Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #3

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I don't for one minute think that anyone in the Anthony family gives two rats butts about Casey victimizing others out in society. If they can look away while Casey killed their innocent two year old grandchild and niece there is no way they will care about perfect strangers. If Cindy can wish and hope that Casey becomes a mother again knowing full well that there is a strong likelihood that Casey would again kill her child then I have no hope that Cindy cares at all about anyone but herself and keeping up the appearance of a perfect family.

I wouldn't put it past that the Anthonys are a vindictive bunch, like the Drews. They like to think they are a "perfect" family. They are really secretive.
What in the world has happened to Dr. Drew? Was the fear of lawyer wrath placed upon him? Frontal Lobe damage? Really, Dr. Drew". FCA is a severe borderline combined with malignant narcissism. The two together occupying the same body equals evil.

Most therapists have never dealt with these types. Many are in prison and the rest who aren't would not enter therapy w/o a court order. Most therapists have never treated a borderline/narcissist. If they had to, they would most likely quit their job. If they didn't, their client would attempt to get them fired. Many succeed in it too. They play you and play you like you have never seen. You will never see it coming. I am not being snarky. This combination within an individual and having to work with them will test you and your life will never be the same. I have seen two in one family. Thought I met the devil himself, UNTIL the sister arrived!!

It is one of the most frightening and frustrating experiences you would EVER have. Not many therapists are willing to put themselves or their life on the line to work with them.
Isn't it true that way far back, pertaining to KC stealing funds from her mother and her grandmother, it was said that she had hacked into their bank accounts? I wouldn't think it would be that simple to hack into someone's bank account if you weren't more computer savvy than the average person.

Exactly. And she knew enough to erase any trace of chloroform searches off her broswer (one different from the IE everyone else used in her family) right after Yuri Melich left the house. And if she had been worried about her safety, she would have taken security precautions on her new computer. She had all the user passwords to the family computer (and ITA with those who felt Timer55 had nothing to do with Caylee's birthday but is a techie term) so something tells me she knows her way around basic internet security. And like someone very astutely pointed out, the media would be crawling with all kinds of other stuff if she had been hacked. Funny it's just videos of her talking about herself ad nauseum.

As usual, Miss Scarlet Letter (S for sociopath is my pick) is trying to fool the public again and get her mug on the news by pretending to look dumb and innocent although her smug body language gives her away and her vapid, self-absorption with All Things Casey is also a tell. She thinks she is clever but she hasn't figured out that on her best day she is simply the butt of jokes because her behavior always shows no impulse control and is delusional. She likes living in the fast lane and associating with her "fans" who may not be all that stable if she stopped for a second to figure it out. Some of them might have similar tendencies if they feel neglected or betrayed. Some of them might also be good with duct tape and google searches for crude anesthesia.
I have been thinking the past few days about George and his reactions in court. I agree with you. My face would have been twisted in anger if anyone accused me of molesting, sexually abusing them, or abusing Caylee and drowned her. I would not be able to sit in court and listen to that bull without getting very upset.

And for the payment? Funny how all of a sudden, NBC owns the right to the first video. I am sure CA called in her friend from NBC to copyright it.

aaaaaaand...there is no way I would stay with a woman who wholeheartedly approved and believed everything that was thrown out there in court.
But, there you have your answer....of course Cindy doesn't believe it, because it was a lie that she and defense company knew about, therefore George can live happily everafter with Cindy. They will reunite with their daughter once the Sh&^storm has died down. Mark my words. It was all a farce. I don't give a rats azz what Jeff Ashton says. He, IMHO, either is very, very naive, or he is very, very nice and doesn't want to say what he REALLY believes.
What in the world has happened to Dr. Drew? Was the fear of lawyer wrath placed upon him? Frontal Lobe damage? Really, Dr. Drew". FCA is a severe borderline combined with malignant narcissism. The two together occupying the same body equals evil.

Most therapists have never dealt with these types. Many are in prison and the rest who aren't would not enter therapy w/o a court order. Most therapists have never treated a borderline/narcissist. If they had to, they would most likely quit their job. If they didn't, the client would try and get them fired. Many succeed in it too. They play you and play you like you have never seen. You will never see it coming. I am not being snarky. This combination within an individual and having to work with them will test you and your life will never be the same.

It is one of the most frightening and frustrating experiences you would EVER have. Not many therapists are willing to put themselves on the line to try to help them.

Dr. Drew wants an exclusive or the opportunity to treat her himself. IMO
I understand that, my issue is that you can't link to website as it goes to the YouTube channel.

Anyone can set up and register a website and can be any company they want it to be, however that doesn't mean it is true.

