Ron C. #3

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His pastor took him because someone made a very generous donation and paid for the tatoo. His mother said last night that RC needed to get some time away and sent him with the pastor. The pastor explained last night on JVM.

ACK - someone paid for that tat? Have you seen it? IMHO it doesn't show HC in the most positive light. That $400.00 could have gone to much better use (like fixing the back door, or installing an alarm system).

However, my real worry is he said he's never going back to the trailer. Why? I understand there are memories, but most victims of child abductions don't leave the home. There's no reason they can't make it a tribute to HC instead of running. I can't even imagine what he's going through - but I hope he changes his mind about moving away.


I cant imagine defending so vehemently any of the players in this case...:confused:

I can. For one reason above all- good,bad or ugly these are the people that Haleigh LOVED.
And just as the attacks on George and Cindy Anthony were a slap at Caylee so are the attacks in this case.

Both those little girls loved the people in their lives and how very sad to see that ignored in the struggle to show how self righteous and without flaws some onlookers are were the feeling of these two little girls.
I think he is trying to get money from people to. He is making people feel sorry for him.
As far as that tattoo, what money did he use to get that with, was it money donated to them?
Something is fishy about this lost child, something is not right with this case at all.

Well, IMHO I think he's acting as if he KNOWS she's dead. Getting the memorial tat (like Caylee), and wanting to move out of the house (does he know what went on in there)? I don't care about the drug rumors, can't be bothered - I just want to know where HC is?

Something about all this is just not sitting well with me.


I can. For one reason above all- good,bad or ugly these are the people that Haleigh LOVED.
And just as the attacks on George and Cindy Anthony were a slap at Caylee so are the attacks in this case.

Both those little girls loved the people in their lives and how very sad to see that ignored in the struggle to show how self righteous and without flaws some onlookers are were the feeling of these two little girls.

Thats why I used the word "vehemently". When you try to hit home your point of view with the force of a louisville slugger, well, your point gets lost and no one listens. There are gentler, kinder ways of making a point.

***EDITED TO SAY***When I used the word "you" I didnt mean you kalekona in particular!

Its quite possible that one or more of the people in Haleighs inner circle could be implicated in her missing....I cant say for sure but I dont think George and Cindy A. were ever suspected of the same?
Ok... I am not taking sides here AT ALL... I just have seen this mentioned several times in different threads, so I want to point out that there ARE ways to fool a drug test. Google it if you don't believe me. They are not as sophisticated as you might think, and the ways to get around them are just as sophisticated. I once had an acquaintance who worked in a field similar to Ron, and was required to submit to random testing. He was a heavy user, and as such, wore a fake urine pouch under his clothing just in case.. Gross I know, but true.

That being said, I do not think it is right to accuse ANYONE at this point of anything based on rumor OR fact, as it is not the purpose of this site to accuse. I think there is a big difference between discussing possibilities and trying to sleuth, and the other thing that is taking place in these forums lately, which is personal attack. Personally I think we should focus on trying to sleuth, and leave the personal attacks elsewhere.

I will go back to lurking now... MOO
I am angry because people are so willing to toss Ronald under the proverbial bus without a shred of evidence he did anything which led to the disappearance of Haleigh, but are more than willing to overlook ANYTHING Crystal or others have done!!

His lifestyle includes working not one, but two jobs to support his children. His lifestyle includes providing a decent roof over their heads and food on the table. I don't see any comments on the positive things he currently does for his children here!

He USED to be involved with drugs. He USED to be this or that. What really matters is who Ronald is NOW and if he was involved in Haleigh going missing. I don't see he was directly involved in his daughter's disappearance and until LE arrests him (which I do not believe they will)...I have no reason to suspect him. To keep going down the path of ruining this man's life to me because some may not like him is not right, imo.

I get that you angry but the following is something you posted in Crystal's thread....

This is NOT the Crystal bashing thread. It is where we discuss possible motives, actions, associations, and circumstances which could have to do with Crystal and the disappearance of Haleigh tho. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't about bashing anyone.

IMO, it's only fair that the above statement also apply to Ron without it being considered bashing or tossing him "under the proverbial bus." After all, people are just discussing possible motives, actions, associations, and circumstances which could have to do with Ron & the disappearance of Haleigh in this thread as well OR at least that's how I look at it.
Good morning all - let's get back on topic and try to stick with known facts. Thank you.
Agreed, not in all of his pics, but there are some that look like meth use...just sayin'

Thanks for that info concerning the landscaping/brush cuts et. al I still think that is one of the drugs that Putnam county has a huge problem with. I am basing my opinion of knowing what meth users faces generally look like. JMO

