms...she'll find plenty of "men" to protect her in her safe place...lets help her be safe....
I'm waiting for the day shes in real prison not orange county ...when she gets a real dose of prison life with no special treatment...
A few reminders sent every so often ....so she never forgets....God knows as a mother I spent many sleepless night over a child not even mine that i will never forget....
I want her to NEVER be able to forget what she did or the life she took...cause I never will...cruel and unusal....so was stuffing that baby in a bag adn letting animals drag her around and chew her up....Nothing I could send her will ever be as bad as what that poor babys body went through...
I want her charged with abuse of a corspe...cause we know Caylee was gone when she was tossed like trash....
Cant tell where i stand huh ?? sorry for rant but seriously add some more charges.
I wonder if you're right, probably so, but you know something, I think if they did put her on the stand, and she kept to the story they gave her, and she sobbed her lil heart out, and did not deviate from that at all, that's her best chance, I think it is possible she would walk, cause at the end of the day, common sense tells us that KC murdered her daughter, but the fact remains given what we know now, an accident cannot be ruled out..and if they all get off the nanny story...she just might walk...

If her child was wrapped in a blanket and placed where she could quickly be found, maybe I could buy into an accident, but how can you think accident when there were layers of duct tape around her face and she was tossed inside a trash bag into a swampy area where for months you knew what was happening to her poor little body?

I have a theory that they will try to "pin" this on CA. I really don't know why this has stuck with me but it did and bugs me. In one of KC's telephone conversations with one of her boyfriends (AR I think) where he was waiting for her to come over. She was dishing out all sorts of lies about Zanny coming home from a wedding (I think) and stuck in traffic and she was hoping she would get home early enough to babysit blah blah. KC also spoke about CA not being able to babysit because she hurt her back (I think) and something like she couldn't move or even pick her head up and that medical professionals don't know how to properly treat themselves. This made me think that she was saying that CA took medication that really knocked her out.

I was thinking that the defense may say that CA gave KC medication after the big fight. Maybe to calm her down and it somehow put KC in a drug endued psychosis of sorts and because of that she had no memory of what had happened, none at all. The next thing she knows is she finds Caylee in the trunk and she panics. KC is afraid to go home, afraid of CA and what she would do or even something as outlandish as KC thought CA could have done it. KC begins her own search for answers and the ugly coping begins. She couldn't bare to part with Caylee but the smell in the car was becoming unbearable so she decided that the best thing to do was to bring Caylee home or as close as possible to it. KC continues her search for answers and decides to get a tattoo in Caylees memory as she missed her so much. The reason for all her lies was because she was still unsure of who killed her baby and she didn't trust anyone. Especially CA because the fight with her that night is the last thing she remembered. They will say that she did in fact leave that night and admit that the morning with GA was a lie that was conceived by CA and she went with that out of fear just like the lie about working and Zanny, all lies out of fear of CA.

There are tons of holes in this, but something about that phone call and what KC said about CA and the fact that LE took the sedatives from the A's home into evidence and that they tested for drugs in the autopsy has me trying to fit this all together.

The defense may say that because KC was given drugs by her mother and it caused KC to do things she never would and has no memory of the event, it is not KC's fault. She is innocent, CA gave her the drugs and therefore KC cannot be held responsible for any thing that happen. They may say that KC took them willingly but CA overdosed it because she did not know how much to administer as she often took too much herself. KC trusted her mother and took the medication. I don't for a second think that any of what I posted above is true, but I was pondering different scenarios that defense may try to use.

Also, this may all be completely ridiculous but it's been on my mind and I thought I'd put it out there.
personally I could care less if she gets LWOP or death ...I'm happy either way...personally LWOP would suit her better she will continue to get fat...stay behind the bars (not the ones she frequented) ....and can form her own lil world...then i can send her birthday cards and in memory cards and thinking of you cards....ALL FOR CAYLEE
cause once shes there permanantly Baez and lyon lady will fade away and she will get mail from whom ever no more att. montioring exc exc....
the special treatment will end and she will just be stuck there like every other prisoner...then her hell can begin....
She's probably already has new boyfriends via the mail.
I have a theory that they will try to "pin" this on CA. I really don't know why this has stuck with me but it did and bugs me. In one of KC's telephone conversations with one of her boyfriends (AR I think) where he was waiting for her to come over. She was dishing out all sorts of lies about Zanny coming home from a wedding (I think) and stuck in traffic and she was hoping she would get home early enough to babysit blah blah. KC also spoke about CA not being able to babysit because she hurt her back (I think) and something like she couldn't move or even pick her head up and that medical professionals don't know how to properly treat themselves. This made me think that she was saying that CA took medication that really knocked her out.