Click on the link to see how it is directed back to the YouTube channel. Normally, the link would take you to the actual website.
Isn't this what that poster the other day was talking about? And now all of a sudden it appears as "news"? Those tweeters are an interesting bunch.
I really think George and Lee have convinced themselves that the allegations were something that had to be done to help her not get the death penalty. There hasn't been any charges against either of them since, and I don't think there will be. Maybe they even think Casey will never accuse them of molestation again. I guarantee you, though, if her life is on the line again, guess who's getting put back in the line of fire for her? They don't get how expendable they are to her. And because of that, they believe they're safe from her and can forgive her. That is the only way I can see them forgiving her if they believe it was a necessary thing to save Casey's life. I'm sure many times over the three years they were reminded by Cindy and the DT that Casey's life was on the line. And I bet they were allowed to dispute it and express their feelings with the reminder that it wasn't going to last forever. And is she grateful for their sacrifice for her? I haven't seen any gratefulness from her so far. Yet all of them seem to want to welcome her back into their lives. I just don't believe that George wouldn't. That whole family redefines the word dysfunctional, seriously.
What in the world has happened to Dr. Drew? Was the fear of lawyer wrath placed upon him? Frontal Lobe damage? Really, Dr. Drew". FCA is a severe borderline combined with malignant narcissism. The two together occupying the same body equals evil.

Most therapists have never dealt with these types. Many are in prison and the rest who aren't would not enter therapy w/o a court order. Most therapists have never treated a borderline/narcissist. If they had to, they would most likely quit their job. If they didn't, their client would attempt to get them fired. Many succeed in it too. They play you and play you like you have never seen. You will never see it coming. I am not being snarky. This combination within an individual and having to work with them will test you and your life will never be the same. I have seen two in one family. Thought I met the devil himself, UNTIL the sister arrived!!

It is one of the most frightening and frustrating experiences you would EVER have. Not many therapists are willing to put themselves or their life on the line to work with them.

ITA - and what really ticks me off is that those two psychiatrists who examined her in jail, and then were later set to be used by, uh, testify for the defense, did not diagnose her as such but left it up to the public to figure that out. I cannot imagine any professional spending more than 15 minutes with her, or even watching those dreadful jailhouse tapes, and not being prepared to risk his reputation that she was tilting right off her Axis II.
I really think George and Lee have convinced themselves that the allegations were something that had to be done to help her not get the death penalty. There hasn't been any charges against either of them since, and I don't think there will be. Maybe they even think Casey will never accuse them of molestation again. I guarantee you, though, if her life is on the line again, guess who's getting put back in the line of fire for her? They don't get how expendable they are to her. And because of that, they believe they're safe from her and can forgive her. That is the only way I can see them forgiving her if they believe it was a necessary thing to save Casey's life. I'm sure many times over the three years they were reminded by Cindy and the DT that Casey's life was on the line. And I bet they were allowed to dispute it and express their feelings with the reminder that it wasn't going to last forever. And is she grateful for their sacrifice for her? I haven't seen any gratefulness from her so far. Yet all of them seem to want to welcome her back into their lives. I just don't believe that George wouldn't. That whole family redefines the word dysfunctional, seriously.

I agree. For some reason the A's focused all of their anger and frustration on LE and the SA instead of KC. I think because she was arrested and placed in jail and then re-arrested together with the un-willingness of LE to believe the A fantasy story drove them crazy.

The A's are/were used to controlling these issues within the family and were not used to it being handled by LE and SA ... so were offended.

This became worse when she was charged with the DP, so I agree this was all about saving KC's life which became the theme as well as lashing back against LE, SA, the State, the FBI, the Government, etc, etc.

As was stated, blood is thicker than water and the A's wanted to deal with this privately within the family and not have one of their own dealt with in this way for many reasons, such as family image but also to exact their own passive-aggressive punishment, etc.

They played a clever game at trial both to seem to support the SA so as not to alienate the Jury as well as support the DT and seed enough confusion and reasonable doubt to save KC. They were also conflicted, thus GA was bizarre in that he seemed so offended by the accusations yet played fast and loose with the duct tape testimony to self-implicate.

And so, here we are today with these video diaries that are so bizarre because it is as if nothing ever happened ... Caylee who?
According to the Hinkley (sp?), she hacked into her mothers accounts also and bled her for thousands from December 2008 until April of 2009 when her mother stopped it. But her mother was aware of the money being taken by KC as she was using it to pay her phone which was huge. I believe in January and February it was well over a thousand each month that she took.