You are right. And I've been told that meth is involved in the investigation.
Okay, let's just say that I have a *friend*, who has a family member, whom has a lifestyle very similar to Ron's. Only more upper-middle class, but he does have the blue collar type profession. He supplements his income with dealing. He pays all his bills, owns a house and spoils his children. As far as poo-pooing the negative speculation on Ron because it is not all fact, well, the positive things we are hearing are coming second-hand and therefore speculation also and don't necessarily mean the bad stuff is not taking place. This family member leads a very scary lifestyle with many sketchy friends to say the least. He has two children, whom he adores by all accounts. He even gets up every morning and cooks a full breakfast and even braids his daughters hair! He also has people with very bad backgrounds coming and going from his house all the time, while his children are there. As far as everyone knowing this, most do. As far as reporting something, most don't because they are involved in one way or another. Most also know that he has a stock of guns that David Koresh would envy. He has had CPS called on him by an angry family member in retaliation, but took supplements to clear his system (the complaint was drug usage in the home). CPS gave him a clean bill of health and never went back. The family member that filed the tip, well, I can't say he faired as well... leave it at that. There are two known SOs that are in his inner circle. He feels he can keep his kids safe so it's a non-issue. The business and his pleasure are more of a priority and he thinks the intimidation factor he puts out there will keep the bad and "good" people away from his kids. He has no record other than a few DUI's.
My point is this, unless you see this type of lifestyle first hand, you can't imagine how the "good" and the "bad" can coexist in one household. You can't imagine how many people don't report it and how low DCF's standards are. You also CANNOT imagine the level of intimidation such a violent person- that literally has connection EVERYWHERE, can sustain. It does happen and I see every part of this in RON. I do not know Haleigh's family personally and I do not have my mind made up about who I think is responsible. I do know however, what this lifestyle brings and that opens up all possibilities. And I might add, that no parent, Mother or Father can be overlooked when drugs are involved. If you use or deal or allow such people in your home, your child is simply not your first priority. IMHO

This is such a thought provoking post ! :clap::clap::clap:
The problem one can prove he is currently using or dealing drugs. As far as we have been able to ascertain with him being a crane operator, he is drug tested which would appear to rule out he is using them. (I have not heard of people actually using "supplements" which are foolproof to drug testing, but I could be mistaken.)

I visited the website of PDM Bridge- looked at the employment page and even downloaded an application and terms of employment. They do preemployment drug screens but it says nothing about random drug testing. It also does not call itself a drug free workplace in the terms of employment.

In the terms it does mention that being convicted of a crime while employed may result in job loss- but not definitely.

DOT does require drug testing for drivers- and OSHA compliance is definitely required for all employers but they do not usually come in unless an accident has occurred. But I found nothing that implied that the plant employees are subject to random drug testing.
You all do know that Crystal's mother and father have a far more extensive arrest records right? Including Drug use, drug sales, assault etc.

And Crystal's BF also has a bit of a problem with the law.

To lay this at Ron's feet and to ASSume it is Ron who had the unsavory contacts and not someone else on either side of the family is proof that minds are made up whatever happened to Haleigh it is Ron's fault.

Links please? We've seen Marie's 1997 drug arrest.

Can you please share these "extensive arrest records" for drug arrests with links to the appropriate clerk of court?
DOT may govern PDM bridge under their safety-sensitive duties requirements, I am trying to find that info out. DOT governs more then just drivers.

Also, if PDM bridge has federal/state contracts they may have to comply as well.

While many companies do not have to comply, in Florida they are given a 5% discount on their Workers Comp rates if they do comply so that is a big insentive for many companies. Not to mention that if something should happen, such as an accident that causes loss of life or limb, the policy of random drug testing helps the company prove they were not negligent. JMO
Ronald looking to buy a home. "He has a small amount of money for a down payment"

Cummings' tent is in the front yard of a home not far from his house.
Neves said Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, was looking to buy a home.
"He has a small amount of money for a down payment," she said.

I know this may not have anything to do with the case, but if Ron is not working how does he have money for a down payment on a house? He just moved into the trailer park recently, why did he not buy a home them instead? I though he had no money?

As for Crystal, I really wish that Ron would of had the courtesy to allow her to set up tent in front of his trailer and put aside what ever issues they had in the past for Haleigh's sake. She still is that child's mothers and I am sure her heart is aching to.
I think a better statement from Teresa would have been "He is looking for a home". With the statement she did make...well. I'm just saying. They needed donations just for things to get by we are looking to BUY a house . I don't know...........
Ronald looking to buy a home. "He has a small amount of money for a down payment"

Cummings' tent is in the front yard of a home not far from his house.
Neves said Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, was looking to buy a home.
"He has a small amount of money for a down payment," she said.

I know this may not have anything to do with the case, but if Ron is not working how does he have money for a down payment on a house? He just moved into the trailer park recently, why did he not buy a home them instead? I though he had no money?

Guess those donations are coming in fast and furious. Looks like his little sleeping in the tent, not being able to go back into the trailer ploy worked.
Ronald looking to buy a home. "He has a small amount of money for a down payment"

Cummings' tent is in the front yard of a home not far from his house.
Neves said Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, was looking to buy a home.
"He has a small amount of money for a down payment," she said.

I know this may not have anything to do with the case, but if Ron is not working how does he have money for a down payment on a house? He just moved into the trailer park recently, why did he not buy a home them instead? I though he had no money?

As for Crystal, I really wish that Ron would of had the courtesy to allow her to set up tent in front of his trailer and put aside what ever issues they had in the past for Haleigh's sake. She still is that child's mothers and I am sure her heart is aching to.

Wow. Just Wow.
Interesting because when the trailer was released she made a statement that "If RC had enough money to move his things out", he will do that. (Not exact quote.)

Looks like he has the money now. Maybe the people who paid for the tat also wants to buy him a house.........
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