I was thinking that the defense may say that CA gave KC medication after the big fight. Maybe to calm her down and it somehow put KC in a drug endued psychosis of sorts and because of that she had no memory of what had happened, none at all. The next thing she knows is she finds Caylee in the trunk and she panics. KC is afraid to go home, afraid of CA and what she would do or even something as outlandish as KC thought CA could have done it. KC begins her own search for answers and the ugly coping begins. She couldn't bare to part with Caylee but the smell in the car was becoming unbearable so she decided that the best thing to do was to bring Caylee home or as close as possible to it. KC continues her search for answers and decides to get a tattoo in Caylees memory as she missed her so much. The reason for all her lies was because she was still unsure of who killed her baby and she didn't trust anyone. Especially CA because the fight with her that night is the last thing she remembered. They will say that she did in fact leave that night and admit that the morning with GA was a lie that was conceived by CA and she went with that out of fear just like the lie about working and Zanny, all lies out of fear of CA.

There are tons of holes in this, but something about that phone call and what KC said about CA and the fact that LE took the sedatives from the A's home into evidence and that they tested for drugs in the autopsy has me trying to fit this all together.

The defense may say that because KC was given drugs by her mother and it caused KC to do things she never would and has no memory of the event, it is not KC's fault. She is innocent, CA gave her the drugs and therefore KC cannot be held responsible for any thing that happen. They may say that KC took them willingly but CA overdosed it because she did not know how much to administer as she often took too much herself. KC trusted her mother and took the medication. I don't for a second think that any of what I posted above is true, but I was pondering different scenarios that defense may try to use.

Also, this may all be completely ridiculous but it's been on my mind and I thought I'd put it out there.

It would be like opening pandora's box for KC. Mom has the goods on KC and if KC thought that was a good defense, CA would be spilling her heart out. One sure indication it was KC is the heart shaped sticker, her signature. Plus it had been CA & GA, I would imagine, who virtually raised Caylee. On the last day GA said he saw Caylee it was GA who got Caylee her breakfast. KC carted Caylee around to get attention because Caylee was cute. With JG and RM they had no problems with Caylee being around. The new boyfriends, Tony the cop and AL made it clear she should leave the child at home. Certainly AL did not seem concerned that after a few weeks he had not seen her child. I could not see JG putting up with that. He would have insisted on going to the Nanny's and picking Caylee up. She would have a really hard time trying to pin it on anyone else but herself because she is the only one who benefitted at the time with not having her child around. Think about it.
I have a theory that they will try to "pin" this on CA. I really don't know why this has stuck with me but it did and bugs me. In one of KC's telephone conversations with one of her boyfriends (AR I think) where he was waiting for her to come over. She was dishing out all sorts of lies about Zanny coming home from a wedding (I think) and stuck in traffic and she was hoping she would get home early enough to babysit blah blah. KC also spoke about CA not being able to babysit because she hurt her back (I think) and something like she couldn't move or even pick her head up and that medical professionals don't know how to properly treat themselves. This made me think that she was saying that CA took medication that really knocked her out.

I was thinking that the defense may say that CA gave KC medication after the big fight. Maybe to calm her down and it somehow put KC in a drug endued psychosis of sorts and because of that she had no memory of what had happened, none at all. The next thing she knows is she finds Caylee in the trunk and she panics. KC is afraid to go home, afraid of CA and what she would do or even something as outlandish as KC thought CA could have done it. KC begins her own search for answers and the ugly coping begins. She couldn't bare to part with Caylee but the smell in the car was becoming unbearable so she decided that the best thing to do was to bring Caylee home or as close as possible to it. KC continues her search for answers and decides to get a tattoo in Caylees memory as she missed her so much. The reason for all her lies was because she was still unsure of who killed her baby and she didn't trust anyone. Especially CA because the fight with her that night is the last thing she remembered. They will say that she did in fact leave that night and admit that the morning with GA was a lie that was conceived by CA and she went with that out of fear just like the lie about working and Zanny, all lies out of fear of CA.

There are tons of holes in this, but something about that phone call and what KC said about CA and the fact that LE took the sedatives from the A's home into evidence and that they tested for drugs in the autopsy has me trying to fit this all together.