LDB had hundreds of checks written by KC at the trial. Also presented was a BOA credit card that had been max'd out which CA claims had been paid off and she was not aware KC was charging on that card. I never read anywhere that KC had, in fact, hacked into their bank account. Had that happened I believe BOA could have gone after KC themselves. jmo
aaaaaaand...there is no way I would stay with a woman who wholeheartedly approved and believed everything that was thrown out there in court.
But, there you have your answer....of course Cindy doesn't believe it, because it was a lie that she and defense company knew about, therefore George can live happily everafter with Cindy. They will reunite with their daughter once the Sh&^storm has died down. Mark my words. It was all a farce. I don't give a rats azz what Jeff Ashton says. He, IMHO, either is very, very naive, or he is very, very nice and doesn't want to say what he REALLY believes.

Your are right on target! Beware of any parent that believes EVERY single tale their child tells them. It is a BIG RED FLAG!!!

On another note:

I think Jeff Ashton ( and maybe Dr. Drew) has to be careful when it comes to Cindy. Cindy is lilke a pit bull ready to strike. Cindy reads everything and watches all the boards. She has made herself known here in 2008. Ask Tricia.

Some will recall the lady who stole Cindy's trash and found tons of paper where cindy or somebody in the house printed out all the threads about the case. Don't think she is home baking cookies. She prides herself on being a force to be reckoned with.
I guess Twitter has died down? Weirdly, I was starting to get used to the Twama. LOL
I agree. For some reason the A's focused all of their anger and frustration on LE and the SA instead of KC. I think because she was arrested and placed in jail and then re-arrested together with the un-willingness of LE to believe the A fantasy story drove them crazy.

The A's are/were used to controlling these issues within the family and were not used to it being handled by LE and SA ... so were offended.

This became worse when she was charged with the DP, so I agree this was all about saving KC's life which became the theme as well as lashing back against LE, SA, the State, the FBI, the Government, etc, etc.

As was stated, blood is thicker than water and the A's wanted to deal with this privately within the family and not have one of their own dealt with in this way for many reasons, such as family image but also to exact their own passive-aggressive punishment, etc.

They played a clever game at trial both to seem to support the SA so as not to alienate the Jury as well as support the DT and seed enough confusion and reasonable doubt to save KC. They were also conflicted, thus GA was bizarre in that he seemed so offended by the accusations yet played fast and loose with the duct tape testimony to self-implicate.

And so, here we are today with these video diaries that are so bizarre because it is as if nothing ever happened ... Caylee who?

I was told this morning that the National Enquirer has purchased all of Casey's videos and pictures.

They will be released in 4 weeks; no details yet on the purchase price.
I was told this morning that the National Enquirer has purchased all of Casey's videos and pictures.

They will be released in 4 weeks; no details yet on the purchase price.

Wow, if that is true, it means Casey doesn't give two chits about the motion in the Zenaida case right now and neither do her lawyers. Just wow. That takes some balls right there. What civil cases? Or maybe they're preparing to just settle and not go to court with it. Something is up.
The way she speaks of it, you'd think she actually "earned" the in having a job. And we know that's not the case...unless one of her attorneys is giving her work to do for addressing envelopes...organizing office

BTW...I guess Mrs. B felt less overwhelmed last night...heard her on NG.

If one of her attorneys is paying her for addressing envelopes, I hope he isn't paying her under the table. Because if he is, that's illegal! I wouldn't put it past any of her attorneys to do something illegal however!
According to the Hinkley (sp?), she hacked into her mothers accounts also and bled her for thousands from December 2008 until April of 2009 when her mother stopped it. But her mother was aware of the money being taken by KC as she was using it to pay her phone which was huge. I believe in January and February it was well over a thousand each month that she took.

yes but we're going back into what "hacking" truly is, as opposed to social engineering or plain ole' having access to all the mail & bank statements.

I will be impressed when OCA hacks MY bank account. not her mother's where she almost certainly simply set up internet banking using details from the mail or around the house. maybe so much as getting credit cards in her mother's name again from having access to those mails and papers.

NOT hacking.
The way she speaks of it, you'd think she actually "earned" the in having a job. And we know that's not the case...unless one of her attorneys is giving her work to do for addressing envelopes...organizing office

BTW...I guess Mrs. B felt less overwhelmed last night...heard her on NG.

Mrs. B? As in Mrs Baez? What the heck was she doing on NG???:waitasec:
I can only if Cindy orders him to. He won't be happy, possibly sitting there with a red face and fisties, but he'll be there if Cindy tells him to be there. He and Lee cannot tell Cindy no.

Hi Aedrys, in my day we used to call them "Henry Henpecked". :floorlaugh:
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