The defense may say that because KC was given drugs by her mother and it caused KC to do things she never would and has no memory of the event, it is not KC's fault. She is innocent, CA gave her the drugs and therefore KC cannot be held responsible for any thing that happen. They may say that KC took them willingly but CA overdosed it because she did not know how much to administer as she often took too much herself. KC trusted her mother and took the medication. I don't for a second think that any of what I posted above is true, but I was pondering different scenarios that defense may try to use.

Also, this may all be completely ridiculous but it's been on my mind and I thought I'd put it out there.

KC was up until 3 a.m. texting and talking on the phone to Tony.

The next morning she was up bright and frisky well before 8 a.m. checking her phone messages and instant messaging with witeplayboi.

I take Ambien. If you've taken enough Ambien to have total amnesia,and I have, you'll crash long before 3 a.m. The next morning, if you've stayed up late, you'll be in weird dreamland not all perky before 8 a.m.

KC's sleeping hours (or lack of them) the night of June 15/16 makes me think she was wired from the fight. I think she self-soothed by talking lovey dovey with Tony. The schedule she was keeping would have to have made her frazzled and on edge.

LambChop, I don't believe that is what happened, I totally believe that KC did this and knew exactly what she was doing. I'm trying to find scenarios that the defense may use as they say she is innocent, yet I have not seen a single piece of evidence that would substantiate that. :confused: They have to have some kind of defense in mind, and my mind can't seem to come up with one.
LambChop, I don't believe that is what happened, I totally believe that KC did this and knew exactly what she was doing. I'm trying to find scenarios that the defense may use as they say she is innocent, yet I have not seen a single piece of evidence that would substantiate that. :confused: They have to have some kind of defense in mind, and my mind can't seem to come up with one.

Mine either.

I considered George or Cindy, but I think they would have thrown the used paper towel away.
LambChop, I don't believe that is what happened, I totally believe that KC did this and knew exactly what she was doing. I'm trying to find scenarios that the defense may use as they say she is innocent, yet I have not seen a single piece of evidence that would substantiate that. :confused: They have to have some kind of defense in mind, and my mind can't seem to come up with one.

I agree, too, Mare. I think that could have been one of her stories and I believe the defense strategy changes everytime JB makes a visit to KC in jail. She has nothing but time to make up stories to present to him to see what will fly. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
My random thought:
No Job + No Money = No Nanny
Mine either.

I considered George or Cindy, but I think they would have thrown the used paper towel away.

Leaving the paper towel in the car is one of the stupidest things ever. Why oh why did she not pitch that bag? She already had the squirrel cover up story for the smell.
Do y'all think that the A's read the autopsy report before it was made public? Is that a courtesy that would be extended to them?
Do y'all think that the A's read the autopsy report before it was made public? Is that a courtesy that would be extended to them?

Since the Anthonys were apparently given Power of Attorney (by Casey) to deal with Caylee's remains and funeral, I'd assume that would cover receipt of the death certificate and accompanying ME/autopsy reports. In which case, yes - the Anthonys had already see the report(s). Just an assumption on my part, though.
This is a Random Thought about how the prosecution will present the evidence to the jury.

Does it have to be chronological?

If I were the prosecution, I would present it this way.....

July 15th Grandmother Cindy Anthony reported her granddaughter missing after recovering her daughters abandoned car from a tow lot, that smelled of death.

The last person to see the child alive was her grandfather George and her mother Casey, on June 16, 2008.

When the mother was questioned regarding the whereabouts of her daughter, she was deceptive and has admitted that she intentionally was being so, therefore there was no useful clues to little Caylees whereabouts from her mother.
The trunk of the mother's abandoned vehicle was tested for evidence of human decomposition and a hair belonging to Caylee was found that provided evidence of the baby being deceased.

The remains of little Caylee were found on December 11th, about a half mile from the mother's home, and the death was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner because of the duct tape that was found still attached to the skull in multiple layers and attached to the hair and mouth of little Caylee. The manner of death is undetermined due to the advanced state of decomposition.

Throughout the investigation, we have found no evidence of anyone other than Casey Marie Anthony having care custody and control of little Caylee.

The duct tape found with little Caylee is from the same roll of duct tape used on gas cans found at her mother's residence. The blanket found with her was part of the crib set found in her bedroom.

The location where little Caylee was found deceased was a hangout for her mother in her younger years.

In this location little Caylee's dead body was found scattered by animals, she was determined to have been placed in that location around the time she was last seen as evidenced by the amount of foliage growth upon her decomposed body parts.
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